Greetings, precious Druthea. I AM Sananda. I come in service as a Co-Creator and Guardian, and therefore, HOST of Creator / Creation.
This is a time in sequence of Earth human evolution for many ones to awaken into the understanding of what is Divine Inheritance of oneness and responsibility. Each of the fragments of Creator / Creation work slowly and most deliberately "up" the ladder of knowledge and wisdom, moving ever further from density and compression of physical through the very lessons of that compression and duality.
Many Earth humans have been painfully obscured from truly "seeing" and "knowing" Truth. You ones have been deceived through the largest conspiracy against you, that being your "sacred" religions. The powers which rule your souls do so by very cunning manipulation of your thinking processes, mind control if you will. Often the deceptions are ever so subtle, placed carefully within a concept of Truth which even reasoning intelligent humans miss...at first. So powerful and dedicated are these evil powers that their false teachings are laid as the foundation of most religious institutions, and you innocent lambs bow and follow in fear and false righteousness. You remain ever powerless in your lives and can find no reason and fault in self. You are taught that the power and the blame is outside of your ability and responsibility--the demons of your imaginings built by your ignorance and helplessness.
Blessed humans of Earth Shan, we of the messengers of Light and Truth have grown with you and walked among you that we may learn to penetrate this evil shroud which devours you from within. We volunteer and many of our brothers and sisters have incarnated to lift this shroud of deception which has nearly extinguished the Light of Creator / Creation upon your place. We witness your agony and suffering by the impact of that place to your senses. WE KNOW what it is like because WE, many of us, who serve this mission of Truth, have walked as human with you. We have obligated ourselves to assist those of you who search for a brighter way, for you are our brethren, our younger siblings, and we often agonize with you for you are so often filled with doubts and confusion.
You who came to assist this mission of Light and Truth and remember it not, will not much longer be shrouded or veiled from your inner knowledge and mission. Slowly, individually, you are given to remember, and then we are allowed to make our presence known to you. And yet we are not here to perform "proof" of our presence for this development must happen within each first and then we can allow for contact in the proper sequence. You ones must learn to "think" for selves and reason with logic and self research. We cannot just drop in on your lives and disrupt personal and mass evolution, for you must know within about your power and responsibility, and seek diligently to abide by Spiritual Laws. It is not logical to rain knowledge upon you which you cannot use for lack of understanding the primary basis of knowledge and Spiritual Laws. There is no way to cheat in the courses of your life. You either KNOW and live accordingly or you do not know and err, and must handle the consequences of the error and hopefully learn from same. It is that simple.
You also cannot hide from your destiny for it will be brought to you until you take the steps to walk its path of Truth. You each came to this lifestream with a plan from your own design. A Guide was assigned and volunteered to assist you on your path. Other teachers and messengers have been delegated to this classroom as well. And as each of you develops your ability to "hear" within and use reason and logic in your daily interactions, you will "awaken" a bit more until soon you remember your mission and goal.
Some of you are under constant attack in your physical and emotional lives. You are attacked from your financial pocketbook, your families and friends, your jobs and your government, and most especially your churches and synagogues. When you break free from one area of attack, then you find you are suffering elsewhere. Wherever you have developed a dependence which will not serve you, it will appear to be attacked. You will feel victimized by it and helpless...until you realize you are not helpless and find the cause of insecurity deep within you and release it.
If you do not accept the attack within (and become paralyzed by it by your choice), you will not be affected adversely for you will have recognized your power to change a lemon to lemonade. It is human perception which feels victimized from outside and reduced to powerlessness because of it. You see, precious chelas, it is not WHAT happens to you that makes the lesson, it is HOW you respond and behave to the circumstances you are confronted with which is the measure of your growth, or lack thereof. You each are incomplete in your skills and knowledge, so therefore, you are offered opportunities to perfect these incomplete aspects of self to achieve the destiny of your soul.
There can be no penetration of evil that is fatal to your growth...unless you allow yourself to be controlled by it. Then your growth can be inhibited and stagnated because of your lack of knowledge for many, many lifestreams or for only one lifestream, or for only one week; it is up to you. Your soul destiny always has a plan within Divine Plan to progress itself toward oneness again. Time is meaningless to spirit for spirit is ever on its road back home to God and The Creation.
There can also be no penetration of evil which succeeds to emotionally defile you and confuse you unless there exists that confusion and insecurity already deeply hidden within.
So in a sense, we protect your physical life to complete its mission, but when you harbor ill-emotions and insecurities, it serves your soul to confront the cause of these deep-seated fears. This is why when ones of you are emotionally charged negatively because of ELF transmissions or mind-control frequencies, it serves you to recognize the weakness and thereby begin to correct it within you. Do you see? We do not interfere with these "attack" frequencies unless they can do "physical" harm to you. In this way we can offer support to help YOU find the cause and correct your thinking accordingly.
Thank you for sitting with me this day, Druthea. Be at peace, little one. You are seeing things more clearly than you would like to believe. It is well. Thank you for pondering this document. I AM Sananda. One with God Creator and The Creation. Walk in peace and love, and the Great Spirit walks with you. Salu.
Resource: PHOENIX LIBERATOR, December 29, 1992, Volume 21, Number 10.