6/16/92 SANANDA
Greetings, precious little dove, Druthea. I AM Sananda. I am known by many labels, Esu Immanuel, Jesus Christ, Pale Prophet, etc. I am not yet upon your place, although I bring instructions as Governor of your place in service to the Lighted One Source.
I walked upon your place as Son of Man AND Son of God in my spiritual awareness. I came then some 2000 years past in your counting to instruct and prepare God's people (those who abide within His Laws and bring lighted Truth) for THIS time of a Great Cycle transition of your species. I come with THE HOSTS OF GOD to bring His children, lost and now found in Godly intent, to His places prepared for you ones. You are my younger brethren and God has entrusted in me responsibility for your spiritual evolvement into the higher places He has prepared for you. There are many who travel with me, including our beloved Commander Hatonn, who has chosen perhaps the most difficult task of Historian and "telling you like it is, thorns and all, upon your place".
Like a diagnostician, he (Hatonn) recognizes and reveals to you ones the disease within selves and upon your place that you may understand WHAT the problems are. In this way you can then face them (problems) and begin the healing. If you do not KNOW of your illness or you DENY it deliberately, it only spreads in devastation of unbalance within you. Yes, it is quite shocking, alarming and frightening to begin to look at "how bad it really is" in unbalanced condition upon your place. Often it even seems hopeless and overwhelming. KNOW that it is NOT hopeless unless; YOU make it so by not accepting your responsibility and part in cleaning up self, and therefore bringing balance back to the whole.
You each will stand naked WITH GOD in responsibility to Our One Creator for that which YOU DO and HOW YOU THINK AND BEHAVE. You each are fully accountable for selves and ignorance is a valid excuse for a time. ONCE YOU ARE GIVEN OPPORTUNITY TO KNOW AND STILL REFUSE OVER AND OVER AGAIN, you must face the consequences of your own making and refusal to know. God does not force, EVER. You ones are in your final sorting, wheat from chaff, within selves. YOU will decide your placement and whether or not you will remain bound for perhaps another millennia in lower physical compression (material existence) is entirely up to you. And you thought College testing was difficult?!
Part of your growing into responsibility, chelas, is learning to depend upon YOUR INNER GUIDANCE from Creator and His Hosts of Lighted Source. ALL that you encounter OUTSIDE of self will be measured within and discerned within as relating to self and Truth. I am referring most especially to your spiritual directions of daily activity and interchange. Are your interchanges balanced? Do you give more than you receive or receive more than you give? Do you know that you can, with God's presence requested and abided by, achieve balanced interchange in all of your transactions and interactions? IF THAT BE YOUR INTENT IT WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED!
Yes, WE know that you find it easier to get answers outside of self, for self in opinion or expert judgement by others. It also means that you deny God within opportunity to strengthen your bond of inner KNOWLEDGE when ever you seek outside FIRST. Let it FIRST be inside that you find Truth and then allow the verification and validation of that which you KNOW to unfold, for example within these transmissions. Most of these lessons are NOT NEW to any of you reading herein! We are simply reminding you each of that which is already known WITHIN. If some idea or concept of teaching feels unfamiliar, it does not mean it is untruth! It simply means you do not KNOW or REMEMBER yet. Sit with GOD whenever you sit to read these JOURNALS and LIBERATOR AND ALL WHICH COMES TO YOUR ATTENTION. You cannot ever learn to trust God within if you do not allow His attendance in your daily experiences.
Does this scribe write these instructions from Sananda for self as well as YOU? Yes, she does. It does seem, in human perception, that our scribes are somehow more in tune and without ego opinions. THEY ARE MORE IN TUNE AND YET SO CAN YOU BE. Druthea is human. She makes errors in perception on occasion, although she has learned and grown to Trust us. And her INNER strength is unbreakable, although she may not yet see it in self.
I tell you this that you know when she first became aware of us outside of self, she denied for a long, long time and went through terrible testing with doubts, confusion, poor self-value and self-centered ego. She was frightened. In less than three years she has grown beyond her fear and doubt and now acknowledges she remembers her commitment to God. Does that mean she never doubts or does not sometimes become afraid? NO. The difference is she now FEELS and KNOWS our presence, our guidance and our protection. She has secured her lifeline with God and has felt that INNER strength and knows she can confront any problem or situation given and receive guidance. ALL OF YOU CAN AND WILL DO THE SAME!
When you ones realize and accept that your ONLY security lies with Trusting God WITHIN, you have reached a most wonderful pinnacle in understanding and growth. You will accept your instructions and you will act upon them. Sometimes you will stumble and bumble and get really frustrated with self. This will pass and God will carry you when it seems you cannot take another step.
Druthea, precious dove, has now reached a point in her experience of job and commitment whereby she now finds JOY in her work and fulfillment of giving. THAT was a tough, tough pinnacle to reach, where she feels it is no longer a burden which she cannot handle. She feels blessed and honored and we, too, are blessed and honored by her participation. For your work and responsibility is NEVER EASY, precious ones, but it may certainly seem so to others and to self WHEN you bring JOY into WHATEVER work you do in behalf of God. Learning to fly is as much a JOY to DO as YOU allow in perception of same. So you fail? Fall Forward into God's wings and then jump again until your wings become strong with God's love given you to regive to your brethren. What a gift your lives are, if only YOU could see what I, Sananda, see!
I am most humbly grateful and in deep appreciation for you, Druthea. You are growing so beautifully and I am honored to be a part of your growth as you are a part of mine and so it is with each ONE of you of my blessed brethren. Let us close that you each may ponder these words within selves with God present for clarity and understanding. I AM Sananda, One with God in His Service of Love and Truth. Walk gently together and then you will be ready to fly. So be it. Salu.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, July 7, 1992, Volume 19, Number 12.
THANK YOU Rocky Montana