The Second Coming Is Just Around The Corner Part 1
Candace Frieze
This morning (January 31, 2005) I had a conference via mental telepathy with the one called Jesus. I will have daily conferences for a period of time and will post new messages every day or two as appropriate. Now, I will point out that Jesus has many in contact with him, and I am only one of many. Things are heating up on Earth very rapidly, and he and I agreed yesterday to have a daily meeting, and I will published the results.
I offered my service for the purpose of getting out more information to those of my readers that are unaware of other offerings of the Internet at this time. It is no "big deal" in this one sense. I am not a prophet, only a messenger who is telepathic and can type (well, sort of, I always have many errors to correct). So, please do not either shoot me down or build me up into something that I am not. Simply read and accept whatever you wish from the writing. This article will contain several direct quotes from Jesus, and I will put these into bold print to stand out easily.
Now, to start with, I want to address the presence of what are called UFO's by many. Yes, they are real. How do both people and angels travel in space? They use starships, and on any clear night you should be able to see some in the skies. Most twinkle or flash like crazy and often change colors as you watch. Stars don't do this. You will find them amongst the assorted star groupings you with which you may be familiar. There is one that I notice every night in particular below the belt of Orion, that looks like an artificial light, that sometimes pulses and sometimes is steady. It usually is clear but at times will pulse with blue light. There are always 6-12 very obvious ones every night in my area.
Now. to get the meat of my story today, Jesus and about 1 million star ships arrived in our solar system in 1954 from the Pleiades. Many more have come since from many systems in our Universe and from other Universesn (to be covered later). In fact, just about every place in our skies has representatives here for the grand event labeled "The Second Coming" in this article. There are now well in excess of 10 million star ships hanging around in the vicinity of our solar system. Quite a gathering! and to what purpose? None other than our "salvation."
Now, our salvation is not really what the organized religions are teaching. It is about saving both the Earth and her people and all her life forms. The Earth has undergone much negativity in her history. All emotions, good and bad, all behavior, all the wars, all the good things done, etc., effect the magnetics and assorted energies of earth. When things get too nasty, earth tires of it all, and the negativity has to be released somehow. Much of this is done through weather, earthquakes etc. That is what happened recently with the Tsunami, for example.
Now, out of every 13,000 years on earth, 2000 are spent in something called the "Photon Belt," where special energies are directed at Earth that cause much change. The current increase in sun spots is part of this. We have just in the last few years entered the photon belt. Much of the global warming is the result of these activities. The 11,000 years not in the photon belt are often refereed to as the "long dark night."
The 2000 years spent in it are the years spent in the light. Many planets elsewhere in the Universe experience similar happening on time tables particular to them. If the population of our planet makes good healthy progress during the long dark night, then the time in the photon belt greatly enhances the populations. If our planet has sunk further into disharmony, then it gets a cleaning. This cleaning last occurred from around 11,000 BC to 9000 BC. and is the source of the many stories of destruction that abound in the Bible and the other holy books and traditions on Earth.
Most religions predicted the times we are now in because it was known then of these cycles in and out of the photon belt. There is something more going on at this time. Earth, after the dark ages, the world wars, etc., has been quite ready to throw us all off. Many from the stars came following those wars to stabilize orbit of the planet and prevent its "rolling over," a very catastrophic event indeed. This rolling over would create much more damage than a pole shift etc.
Earth, is "Hell." It is a prison planet, taken control of by beings from space, most notably the Annunaki. Anu was their leader. Earth is also the planet that those from heaven fell into with the fall from heaven. So, what is happening at this glorious period in time, this trip through the photon belt, is that Earth stated (yes, earth is conscious) she was pretty sick and tired of being a prison planet and all the destruction here. Most residents of earth are tired of it all to. Most of you have been here for thousands of years, reincarnating over and over and over and over again. Aren't you all getting a bit tired of it? I thought so.
So our star friends and also the Angels from Heaven decided to take the planet back, heal her and return her and her people to heavenly status. As a prison planet she was separate from Heaven. Hell is living in the absence of God. It's that simple. There is no worse planet at this time in this galaxy. All that has been changing over the last 50 or so years. It's been a most challenging job, as those of the dark side are quite strong and most resistant to change. If they can't own the planet, then they are literally hell bent on destroying the planet. This is why the stories in the Bible about the final battle between good and evil. Indeed, it has been a battle.
Things are a changing! Some of you are aware of NESARA (National Economic Security And Reformation Act). If not, you can visit the website http://www.nesara.us . NESARA was developed in the 1990's, approved by Congress in March 2000. President Clinton signed it into law October of 2000. Then all hell broke loose. Bush et all stole that election, and on 911 brought down NESARA, housed in the twin towers and scheduled to start that very day. This of course, threw NESARA into disheaval and it had to be reorganized. There have been many attempts to announce the program since then. The most noticeable attempt was on Aug. 14, 2003 when all the electricity went down in the Eastern United States. Yes, that deed was done on purpose! These BIG BAD BOYS don't care at all about the discomfort they foment on others. The Iraq war is being waged in part to prevent "First Contact," which is open showing of our star visitors, who will not come until peace is declared. And yes, we do want them to come! The NESARA announcement officially starts the Second Coming Process. It will be followed by First Contact, and then by the return of the Masters, with Jesus first in line. He will arrive in a Star Ship to fulfill the prophesies, that he "come from the clouds."
This is what The Second Coming is all about. We are going to be helped to clean the earth. We are going to experience healing. Our bodies are going to be upgraded and we will not longer die and recycle. Our bodies will last as long as we desire to use them. Earth will be once again Heaven.
So now, let's move on to my discussion with Jesus this morning. First, I want to say that his current name is really "Sananda." He earned the right to this name after his life on earth. It means he is one with God. "Jesus" came from his given name "Yeshua" on Earth back then. His heavenly name before that incarnation and still is, is Immanuel. So, he is Sananda Immanuel. He does not mind the use of the name Jesus, however. I am mentioning this because of material I will refer you to at the end of this article. I might also forget and type Sananda, as that is what I use when I have my little chats with him.
Now, Jesus is currently on a star ship called the Capricorn, the reason being that the personnel on this particular ship are directly working on our upcoming First Contact activity. This contact is presently, barring any unseen events, scheduled about Feb. 22. They are planning on landing a number of their shuttle craft in several areas with attendance by the media. See Spaceship Capricorn Messages for confirmation of this information. Shuttle craft shuttle between earth and the star ships. They are in a number of different shapes depending on their star ship origin etc. They may be the classic saucer, cigar shaped, triangles, teardrops and numerous other shapes that have been reported seen.
Now, I need to get the results of this morning's meeting with Jesus. I will explain the questions I asked, etc., and then follow with his answers. My first question naturally involved the timing etc. The Journals that he is talking about, are the Phoenix Journals, and I will provide information at the end of this article on them.
"I will be coming in 2005, and sooner rather than later. The Original Plan was to save earth, with liftoff if not possible. I don't want to deal much the with assorted rapture theories, as they are all totally fiction, made up to confuse the public and set them about looking to the skies instead of to themselves.
Just that as I explained in the Journals, that it is impossible. One can't sit in the clouds for years on end. If lift off had been necessary those lifted off would be returned to their planets of origin or otherwise suitable planets. Then the cleanse would be begin, but Earth would not be habitable again for thousands of years.
"I was not the Jewish Messiah. I came to all of mankind. It was just chosen for me to appear there (Israel) first because of the beliefs at the time, the relative safety etc. It was not safe obviously. Rome would have not worked and other cultures at the time were somewhat less developed. Plus, the Annunaki were well established in that area of the world and had to be challenged. My coming at the time signaled the beginning of the great plan that is now finally coming to fruition." It set the stage, so to speak.
"The Jews have no special Master or Messiah returning to them. I AM come into the whole world at this time. The others returning or coming for the first time are here in my support. I am the World Teacher at this time and will remain here for a very long period of time in that position.
I then asked about whether we would be living in the inner earth during the Ascension (returning to heaven) process, as I have read information that we would. Those sources say that this will be necessary in order to restore earth in a short period of time. We would be safe in inner earth during this time. There are at least 100 cities hundred of miles deep within the Earth. As part of the Second Coming we will be re united with them. More in a later article.
Living on Inner Earth depends on how well those of earth cooperate and work to bring about the cleaning etc., how rapid it occurs. There will be much direct use of star technology to do some very rapid cleaning, as we can no longer wait, as earth is going to clean regardless and has reached her level of tolerance. So the clean up needs to be rapid. We are going to be much more involved in every aspect than we had planned, as the initial resistance may be great and we just can't wait anymore. NESARA was to go into effect in 2001 and its several demises and the war in Iraq has greatly hindered the progress of change into the New Earth, so we have to play catch up very quickly.
NESARA should be announced before the President's State of the Union Address. The dark have had enough time, and if the announcement has not happened by that date, then we will intercede and very rapidly. This needs to be gotten out to the light workers, as they need to be very ready to help, as if we must do this without previous announcement of our presence, the public will be pretty shocked. We do not wish to do this, but the time is up. Earth will be doing some major cleansing if we do not stop this war and get NESARA going. She has had all she can tolerate.
There are reports of us working the fracture sight in the Indian Ocean and these are very true. The whole fracture sight going upwards northerly is becoming unstable, and if it goes off the loss of life will be extreme and no way will earth people be able to help much. We are going to interfere, we must. If the fracture line goes off, it could throw the earth from her orbit with dire consequences. We might in fact have to lift off at that time. It is the dark folks on earth that are directly causing this in their attitude and behavior. They are messing daily with the weather plans. They did set off a bomb after the quake, that actually did little damage, fortunately. If in fact, due to the water pressure at those depths, a bomb will not do much. What you all call scalar waves would be more damaging. The testing of bombs in the Indian Ocean in the past has contributed to the problems with the fault line in the area.
"As to the submarine that was injured recently, it was planning some devious stuff, including planting a bomb on the eastern site of the fault on the other side of Sumatra. It did indeed hit an underground elevation, as we disabled its sonar, so as to cause it to become lost. They had to return to its base in Guam with other help.
They have decided to forgo dropping anymore bombs in the area. That last cabal is just incredibly nasty, and we have the permission now to directly intercede, and if the NASARA announcement is delayed again one iota, we are going to take action, and it is going to be very noticeable and the light workers better get prepared. We are reasonably confident we have things under control, but no matter what, we could still have a surprise that was not seen, but it will be the last. As it is, we have intense surveillance going on in areas of concern, particularly around the Indian Ocean areas affected by the Tsunami. It is a shame that they worked so hard to destabilize that region further and will not let go of the Iraq War. We are having to put our energies into stabilizing the earth in her orbit because of the nature of the fault line, instead of being able to directly aid the people in the area. The Iraq war is being kept going totally to prevent our coming, since as you see on the Capricorn website, we will not land until peace has been declared, unless of course we have too.
Understand that if we have to have an emergency landing, it will be a pretty major event, and those that have their heads in the sand, may think this is an attack. Salvation of earth is so poorly understood. The salvation I bring is indeed about your souls, but for the salvation of your souls, you need a place to live, to continue your journey to Godhood, known as evolution of your soul. It required extensive planning to find homes for everyone on other planets, if earth became un-inhabitable. There were many planets that did not want earth people on them and we would need to separate and only remove those who are here for this event (the 144,000 that came around the time I did and the 110 million of you here since then) and those whose evolutionary status warranted them to be removed. Those many planets did not want to become home to the evil on Earth and have to deal with it in their peaceful societies. We took many samples (like the Noah's ark story) to preserve evidence of some of the wonderful life that evolved here. We were also going to take your animal family members. So, back to your friend's question, it was hoped to save the planet and heal the planet and allow for you all to continue your journey in a heavenly place, where you all know each other. Evacuating planets causes dispersal of families and groups that have journeyed together. Because of the huge population of earth and her "other side", many planets must be used to accommodate all of you that are of a higher vibration. The lower vibration beings are going to a new planet to start over, minus their negative memories of earth and free of their karma. We didn’t want them to have any memories, so they could indeed start anew, without the memories of abuse, starvation, and wars. They will only have their basic personality and skills with them. All on "the other side", who are to be transferred, have at this point been transferred to the new planet. The sorting has been done. The very negative ones that have chosen not to grow have been uncreated. The only sorting left, is of those, who are incarnate. Those of the lower vibrations, their bodies will not stand the increased energies, and they will age rapidly and pass on, and be either transferred or uncreated at that time. Our coming will mark the beginning of the final sorting. We need to come rapidly to save the earth and give those still caught up in war and negativity the chance to come around and chose to ascend with earth, or chose to go onto the other planet that has been prepared for them. It is new and pristine and awaiting those that make that choice.
Comments by me" "The other side" is the planet's "heaven" that we reside in during our incarnations on earth. We go to school there when not embodied, and at night, during our dream state. Now on to the rest of today's comments.
The I AM is all about being, who one really is, defining one's self. The "I AM That I AM" is one's current statement of who they are at that time in their journey. People are told by the churches to give up their will unto God. That is not totally correct. The will of God is that you become like God, and that is what the journey is all about. To let go of ones ego and do the will of God, just means that you chose the journey of being Godly, which means doing good works, working to elevate all of mankind, ever educating yourself in your areas of interest and changing to new interests as it becomes appropriate to you. Those, who are submissive to God in the ways that have been taught in the misguided religions on earth, are in fact separating themselves from God. As I have said many times, if ones want into the kingdom of God, they must become like little children, open and curious of life, asking question after question after question, and seeing beauty everywhere, even where there seems to be none. People distrust this in their children and put an end to their curiosity.
The wheel of incarnation is ending on earth, which is in part the salvation. The other part, of course, is the saving of the planet from destruction. Everybody that stays with Earth in her Ascension will have satisfied his or her negative Karma, and those going to the new planet will start out Karma free. The reincarnation that has been going on in this planet is not the norm. It has occurred because of the very short life spans, and the nature of the planet being a prison planet. You can't leave it, so you have to keep coming back and back and back.’ (enough said today)
So, then he finished and we thanked each other, and we will talk again tomorrow. Our conference lasted about an hour. So, now, I need to get this off, so I will finish with website information and links. I encourage you all to write and ask questions. Please be nice about it. Any negative folks will have their email addresses inserted into my parental controls section and I will not respond.
Some folks in our skies from the Sirius Star System have a website, and they post messages once a week thru Sheldon Nidle. Sheldon Nidle Updates are at http://www.paoweb.com. The link will carry you to these messages, posted late on Tuesday, or once in a while early Wednesday. Explore the site for interesting information on the nature of some of our star visitors. Many are of human body type, but plenty are not. Our Universe is diverse.
The Phoenix Journals mentioned above, are books in a journal format sent to earth via radio waves. There are many authors, mostly the Masters involved in our Ascension, and there are about 100 that made it into print. Read Journals 2 & 3 first. Journal # 2 is called "I AM Sananda." Jesus (Sananda) left writings done by his scribe buried in a hidden place. Some time ago, they unearthed and translated them from the Aramaic. Journal #3 is a great introduction to the purpose of our star visitors. You can find them archived at http://www.fourwinds10.com. After arriving at that website, click on the Phoenix Journals section. They can be downloaded in readable or printable html format, or pdf format. This website, nearly once a week posts new articles, under their News and Information Section. They feature articles by many authors, many of a political nature etc. Great site to read a huge variety of information. Have fun.
Tree of the Golden Light- Spiritual Web Content (http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com )has daily postings during the week and sometimes on the weekends. Read the Jennifer Lee reports. Those of you not used to this site will perhaps have some difficulty understanding some of the material. Check also the Wake up Call section and the ET section for changelings, often daily by Jesus, and the other Masters. A Master, named Germain posts there frequently and Germain has much to do with getting NESARA up and running.
Other sites to consider that I visit on occasion and find much Ascension type information on are:
2012 UNLIMITED (http://www.2012.com.au/unlimited.html), Stargate 11*11 (http://storm.prohosting.com/11star11/), Cassiopaea(http://www.cassiopaea.org/) starchild Homepage (I am a star child!)(http://www.starchild.co.za/) Mount Shasta Light Publishing (about Telos, one of the inner earth cities, under Mount Shasta)(http://www.mslpublishing.com/), GenIndigo.com, BlueStarSpeaks(http://www.bluestarspeaks.com/). I will probably reference other sources in future articles. I have been requested to get this article out today.
So, enjoy the reading, send questions, and look forward to much anticipated and welcome change!