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Sananda (
If you are are low in spirits because of some fancied hurt, or have been too much alone and would balance your Self-awareness with God-awareness, let your prayer be a desire for realization of your high place in God’s universe. Say within your pulsebeat, wordlessly—for God has such good hearing that you need not speak it:
I, My Father, am not alone “I”. You, my Father, are “I”. You are in me and I am in you. I am favored of You, my Creator. I AM of the inner Mind. I KNOW your joy and I am exalted in YOU.
I have all knowledge and all power. That which I desire to know, or to have, or to give is mine to know, to have, or to give. My dwelling place is in Your high heavens. Be in me that I may be You—knowingly.
I AM in Your Light, O my Father. Enfold me ever in Your Light that I may not again feel the heaviness of the dark upon my heart. Dissolve my separateness and make me ONE with You that I, too, can ever be in the giving.