Reminder From The Ancient Tribes
6/21/93 #3 HATONN
As we sit to pen this day, the day following Father's Day 1993, I ask Dharma, that we rewrite the "Declaration" which I offered in JOURNAL #35, the volume THE SACRED SPIRIT WITHIN, MITAKUYE OYASIN (for all my relations--which is ALL).
I do not accept that because the court has banned this volume along with 8 others because there is reference made to one Walter Russell that we cannot draw from our own work which does not refer to anything of Dr. Russell's work. I might add that THIS particular volume in point was only required to have some slight modification to make it fully acceptable. I prefer to leave it with the court as is and we shall offer what is suitable and without any type of mention or infringement. The problem is that we used a diagram or two that were presented first by Dr. Russell. We honor all work done by Dr. Walter Russell and apologize for ANY infringement on his work as possibly being presented without full credit or recognition. Dr. Russell's work can be obtained, I believe, from the University of Science and Philosophy in Virginia.
Because of legal ramifications, we shall refrain from reference to these materials and utilize original source reference from, specifically at this writing, South Africa and Thomas Astley.
I want to honor my brother, Little Crow, to whom I dedicated the volume above mentioned. He is bringing forth information in his own oral tradition called THE SACRED HILL WITHIN--when we all get our act together enough to find it suitable in the sequence of information. You will find it to be totally simplistic in both its contents and presentation--but then, so is GOD.
This segment was first written Sunday, August 11, 1991 and it was the "Introduction" entitled:
This is for my brother sent forth as the Great White-Red Wambi (eagle) of the Wakinyan (Thunder beings). He is called Little Crow and he was sent to grow through his fledgling flight within that tribe known to you of Shan (Earth) as Lakota Sioux. ("Sioux" being a white man's label, I do not recognize it as valid and only utilize it for reader's identification.) He was sent forth from the High Councils to speak and write the words of the Oral Traditions for the time is at hand to show you the way home. He is called Little Crow for he sets himself not above you, but stands in brotherhood to all who will see and hear the wisdom of the ages--to all who have FORGOTTEN. It is the time of Remembering. You of this little Earth have slept too long and you have dreamed the dreams of the clown and it is time to awaken that the vision might be finished in this great cycle so that LIFE can begin again--renewed and a new dream unfolded. The stage is worn, the actors weary and tattered, the spirit lies sick unto dying--I petition you to not allow the passing of thine spirits to be in such confusion and pain in an existence of physical illusion. To my brother, Little Crow, I bow my head to honor, for it is a privilege to walk with you. And, in my highest presence--I am pleased, for you, too, have been willing to serve in the human service.
This volume is specifically dedicated to the remnant of the Ancient Tribes who present today as the Red Brothers of the Nations. To those who have always come before and are gone only after. They, too, have forgotten their mission and are caught in the storm of confusion and the winds that blow from all directions until a being cannot find his way. He has fallen into the trap of the evil brothers who lay the traps and capture the spirit in every foul manner imagined. They steal the very life spirit from the children and set them forth on the path of destruction. These ones, too, must find their way.
Worse for these relatives, the leaders have sold much of the sacred teachings and the speakings of the Sacred Mother-Grandmother (ina-kunshi, unci). The children had almost forgotten the olowant (song) of the owanka wakan (a holy place). They have blinded sihta (eye) and they have created kankakpa (opening a vein to bleed a patient) but they have not bled the patient for the Great Spirit's healing--they have used the sacred life flow to carry the disease and drugs and alcohol of the fallen brothers unto their very Spirits (Nagi: spirit, soul, essence) and poisoned themselves and their relations with the mni sha and mni wakan (wine and whiskey). They have turned from ptehicala huhu canunpa (buffalo-calf bone pipe, and sacred pipe) and the red-stone sacred pipe in honor to the tate topa (the four directions of the universe) for again, their ista (eye) has been blinded by the tricks of the heyoka (sacred clown). They now forget to hupa gluza (raise one's pipe) unto hunka (ancestor), or Tunkashila and Kunshi (grandfather/grandmother), or Ate (father). They have turned to smoke the tobacco of the wasicun (white man) rather than the kinnickinnick (Indian tobacco) which once lifted up the spirit in the smoke unto the Great Spirit, the mahpiya (the heavens) in honor of petawihandeshni (the sacred fire) to attach it to the Earth (maka) so that Tunkashila would hear. They forget the owanka wakan (a holy place, altar) and the sacredness of inyan (stone, pebble) and they forget their kola (friend) in their running with the wasicun and forget that THEY are the root of wicasa (mankind/human being). You have allowed the wambi to fall and become entangled in the mire of that which holds his talons and no one rises up to set him free so all stays trapped in the mire.
All that is within must come without that brotherhood can again come upon the Earth. All must turn to the sacred power and Spirit within that Wakan Tanka (God-Great Spirit) can be heard and show the Light upon the red path home. The wakinyan (thunderbirds) are come in the silver clouds to lift up into safety and mankind sees us not--for mankind has forgotten from whence they came.
"Oh", say ye, "...but that is for the white man, the black man and not for ME." Nay--for YOU have forgotten the way of woksape, woohitika, wowacintanka, and wacantognaska (wisdom, bravery, fortitude, and generosity)--YOU have forgotten that which the four eagle feathers mean and you have forgotten the "medicine wheel" of the Sacred Circle which is represented by the sacred hoop, and the representation of the four directions. You have forgotten to honor the Buffalo which gave life to the wicasa (human being) in the sacred days, whose very skull represents the traditional and spiritual life, so that when you look upon it, you are drawn to Wakan Tanka in honor. And you have forgotten that in honoring your elders, you honor yourselves.
This is the time for you who are the human beings, mankind--known as "natives" across the lands--to change and move ahead, instead of expecting others to lead you--for they will only pull you farther down. You must return to the roots of your oral traditions for it will be through these Truths coming forth and the explanations given here in these unfoldings of Truth and explanation, and the traditional Oral Truths, never WRITTEN until now (that they might serve as history of a civilization in an ending cycle) that you will find again, balance, and harmony. It is the oral "Indian" (Neither do I "recognize" "Indian" as other than identification--the original tribes were known as "humans" and "the people" in loose translation. So, where do the rest of you fit in?) tradition that the world will be led out of the darkness into the Light. This time, though it seems to not be so, the people are ready to listen--the world is scared unto death of the physical existence.
I choose not one tribe of Earth-experiencing humans above that of another--ALL ARE ONE. But the messenger is sent where the Great Spirit of ALL chooses to allow expression. There are many great men but each has a task and this one is committed into the hands of Little Crow--and who be YOU to choose another?
God is EVERYWHERE, not just in some appointed place that is far out of reach of people--all, is SACRED. You must come into KNOWING that every object, and every person, is sacred and you must stop tormenting and hurting each other.
Little Crow did not grow up in his natural tribal village. This was given to be the "way it was and IS" that balance could be found in actions of the way "it must be"--for all, not just a few people in a given "tribe". He experienced the same pain and agonies, addictions, and despair as any other human being in a world of confusion. IT MATTERS NOT THAT WHICH YOU "WERE"--GOD SEES ONLY THAT WHICH YOU "ARE".
Mankind must come to recognize his immorality (even if he would prefer it to be different). He must realize that LIFE exists even after devastating loss. You must recapture the ability to look INSIDE yourselves for clues to the inherent wisdoms of your own creation. In so doing you will reestablish your soulful balance and harmony with everything that you ARE--you must turn about now and find yourselves squarely upon the Red Road unto God for the time of the changing is come.
You are approaching the time of the close of the summer and the beginning of the winter--do you not note the changes already about your lands? This is the time of seasons when some of your gifted teachers and messengers will leave you for theirs is a task to be fulfilled upon another plane. Some of your guardians have already gone from your place and you must honor them, for their speakings will linger into infinity, for all remains forever--ones with wondrous and befitting labels, Gentle Bear, Red Dawn, Standing Bear, who graced your presence and will be forever remembered by those they touched and into the generations of those untouched in human form.
Is it not wondrous to consider a "Red Dawn" traveling on through the wondrous adventures of timeless and spaceless adventures of timeless and spaceless adventure and vision? Is it not wondrous to remember their gift and their going? It is not wondrous to sit and hold them in your memory as the fall turns into winter and you can remember their last great journey upon your place and into that of another and greater place of service? There are ones, such as a one who might be called "Red Dawn", who were the guardians of Truth and tradition, who journeyed into the great valley from which he would never return in an earthly form. These ones have watched well through this long night while man of Earth has slept and created his nightmares and demons--but these ones have never ceased their guardianship--some are returned to serve again--MAKE SURE YOU RECOGNIZE THEM! MITAKUYE OYASIN.
Waken Tanka has sent your brothers to show you the way. AHO.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, June 22, 1993, Volume 1, Number 13, Pages 35-37.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.