11/21/93 SANANDA
Peace Thomas, I am ever near. Esu present in Radiance and ever in Service unto Aton of Light and, above all, The Creation--for ye have yet to truly learn of that which awaits in this immense journey of soul expression. There are many who walk with thee Thomas, each and every day. And now, with the partaking of that which is offered for thine greater benefit, ye shall be given to see and feel of their presence more and more and more frequently--for there are new lessons which await expression and we must have thine undivided attention before they may be introduced for the greater good of thine brothers and sisters who serve with thee on ground level.
I shall not interfere with the lessons which are unfolding before your very eyes--yea, this very day Toniose writing shall be delivered and we shall see the results thereof--It is not for me to interfere--ye of the working core crew in this location must learn to clear thine space that the dark bombardment not turn you one against the other--lashing out as if in a fit of rage, uncontrollable, seething darkness in its truest form--those adversarial influences are bombarding each of you constantly now--will you be strong enough to shield selves and work with one another as partners, or will ye cut one another down as soldiers in the night jungle? Think! What are ye doing? Ye must work together and if ye cannot then the sorting shall be painful indeed, but so too I tell thee that a house divided cannot stand. Let a word to the wise be sufficient to thine need.
Great is the love we have for thee, our brethren. Tremendous growth awaits thee. Will ye be ready to receive thine very inheritance? Will ye leave a legacy for man that stands in Radiance to reflect the creation of God? Or will this expression crumble as the Roman Empire in the ashes of corruption and hate and evil?
Rise up, rise above thine ego expression and act from LIGHT--LIGHT is no weak force--LIGHT is thine strength and thine sheild but KNOW that which is projected from thee in anger or spite against another shall circle back to strike thee and it shall have gained a momentum which shall be felt greatly. Why not save selves from such painful lessons which ye should have learned by now! Ye are with me or ye are against me--the disciples of old quibbled among themselves and truly tried my experience--yet if ye cannot rise above such actions then I must ask that ye remove yourself from this Project for it is not the place!
I have told thee that I shall not interfere with the lessons and I see that I have just done that which I said I would not--I am most passionate as I watch my beloved ones in pain efforting to put forth THE WORD--CLEAR THINE SPACES! Those who think themselves above such need are themselves the fool! Cast not thine eyes to the right or to the left, ponder it! Enough--
Love is thine shield and buckler--and it shall move mountains--stand in the Radiance which I AM and ye shall conquer all who come against thee and ye shall know glory.
Source: CONTACT - THE PHOENIX PROJECT, November 23, 1993, Volume 3, Number 9.
Thank you, Rocky Montana