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Sananda: On Easter, 2003

By Peggy of the Pleiades

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ou hurry once more to your God or, whatever you call him/her.

It is within this heart beat that you will be whisked away from all that you once knew to be truth. It is in this illusion which you have each so carefully built about you, building your sandcastles, only to see the ocean wash them but away.Again and again you have built them and we say unto you: you need do nothing. You need do absolutely nothing. You begin to do nothing by preparing.and, what is that busy work about? You begin to do nothing by shopping for groceries, as if you would not be fed. You absolutely panic when we say unto you: do nothing. And we say unto you that it is the last thing that you have left to do.Enter into the silence. Enter into the no thing. Cease for one moment not to DO and let the peace fill the corners of your mind. Do this without sleeping. Escaping to dreamland is still doing. Even in your sleep time you insist upon dreaming. And what is that but yet another projection from your own mind outside of the mind of God. And we ask you in confidence: are you afraid to be alone with me? Have I ever said unto you that I am greater than thou art? Have I not instead whispered unto you: greater things than I have done, you will do also. I can tell you clearly: these greater things of which I speak are accomplished by doing no thing. For to do no thing is to allow in each ticking of your clock, the emergence of your Mother-Father-God to direct you. Of myself I do nothing was my heart 's cry and yet I did command all things and all wisdoms were so given unto me. And have I not said unto you that wherever I go, you go there always?! Then put down your tools for tools are designed to keep you busy. Put them away for the night and one day and sit beside me in paradise. Is it too much to ask of you to be again my loving brother/sister? To simply sup with me with no other agenda.

And, I say unto you that it will change your life. And it will change mine..for we are ONE.

On the morrow is the anniversary of my may as well be yours also. What do you think? Are you ready at last to simply BE?

"Where do you go"? (in your mind distracted)

I am waiting. I am Sananda. Happy Easter.

Peggy of the Pleiades [email protected]
