10/8/92 SANANDA
Greetings, precious Druthea. I AM Sananda. I AM the one known as Jesus the Christ by modern day "Christians". I come in the service to Our Holy Father, God of Light and of LIFE. You may call Me by whatever label suits you for I hear the call from thine heart and know when I AM petitioned in behalf of Our Heavenly Father who exists WITHIN each of you.
Your species is now experiencing the time of tribulation, purification and graduation. Each one of you will choose to live in accordance with GOD's laws, those including the natural laws, or you will remain in your defiance and ignorance of Heaven on Earth and WITHIN. You who continue to play the game of evil (opposite of life), in other words, will be unable to witness GOD'S return and reclamation of His people, HIS people being those who choose HIM within heart intent and behavior.
This is a time of sorting within each one. You will sort yourselves by taking MY hand as the bridge which will allow you to cross into the Kingdom of God which exists within your very being if you will but remember and recognize it.
You ones have been locked within an illusion of separation and powerlessness. God's adversary has fooled you, most all of you in one way or another, and this be the greatest challenge to Our Father's messengers of Truth, for so cunning and crafty has the Adversary been that even God's brightest lights of giving love and living His laws are misguided as to MY purpose and teachings.
Bless you brave souls of My very own family who dare to share what GOD unfolds to break the spell of spiritual ignorance. That spell which places you as a sinner, unworthy of life unless your believe on the physical blood of My long ago decayed mortal body. You have been misguided, My good "Christian" children! And this is perhaps the most damaging of all conspiracies against your species, for your souls are trapped as a log between the rocks in a mighty river, the river of God's Universal Evolution. Many of you even are attempting to swim upriver (against the flow of LIFE). The adversary attempts to push many ones into his stagnant, insipid pool, promising you glory and material power and actually infesting you ones with dis-ease and suffering. He binds you mortally by mesmerizing you to worship things of the physical, lulling you into a false sense of security whereby you believe yourselves unaccountable and not responsible for the evil and suffering which abounds in your world.
You worship gold and mortal power and believe My blood sacrifice will save you. I taught you immortality and that each is a Son of God by living the Christ path, the Law of Love in accordance with the Will of God. The Father and I are one and you and I are one. We are the individualized reflections in soul perfection of Our Creator. Do you believe that He in His almighty perfection created imperfect beings? Within each one exists that perfect flame of the eternal ONE. We and His Hosts and Messengers in human format seek to help you remember your ONENESS with GOD of LIGHT Creator Source. The illusion of separation is just that for when you merge with the Great Spirit of LIFE, you become inspired and are given the access to His power by understanding His perfect Laws and how they work.
I told you ones that these things, these miracles of mortal perception which I demonstrated--healing, multiplying food, transforming matter at will--these things YOU will do and greater according to your knowledge of God and His perfect Laws of Balance.
We come to set the record straight about the lies and misunderstandings which have occurred in every religion. It is not I, your Jesus Christ mortal human, who will save your soul from evil. It is YOU who accept the ideal example of living God's perfect Law of Love, who boldly walk the Christ path which is the open door to God's Holy Kingdom, who will participate in and witness the Glory and celebration of MY return.
Miracles only seem to be so in your mortal perception because you do not remember or know the Father within. I told you it was not ME who did these miracles; it is the Father within Me who does these things. I may petition in behalf of each one of you to Our Father, yet I may not accept responsibility for your defiance of His Laws. You, precious friends, are accountable for selves and if your SOUL is to be saved, you will do it for self by seeking only the counsel of Our Heavenly Father who is the still voice of love and inspiration of giving WITHIN you.
Many of you ones of Mine family of messengers who walk the human experience in this time-frame, as well as ones in the "unseen" world, are making preparation--for the KIngdom of God is at hand and you are either for or against Him. It matters not if you even believe in Me, and even ones who call themselves atheists may walk the Christed path and live God's Law, and I will reveal Myself to these ones that they know a higher Truth than mortal. And I will reveal Myself to the children and to the ill and to the suffering. And evil ones who possess MY people will run in fear for they will know their time of folly is ended and will have only selves to taunt and devour until that moment when GOD is called and they see perhaps a better way.
You need not ever FEAR GOD, unless of course, you are controlled by evil, for your power is minute in comparison to a God-actualized being, and many evil-possessed humans have turned to ME and MY FATHER when the evil ones abandoned them. Blessed are those who turn from evil and recognize not its power, for when you walk in the Father's LIGHT of perfect LOVE, then evil is bound away and powerless in your presence. Need you fear evil? Nay, respect your enemy, for he has been a formidable adversary and now you KNOW the difference, do you not? Even your perceived enemy is birthed of the ONE Creator and therefore of your family. You may be surprised that some of the vilest humans in your perception have finally returned to God. And then some of God's purest in heart messengers remain misguided as to HIS ways and their own power in working with God.
How can you continue on the path of Truth and release untruth which you have adopted? By honestly questioning and finding the origin of your beliefs. YOU give power to that which you believe; that is the Law. When I told ones that THEIR faith and belief is what cured them from disease, for that moment they were joined with the Father who dwelleth within each. They believed My power was directly that of God's and that I am a bridge to that power. Most misunderstood that it was not MORTAL Christ who healed them and multiplied loaves of bread; it was GOD the Father WITHIN ME, who I communed with on a moment to moment basis, Who did these blessed works. Soon many ones of you will realize you do not NEED even Me as your intermediary, your bridge to the Kingdom of GOD. I simply am the door, the example of GOD'S perfect Law and I will return to fulfill My promise to Him and to You to bring God's people (those who choose God of Light) HOME. IT IS THE PATH OF LOVE YOU NEED WALK, AND YOU NEED ONLY LISTEN FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS UPON YOU!
Where will WE go when this transition and sorting is complete? Many ones of you have worked and waited for many eons with ME, growing with ME in spiritual knowledge and perfection of heart intent. We are together, you of My brothers and sisters in both the seen and unseen worlds, each in his own way confronting and exposing evil expression, many of you within selves as well as in your world. You are bringing the Christ Consciousness, the example, to the banquet table of the people here and we are preparing for MY return upon your place. How do you expect to perceive My return? If you expect Me on a cloud, will you reject Me if I return upon a floating white horse? How about a space craft? Do you believe I can return by any method which I choose? Will you limit Me that choice by your belief and indoctrination? Does it really matter HOW I get here as long as YOU recognize ME? God's messengers are preparing you of God intent to accept My return regardless of how you perceive it. Only God knows the day and the hour, and I tell you, it draws near.
I will leave each of you with a few more questions to ponder with God in your presence until you KNOW the answer. This is in regards to your religious and spiritual beliefs.
1. WHO and/or WHAT exactly has convinced you to believe in God, Christ, The Great Spirit, Elohim, Allah, etc., the way you now currently believe?
2. HOW were you convinced that your perception is correct?
3. WHAT is the motivating idea or force behind your current beliefs?
4. WHAT clues do you use to judge the accuracy of your perceptions and ideas?
5. Are you AFRAID to find yourself in error of perception?
Remember, precious chelas, that there is TRUTH and there is ERROR. The key to KNOWING the difference is WHERE?
Thank you precious little dove or mine, Druthea, for sitting with Me this day. It is well, My child, that you face your fears and seek the CAUSE of lack of TRUST that you may KNOW the difference between your MORTAL self and the beauty and pureness of your IMMORTAL self, which is centered by Our FATHER Within you. You will benefit from much alone time in the days ahead whereby we may assist in attitude and perception adjustment that you may more fully realize and utilize your loving and healing power. You are ready to grow into fuller awareness of your gifts which have been carefully cultivated with God at the center of your heart. You are never alone even when physically by yourself. We wish to spend more time in your awake time facilitating your communion with Our Heavenly Father. This is valuable time spent for preparation. Your family will understand. Thank you.
Thank you, precious chelas, for attending this document. If it seems a personal message to one, please KNOW that it is to many ones I give the same message. You will know if it is for you. Sometimes we must give visual presentation of our instructions to be afforded maximum attention for benefit of Our work together in behalf of God. So be it.
I AM SANANDA, One with God in My awareness. I AM the door, the bridge from mortality to immortality. May you see TRUTH and may you understand WHO YOU ARE. Walk together in Truth and Understanding and KNOW that God walks with each who so allow Him. Salu.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, October 20, 1992, Volume 21, Number 1.
Thank You, Rocky Montana