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AA Michael's December Message, 2003 -"The Journey Of The Soul"

Through Ronna Herman

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t Soul"? Does your Soul have to be "saved" because of past sins?

All these questions have been asked and pondered upon for all the Ages humanity has been on Earth. Allow us to give you some concise, simplistic answers to add to your new and fuller understanding of the workings of the universe and your Divine origins. It will be up to you whether or not you accept these explanations as your truth. As always, we ask you to use your discernment and only accept as your truth those things which resonate deeply within your heart (and Soul).

At a cosmic or Omniversal level, you are "Spirit," a facet or Ray of Divine Essence sent forth from the heart core of the Supreme Creator. At that level, you are fully conscious of who you are and of your connection with the Supreme Creator; you are aware of and know your "I AM" identity. At the universal level, you are a Divine cocreator, once more sent forth on a great refracted Ray of Light to manifest worlds without end in the name of our Father/Mother God. You are aware of the overall Divine plan for this universe and the part you are to play in it; however, you may or may not remember your origins or identity at a cosmic level.

As Spirit, which we will call your "God Ray," you are a great Being of Light who also sent forth facets or sub-rays of yourself, leaving "Oversouls" or parts of your "Essence" in different dimensions, galaxies, star systems and worlds throughout this universe, and in turn, each of these great Oversouls also sent forth "Sparks" or "Soul" fragments of their "Essence." The "you" now incarnated in a physical body on planet Earth is one of those "Soul Sparks" who agreed to journey forth into the unknown void, to create diverse worlds, to inhabit them, and then to experience what you helped to create so that your unique experiences can be incorporated into the universal consciousness and ultimately into the Cosmic Mind.

Your physical body is a temporary vessel that you chose to house your Soul for a short span of time in the realms of material expression. Spirit or Divine Consciousness dwells within your soul. It is the "Essence of life" and you will always have an unbroken lifeline to the Creator (no matter how small or dim that connection may have become in the past). Your Soul is an immortal facet of your vaster "Spiritual Self" that has traveled far throughout space and time to gain experience and greater awareness of "Itself." Within your Soul is a record of all you have experienced throughout the many ages and your many lifetimes. Your Soul contains in the "language of Light" a condensed history of each lifetime, and also records on a "vibrational soul ledger" all that needs to be balanced and returned to harmony.

There comes a time when the Soul has reached the furthermost point of Its journey of separation, and is ready to begin the journey of "Reunion and Integration" once more. The Soul is gradually infused with a Divine discontent which slowly filters into the consciousness of the human mind, and hopefully, that is when the human entity begins to turn inward, to tame the ego and reconnect with the Soul, the Oversoul and multiple facets of Its greater Self. In past lives and past Ages, this "reunion of the Soul and Spirit" was a very individualized and personal event, not one experienced by the masses, only by the few. This is no longer true. It is now a time of "mass awakening," a time of global, galactic and universal reunion and ascension into a heightened state of Creator/Spirit- infused consciousness. You now have the potential to connect with the many facets of your Soul family, your Higher Self, your many Oversouls and your God Ray (I AM Presence). At a cosmic level, the Supreme Creator is now sending down the radiance of Itself via the Great Central Suns, which is being filtered down upon Earth in great bursts of Living Flame of Life via the Sun of your solar system. The Soul could be described as a Seed Atom of pulsating life force energy which resides in the area of the heart (within the core of this Seed Atom resides your Diamond-shaped multi-faceted God Cell which is now being activated and infused with greater Creator Light). The Soul may be only a small Spark of Life within the heart area in those who are still ensnared in the illusion of the lower dimensions; however, as it blooms and blossoms into its full dynamic power, it expands and becomes the "Solar Heart Center," which encompasses the solar plexus, the heart, the thymus and throat area.

This is often called The Three-Fold Flame, and the heart has been called the "Seat of the Soul." The Soul communicates to you via both your emotional and your mental bodies, the emotions through the heart center, and with the mind via the pineal gland and by igniting the packets of Light Wisdom stored within the higher vibrational portions of the brain. When the connection is complete, the physical vessel begins to reap the rewards via better health and vitality, as well as a deeper connection with the Body Elemental. We tell you empathetically that you cannot become a "lost Soul," if you mean "lose" your connection with the Creator. You may lose your way, and you may lose or become diminished in Creator Light, but your Soul is immortal and can never be lost or destroyed. You "save" yourself from pain, suffering and the illusion of being disconnected from the Creator through the integration of your Soul, Higher Self (or Christ Self) and your own God Ray. The Great Beings of Light came to Earth to be examples and to show you the many paths that lead to illumination. Choose the path that resonates within, but it must include the reintegration of your Soul/Spirit Self with the Creator through the myriad facets of your Being that reside in the multiple dimensions of Creation.

We have recently spoken about what happens to the Soul when it leaves the physical vessel and what takes place in the higher planes of existence. (See LM-9-2003 * Which Do You Choose, A God of Wrath or a God of Love? RH). At this time, we will focus only on those Souls who have attained a certain degree of harmony, and who have begun to reconnect with the multiple facets of their Soul and Oversouls. During these times of great change, you do not have to leave your physical vessel in the midst of this process, and many of you are moving swiftly along the path of integration at this time. Some time ago, we gave you the meaning of The Golden Promise, and this promise is that you have the ability to draw forth to you all the Essence of your God Ray (I AM Presence) that you can contain. However, you must integrate and use for the greatest good all that you draw forth. You have the potential to become a living, breathing, fully functioning, solar-level ascended master in the flesh. That is one of the miracles of these times.

We would have you understand that there are many levels on the spiral of ascension. It is never-ending as Creation ebbs, flows and evolves. We would also have you know that there are a great number of dear souls walking the Earth who are very near to galactic ascension; however, this would entail leaving the physical world and moving into a vibrational level whereby they could not be seen or could not function in a human vessel. They have agreed to forego their own ascension in order to be of service and to assist others on the path of en-LIGHTEN-ment. It was an agreement they made before they incarnated in this lifetime, and they are dedicated to their task and determined to complete their mission. We know who you are and we honor you for your great dedication and service.

We have told you that "You are the Inbreath of the Creator." These are unprecedented times whereby you have the potential to resolve all past karmic issues, to move into harmony with your vaster Being and to be an integral part of our Father/Mother God's plan for the expansion of this universe. Are you not ready to let go of all the old restrictions, beliefs and limitations that are keeping you from moving out of the quagmire of pain, lack and suffering? Will you allow your mind and heart to open to the higher wisdom of your Soul and Spirit? The ethers, or higher vibrational fields of consciousness, are filled with potential just waiting to be molded into your greatest dreams and desires. Some time ago, we gave you the gift of learning how to build your Pyramid of Light/Power in the Fifth Dimension. There is now firmly established in the high Fifth Dimension a magnificent Pyramid of Light which contains a holographic replica of the Earth. There is a crystal chair reserved there for each of you where you may go in your quiet time to radiate unconditional love to the Earth and all humanity. We have also taught you how to build your "work" Pyramid and also your small private sanctuary Pyramid. We have also helped you build many group pyramids at the various seminars our beloved messenger has held around the world. Make no mistake, these are powerful, dynamic, pulsating energy sources whereby you can tap into the pure, primal cosmic Life Force substance of Creation.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through RONNA HERMAN *STAR*QUEST* 6005 Clear Creek Dr., Reno, NV 89502 USA 775-856-3654 * Email:[email protected] * Web Site:
