What Of Goodness?
5/2/93 #1 CERES 'ATONN
Let us share a moment with the Great Teacher whom you all await in wonderment and expectation:
by Esu "Jesus" Sananda
Dearly beloved: There has come a high note to you, played across the aeons; there has come a great tocsin (the ringing of an alarm bell) making music for millions; behold the augurers of circumstance have gathered in a chorus; they have given man a password; they filled his ears with singing.
Behold ten thousand times ten thousand have assembled on a mountain; they have caroled to the sunrise; yet the valleys hold their darkness; there is slumber in men's eardrums.
The great of the worlds have made to men their carolings; the beautious in spirit have composed for men their anthems; yet ever has it happened that men have heard no music; they have raised their own discord to shut out higher harmonies, balance and truth.
I tell you the proud have walked in many places, by the rivers and among the thickets as well as among the peoples. I tell you the uncircumspect have bathed in sullied waters. I tell you the carrion from the bones of many men has made a stench on grieving landscapes; should not anthems be sung, rather, of those who sought ennoblements?
Hear you my music, for I sing to you of truthhood; hear you my harmony for I make of it a sunrise and a beauteous day in wonderment and wondrous perfection.... The times will shortly come upon you when men shall greet probity (honest behavior). They shall say unto themselves, "Why bear we with such mockeries, seeing that they rend us?"
The time shall come when men expect it least that the Great shall rise beauteously and wondrously, they shall cast off their weapons, they shall stand forth as messengers unto the Morning.
There shall be a great tumult and men shall partake of it; there shall be a great peace and men shall encompass it. But the time for such is not yet at hand for first comes the bellowing of the Beast upon the lands and the suppression of man by man encoded by the Beast. It is not always lechery that makes man to mourn. I say that his spirit fails him and he lacks wisdom to give vision to his hungerings.
He builds himself exceedingly fine mansions and then defiles them with his corruption and the dung of dubious portents. Verily he builds himself a house that scales many heavens, yet he goes not up into chambers of radiance; he climbs not upon rooftops to hear the rightful prophecies; ever does he say unto himself, I have builded my house and its stout walls will defend me--but the stout walls fall me. So, rather will I dig myself a ditch, and I shall put myself in it and hide myself so that no one can find me or cause me to take stand against that which has come upon me--the evil passage. I go into the darkness lest the sun of knowledge burn me.
Wherefrom comes this rancor to shrink from the sunlight? Man has his carrion-patch; he has his beds of treaties made foul with his hatreds; he has had his coffers emptied and verily they plague him; he has his days of dark report that ever mock his longings.
I tell you that struggle has this potential, that it causes the biceps to make a proud rippling of lightning, it breaks the lock on the strong-box of courage and takes out weapons that are scarlet in sunlight.
But should struggle have no surcease? Must alarm be a vice that has naught to appease it? Should not the languor of earth's nobler things steal like a wine through all arteries of attemptings?
There is Balance to be greeted, there is Poise to be enacted, there is Essence of all harvestings to give sense to many sowings.
Too long have men said among themselves: "Behold our marrow hurts us; behold we have tempers that should ever flash their burnishings; behold we are allotted an arena for our energies and if we contest not, then leagues of torments stalk us.
I say unto men: It is glorious to struggle when struggle has its warrant; it is noble to persevere; it is sweet to conquer vileness when the conquering makes beauty and truth beholds Light. Behold, for all of these is the trait beyond fortitude--that man can see his God-state and walk proudly in it--that man can know his God-craft and pursue it as a triumph into Lighted paths of beauty.
Be not men of these little manners, children. Be not beasts of little gnashings! Lift up your heads unto the sunlight of Truth and love for all things your relations. Do not struggle for vestiments of sacrament--lift up your heads in great fortitude and allow passage under you those who have won such a fight that you might follow and find your own pathway. Remember when you believe that things are of single message--for recall that "tears" are for joy as well as bleak sorrowing. So greet us in this great Sunrise and in its majesties.
Those who have fought the good fight have fought not for the fighting, verily they battled that their peace might be a bouquet. Those who have toiled and come through a loathsomeness, have labored that a cleanliness walk as a goddess in perception. Have eschewments (shun) in overcoming; take delight in measuring treasuries in wisdom of value and not within the glitter of perception of the human senses.
The world has its foulness that sweetness may be known to you, the fight has its places in which to dwell in beauty and fruitfulness.
So "I", dear ones, shall sing of victory that has no sorrow within it! I sweeten Earth's conflicts with my knowing of men's destinies in ultimate balance, love, harmony and true perfection.
Therefore, contest and be strong but see to the end of it persevere and be stalwart but KNOW that conflict is a gain to an accolade. Arise! Get up! Give respect to stamina and perseverance for the arms of your own progeny are awaiting WITH THEIR GARLANDS IN HONOR AND RESPECT FOR YOUR EXAMPLE OF GUIDANCE. Verily shall they place those garlands upon the brows of those who gave challenge unto tumult, but only that VALOR might unshackle all Eternities! Are YOU worthy? So be it and may you find the wisdom to walk your own journey with these things always in your mind for elsewise you shall be trapped in the dungheap of the Beast for he shall, when through with your service, dump you as the waste upon the fields. Amen.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, May 4, 1993, Volume 1, Number 6, Page 69.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.