Good evening, little one. It is I, Esu "Jesus" Sananda. I come as the golden-white Light of Creator's Divine Will. I am come to you this day that there may be clarification of focus at this time.
Your world is on the brink of very grand events which will become the catalyst for greatness and renewed focus upon the greater importance of the spiritual aspects of your current growth experience. These are TRULY grand times! We of the Hosts have come to assist the few who are open to our energy in preparing for this magnificent transformation.
Be not fearful of that which is coming, for there is NOTHING to be frightened of--EVER! If only you would truly understand this one last sentence with HEART KNOWING, then you would indeed rise up, out of your lackful beliefs and the lies, and the perception of all pain would leave your aching hearts.
ALL IS TRULY UNFOLDING IN PERCEPTION! The opportunity for creative growth is quite unique at this time, and all you need to do is accept your place and part in this most wondrous "drama" of creation.
Learn to accept those who oppose you in your beliefs and perceptions of the world, for there cannot be a challenge without the presence of opposing thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. You are all struggling to be "right". You may very well be playing the right part and to the best of your perceived ability, but until you are challenged by those of comparable (or even greater) ability, how will you ever know what is truly the "limit" of your ability.
This is to say that one should be thankful that there are those who are willing to play the role of the "oppressor". There are cases, usually on a personal level, where the one who brings you the most "grief" in your experience is one who is your closest friend when you are not playing the physical game. Who better to draw forth the BEST out of you than someone who knows you quite well?
The key is to not allow these ones to cause you to disconnect from Source! This is perhaps the most tricky challenge to work through, and as one should quickly realize, the most valuable challenge to overcome and master. Learn to truly appreciate your "oppressors", for they are providing you with valuable lessons and unique opportunities.
We monitor closely everything, from the general emotional frequency of your planet, to the individual emotional frequency of you each. We monitor the effectiveness of these words as they are uniquely translated by you each. Each of you will perceive the meaning and significance of these words in your own unique way, and often the Greater Message within the message is overlooked.
Let me offer to you an example: Take the word "desire". What does it mean to YOU? What are all of the possible interpretations of this word that you can find? Perhaps you should look it up in the dictionary and see if there are other definitions about which you are not yet aware. If I ask you to go within and monitor how the word makes you feel--good, bad, or indifferent--I would, indeed, get varying responses. If I were to go one step further and say to you that a desire is anything you "think about", then how would you feel?
You are Creator! YOU ARE CREATOR! Your thoughts are what summon forth the Creative Energy that then begins to manifest that upon which you hold your attention. Most simply look around and continue to create more of what they already have--and thus the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, the happy get happier, the stuck get more stuck, and those who understand this have an extremely good time.
Your desires, as I here refer to them, are the thoughts you focus upon from moment to moment, day to day. You each are creating (manifesting) in your daily lives the sum total of these desires. If you perceive that you are somehow not getting your fair share of attention or money or love or _______ (you fill in the blank), then let me assure you that you are fixating upon the LACK of same, rather than the having.
Know thyself and you will know your GREATEST enemy! YOU are the only limitation who stands in the pathway between excitement and mediocrity. It is as simple as monitoring, in a deliberate and conscious manner, the thoughts you think.
If someone near you is antagonistic toward you, and you find yourself getting angry or frustrated, then simply stop arguing with that one and say, for instance, "You're probably right, but I derive great satisfaction from considering alternative viewpoints other than the Associated Press version of a given story." Or more generally: "Isn't it nice that we are not all the same?"
You see, you need not allow yourself to get angry, and when you quit pushing back against those who try to push on you, then there is quickly a change in focus, for the challenge to determine who is right or who is smarter or stronger is then gone.
When you quit resisting the other, then it is like playing a game without an opponent. You leave them rolling their dice and moving their pieces without any challenge or satisfaction to be gained. They will quickly get bored with the game and simply shift their focus in another direction.
When you stop playing the distracting games that cause you to become upset, then you will find that there are truly better subjects upon which to focus. Effort always to approach a discussion from a point of agreement, rather than from one of who is right and who is wrong.
Productivity in a forward direction is seldom accomplished by winning debates about obscure subjects. Be an example to the ones you feel inclined to help--by such as preparing your emergency food supplies and getting any alternative energy devices you may have installed and operating. Show them with actions taken that you truly believe the ideas and concepts behind your energetic mouthings. Let them each to their own choosing, and honor their choices.
There is nothing that YOU cannot create! You can have your cake and eat it too. Will you see and accept that you ARE a creator? Will you deny, blame and make excuses for all of the "hardships" you have endured? What will be is what YOU DECIDE will be.
I showed your world, over two thousand years ago, the potential of your abilities as an extension of the One Source. I also said that, what I put forth as an example, YOU too would do--AND MORE!
Ones are awakening to this realization all around your world. Quit denying who you are and accept the reality, and step forth out of the mind-numbing world of fear and denial.
I am your brother, NOT your God! I am merely more advanced in my understanding of the nature of my being. I have accepted my place as a co-creator, and I have mastered the physical arena. I am merely an example for you ones to focus upon so as to know that there are no limitations that you must accept. Let go of the idea that you "can't" for this is a LIE!
You CAN do anything you can imagine! When the belief is pure enough, all is possible. When you doubt, even for a moment, so too will the manifestation of your desire be diminished or negated by countering energy set forth by your doubt.
Letting go of past limiting beliefs is the only way to progress forward in understanding and growth. This need not be difficult, and in the mere twinkling of an eye ones can step forth, out of self-imposed limitations, and begin to exercise and utilize their God-empowered right to manifest anything that may be desired.
You have chosen to accept the challenge (game) of coming into a VERY manipulated world, wherein you are constantly being swayed through not only direct (mostly electronic) mind-control methods, but also through the subtle techniques of advertisers who find it very profitable to sell you fear.
The rules of the game are simple: You create that which you focus your attention upon, regardless of your perception of what is right and what is wrong. This basic and fundamental rule works for everyone, regardless of race, religion, political or sexual orientation, or age. There are no victims or "unfortunate" players in the game. Most importantly there are NO LOSERS, for all grow through experience by just entering the physical arena to "play a part" in the game of "physical life".
Enjoy the unique opportunity for growth that is before you. Know that your life is a reflection of the sum total of your thoughts, beliefs, and ideas. The Great Awakening experience that is now unfolding is part of your desire to experience; it can be one of wondrous achievement or one of horror and disbelief. The only difference will be in how YOU choose to perceive its unfolding events.
I am Esu "Jesus" Immanuel Sananda. I come to participate in the capacity of the golden-white Light of OUR Father's Creative Energy. I am that which you are, a co-creator on an infinite journey of growth and expansion. I too am exploring the infinite newness as are ALL.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX EDUCATOR, September 15, 1998, Volume 22, Number 4, Pages 13-14.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.