8/29/93 #1 ESU "JESUS" SANANDA
Thank you for waiting, Thomas. Sananda present in Radiance and in Service unto God of Light, Aton, and unto The Creation.
Be not disillusioned as ye wait upon the Lord--for God works His miracles in His good time. Time is but an illusion of that dimensional plane of expression. Each event occurs in its proper sequence--has it not been said and often so?
Be of good faith in thine hour of service. Ye are held closely in the heart and mind of God, for ye are but an expression of His magnificence. Think not that ye are unworthy to serve, for each experience of each individual has served to provide the necessary lessons--so that, at this time, the example may be one which comes from KNOWING.
This is not to say that those of you who have wallowed in the lowest trenches of experience could have not learned in a different manner. However, each to his own, for God allows the expression to unfold for each so that, once the lessons are learned, there is no turning back to UNKNOWING.
Remember well thine lessons, for they serve as thine foundation upon which ye must stand UNWAVERING. Stand upon the rock which I AM and ye shall know the Glory of the Presence of the Lord. Ye are entering Radiance, beloved, which means LIGHT. Turn not aside from The Light which ye seek.
Ye plead for guidance and direction and help, and it is being freely offered unto thee. Take the help which is given and learn. THE WORD IS. Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and it is yours. Knock and it shall be opened before thee. Pass through the entranceway in righteous Service unto God and ye shall know no fear, no sorrow, for God is sufficient to all thine needs!
Tend that which needs tending and prepare thine household. God shall not walk the journey for thee and the warnings have come forth so that preparations may be tended! Those beloved servants of God must be prepared, for the time is at hand when the difficulties which confront man shall be TREMENDOUS and a remnant must be allowed to make it through the time of sorrow intact--that the new sphere of experience may find its expression.
Harden not your hearts, but trust in God, and ye shall be given the instruction ye need to take the next step, and the next, and the next. Be of good cheer, for the servants of God shall KNOW ME. We shall walk together in Service to God of LIGHT.
I AM. Has it not been said that I AM the Wayshower? Why turn ye aside from that which ye seek? Tarry not longer in the places of darkness, but walk forth into the places of LIGHT where I and The Father and The Hosts dwell. We await thine decisions and thine service. Infinity awaits thine soul decisions. Won't ye choose LIFE in Service unto God? What other choice could there possibly be?
Has it not been said that to gain life everlasting ye must give thine life? This is no riddle and, beloved, it speaks not of taking thine life--it speaks of SERVICE. In whose SERVICE are you this day?
If ye worry and petition only for Self, ye have a long way to go, for it is in the praying for thine brother that the blessings will be visited back to thee! Who do YOU pray for?
Be about the business of preparations. Tend well thine water source, for the impact of contamination shall increase.
Hold firmly to mine hand and I shall lead thee through.
I AM Sananda
Returned with The Hosts
In Service unto Aton
Who do ye serve?
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, August 31, 1993, Volume 2, Number 10, Pages 20-21.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.