4/8/93 #1 SANANDA
I am as near as your breath, Thomas, let us begin please. I come in Light and in Service unto Holy God...I am the One known by many names upon your place. I am Esu, Immanuel, Isa, Issa, the Pale Prophet. I am SANANDA.
Let us speak for a moment about misconceptions of God and His HOSTS. Why do you ones think that My brothers come as pious, judgmental beings? God is far, far from pious. Piety is of the ego and elevates the self above that of another. This is not of God. Piety is stale, blocked, limited. We of the Host are without limits. Can you ones not look to the possibilities without believing the programming by the false religious teachers who spew forth untruth and lies about God?
Piety is humorless. Think you that God and His Hosts are without humor? Humor was birthed from God in His Thought-Mind of LIGHT projection. Is the truth of it not so much more grand and filled with the ultimate promise than you ones could possibly imagine in your thinking? You have been deliberately confined into small boxes of understanding and limited perceptions and limited knowledge, both spiritual and scientific. Won't you allow us, who come with HIGHER KNOWLEDGE, to teach you? Won't you listen to that which is being brought forth for your very soul development into the Higher Realms of Light?
It is in man's very nature to resist change. Man puts up a wall between himself and understanding. "I will do it and I will do it my way", is the chorus that rings in the Heavens from Earth plane. Well, man has attempted to do it his way, filled with violence, destruction, and ego, and it has only brought forth a planet which is now out of balance. Perhaps it is time to listen to God's way as planned for man. The guidelines for behavior have been given forth and they have been given forth that man not only live in complete balance but that man may find fulfillment. Does your life know fulfillment now? When you of Earth plane ponder it, what brings you fulfillment? A full stomach? Sexual pleasure, perhaps? Chelas, these are not fulfillment, they are mere physical sensations. True fulfillment comes from the soul. The soul knows fulfillment when soul purpose is on the right path. Is your soul on the right path to find and know fulfillment?
When the time comes, will you work together or will you pull aside and do it your way? Working together does not mean that you work with ones who have chosen the Black Road of evil...for those beings of LIGHT who follow GOD'S LAWS AND THE LAWS OF THE CREATION will not tolerate evil behavior in their midst. That is not, hear me, to say that you judge those around you who have chosen the Black Road. So, too, it does not mean that you linger with them. Those choosing the Black Road will have their own consequences of choices. Those serving God, truly, will work together in unity of purpose no matter the task at hand. Those of the Black Road will always bring derision and turmoil within to delay the progress of LIGHT. Those of the Black Road find it most uncomfortable to be in the presence of LIGHTED BEINGS. Lighted beings in God's Service are shielded and the very Light shield makes those of the Black Road (those of evil behavior) uneasy and they will not stand long with LIGHT. Those of the Black Road like dark places.
This is the time of the false teachers. "In the end times there shall be many false prophets. Many will come claiming to be the Christ..." True, true. Caution is always the better part of wisdom. Caution, however, if used incorrectly, will block you from the very instructions provided for your very safety. Will you turn me, Sananda, aside because of the transportation I bring for your own physical protection? Will you assume to know that which is the best approach to reclaim God's people? Will you turn aside the first ship thinking there will be a second? Think on these things, beloved. Do not limit God for in the limiting of God you err. God will always provide for His people that which serves the need. Are you of physical bodies of flesh? Can you breathe at 4 miles altitude sitting on a fluffy cloud? Perhaps might it not be somewhat cold on that (radioactive) cloud? Use your God-given reasoning minds!
Let me address for a moment a matter that is really in Toniose's area...that of preparation. [See Soltec's writing of page 2] You are in for years of trying times ahead. Are you ready? Have you prepared in any way? I come with knowledge of that which IS and I tell you surely and strongly...PREPARE, PREPARE, PREPARE! Do you have food stuffs? Do you have seed? Do you have medical supplies? Do you have clothing? If the tornado or hurricane or flood or earthquake comes upon you, which they SURELY WILL, how will you survive? If all around you there is naught but destruction, how will you eat? Do you have a shelter?
There will come the time when there have been so many natural occurrences, disasters if you will, that there will not be those in the attendance of your needs. Florida was one tiny, tiny example. Do you always look to another to attend these matters for you? It is time to carefully and seriously consider these things. Is your vehicle packed with emergency supplies in the event you must withdraw unto safety? The warnings we bring you ones from these realms are not idle.
Will man listen? Will man act? We shall see, won't we?
Let us draw this to a close, Thomas, thank you.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, April 13, 1993, Volume 1, Number 3, Pages 31-32.
Thank you, Rocky Montana