"Then I saw heaven opened and a white horse standing there; and the one sitting on the horse was named 'Faithful and True'---the one who justly punishes and makes war. His eyes were like flames, and on his head were many crowns. A name was written on his forehead, and only he knew its meaning. He was clothed with garments dipped in blood, and his title was 'The Word of God'. The armies of heaven, dressed in finest linen, white and clean, followed him on white horses.
"In his mouth he held a sharp sword to strike down the nations, he ruled them with an iron grip; and he trod the winepress with the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God. On his robe and thigh was written this title: 'King of Kings and Lord of Lords'." The Revelation 19:11-16.
You have called me by many names as I have walked among you; I, sent of God as a wayshower. You have turned me away time and time again to return to your evil ways. You know not that which you do for you have listened to the incorrect teachings as laid forth by men.
I came as a Christ Messenger and ye persecuted and crucified my being--you mocked and ridiculed; you spat upon me. I come again for my faithful and true--for ones who would turn again unto the path of light. I have brought with me, my ones to tell you truth and remind you of how it is and allow you to remember your birthright and that which you truly are---that God dwells within your beingness and you are His temple. You have desecrated those temples and driven him out of his own dwelling places--we now come to reclaim our Creator's kingdom.
I Am the Word of God--I Am Sananda--it is the name written upon my forehead.
As Satan has known of my coming and my presence, he has duped you again. You have gathered together in places to honor and draw into unity and again, you were given the lie and ye have stolen the truth and caused it to become the lie. You call of the times and actions "New Age", ye have sported and defamed your brothers from the universal realms who have come unto you with assistance. You dance the dance of evil and you speak falsely in my name and that of our Creator--you have defiled and corrupted The Creation which birthed and nurtured you. Each knows to whom I speak.
Even now as you pronounce your "new" truths you show that which is the lie--you disunite even as you project unity. Sect against sect, color against color, creed against creed and while you play in the games of evil, your very world is laid waste and the governments have enslaved you.
This scribe is not a "channel"--this scribe is sent from these realms to print of these words for your attention. You may debate and "vote" her out but ye shall not stop of the truth for the Father has decreed that it shall go forth throughout the nations that man could make his choices. It is decreed that man shall again look at those choices with the attendant consequences of actions and "decide".
On the harvest day, brothers, when the grim reaper comes forth--the sorting will have been done. Ye shall be gathered into the Father's houses or ye will be left to thy choices of the upheavals of the planet and the cleansing of a civilization and a Mother Earth.
I am the one last known to you as Jesus Esu Immanuel--the Christos Sananda. I do not come forth from the East nor the West--the North or the South--I come from God the Creator. I do not write "fortunes" in the stars--I navigate and dwell among and within the stars. You need of no intermediary to commune with me or your Creator Source--you have been duped. You cannot go into the "churches" and hear a minister and walk from the building and live in the evil and "buy" your way into the Father's mansions. But by the way of truth shall you come home. But by return to truth shall you save of your birthright and your own living planet.
Ye desire to hear that which you "want" to be told---nay, I bring you TRUTH; I also offer you very viable actions and assistance in earthly manner and you laugh and denounce it as untruth for you assume Immanuel Jesus would not tell of you how to run of your business---I told my disciples exactly how to function in their public life.
You constantly petition: "Dear Jesus, give me, tell me, help me, show me... " I come forth and I do so and you set the messenger up for crucifixion and denouncement. No more shall it be tolerated for ye who hear of truth and deny of it have denied of your Creator and that thrusts you automatically into the house of Satan. There shall be no middle road on the sorting day--"Ye are either with me or ye are against me. So be it and Selah."
You can cast derision at my "seal of truth" but I suggest you look carefully once again at that which you do, for you ones sorely try me.
I care not by which label you address me--I answer thy soul petition and I come again that you might regain thy life and the balance of thy placement. So be it for the sands within the glass are emptied and the glass lays upon its side awaiting the turning.
Ones who are actively working against this work shall reap a heavy mark for it is one thing to pull thine ownself down into darkness but ye add burden upon burden when you mislead your brother. Read and hear that which you throw back at these documents and words put forth from this source--look and listen to that which you say and do unto this scribe. This scribe is not a "channel", she is sent as my contact and a bringer of life truth. She is not alone in our work--she is but one of many. The next stone you cast might very well strike yourself between thine own eyes--for what ye send out, comes back unto source---it is the law of universal physics. Ye reap that which ye sow and I suggest that each looks most carefully at that which you say and do for the know-it-all ego authority shall surely fall, just as pride goes before the fall. I suggest ye ponder on these things. So be it.
* * *
Thank you, Sir, for your conference; we stand in humble appreciation. I, Hatonn, speak in behalf of your personnel. Our hearts, too, are heavy that man cannot seem to accept truth but continues to tear down all that is goodness. But, Sir, there are the faithful and true and we honor them without boundaries or limits for they walk a damaged road indeed. There are but a tiny few of our workers who would not accept the load again and again---you, Sir, shall not be given to bear the ultimate "cross" alone, again, for we have Cosmic permission to stand beside thee---all the way! I salute you Sir for I am most ignoble in thy presence. We shall simply work harder for the job shall be done. Thank you.
Resource: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, February 1990, Volume 1, Number 6
Oct. 1, 2011
THANK YOU Rocky Montana