11/28/90 HATONN
Well, let us look at that which you call "cold-fusion", remember that? What did the Establishment do to those nice young scientists from Utah after they were ridiculed and denounced? Let us honor them.
At Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, at the end of October, cold fusion scientists from around the world discussed new experimental results that confirm once again that startling announcement of room temperature fusion made by scientists Martin Flieschmann and Stanley Pons back in March 1989.
Most spectacular, a University of Hawaii cold fusion team announced that it had produced a significant amount of helium-4, a by-product of the deuterium nuclear fusion reaction, in palladium clear fusion reaction, in palladium rods. The Hawaii experiment measured 4x10 to the 9th atoms of helium-4 after 100 hours, significantly above any background levels. Another young scientist who has had his life attacked over and over and will not be named herein, has created useable fuel for cars as they now are, from this same "heavy water" (deuterium).
The Hawaiian experimental setup is different from the Fleischmann and Pons configuration and is carried out in a molten salt with palladium as the anode (instead of as the cathode). It produced an energy output that was five times the amount of energy input into the experiment.
Fusion, the process that powers the stars and the Sun (cosmic energy), is the energy released when atoms of the lighter elements, like hydrogen, are fused together. It is the opposite of fission, where energy is produced from splitting the atom apart.
Attempts to achieve fusion in the laboratory have made use of very high temperatures (millions of degrees) and relatively large reactor devices to fuse together hydrogen atoms in a hydrogen plasma fuel. In contrast to "hot" fusion, cold fusion research is carried out in a simple electrolytic cell (bathtub size), consisting of a palladium cathode and a platinum anode submerged in heavy water. At some point rhodium and/or iridium as cathode might be a rather feasible consideration.
Although the equipment is simple and the scale is small, the experiment itself is not simple and there are many variables that are not understood even by the scientists who have succeeded in producing excess heat, neutrons, or tritium in a cold fusion apparatus. And just what do you think would happen to these scientists if they come up with cheap energy when the Cartel is going to fight a massive war in order to control the oil supply and energy resource? Come now, little dreamers who think a new invention would "save the world"--not yet, dear ones, not yet!
Because the phenomenon appears to break the rules of traditional plasma physics, the physics establishment has opposed the idea that cold fusion can occur, and has ridiculed those scientists who pursued work in this area. They have even resorted to allegations of fraud in order to taint both cold fusion research and the researchers. As a result, the public has not been able to get accurate news of how far experimental work has progressed over the past year and a half--and you had best hope it can remain that way for now.
The discussions in Utah this October, were no exception to the "dump" cold fusion" pattern. It takes a while for learned ones to realize the extent of the world plot against humanity. As scientists were discussing the cold fusion research at the Provo meeting, sponsored by the Department of Energy, the Electric Power Research Institute, and the University, the headlines read: "Cold Fusion Scientist Missing As Key Review Nears" and "Utah to Start Search for Cold Fusion Scientist" (New York Times, Oct. 25 and 26).
The story reported was that, when the time came for the state of Utah to review the state-funded National Cold Fusion Institute's work, the two top researchers were "missing". Science writer William J. Broad implied that Fleischmann and Pons had skipped town to avoid facing the reviewers because they could not "defend" their research. Pons' house was for sale, Broad reported, and his phone disconnected.
In fact, both scientists had been in the University of Utah in Salt Lake City since June, waiting for the review to be scheduled. Just after Pons took his family on vacation to Europe, and after Fleischmann returned to his home in England for medical treatment, the October review date was set and the University could not reach either Pons or Fleischmann to tell them. As for Pons' house being for sale, he had already moved into another dwelling. Both Pons and Fleischmann have stated that they would certainly be available for the new review date.
Contrary to the message that the state review is a hostile process to determine whether cold fusion is real or not, the procedure is really designed to assure that research is progressing at a reasonable pace and high quality, according to a University of Utah spokesman--and if you believe that, dear ones, how about that bridge that just sank in Washington state--I can get it for you real cheap!
"The University administration continues to support cold fusion research", said the spokesman, "and will not be withdrawing support for the Institute, Fleischmann and Pons, or anything else."
Now some facts about that last statement. The U.S. physics establishment in general, and that at the University of Utah in particular, seems determined to shut down the national Cold Fusion Institute. The American Physical Society, which has led a nasty attack on cold fusion almost from upstart, threatened the University department with losing academic accreditation if it had contact with the University's Cold Fusion Institute.
A very prominent visiting scientist at the institute who had offered to teach a physics course in his specialty at the University while he was in Salt Lake City was totally shunned by the Physics Department because of his cold fusion association. Another Physics Department professor was asked to resign from all committees and contact with students, as long as he continued working with the national Cold Fusion Institute. I would guess that the Cold Fusion Institute might just be on to something quite remarkable--what think ye?
... Hatonn to clear. Salu.
Source: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, December 1990, Volume 5, Number 10, Page 5.