Comments by Rocky Montana
In the above-referenced writing, the name of the man in point was not "Jesus"--his name was Esu Immanuel. Regardless, ESU "JESUS" IMMANUEL was neither Judean nor Judaist. Immanuel's family hometown was Nazareth in the province of Galilee of northwestern Palestine. Immanuel was born in the town of Bethlehem, a small town in the province of Judea (east of Jerusalem) in Palestine.
The Roman Emperor, Augustus Caesar, decreed a census to be conducted in Roman-occupied territories and to commence in the month of August, after harvest season, 8 B.C. Joseph (Immanuel's legal father) was required to register for the census with his family members in his historical tribal town of Bethlehem, approximately 100 miles south of Nazareth. The trip took 8-10 days. On the night of 8-8-8 B.C., Immanuel was born in a cave used to house livestock, as there was "no room at the Inn". After living a few years in Egypt, the family returned to their hometown in Nazareth. Therefore, Immanuel was a Galilean, NOT a Judean. Immanuel's mother, Mary, was a descendant of Sumerians and followed Sumerian beliefs and spiritual principles. Therefore, Immanuel was NOT a Judaist or so-called "Jew". Immanuel's teachings were spiritual as well as practical and transcended ALL religions.
The word "Jew", now ascribed to all Pharisees, Rabbis, Judaists, Judeans, "God's Chosen", Ashkenazi's, Khazars, international Zionists, Bolsheviks, etc., is, by modern definition, a false label foisted upon the world by Khazar Zionist deceivers. With its current use and meaning, it would be more accurate to refer to the above groups as "KHAZARS", "ZIONISTS", or "KHAZAR ZIONISTS". Those who don't see this "Jew" ruse for what it is--a cleverly implemented deception cast upon mankind--are simply clinging to mystical fairytales and/or not facing facts.
"... Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues" (Revelation 18:4)
To all goodly people who call yourselves "Jews" or "Sephardic Jews", who believe in a loving God, who effort to live your lives according to God's laws, and who do NOT practice Phariseeism, Talmudism, and/or Zionism--forsake that false label, "Jew", foisted upon you by the evil deceivers, for you are being terribly used. They have corrupted this label and and foisted it upon you to fool and control you and to garner your material wealth. The word is unworthy of your continued use of identification. It is far more accurate to simply refer to yourselves as "Judaists" or "Hebrews" and your religion "Judaism" or "Hebrewism".
To all goodly people who call yourselves "Judeo-Christians" but love God and the Christed teacher "Jesus" and effort to live according to God's laws, but who think of yourselves as "Judeo-Christians"--forsake that false label, "Judeo-Christian", foisted upon you by the evil deceivers, for you are, also, being terribly used. They have foisted it upon you to fool and control you and to garner your material wealth. The word, "Judeo-Christian, is a conjunction of two words with opposite meanings (oxymoron), and, therefore, has no basis in truth. The word is unworthy of your continued use of identification. It is far more accurate to simply refer to yourselves as "Christians" and your religion "Christianity".
And, to all goodly people who do NOT practice a religion, but love God, the Christed teachers, and truth and who effort to live according to the laws of God and The Creation, HALLELUJAH! For you know what is important for your spiritual progress and you are not far, I think, from the Kingdom of God within. Spirituality is a gift from God and The Creation.
Religions do NOT exist in the higher spiritual dimensions--they are unique to planet Earth. Religions were developed by Man and are too often used by men to control other men for greed and power and, therefore, have become a hindrance to true spiritual evolution.