Peace and blessings this day, Thomas. Esu Sananda present in radiance to give a message unto my brethren who await direction and guidance. Many have heard the call and await instructions, while others grow weary and impatient.
Ah, beloved, it is the time of the Great Cycle change and your nation is at crisis. Has it not been said that in the end times Satan would rule your world? Look around you--what do you see? The turmoil and strife of survival has struck at the very hearts of the people of this once great nation. The patriots call forth for action and many would, and indeed shall, go to their death with freedom on their lips and a gun in their hand. Beloved, it shall not be done in this manner--the turn about shall not be accomplished with the gun!
You must become informed or indeed how do you hope to enter into leadership to offer solutions to a starving and searching people? This world needs no more pious leaders with puffed egos who shout that they alone have the answer. What is needed at this time, beloved ones, is unity and team players. United you can and shall stand--but a divided house cannot stand. Has it not been proven countless times over lo these eons of time?
I hear your pleas unto me for direction and the call compels the answer! Your voices have been heard and you shall be given that which you seek.
During this Holiday Season, do you think first of thine brother and his needs or do you dwell on your own perceived difficulty? Do you freely share that which you have, however plentiful or meager it may be, with those less fortunate--or do you keep your stores of stuffs under lock and key to spoil and rot? Who among you helps your brother when you are directly confronted with a call for help? And who among you looks the other way in disgust and denial at the one less fortunate?
Do I come this day to lay some kind of guilt "trip" on you? No, beloved, I just ask the question that you may give momentary pause for reflection and give thanks to Creator for all that He has blessed you with and every day.
How many among you remember to thank God for that which you have? And those of you who do not think twice about such a notion--where think you the Source of your being stems from? Random chance? Come now. God is quite real, beloved, quite real indeed and the sooner many of you come to terms with that fact, the sooner you can get on with living life according to His rules of Balance--the Laws of Balance.
Truly, it is not difficult to live according to God's path--for each is born with the knowledge of those laws within their very breast. Think you that you know not that which is right from that which is wrong? Nay, you know.
You see, there is no escaping the responsibility for self within this planetary experience. While it is true that you are entirely free to do that which you will--you are also free to be bound for all eternity to the places of physical density (matter), removed from the presence and radiance of Creator God. Is it not the better part of wisdom to live your life according to the balanced direction He has laid forth for your own fulfillment and joyous rebellion and vicious denial?
Each is free to choose--but as I said before--ye are either with me or ye are against me. There is no in between.
As you gather with your families this Holiday Season, think toward goodness and generosity and open, joyous sharing. Give thanks for thine blessings for they are manifold. Let not greed and bickering enter your hearts but rather be at peace in the knowledge that God's radiance shines freely upon those of His who live according to His Plan.
Ask and you shall be answered. Seek and you shall find. The mysteries lay before you, but they shall not be mysteries for long-for it is the time of knowing.
Let us restore this nation to greatness under God while there is time--for the clock is ticking and the year 2000 is just around the corner.
Remember this, please: God, too, has a Plan 2000.
Be at peace and at joy in thine hearts for I have prepared a place for thee as promised.
Source: CONTACT - The Phoenix Project:
1. December 20, 1994, Volume 7, Number 8.
2. December 17, 1996, Volume 15, Number 6.