From Rocky Montana
Always it is the same...man wishes to hear only that which man wishes to hear. Tell me nice things, kind things, things which stroke my ego, soothe my hurt feelings, make me feel important. Man has grown so accustomed to the lies fed unto him by Satan...the master deceiver himself...that when the Truth is finally spoken it seems too harsh, too blunt, too shocking to be real...and yet, most, when pondering what is really being said, realize that yes, indeed, 'tis truth. Truth will set man free. Man must awaken to realize that All THAT HAS BEEN GIVEN TO HIM HAS BEEN A LIE...YES, IT IS SHOCKING; IT IS STARTLING...NOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT??? ARE YOU WILLING TO BECOME INFORMED NOW THAT YOU KNOW THE TRUTH OF IT IS AVAILABLE TO YOU? OR DO YOU CHOOSE SLEEP...PERPETUAL SLUMBER??? Let those who have ears hear what spirit says unto spirit.
This is why the so-called New Age Movement is so dangerous unto you...you may sit and just be if you so choose... but all will most certainly not be alright. If you sit and just be in the wondrous accepting of that which God IS, you shall be taken away to the detention centers with the rest of the sleeping populace. If you sit and just be, in the ending you will sit and just starve for you will not have taken responsibility to prepare for that which is at your very doorstep. YES, GOD IS A WONDROUS, MAGNIFICENT ENERGY...BUT I TELL THEE SURELY THAT GOD HAS GIVEN UNTO MAN FREE WILL CHOICES AND A WONDROUS REASONING MIND WITH WHICH TO FUNCTION. IT IS UP TO MAN TO USE THAT WONDROUS REASONING MIND TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY AND PUT FORTH RESPONSIBLE ACTION THAT SHALL INSURE HIS VERY SURVIVAL DURING TIMES OF GREAT TURMOIL AND TRIBULATION...THAT WHICH YOU ARE ENTERING AT THIS VERY MOMENT. Let spirit hear that which is being said unto spirit. So be it.
I may come forth and tell each and all that you are indeed a wondrous radiant fragment of God/Creator. You are beautiful beyond any measure of imagining. You are wondrously complex and radiant and have at your disposal the infinite possibilities within The Creation. Know that you know these things, does this help you? When the truck is bearing down upon you, is it not most wise indeed to take some very rapid and physical measures to insure that the truck will not run you down? Would you have us who may see clearly the roadway before you ignore that which is surely coming upon you? Would you feel safer and more secure within your ignorance? Would you then come to us in petition at the final hour and plead and scream and yell...why didn't you tell us? Why did you only tell us that we are wondrous beings? Why didn't you tell us we would need food and shelter and supplies????
God allows. Always God allows. How else may man come into his own understanding of that WHICH IS? Clearly the decisions made to this point by man have been in error...for you have overpopulated your planet to the tune of almost 7 billion people (no that is not an error)... and all of this only through the disobedience to but one of your Laws. Return unto the Laws, beloved, return. The magnificent kingdoms of Light hold many adventures of fulfillment to those who will enter into responsibility. Won't you join me? Won't you come to sit with Aton and speak with him? Come...come...come into the Kingdom.
All the yellow ribbons in the world will not change a hair of it. You must take action to bring your beloved home.
And the fury which shall be unleashed upon the world shall be as none ever seen. Death shall raise its head to gaze upon all but a tiny fragment...who among you will remain? Who among you will be part of God's remnant?
Ponder these things and pull yourselves together...for the road ahead is long indeed and filled with hardship. How painful and difficult it is for you depends entirely on that which you are willing to do. So be it.
I Am Sananda