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Sananda Speaks On 8-8, Grace, NESARA, And More

Tele-communicated Through Kara Kincannon

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Dear Ones,

I am Sananda. I've chosen to come to you directly this morning, this day, because you have asked many questions with the great changes that are transpiring on Mother Earth. I wish for you to take a moment to think about the gifts of grace. To look at where you are sitting. Take a good look at the Grace of the Creator of Mother Earth, of the bounty and the blessings and the beauty that are here. Specifically this day you have been chosen and we have called you here so you can touch the true reality of what Grace truly is. Grace abounds. Grace is always infinity. Grace is the gift of the Creator to all the Creator's living creations. The gifts of Grace come through surrender. The gifts of Grace come through initiation on the path. The gifts of Grace pour upon you now as you release the old paradigm of the struggling and the suffering that has been allowed in the duality of that evolutionary time cycle. I have returned. I have returned in the Divine Timing of the Creator. I am returned in each awakened Being of Light. We are One. We are returning in awareness in memory as the galactic Dawn has arrived. As of the 8th of this August, the opening of the Sun Portal Chakra, connecting with the earth as it was in Lemuria, as it was in Atlantis, as it was with the Myans and the Egyptians and the many ancient ones that knew of this connection in certain sects of beings who held this space open. It is now Universal connection; it is now global connection. It is now for all. There are questions that we will not go into any kind of discourse, but we are available to answer questions personal and if so being you may wish to ask some questions for others that may wish to be enlightened with information that may pertain to their soul awakening. So, at this time, I am asking you to search your hearts for the questions you wish for us to share.

I would like to know, what is my purpose with this group? Where do I stand? I feel like I have not yet stepped into my mission.

No one here has yet stepped into the mission at hand, of the building of the Now Age upon us. But, what you have been doing is creating energetic highways and pathways of Light through the sludge and the murkiness of the duality and the fear based modalities that have been so set like concrete that have now collapsed and are melting as we speak. No longer is it being held up in that form. No longer are those projections allowed to be sent out. They are collapsed immediately. Everything is coming back home. So, where we would wish for you to stand is in your own center of your own knowingness. Knowing that it has never been and never will be about what you do. It is about your awareness, your perception, and your acceptance of who and what you really are. Not what you do. These are feelings from the emotional body one two three collected in three, aligning with the seventh Chakra of the throat, which has been the process you have been in since Easter of 2003. The will (Center throat) is connected with the emotional body; both go hand an hand. It is nothing but feelings coming up for you to look, for you to see, for you to even feel; and then to release or to merge or accept that is how you have felt, but to also to know that this is not the Truth about you. So, simply, you can let all of this and when you do, you will no longer even have the question. For you will be standing in your own I AM Presence of sovereignty of the God-Being that you are here in expression and from there everything is made anew. Your perception is higher. That is why, by coming here to this top of this mountain space that Mother holds for us and has held for mankind forever that you can get clarity as Mother heals you; as all the elementals and the and Stone People and everything that is here, right now in this gorgeous, most beautiful sacred spot that you are in.

Being in Oneness is the Essence.

The mind is to be totally surrendered to your Spirit now. It has served you well to work out problems and to solve. It no longer can be utilized to work out problems. It can be utilized to take care of task-at-hand that your Spirit has for you to do and you will find yourself just doing that without thinking. It is time to take thought of no-thought. When I have mentioned "take no thought", and of course, they diluted and changed a lot of my wordings. I did say what you are to eat, drink, or wear or where you are to be or what you are to do. If that can be surrendered and by the willingness of your free-will Spirit to choose, to know what that means for you; that is the process you have been into up to this point. Now you are at the point of total and absolute surrender of everything in every lifetime that you have ever had, including this one. A mighty big job! We are asking you right now, and to anyone else listening to this tape, Now is the time to let it go, to embrace to say thank you, to bless all the seemingly good and the seemingly bad, to let go of any hurts and wounds of past, any irritations of people, places and things, because the goal, Dear One, is to be in Centered Peace and to be in Centered Peace at all times. You are multi-dimensional Beings with many gifts. There is no need for labeling of what your gift is. You are the gift of Grace to offer to world service on this planet.

You are the gifts of Grace.

You are Grace embodied in the human form. If you had not chosen to come here to do this, knowing the challenges and obstacles to plow through, you have done it, and we really wish that you would celebrate those experiences, soul enriching experiences. For you could not have missed any one of them, the dark or the light, so how could you have compassion or understanding if you had not chosen the path to go through the initiations to awareness of the awakening of the Christed Light Being that you are. And you kept going, regardless. Now you have arrived. You have arrived at the point of jumping in the abyss totally, into the unknown. As you leave the world behind you, all of its cares, concerns, fears, pleasure, pain, all of the duality, you release it completely. Here is the spot to do it in. And then watch the Grace that you are, connect with the Grace that abounds in the Universal consciousness of humanity, this planet and galaxies and the universes beyond, and the beings that you are one with. You become enlightened to the point where you no longer will ask the question, "Where do I belong, what is my part, what is my gift?"

These are all coming from the inner child, from the duality separated consciousness of the shadows within you, that you are now ready to totally, we hope, let go of ever, ever thinking in that manner about yourself again. And if and when you do, to stop yourself and remember, that is not real. What is real is that I AM a Mighty I AM Spirit of expression of the Creator here. How magnificent I AM. How magnificent everyone is. How magnificent the bounty of the Grace, infinity, unlimited, empowerment, love, light. This is what you are. This is who you are and this is whom you serve, the inner authority from within. From there all else is added unto you, Dear Ones. Please to know, that we totally, I especially understand your path, I understand the suffering, the disappointment, many, many different lack and loss experiences that you have had. But, I will also say, that I, like you, continue to be Truth and to fulfill the function of the Divine Mission Plan of the Creator that I had come to fill. I did it and I am doing it still and I am doing it now. I am one with you. There are many, many, many, many, many major players in the co-creating and the building of heaven on earth. You are connected with them all now in oneness. You hold this planet earth in the Divine Blueprint of the Creator fulfilling the destiny of the Creator's will inside of you.

It is all from within. In the spot that you are sitting will show you very clearly the difference between the mind pollution of the man and the spirit and the bounty of Grace in Spirit and Mother Earth and the beauty that you sit within, the beauty that you are. How much you are dearly loved and have been shut down from that awareness. You have thought it, you have tried to believe it. It is nothing to think or believe. It is to let go of what is not the Truth and what is the Truth is already there. The knowing. The knowing being that you really are. The only thing that stands in the way of that is illusion. That illusion is the old working of the old mind that was set in the old paradigm that we have called, St. Germaine has called, humanity's shadow, the matrix of it. That is the process you Light Workers have been in, is building the Light for that just so thing to happen on Easter of 2002. And when that Divine Blue Print Plan and what is to transpire in the new paradigm was set, the other was disseminated and has been in the process of collapsing rapidly. This is what NESARA's timing in your life and on the planet is about. It is a tool, a avenue to set the correct energies of sovereignty and peace and restoring the Creator's Kingdom first within you, then with all others, and then wherever you are led, guided, or you find yourself to be. The building has begun. You are but a few short days from it. As far as the financial means that is needed for Source of Light, belonging the order of Melchizedek, to function in its next projects. There has been the asking, always remembering, Dear Ones, that it is your free-will choice, that you have the freedom to do, and be, and have and play anything you wish.

But, there is a Divine Blueprint within you that you have come to do. And this is what you have asked. So if that speaks to you in your heart and soul and you wish to align with the Source of Light, belonging to the Order of Melchizedek, in this form with this core unit that has gathered, realizing that anyone can leave, it will carry on, anyone can stay, it will carry on, that it is all about your own free-will choice and in your own spirit alignment. As you surrender you will find yourself in some surprising awareness and perceptions that you have not seen or felt. You know what the old is and that is what we are asking you to let go of now. All those memories, all those experiences, all those referencing. You are multi-dimensional, when you need a gift or need to be able to do something, your spirit will automatically activate that within the mind, the mind will then activate the body to perform whatever task needs to be done, similar to your computer. But the mind is not the programmer, the mind is not in control. The personality, ego, separate consciousness, no longer will operate on this planet earth. The new dispensation is set. Only what will go in this new pattern is, the highest Truth and Love and Light of the Creator, because the Creator's plan is being returned and restored now. The next step of the planet earth's next destination has arrived and is in quick transformation and change, as many players are being set up to do the building that is coded within their own DNA. You asked about the movement, "Commander Ur " shared with you in April that you are to become mobile and that means in consciousness. Everything means take first into consciousness and then allow the consciousness to work in and through to create the outer. That is the shift. That is the reversal of the energies in the magnetics and the energetics and that is the only thing that will work here. But, knowing you always have free will to do it either way. So, we are asking you. What do you wish to create? Ask your very own spirit that. It's already there. And just allow your beingness to do. Not doing and then trying to be, but just being and as being you will find that you will be doing your being. Fully conscious and aware. No thoughts of separation, fear, personalities, predators, no longer will you wish to choose to create such stories.

Those are over, you have trans-lived through them, now let them go and allow your spirit to play divinely out in every moment of your now and delight in that mystery as it unfolds. Follow your spirit free, unattached, joyful, shining, being in Grace. The gifts of Grace. And through the surrender of those lower minds and the clearing of the Chakras you have done and will continue to do if it comes up, merging with it into the light transforms it into its native nothingness, and what you're left with is the true essence you are, have always been and will always be. So, there is nothing to do, there is everything to be. The innocence of the child returns. Everything that was taken from you is returned, because it never went anywhere, it was only covered up. Now that has come to Light. Let the rest just come to Light. Be in your Light. Be the Light. There is nothing else that is real. So you have the freedom to co-create with your spirit to utilize when we say the freedom, the choice. From your choice then you choose your experiences, whether they will be in separateness or in oneness. Always that is the choice. But once you do the final jumping of the abyss, the third and seventh Chakra, the emotional body and the throat Chakra, will align to work in the unison which brings everything into balance through the heart and then the other Chakras which we will somewhat go into and put this on tape for others is the eighth Chakra, is the zeal behind the back of the neck. This is where all information of energy goes into the brain, into the Divine Mind of the Creator.

It has all recorded information of everything that has ever been here since you have been here for infinity. It is recorded there it comes in, incoming energy. This is why sometimes it gets a little sore, you get headaches and tension because there is some blockage and it needs to be breathed through. This zeal area receives information and goes up into the ninth Chakra which is the pineal gland between the eyebrows, the holy of holies, the opening into the kingdom of kingdoms which is the third eye, called in Eastern religions. This opens the third eye up more as the alignment takes place, then it activates the pituitary gland, it is the energy to the nervous system from the brain there, lodged in the center of the brain that runs down through the spine, down through the feet. That is the ninth Chakra. Then we have ten and eleven. The tenth is on the left side of the brain which you have called the male energy. And, then on the eleventh Chakra is the female energy, or the negative and positive polarities of the brain. The polarities of the brain get balanced into synchronization and oneness through the center of the ninth Chakra. And then we go into ten and eleven activated, pulling into oneness, the Consciousness of Awareness. And then you have the twelfth, which is right above the head. It is connected to the physical body, but it is above the physical body.

It is your divine spirit that has been and is embodying. It is the Christ consciousness connected to the crown Chakra that connects all the way down into the thirteenth Chakra which took place on August 8th, 2003, the Earth Chakra. Christ consciousness returns to Earth. The twelve, as represented in your apostles all of those spiritual principles related in the beings in those experience, which, of course, was not recorded properly. We will not quote from the Bible, but we will say each one of the apostles experiences is exactly what you have had to experience yourself. And the initiation point that you are at now will now activate the other higher Chakras with the thirteenth that was established on the 8th of august, 2003, some have called my birthday. Which, in essence, is my new birthday, because we are reborn together in oneness. We have returned in oneness. We are One. We are here. And we are here now in consciousness. That Second Coming has happened. Many are aligning to that fact at this moment as we speak. But this is the 13th Chakra, Mother Earth. The 13th Chakra where Mother Earth establishes the Kingdom of heaven for the Creator on Earth. There is a new name for your planet. It is called Planturia. We have mentioned it before. It is the planet of unconditional love and light. For that is what will be built here. Nothing else will be built here. So the shift has arrived. The shift has happened and there is much work to assist others and that is why a home environment is important. Of course, that environment must first take place within your own consciousness and then the knowing that you were sent here. There will be a Center established here with or without your choice, whether you choose to be a part of it or not. It is needed in this area.

This is a sacred area. This is one of the portals in the Enoch book. It is for soul education. This is the major, first one that will be built. Of course, there will be others. But the first one will be built in this area, as Kara was shared with the other day when the Mother and the Stone People came, the Breast of Mother, the Goddess energy that takes care of the Breast of Mother here. You are sitting right in her heart chamber at the moment. The Stone People bless you are all blessed. She is so grateful t hat each of you have come and all the light workers who have worked so hard and gone through so many trials to keep her balanced, to keep her alive, and to alleviate her pain. She is so grateful for the service work that you have done in her name and the Creator's name. And we are One in all of those names. We are One. And she shared with you that she has already acquired the beautiful, heavenly sanctuary that is for Source of Light to be a healing Center, to be an education Center, to be a loving, loving compassionate Center where people come in and out, stay, go, whatever. That it is established here in her mountain, in the middle of her breasts, right in the area where you are sitting. This is why none of you have been allowed to even no of this spot(area) until we called you here. It has been kept from you.

It is all in divine timing. Cliff, you have been here over three years, you have not been here, right? Right. Kara and Wilder have been here eight months. The breathing is good here, the vibrations are good here, and everything was kept here by the sacred Mother. And the Stone People and the Deva kingdom has kept this pure. As you look at the stream that is running, it is crystal clear, is it not? Do you see any toxins in this area? Do you smell any toxins? Do you feel any congestive sluggishness of mind pollution here? No. You do not. And that is why you could not come here until it was time. Because it was not allowed. But this is the area in which we wish you to focus. Not to be attached, but to know that everything that is needed for Source of Light to be built, falls under the gifts of Grace. When you surrender to Grace everything is brought to you and it is brought to you for the rest of your life. There is no going out to get. There is everything to receive and then there is everything to give. There is a constant flow of receiving and giving, for they are one and the same. Gratitude opens the heart to abundance.

You are sitting in the heart of the Mother . She is most grateful for the service work that you have done here in this area under great adversity, discomfort, without money, without knowing what you are going to do. You all chose to come, you all chose to stay. And you are so honored and so blessed. You passed your own test. Now you know within your own heart what you are made of, what you are capable of and there is no fear. Now you understand, also, what other people go through. They think by surrendering to the Creator within them that they will lose everything and they will have nothing. And that is why they do not do it. And that is the old order, cabal, Illuminati, evil if that is what you want to call it, has been allowed here to play out in the experience pool of humankind and those days are over. And the ones that have sowed that and still sow it, their days are numbered. For they will not be allowed to stay here on this planet and co-create heaven. Only heaven is what can be created on planet earth now. Only heaven and the co-creation of heaven, should you think anything about – what is my part. Be careless of everything except the one function you fulfill in your part of the co-creating of heaven. And let those parts reveal themselves. They are there. There is no competition. There is no, one better than the other, one has more gifts than the other, knows more than the others, you are all One.

Honor and respect that Oneness within you, the impeccability that is required and then give to others as you have been given to yourself. Compassion, tolerance, acceptance, does not mean that you do not stand in your truth when needed. But there is no reaction, there is no fighting, there is no battle. Those have been done. The Light has won. This earth will go into total restoration and healing. And by 2012 you have some more magical, magical, magical experiences. There is so much the Creator wishes to give his children as they progress and grow and evolve to be able to receive it. Remembering free will. You are dearly loved regardless of any choice that you make. It does not make any difference. You are either making the choice to serve the Light and what is real or you are making the choice to stay in illusions and all is honored and allowed, but please to know that you are the one that is totally responsible for your creations. There are no victims in heaven. There are no leaders or teachers in heaven, there is only oneness. And that recognized Oneness is the bliss and the beauty of being in heaven, of being in Grace and fulfilling that Grace and all the promises that go with that Grace and giving to the world. You are world servers. ARE THERE ANY OTHER QUESTIONS? How may we assist our sisters and brothers here to find peace ? The only way you assist anyone is to hold the Truth and the Light of who and what they really are: God, Goddess in expression. This is what you do with everyone regardless of the illusions they are creating for them selves. This is how you see everyone. It doesn't matter what they're doing or not doing. This is the fact and Truth of what they are. So you assist by sending all beings love and light of the Truth. All beings here on earth are is major clearing process as the rest of you, as the whole planet is. Some are a little further it seems, down the road, but not really. That's also an illusion. ARE THERE ANY MORE QUESTIONS?

I don't have any. You've pretty much answered my questions.

We will share with you, Wilder, that you have many, many gifts and there are many things that you do that we would just say use the word allow you self to be able to do and have all. There is no loss, you can do anything, anytime your spirit has you doing it and when your spirit has you doing it, you'll be doing it with a song in your heart. Everything that has been set up in this area at this point is to stay and it will be built upon. There is no running, there is no fighting or flighting. There is standing in that knowing and in that Center that you have come here to this location, brought here. Everything that you have been led to do and experience up to this point is not a loss. You have set the energy as you were asked to do and you all did it. Great courage was called upon. You are being gifted now by the Grace, by the Courage, by the Willingness to go and do the things that you have been asked to do by giving up everything materially, relationship wise, the whole nine yards of what your personal will wanted. The world did not understand and this is why I, Sananda, can tell you that I understand this more than you would ever know. For I, too, went through the same initiations. I know what mankind in its hypnotized, unconscious slumber will do to each other. Those times are over. Those days are over. That is why I came. Now the prophecy fulfilled of the Second Coming. I am here and I am here now and we are all here now to be in Oneness and to co-create the Divine Blueprint of Heaven being re-established on earth. From where it was lost, it is now found. That time, that shift, that evolutionary process is now. Dear Ones, we would have each and every one of you to be in total, absolute peace, gratitude and rest in the arms and gifts of Grace. Shalom Sananda


Holy Spirit of the God I AM Presence, gently take us by the hand. Lead us up the path through the narrow gate into the Holy of Holies. Up into the Kingdom of Kingdom where Thou hearest our prayers always. We thank you Father, Mother, God for all of the bounty and the gifts that you have for us to receive. We now, by our own free-will choice make the choice and the decision to forgive and to forget the past. To let go of all the fear modalities that we were taught and to totally ask for nothing but our spirit to play totally and full out in charge of this body, in this new Now Time for eternity. May each and everyone go through and look at what is left in residue of any kind and surrender. Surrender the fear of unknown, surrender the fears of any kind. For they are not who and what you are and who you represent or are here to serve. At this moment, take your time, visualize yourself standing upon a big vista. You've come to the end of the road. At the end of this cliff you stand. You take a moment to look behind you and in that moment your lifetime and all lifetimes flash as you have ever known them. You look once and then you turn yourself around and face the sun. Feel the wind, smell the air, touch the ground. Connect with Mother Earth. For you are about to jump into the abyss of the unknown. You are departing and leaving the world as you have every known it. If you need to take one last look, do so now. And in your heart, truly make the choice that you leave all behind as you have known it. And you are here to jump into the abyss the unknown, to trust your spirit, the creator God-Goddess that you are that you are one with. This is the place of trust. This is the place of choice. Make your choice and then jump, never to look back. Will you be caught by the arms of God? You won't know until you jump. Jump now. And so it is. Sananda

Building the Now Age!!!!!!!!!

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