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Stay in Your Heart - Life is a State of Mind

Spoken through Ariana

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Dearest ones, within the core of the most difficult human experience, there is room for peace. Remember this, for it is all an attitude. It is all a state of mind. Passing life’s lessons is all to do with your attitude, whether you stay within your heart or whether you resort to the manipulation that the mind causes. It does not matter what situation you can possibly endure, think about or read about, remaining in your heart is the way to see it through. If you have not enough money in the bank to pay your bills, remain in your heart and money will come in the next day’s mail. If you allow worry to come into your mind, the abundance of the Universe will stop the flow of your good to you in financial affairs. Remain positive. Keep your mind under the control of your heart. Allow love to rule your life.

There may be a situation in your family where a member is totally out of control. Perhaps it might be a young child or a teenager. This person is acting and reacting out of their own need for learning their path in life. As a parent, discipline is needed but discipline that keeps you within your heart space. This seems to be a dichotomy that is unable to be resolved but think about this. If you remain in your heart with joy and love, knowing that your child is only experiencing growing pains, then you can guide that lovely one, that temporarily misguided one, into a space of safety. Practice this, dear ones, as you go through your life. Always come across to others with the golden rule. Though you may not say it, I suggest that you act it out:

“Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”

With the unruly teenager, of course, they must be guided and yet they must have enough freedom to experience what occurs when one falls off their path. You see, the parent cannot teach the child except by example. The rein must be loose enough to allow the child to experience life. They will make mistakes and the mistakes will teach them what their next course of action could be. All the yelling, screaming and emotional outbursts in the world will not assist your teenager. Having rules, such as curfews, is discipline and is necessary but when the child breaks the rule, allow them to experience the circumstances of their impasse in understanding. Allow them the space to grow and to know where their comfort level lies. At one time or another, the teenager will be a parent and from their point of view they will be learning all over again what it was like to be a teen. The main rule with bringing up children is that what the parent is giving in guidance will be followed and the parent would be strong enough to enforce that rule, with love.

This is the Heart of Sananda. This is the joy and Light of the One who loves you and who guides you into your own growth, into your Christ Consciousness. Allow love to flow. Allow Light to glow around you. We are always your eternal parent, guiding you from subtle levels, allowing you to make your own mistakes and to grow from them, saving you from heartache whenever possible and pouring love into your chakra system on a daily basis. You may take us as an example when you are nurturing a small child or a teenager. The most important ingredient is patience, filled with love.

My heart is open to your queries. I hear all, see all and know all. My Light surrounds you forever.

I am Sananda

Spoken through Ariana

Tape 423A

Cloverleaf Connection

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Saskatoon, SK Canada S7K 4B3

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