Good afternoon, little one. It is I, Esu Sananda. I come in the Light of Holy God of Lighted Creation. I come as the Golden-White Ray, in Oneness with our Father. Be at peace and allow for our energies to synchronize.
There are many at this time who are seeking to know what is their purpose for being or what their "life purpose" is in this experience. Many are asking, yet many do not want to accept the personal responsibility for the receiving of the answers, and thus await another to tell them.
It is not the responsibility of this scribe, nor any other, to answer such questions for anyone. You EACH must learn to go within and make your OWN connections--and learn to trust your own Guidance.
Hear me well: This endeavor is fundamental to your forward progress in the physical at this time!
Your planet, and all experiencing upon her, are in the midst of transformation. You each had a great desire to be a part of this transformation cycle--for as many reasons as there are individual souled beings incarnate. There shall continue to be ever-increasing opportunities made available to you each as this planetary experience unfolds. It is up to YOU to do that which you will do, from moment to moment, with these opportunities and possibilities which present themselves in your current life experience.
If you wait for another to tell you what it is that you are to be doing or when to be doing a thing, then you shall either be waiting a long time or you will be listening to someone or something other than the Lighted Hosts of God. This is not to say that we of God's Hosts will not offer instructions from time to time. It IS to say that the instructions or guidance will come from WITHIN you. Supporting "clues" may come from many outside directions--from the offhand comment of a friend you bump into at the supermarket, to the fortune-cookie paper-scrap that flutters into your hand seemingly from "nowhere"--but such will be made to enter your experience IN SUPPORT OF an INNER communication, not in place of same.
You each would be wise to spend at least a few minutes each day holding the desire within you heart to connect with your Guides. Some think of these Guides as their Guardian Angels. They will assist you in many ways as well as help you to cultivate your direct connection to God.
Learn to perceive the impulses sent your way. You each have, within you, a direct, two-way communication connection with Creator Source. Learn to recognize and use this God-given right!
Many are simply afraid of the responsibility associated with following nudges that "somehow" come from their OWN mind or thoughts. Perhaps this is one of the reasons you have come into the physical at this time--so that you can expand your awareness and thus learn to consciously connect in the physical to the Infinite Potential of Creation.
You are all explorers who have desire to explore your own inner potential in a highly focused and condensed manner. The physical environment that you have chosen facilitates this desire.
You each enjoy the challenge of solving conflicts (contradictory energy flows) within, for each solution brings you greater awareness of who you are and how to use more fully and more responsibly the Infinite Resources of Creation.
None of you want another to tell you how to live your life. However, many of you would gladly allow an inspired message to dictate to you what you should do or when you should do a thing--UNLESS, of course, that inspired message comes from YOUR OWN hand, for then you would be inclined to simply dismiss it as invalid or somehow delusional.
I shall tell you now that unless and until you learn to connect FOR YOURSELF, WITHIN, you will never be satisfied with what you are doing, or where you are doing it, or with whom you are doing whatever it is that you are doing. The strength (and thus satisfaction) of your convictions--whether they are in response to seemingly trivial matters like clothing choices, or serious ones like adopting a child--stem from your level of certainty, and that certainty derives from the strength of your connection within to Source.
Discern for yourself that which YOU hold as Truth. And, in like manner, learn to discern for yourself the signals of your own Inner Guidance. Despite the constant bombardments to the contrary, especially from so-called "religious" leaders, you need NO guru, avatar, or anything other than YOUR OWN inner connection to Source. How much more simple could it be?
You are each magnificent, individual, experiencing fragments of Infinite, Light-energy Source! Within each fragment lies the potential of infinite energy flow and creation. You are each exploring, from your own unique point of view, the infinite potential of YOUR being. So why would you allow another to tell you how to do that which can only be uniquely done by you?
You EACH have a contribution to make that comes from your uniqueness as an individual. No other can tap the Universal Source in quite the same way as can you, as a unique individual and uniquely gifted fragment of Creator.
Learn to recognize, accept, and appreciate your own uniqueness of being. Learn to connect for yourself. Learn to listen with the heart and discern with the mind.
These words are chosen specifically for their general meaning so that you each will have need to go within and discern all the possible implications FOR SELF! The general statements hold far more meaning than the words alone can convey. Allow for the thoughts to be invoked within, and in doing so, you will realize the subtle nature of receiving YOUR answers in the form of YOUR thoughts and YOUR ideas!
This is not a new message, but as you each grow along the spiritual path, we see that often there is not review of past lessons or insights. You would each be wise to review that which has been offered prior on this same subject.
As you each grow, there becomes greater and greater ability to see and appreciate the multi-dimensional levels of these offerings. Consider them as tools. It is up to you to recognize the various uses of each, and that each of you will apply and use these tools in your own unique way.
If another gets a different meaning from the same message, and shares their interpretation with you, be respectful for, though it may be different from your own, it may be quite a valid perception.
Many of you are realizing a shift in perception at this time, and that your inner desires for understanding are welling up within. This is as it should be, for the emotional desire (the call) compels the answer. The answers are rarely what you think they should be, and that is why the confusion, for if you already had the answers or they were exactly what you "thought" they should be, then you would not have the questions in the first place. This is how true growth occurs.
Allow for the unfolding, in the physical, of YOUR answers. The more focused your desires, the quicker they will manifest for you. Monitor closely that which you spend time fixated upon. Many are addicted to their "vidiot" boxes, religiously focused upon brutal "sporting" events or sudsy soap operas or empty so-called news programs, yet will only spend a few infrequent moments in a conscious effort to connect within to Higher Source.
Voice not your excuses, for in the same amount of time it would take to state your excuses, you could simply use the time to go within and connect.
As the planetary transition underway at this time becomes more and more real, and begins to more fully impact your day-to-day reality, you will be thankful that you have prepared and developed your own inner communication and intuition, for it will be very likely that reliable external avenues of communication, such as this newspaper, will be cut off.
Even now, there is no way that we of the Hosts of God can possibly address, in a short weekly newspaper, all the possible scenarios that you ones will be faced with in the upcoming years. Your specific personal concerns require going within for specific answers.
These are truly magnificent times in which to be experiencing. The potential for inner growth is nearly overwhelming. Get centered within and call upon the Lighted Brotherhood for assistance, protection, and guidance--and it will be!
Connect within and begin to sense the excitement and newness associated with each of your life's challenges. Look forward to those greater challenges that will garner you the insights and wisdom that you are desiring. No one else will do it for you--NOR SHOULD THEY!
No matter what you may think is your lack of growth and mastery this day, you can turn around your life and create a better way for yourself. Your past and present hardships are exactly perfect FOR YOU in order to bring about your current level of awareness and desire for change. Be thankful for your challenges thus far, and be thankful when you have managed to pull yourself through same by going within and tapping the great Inner Strength always there, simply awaiting your call.
Allow those who might ridicule you to go their own way and find their own truth. You cannot save another. And, beyond offering a helping hand, you can do no more, else you short-circuit their growth and you make them dependent upon you, and they will only serve to pull you down and distract and slow your own growth.
It is not wise to hold the hands of those who makes excuses for not having enough resources or ability or creativity to pull themselves out of whatever situation they claim to be trapped within. When ones are more concerned with whether or not they have alcohol or cigarettes than Gaiandriana, AquaGaia or the various colloids, then leave them to their own health concerns, for their actions and addictions are their lessons to overcome. The products will be of little value as long as such poisons are being continually pumped into the body.
There is not one Lighted entity of God alive on your planet who could not have their lives overflowing with abundance at this time. Rather, it is due to past fears, beliefs, and habits of thought that ones disconnect from The Abundance and thus lack results. There is no exception!
Learn to connect and stay connected, and turn your life around, and stop making excuses for your choices and decisions. And, STOP waiting for another to do it for you! If you are relying upon another, then look closely at what is the exchange in the relationship. Is there regiving or is there just taking? Are you in the position of the parasite living off another's ability to connect, instead of simply connecting yourself?
God's Law of Giving and Regiving SHALL NOT BE MOCKED! Yet, there are many on your world right now who have become so enmeshed in the material (and are thus vibrating at such a lower frequency) that their actions are much too centered around taking, taking, and more taking--as if there could possibly be born a world in balance from such thoughtless and irresponsible behavior!
In the upcoming times there will be very little tolerance for this sort of behavior. You ones will be entering into a time when ones will be able to "tune-in" to energy vibrations and monitor more fully that which people emanate to the world in the form of thought and emotion. As this happens, ones will find it quite difficult to maintain any form of facade around any Lightworker of God in the physical. Manipulations and excuses will no longer work and ones will HAVE to face their responsibility for their own condition. No one reading this is helpless, nor without ability to go within and connect for self. What have you to lose?
This message is offered with great love and hope that you each will go within and learn to connect consciously with the Higher Energies. There are no acceptable excuses for not being able to do so! I am Esu "Jesus" Immanuel Sananda. I have come to see through my responsibilities as a Wayshower and Teacher. This is a time of closure for what I set in motion 2000 years past. It is also a time of great awakening and rebirth. I welcome you each to participate--and for those of you who are not up to the task, I ask you to stand aside, else you just impede the natural flow.
In Light and Service to Creator and Creation, I am your Elder Brother along the path. Salu!
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, September 9, 1997, Volume 18, Number 3. Pages 17-18.
Thank you, Rocky Montana