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Enhanced Abilities Bring Miracles

Ariana Sheran

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"Miracles" Will Become a Way of Life!

            I am Sananda and at this time I would like to give you some thoughts. These thoughts are on what you term the "miracles of life".  The "miracles" which I am speaking of are the same ones that I performed when I was on the Earth.  They begin with healing and they end with ascension.  There are many, many intriguing feats in between.  I came to provide you with the ideas.  Now it is up to you to expand upon them and to go about learning how to perform the very same “miracles” which I did.

A “Miracle” is Simply an Enhancement of Your Own Abilities

            Now we will take healing as our first so called, miracle, which is only an enhancement of your own abilities.  Any doctor upon the Earth, who is using traditional methods, is assisting the body in a sort of a band-aid effort.  They are treating the symptoms and not getting to the causes.  True healing is spiritual healing.  It gets at the causes, which are mental and emotional, an idea expanded upon by years and years of belief in one certain idea.  The years actually allow you to forget it.  You forget the original thought and the emotion itself gets buried also. 

            Emotion is a thought. You can change your thoughts and this is the key to instant healing.  If you can get to the root of the thought and change it in an instant, then a cure occurs.  As above, so below.  The cure occurs in the emotional body and filters down to the physical.  Therefore it does take a few hours or a few days, normally, to effect the cure totally.  The key is getting to that original idea that you took for truth but was not necessarily so.  You filled it with emotion and you buried it.  In order to get to that idea again, we are suggesting meditation and various techniques in meditation, including cleansings - cleansing of the emotional body and healing of such.  Hands on healing is another way to provide a channel of energy which assists the body greatly in combating that which is bothering one.  But using this method will take very much longer in the final healing, than if you can discover the reason for the pain.  Faith and trust of a person in the one they deem the healer, also comes into play here and once again that is all about emotion and changing one's attitude and believing in the idea of a total healing. 

            When one Lightworker such as yourself will put themselves into the position of saying, "I will help, I will serve, please guide me," then any of you can practice healing.  At this time the energies of the Earth plane are vibrating very high and so you can heal yourself, or you can be instrumental in assisting another in their healing.  Simply trust your guidance and do that which you feel intuitively prompted to do.  It can all be done through the mind or it can be done through the body.  This is very, very important.  Keeping a record of relatives and friends who need assistance is valuable.  With your intention, mark down the name of the person and the date with what is bothering them.  This focuses your attention on that person and in your meditation later you may do other focusing and assist further in a spiritual healing. 

Know and understand that sometimes healing may come through the transition called death.  As long as you ask for Divine order and the highest and the greatest good for the person, then that which is necessary for the soul will occur.  Do not be sad when death occurs, for it is such a happy transition and such a homecoming for that soul, under usual circumstances.  Healing is a great part of being a Lightworker.  You will get to the point where, if you have a pain, you will heal it instantly, just through techniques that you can be guided to do and techniques that have been channeled.  In the future, if you have a pain, that will show others you have not completed your homework to be master of your body and in fact, master of all of your bodies.  These ideas are already becoming known to those who understand spiritual healing. 

Being in Two Places at Once is Called Bi-Location 

            Now we will go on to the "miracle" which is called bi-location.  This is producing two of you, being in two places at once.  This seems like a great miracle to you, does it not?  Yet, when you come into the higher dimensions, you will have many more than two to look after, so you see, this is a practice for you.  Start with the belief that there are two of you, two functioning bodies in the Third Dimension, the physical.  Start with that belief and that affirmation.  It is so, dear one.  It is possible for you to be sleeping on your bed and for your astral body to form into that which looks totally physical in another place, visible to a Third dimensional eye, controlled by the higher self of the sleeping person.  You see you will be busy night and day.  You would first need to accept the possibility and then the fact that you wish to do it.

            Rayaana:  You mean it's possible for me to be sitting at home and when I want to be here, then I could be here?

            Sananda:  Yes, dear one.

Rayaana:  Then I'm going to practice that a great deal!

            Sananda:  It is possible.  The body that will come here while you sleep is not a physical body, yet it is very real to the eye of another when the Third Eye is activated, as is occurring among many and most of you.  This will be visible you see.

            Rayaana:  What is visible then?  Is it something like a ball of energy? 

                        Sananda:  No, it will be quite like you to that person. It will definitely be familiar.

            Bi-location can happen while you are meditating, as well as when you are sleeping.  There will come a time when it happens in your usual daily work when you get to a point where you are working in the alpha state at all times.  The ideal is for you to achieve the alpha state of mind during your waking hours.

            Now you may ask if your astral body can converse with your friends?  At this point I would say no and yet there is a way of communication.   It is by telepathy.  This is one of the reasons why we stress how important it is to learn telepathy.  Even if you do not wish to become a channel and speak, there are many other uses for telepathy and it is a practice we encourage very, very highly.  You will also get to a point where you can be meditating and willfully send out your astral body on, what you may term, a scouting mission.  This is definitely done by intent, dear one.

Becoming Invisible is an Aspect of Teleportation

Now we will go on to another “miracle.”  This is the miracle of becoming invisible.  With this your human body becomes totally invisible to all who may look your way.  Are there any of you who would like to learn this?

            Response:  Yes, yes! (With joyful laughter!)

            Sananda:  The first thing to do, as with any other spiritual practices, is affirmations.  It is necessary to get your mind totally honed so that your will is in alignment with your intent.  Without affirmations, you may be what we may call wishy-washy about the idea.  If you do the affirmations regularly, at least twice a day, then your own mind will know what you are focusing on and your guides will know what you wish to do.  Therefore, your guides will be able to help you with nudges here and intuitive thoughts there so that you will be guided into what to do to become invisible or do any of these practices.

            Rayaana:  What would be a good affirmation for that? 

            Sananda:  It is very simple, dear one.  "I am invisible."  (Laughter.)  Can't you just see Dalphiaana driving her car and suddenly there’s no driver? 

            Karen:  I have often thought in my life that I was invisible.  I would feel like I was.  Once in a line up, people were being served all around me and finally I asked, am I invisible?  I have really felt already that I have been invisible.

            Sananda:  Thank you, dear one, for this is so.  You are one who has the grids for doing many of these abilities.  In other words, you have done them in past lives in other places and you have brought those abilities along with you to the Earth mission.  They are high in your priority.  Thank you for noticing this.

            Karen:  This is what I need to know, because in the past I thought I was wrong and not good.  I am happy to incorporate this into my Divine order.

            Sananda:  Wonderful.  It is very good and much fun!

            If you are invisible, your consciousness is still in that place, yet nobody can see you.  You are simply raising the light of your body to a point where another person cannot see it and is seeing through it.  Already your body is about seventy percent water and water is easy to see through, so you just need to raise a few more percentage points into invisibility.  You do this with your mind power.  When you teleport and you're wishing to go to the pyramids at Giza, then everything goes.  You use your mind and you work with all of your bodies.  All of your bodies are involved in teleportation.  There is nothing left on the sofa.

            Dalphiaana:  Not even your consciousness?

Sananda:  No. 

Defying Gravity is Involved in Teleporting and Levitating

            Participant:  What is the purpose of teleporting?

            Sananda:  The purpose of teleporting basically is survival and also serving others.  First is survival.  If you live at the base of a mountain and that mountain suddenly produces an avalanche and you would likely be killed, teleportation will get you out of that place immediately.  You will be saved.  Secondly, there could be many times when your ability as a teacher may be needed in a far off corner of the Earth.  You will be receiving these impressions by thought, dear one, by telepathy.  You will know that all of a sudden you must go to Peru to a certain spot there.  So you will go, dear one, you will go. 

            Now we will think about gravity for a time.  It is possible, through the use of the mind, for you to defy gravity.  This is especially enhanced by the high vibrations on the Earth at this time.  Through the control of gravity with your mind you will be able to do such things as walking on water, or as flying through the air, bodily, with all of your bodies.  Here again these are survival techniques but they are also going to change a lot of people's minds when you demonstrate them.  You will find many uses for this one and it would be rather a daring thing to begin with.  You will definitely need courage for that first time.  It is rather like jumping out of the airplane without the parachute.  With walking on water, I think it would be best to start with a little puddle.

            Dalphiaana:  Just like we did when we were kids?

            Sananda:  Yes, back to the basics.

            Karen:  Do these things have to be done in seriousness, or can it be for fun too?

            Sananda:  Definitely it can be for fun and it will be fun.  How often has Ashtar said, "In order to levitate use levity!"  Yes, take yourself lightly.  Levitating, which is another "miracle," will become another one of your abilities that are so easy but it also has a very serious connotation.  You have perhaps heard of a young woman who was not too strong, whose husband was caught under a car.  He would surely die but what happened?  That woman, with a phenomenal will, picked up that car!  In effect she levitated that car so that her husband was saved.  It was done through the use of her mind.  The mind thinks, "I can do this, I will do this".  Remember the solar plexus chakra. 

            Darryl:  Whatever you can conceive and believe, you can achieve.

Creating Something out of Nothing - Manifestation

            Sananda:  Now, dear one, we come to manifestation.  Manifestation is creating something out of nothing.  It is also done with the will.  If you wish to get into the different ramifications of this, I would invite you to the many writings of St. Germain.  There is much to learn with this but basically it is the organization of the mind/thought patterns in a positive manner while in a meditative state.  Communion is with your guidance and through your heart, knowing that you can achieve what you wish, by not wavering.  Keep the affirmations and practices up.  There are many techniques but basically you use your heart and your solar plexus chakra for this.

            Why do you need to use this one, you would ask?  Manifestation and precipitation are both the making and receiving of something out of nothing.  Why do you need this? 

            Dalphiaana:  In case of Earth changes you probably will need food.

            Sananda:  Yes and thank you. You will definitely need food, water and medicine.  In the Spirit World one who wishes to have an article thinks about it and it is there.  This is what I am saying.  It is going to be possible in the physical dimension for you to do this also, because you are so close to the Fourth Dimension.  As the months go on and you are getting closer and closer it is going to be possible, dear ones.  You have already smelled roses where there were none.  This is the beginning.

            Dalphiaana:  Does this have anything to do with aportation?

            Sananda:  Yes, it is producing something out of nothing.  These things have sporadically been done for many, many years but now will be much accelerated because of the heightening of the energies.  In order to participate in this joy, here again the place to begin is with affirmations.  Ask for assistance from your guidance and be persistent!

Persistence, Insistence, Perseverance and Practice

            Darryl:  Can we affect the weather?

            Sananda:  Oh yes, dear one.  Affecting the weather is possible by the human being.  Dissolving of clouds is very, very much a practice for you.  You may try it this summer when you are at the beach. 

            Dalphiaana:  There was something that Con, a channeled entity, had given many years ago and it was P.I.P.  He said to always remember persistence, insistence and perseverance.  Would this have something to do with the mind and the will?

            Sananda:  Marvelous, marvelous!!  Yes, indeed.  May we add practice?  All of these ideas go one-step further now into practice.  Now that you are together and yet very often apart, you will be able to do your practices alone yet perhaps being in touch with others.  When you come together for your special weekends you will have something to report there.  It will be another great producer of joy.

The Seven Body System of Physicality

            Dalphiaana:  All this, Sananda, is done by the will, intent and the solar plexus chakra, along with the heart chakra in manifestation.  Is this right?

            Sananda:  This is right, dear one.  We have been trying to show you for some time, that there are seven bodies of the human and how to notice the difference, especially between the mental body and the emotional body.  It is very, very important to differentiate between those two.  The person in the Third Dimension first must solidify in their mind what they wish to do, through their affirmations, their will and their intent.  That begins a chain reaction up the soul family grid so that all the higher selves are in alignment.  Then the higher selves begin to rain down intuitive thoughts and impressions and assistance to the person, you see. 

            Dalphiaana:  Could you once again give us a brief idea of our seven bodies?

            Sananda:  Yes, dear one.  We will go through the bodies at this time.  Your physical body, number one, you know it, you see it and use it daily.

            Your emotional body and astral body we will call together as one.  This is the one that cries for you and has all of your emotions, the hatred, the anger, the joy, the happiness.

            The mental body is next.  The mental body is associated with the yellow chakra, the solar plexus.  They all go with the chakras.  The mental body is the will, the power, your learning ability, your thinking processes. 

            The fourth one is the etheric body, also called the bioplasmic body by some and this one is the fourth of your four lower bodies.  This is one that you do not see, which goes on night training when you sleep or meditate.  It actually disembodies itself from your physical body.  You might say it teleports.  It is instantly gone and instantly back, if you should wake up, for example. 

            Now these are your four lower bodies.  They work together.  Briefly, the three that remain are your spiritual bodies and if you were to break them down it would be rather like a connection to your soul family, which is the causal body, your connection to the Christ energy or Christ Consciousness and then your connection to God, which is the spark of God within you.  It is your task now to differentiate and to start thinking of yourself not as this physical body controlled by a mind but as seven bodies that are multidimensional and are operating on different dimensions, even now.  In actual fact, in the evening your subtle bodies go to the Fifth Dimension and they are getting you used to that vibration. 

Unconditional Love Makes “Miracles” Happen!

            Now are there any "miracles" we have missed that you are curious about, dear one?

            Dalphiaana:  Well, this is not a miracle but I just want to say how much we all love you.  You have been with me all this time!  I've loved your temple, although I can't really remember. 

            Sananda: D ear one, in order to perform those which we are now calling miracles but which are really an enhancement of your abilities, your basic ingredient for this is unconditional love, first for yourself and then for others.  Back to the basics. 

            Dalphiaana:  We love you and we thank you for that.  Without your guidance I don't know what we'd think.  We would have nothing to hang a vision or a symbol on.

            Sananda:  I am always here for you, dear one.  The more questions you can come up with, the more we will answer.

Being In Command Of Yourself Through A Positive Mental Attitude

            Karen:  Going back to commanding the weather, what would happen if more than one person commanded the same thing in opposite ways?

            Sananda:  The one with the most intent would get through, dear one.

            Dalphiaana:  Ah, intentions and attitudes again!

            Sananda:  Yes, the one who is most in command of the self would be the one who would get through.  There are all kinds of levels of intent, dear one.  If you were very unsure of yourself in the asking and in the commanding of this, perhaps you would dissolve one tiny cloud but would not be able to take away the entire gray sky.

             Now yesterday, Ariana used a technique she had not used before to remove clouds.  She commanded the Universe and she said each command three times.  This was after she invoked the Light and brought down her guides to be with her.  Her intent was very high.  Also she rested after the thoughts were given in total calmness, without worry that it would not happen.  She did not constantly look out the window to see what was happening.  It was within her a feeling that this would definitely happen.  You will remember that it was others who pointed out to her that the sun was shining.  So it is just like so many people have written.  First you do the asking and then you let go and let God.  If you continue with the worry and the wonder, you fall right back into wishy-washy and spoil the entire manifestation.  This was done as a demonstration for you and it was highly guided, for if you can command the very elements upon the Earth, it is obvious you are in command of yourself.  It was done with joy, was it not?  It was done with purpose but with joy and very naturally. So you may start anytime dissolving clouds. (Giggles in the audience)

            Dalphiaana:  Or forming them when it is necessary, like the rainmakers used to do?

            Sananda:  Indeed.  There is much one learns when they come to Schoolhouse Earth, dear one.  One of the biggest things is learning to be positive in a negative world.  Learn to keep a balance, no matter what is going on.  So we speak of attitude, attitude.  Positive mental attitude.  There are books published about this, many of them.  If you continue along your lessons of life, to keep a positive attitude, then you have the intent of doing good, of being the best you can be, of climbing the ladder of success in any way that may be your goal.  These ideas will assist you in creating the life that would be ideal for you. Back to that wonderful word "command".  Back to being in command of yourself through a positive mental attitude and high intent. 

 Plot Your Course and Set Your Goals

            Now I would like to make a distinction between desire and intent at this time.  I will ask you to use the word, “intent’ in this instance rather than desire because it is a stronger word and desire is so mixed up with people's emotions that it becomes more of a wishy-washy word again.  I do like the way you have chosen to use the word intent.  It is excellent. 

            Dalphiaana:  There is power behind that word.

            Sananda:  There you are, your will and your power.

            Karen:  You can't want something without being willing to do what's necessary.

            Sananda:  Yes.  It is a strong word for those who make it strong.  It can enhance your abilities to a phenomenal extent, so much so that you will produce what you may call miracles in your life. 

            I would like to suggest that you begin to set goals for yourself along the lines of your ability and those enhanced abilities that we have been talking about.  Plot a course and watch your progress.  Watch the right books and the right people come into your life to assist you.  Here again, we speak of intent.  If you simply sit back and say, "It sure would be fun to levitate. Maybe I’ll do that one day," do you think you are going to levitate in two weeks?  No!  But if you plot a course and set some goals, you will find that you will be able to set an example for others that is highly marvelous.  Yes and we will see Karen hanging from the ceiling.  If you set a goal you will naturally be seeing yourself doing that thing, won't you.

            Participant:  Well I've dreamt about it!

            Sananda:  It will not take too much to bring it down to Earth.  We thank you for expanding your minds on these ideas and it will be much joy and fun for you.

            Dalphiaana:  Oh indeed it will.

            Sananda:  That little word trust will come in here.

            Dalphiaana:  That's not a little word, Sananda, that's a very big word.

            Sananda.  Yes.  Trust in your own abilities because if you were hanging from the ceiling and all of a sudden you lost your faith and trust, you might land on your big toe and break it. 

Enjoy Practicing Your Enhanced Abilities and Become a Little Child Again!

            Dalphiaana:  You know, it's almost like child's play in a way.  I used to dare myself to do things when I was a kid saying, "I bet you can't do this" and the other part of me saying, "Ah, watch me".

            Sananda:  Indeed, dear one.  This is the whole reason why we say to become as a little child.  To enter the Kingdom of Heaven, become a little child.  They say it in the Bible.  We teach you to become like a little child through your joy and your happiness.

            Karen:  Children have no doubts.

            Sananda:  They have total trust.  As your role model and one of your teachers in all of this, I am so thrilled with the way you are taking these suggestions with love, Light and an open heart.  I see the joy and the happiness also coming through, so believe me, there will be people on this ceiling!

            I thank you for your love at this time and I will give you my love as I say goodbye for now.

            Dalphiaana:  We thank you. Your love is always in our hearts.

            Sananda:  I am always within your hearts.

                                                            By Sananda, Our Role Model

Channeled through Ariana Sheran

                                                            Easter 1992

                                                            Tape # TC14A


Cloverleaf Connection

            138 Sturgeon Drive

            Saskatoon, SK Canada S7K 4B3

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E-mail:  [email protected]

PRESENT:   Ariana, Dalphiaana, Darryl, Karen K and Rayaana





 “Even Greater Things Shall You Do!”



Enhanced Abilities are Your Birthright But They Do Take Practice


“The energy you put into your thought manifests, so stay positive and joyful.”

                                                                                                                 ~ Wayne W. Dyer, author

“To fly as fast as thought, to anywhere that is, you must begin by knowing you have already arrived.”                                                ~ From Jonathan Livingston Seagull, By Richard Bach

“The ancestor of every action is a thought.”                                         ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The body has a mind of its own and can heal itself.”       

    ~ Saved By The Light by Dannion Brinkley, Page 187B