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Archangel Michael: "We Ask You To Put Us To The Test"

Through Ronna Herman, June, 2003

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a multitude of ways and forms. Time after time you have proven your resilience, your tenacity and your dedication to your mission, even though much of the time you have forgotten who you truly are and why you agreed to fragment your wondrous self to the degree you have. You are swiftly gathering/integrating the many parts of yourselves as you progress on the phenomenal journey of reunification, the process of returning to Spirit with a human sheathing.

It is time to remember why you are here and why you assumed an earthly vessel. It is time for you to remember that the Earth is not your home. Are you ready to accept the fact that you are a blessed extension/facet/spark of the Creator with the potential to be or become anything you can envision? Are you ready to expand your vision beyond the mundane circumstances of your everyday life and embrace the excitement of your new reality as you create greater and greater harmony, love and joy in your world? You are capable of thinking only one thought at a time. If you focus on one thing, one idea continuously, it will manifest, so why not dare to dream of and reach for your highest potential? Many of you make excuse after excuse because you fear failure. You only fail if you are unwilling to take a chance and reach out into the unknown. Are you willing to try a new way? Are you willing to put our teachings to the test? Anything you can visualise, you can realise. You are a cocreator in human form who was given the divine directive to go forth and create in the name of the Supreme Creator. Won't you allow us to co-partner with you and assist you to become that which you so desire: a living, breathing, masterful cosmic envoy of the highest order?

When we say you should seek that which is your passion and that which brings you the greatest satisfaction and joy, many of you do not have the slightest idea what that is. We ask you to begin by eliminating those things that are stressful in your life, that which brings you pain and which you dread. You did not become the way you are in a day, a week, or a year, but you can transform back into your empowered masterful self much more quickly than you can imagine. We have offered you many tools, techniques and information over these past years, but you must make a commitment and prove for yourself that what we offer you are the "magical tools" you have been seeking. We have said many times, you must turn knowledge into wisdom or you must come to the realisation that something is true and achievable. Realisation is when something becomes crystal clear in your mind and you "know" that it is your truth, and then you must put that truth into action. Knowledge/wisdom overlaid with love/compassion and focused intent/action creates the power that holds the keys to the universal storehouse of unmanifested potential, potential that is just waiting for you to mould it and create anything you can envision. That is what is waiting for you in your new world of tomorrow.

The first and foremost responsibility is to yourself as you seek to embody more "God Stuff" within by eliminating all the old, outmoded negative energy patterns that you have accumulated on your journey into density. Self-mastery is a never-ending process, a continuous state of becoming, as you learn to integrate more and more of the virtues and attributes of our Father-Mother God. It takes constant vigilance and practice, but the rewards are immeasurable. Everyone benefits when you endeavour to better your world, and the paradise of the New Age began many years ago with only a few brave souls and a few changes for the better at a time. It is growing and multiplying exponentially, and the waves of change are building strength and magnifying as more and more step on board and add their love/Light, experience and wisdom to the whole. When you become the master of your own thoughts, you direct your energy with deliberation, and you use the wisdom garnered from past experience and your Higher Self as you shape your environment and your destiny.

There is energy potential all around you and it radiates as an infinity sign all around you as well: above, below, in front and in back of you. What you are thinking and feeling creates a vibrational pattern, and it radiates out from you and magnetises to you energies/situations/people who are in harmony with that vibrational resonance or pattern. Change your thoughts/energy/vibrational patterns and you will change your world. You are blending the physical with the mystical/spiritual facets of yourselves as you learn to enjoy the beauty and bounty of all the Earth plane has to offer, while also enjoying the beauty, wonder and magic of the higher realms.

You have a star tetrahedron and rotating fields around you which will increase in strength and magnitude as you build and strengthen the rainbow bridge or the crystalline column of Light that connects you to your Divine Self or I AM Presence. Over the eons of time, that column diminished to a thin thread in many people, furnishing barely enough Life Force energy to keep them alive. As you clear the distortions, you are receiving greater and greater amounts of Creator Light and you are also re-establishing your interactive relationship with the multi-faceted parts of your greater self.

Light, sound and colour are the modalities of healing, expanding with the integration of your multi-dimensional selves. You are just now remembering and learning to use some of the major tools of mastery that are a part of your divinity and birthright. Your DNA/genetic encodings carry a tone or resonance, a perfect harmonic blend of sound vibrations which assure good health, vitality and long life when maintained in their original state. There have been experiments whereby human DNA has been set to music, and much will be learned about illness and dis-ease as more studies and knowledge are gathered which will establish the value of the harmonics of sound and the vibrational patterns within the human vessel. It will soon be validated that toning and using overtone harmonics can cure many of the symptoms of distress or illness that you as humans are experiencing, for it brings your DNA, etheric, emotional and mental bodies back into harmony and balance.

Cellular geometry is encoded within the molecular structure of your chakra system and you are in the process of restoring the perfect holographic replica of your multi-dimensional oversoul. As you return your chakras to harmonious balance, they burst into spinning radiant spheres and this activates the opening of the Seven Seals of God- consciousness, thereby turning your chakra system into a luminous column of Light that follows the spine up through the crown chakra. This process expands the rainbow bridge which ultimately reconnects you to the vastness of your God Self. You are all in the midst of this process to one degree or another. Know that it is a time of great change where all that you have relied on in the past is shifting, changing and sometimes even disappearing. Be aware that your wide mood swings and feelings that your old belief structures and boundaries are crumbling are a part of the accelerated transformation process now in progress. One moment you may be elated and in a near state of bliss, and the next you may be feeling vulnerable and uncertain, or you may have feelings of despair, sadness, anger or depression sweep over you. Remember, we have asked you to ride the waves of change, to enjoy the "highs" and allow yourself to work through the "lows" as an observer. Impacted energies and painful negative core memories are rolling up from deep within so they can be released or transmuted into neutral Light substance, and so the vacancies can then be filled with the revivifying "Lightening" Diamond Core God Cells of the Creator.

Time and space as you have experienced it over the past 10,000 years is also shifting and becoming more fluid. Many of you are anxious to know what will happen in 2012, the year when many have prophesied the end of life on Earth. Allow us to ease your fears and satisfy your curiosity, beloveds; you are already in the energy of that year. The world as you all knew it ended with the cataclysmic event called 9- 11, or September 11, 2001. It is important that you understand that radical changes are going on throughout this universe, not just on planet Earth. Your galaxy is in the midst of a vast expansion and every solar system in the Milky Way galaxy is on an accelerated journey up the spiral of evolution. Everyone and everything in this universe is in the process of expanding, an internal combustion process, you might say, or a pulsation that is forcing to the surface all that which is not in harmony with the refined energies of higher Creation. At every level, the negative energies of the lower dimensions are being brought to the surface so they can be transformed and returned to more harmonious frequencies of Light. You think it is your Sun and the solar flares which are causing all of your erratic weather patterns, and this is true, but it is only a small part of what is taking place on Earth. The great devic angels and elementals are once more taking an active part in healing and balancing the elements on Earth. When the Earth is brought into balance once more, there will be no more hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes or floods. It won't be necessary. The broad spectrum of duality is gradually coming to a close as the cosmic pendulum swings closer and closer to the balance point or the Still Point of Creation. You will be in a reality of polarity for a very long time to come, but there will be radical changes. You will savour and acknowledge the uniqueness and special attributes of the opposites in your world: Light and dark, positive and negative energies, male and female energies, as well the billions of variations that are represented on your Earth. You will come to understand that all states/levels of Creation are an integral part of the whole. Humanity will become more tolerant and will even learn to appreciate the diversity that is so widely represented on Earth. As the process of coming together with the multiple branches of your soul family accelerates, you are having what could be called a melding of memories or experiences. "Oneness" means you will incorporate the memories and experiences of your group and they will integrate yours, as well. You will be able to draw on their experiences and wisdom, and they on yours. If you have built and use your Pyramid of Light/Power in the fifth dimension, you will never again feel alone or separated from your Source. You can go there at any time and call on your soul family and angelic helpers for assistance, and to bathe in the rarified elixir of Creator love. Again, we ask you to put what we tell you to the test.

We are asking you to be bold enough to take control of your life. Focus on that which you wish to create by taking the necessary action with determination and persistence, while at the same time learning to be flexible and adaptable. Shift your attention from what you do not want in your life to what it is you wish to create in your life. You do not "get rich," you allow the riches of life to flow to and through you. The universe is always trying to shower abundance on you, abundance in its many forms. Abundance is always there for the taking, but you have set up barriers that keep it out of your reach. Abundance is a state of mind. You must open your minds, hearts and arms to receive abundance, abundance of health, love, joy, creativity, peace. You must learn to live and love freely, to enjoy the spontaneity of Creation. You have learned to take life too seriously and to believe that you must struggle and work hard to create that which you desire. When you learn to tap into the universal flow of abundance, life becomes a dance and you enjoy any and everything you do. The door to a wondrous new future is wide open, beloveds. Please, won't you step through? We are waiting on the other side. May the Creator's Light and bounteous blessings shower down upon you.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * STAR*QUEST* 6005 Clear Creek Dr., Reno, NV 89502, USA Phone/Fax: (775) 856-3654 * Email: [email protected] * Web Site:
