7/6/92 SANANDA
Greetings precious little dove, Dru. I AM Sananda. I was known as Jesus the Christed One and have been labeled many things in many cultures. I AM the one who walked your place, Earth Shan, some 2,000 years past in your counting. I am not yet upon your place, although I travel with the HOSTS of God in preparation for transition/graduation "time" upon your place.
As promised, I went to prepare a place for each of God's children, meaning those who CHOOSE to live the Laws of Creator Source and Creation in intent and behavior. There is not one religion, race, creed or culture CHOSEN, in mass, above any other, for only the individual may decide his/her own placement by understanding and living within the Laws.
For those of you who partake of this information for the first time, I suggest you please read the JOURNAL, PHOENIX OPERATOR/OWNER MANUAL, wherein We of God's Hosts have outlaid those Laws for you in descriptive detail that each may be REMINDED of that which each of you is birthed knowing. Many of you have simply "forgotten" those Laws through your human experiences. I will tell you here and now that you MUST be in the remembering for the final hour is nearing and choices of action and behavior must be examined and adjustments made accordingly to "pass" these final "exams" of graduation into the higher lighted places of God, Our One Creator Source.
We of the Hosts of God have given forth now over fifty-five JOURNALS, daily logs of Earth events past and present, in less than three years. These JOURNALS, presented primarily by my beloved brother Commander Hatonn, when studied carefully, will explain to you your circumstances and how evil has infiltrated and nearly destroyed you ones and this beloved planet. I suggest you carefully read the catalog of JOURNALS and then get as many as you can afford that you may learn and KNOW the Truth. If you choose to remain in ignorance about the corruption of government, ecology, science, medicine, etc., you will be absolutely powerless to change anything about either yourself in Ego limits, or your world. Once you become informed, then you are just beginning to "do your part" for God that He may then encourage awakening to personal mission and service in behalf of ALL in Lighted Brotherhood.
And best of all, for it is not all hopeless and doom and gloom as many perceive is simple ignorance and self-fear, we have given you the TRUTH about your (and Our) spiritual divinity and your relationship with the Father/Mother Creator Source. There are now some EIGHTEEN JOURNALS dedicated to the subjects of spirituality, their human experience in relationship to God, who and what evil and the adversary is and where from it has come, how to recognize ego delusion and change self through knowledge, the beginnings of your spiritual awakenings, where you are and where you are going, the true science of Creation, etc. Many, many subjects are covered in detail by ones such as Germain, Lord Michael, Tesla, Hatonn, the Master Cohans and myself, Sananda.
Study these JOURNALS and soon the light will flicker inside you and every question you have had will begin to be answered logically and to your satisfaction as your mind/spirit awakens to your Divine Spiritual Connection. And then, of course, more questions will come to you and YOU will need do YOUR homework and study and Commune with the Great Spirit within to find the answers in Truth and the verification that, indeed, that which we have brought you in some 14,000 pages of JOURNALS and LIBERATORS is Truth and with this and diligent work in study and service, you will have the tools YOU need to attain your graduation diploma. So be it.
For those of you most precious and blessed readers who already know us, thank you for your patience and indulgence as We must repeat instructions which you have heard or read about before. Some ones are just beginning to wipe the sleep from very tired eyes, and we must give instruction and explanation that "new" ones are not simply lost in confusion and misunderstanding. Each of you, precious, precious chelas (students) are so very blessed indeed. It is not by accident that you partake of this LIBERATOR or JOURNAL, for it may be these very transmissions from Commander Hatonn and myself which awaken YOU unto the beginning of true REALITY and LIFE into Knowledge.
The road to Knowing is not easy and you each will be TESTED constantly. Know that you will never be given MORE than that which you can handle. God allows you to do that which you will with the Free Will given you. You will stand naked before self and Creator and JUDGE self as you do even now in this life stream. The Law of Cause and Effect will allow you opportunity to bring balance back to your thoughts and behaviors, because whether you remember or know or not, you will reap that which you sow, ALWAYS. Call it the checks and balances of Creation.
There is no way to defy God or Creation for the Laws are absolute and God is WITHIN you. If you be a drunk in the gutter, that is where YOU have taken God. If you give of self to another, have you not honored God and the other? If you give and give to ones and they do not give in return and even despise you for giving, who has dishonored God?
Do you know when to release ones who simply covet and take and demand more of YOU? Why would you cast pearls to swine when the swine are recognized as same? And I do not speak against beloved swine, only symbolically am I speaking, please. You feel used? Why would you allow this? It is painful to give in intent to serve and assist a brother who is in need only to have that one demand more from you instead of feeling inside like, "How can I repay you, friend, for you took my hand in my hour of need and desperation and lifted me into the light that I felt freedom and security." There comes a "time" wherein the one in need must intend to regive his gifts and be self-preserved or that one will destroy self by his own greed and self-centeredness. Do not allow these ones to pull YOU down, for that is how they are used by the adversary to pull you precious ones from God's service! Again it is the Law. God is JUST, although in human perception, He may not "seem" fair.
These are lessons, chelas. These are tests for your discernment and you are doing well, very well indeed. You are recognizing that you no longer have the "time" to attend ones who only care about selves and attempt manipulation of you to do what THEY must do for selves. Release these ones for theirs is a bitter road of unfulfillment and restless nights. It will become easier to recognize your human adversaries. Bless them, for the tests they offer you are invaluable to you for your mission. I am most pleased with Dru's progress in discerning the enemy. Now she is simply trying to find a friend or two! You have MANY friends, chelas, you just haven't remembered each other yet, and you are becoming much more careful and that is necessary. And remember, each one of YOU may call ME. I AM Sananda, your spiritual leader, in Oneness with Our One Creator Source in Knowledge. Take my hand when you are lonely. Take My hand when you are sad. Take My hand when you are joyful and together we will walk through the valleys of shadows and confusion with our heads held high in knowledge that GOD walks with us to guide and protect us EVERY step of the way.
Thank you for your attention, My precious chelas. It is an honor to serve you and Our Creator and I AM returning soon to bring YOU home with Me to God's higher places which we have prepared. Do you honor God in your thoughts and behaviors toward each other and toward self? Do you wake in the morn and ask God how you can serve Him this day? Or do you think only of self each day and what you want to fulfill your altered Ego needs? Ponder these things carefully, chelas. Who is FIRST in your life? Are you sure? So be it. Thank you, Dru, for sitting with Me this day. Be at peace, precious, we are with you in those shadows. Hold strong! Not one hair on your head will be touched by our adversaries. They only play with your "mind" if you allow it. We will tend you. Know this! With great love, I release you to the day. Walk in peace with one another. I AM Sananda. I serve God of Light within Creation. Salu.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, August 18, 1992, Volume 20, Number 5.
THANK YOU, Rocky Montana
April 9, 2011