Those who walk with God in service are trampled and slain. They are hidden in the darkened corners of imprisonment and denounced as false prophets. They are used, abused in all manner of ways, put upon, taken for granted and then tossed aside like a used rag for discarding. I tell thee surely, those who abuse my servants shall feel the return of such actions and the pain of the return shall be great indeed. So be it for such is the way of it. It is the LAW: that which is put forth RETURNS UNTO THEE, MULTIPLIED. IT HAS BEEN SAID TIME AFTER TIME AFTER TIME AND STILL MAN SPEWS FORTH HIS VENOM AND CARES NOT. TOO LATE WISE MAN SHALL CARE.
My beloved are downtrodden. The victory seems to be ever in the adversary's corner. Nay, beloved, the victory is in the heavens and it shall be thine! HOLD IT IN YOUR HEARTS, BELOVED OF MINE, FOR IT SHALL BE THUS.
CONTACT:THE PHOENIX PROJECT, June 22, 1993, Volume 1, Number 13, Page 26.