10/1/95 # 1 HATONN
I am called everything from the Brotherhood leader of evil to a God of Creation. I AM NOT GOD--I AM OF GOD. What you call me is none of my business! What I AM is MY business. However, what I AM is OF GOD of Life sent in representation of His attendance TO YOU. Therefore, I SHARE my being that you might grow and learn your expression, but not necessarily your experience. YOU create or allow the flourishing of any and all of the above headlined perceptions.
Have you ever considered "things" as to their beauty or their tackiness? Let us look at what appears perhaps to be a barren desert. Ah, but is it barren? No, for where there is life there is that invisible energy of LIFE. Even the shadows become alive in the still places of light and shadow. However, to maintain and sustain life in a desert there must be care given in preparation for the things each life-form must have--or perish. Do you take off for the snow-covered mountains of winter with the same things you would find necessary to survive in the Sahara Desert?
People go about their lives as if there is nothing which can impact them save the "daily grind". Why are we considered "fear mongers" when we warn you to put aside provisions against an emergency? How does it come that the ones of mankind can create wars and plagues and we ask you to consider preparations for emergencies and WE ARE THE FEAR MONGERS? Then, following an emergency in which lives are lost and death comes, OR YOUR TRINKETS AND GOLD ARE LOST, it is asked, "Why has God done this to me?"
God doesn't DO anything TO you. God, in infinite wisdom, allows you choices for which HE then causes you to have to stand responsible for same. If your choices are wise, you revel in your newly found wisdom and success of self-respect. When you act in foolishness, the lack of wisdom is witnessed, for all the repercussions of vanity and silliness cannot be totally hidden.
It is often said to me that your demand for forgiveness is because I am somehow more perfect than you and because of such stature, I must forgive, forget, bless, and abide a continuation of the foolishness. No thank you. There is nothing to forgive, it is stupid to forget, and why should I or anyone bless you for ignorance and misbehavior? Why must I abide enemies in my own home? And by the way, chelas, AGE is no excuse, save as an infant. I don't like the elderly trying to get away with a shifting of responsibility because they have somehow lived without learning, at the least, manners in the growing process. He who takes the simplest thing of another because he feels he somehow deserves it or passes the confusion to another and claims senility or whatever, is a loathsome character. If you grow old in your demand for a kingdom bowing at your robe hem, you are in TROUBLE. Perhaps it is time for some of you to look carefully at selves. Do you take something for self and then casually charge it to another? Do you take what is available when you need it, cast it aside when you don't need it--and then, if needed again, expect it to be there? How dare you!!
Is it worthy to say unto God, "I am hungry, provide me with provisions!" It is alright to say this but I would certainly suggest you get off your honkers and LOOK for something to eat and drink. God operates through HIS children, HIS offspring, HIS creations. HE gave YOU the ability to attain the very highest station of perfection upon your plane--but, the highest level of expression is not met on your dimensional plane--for it is the Etheric Spirit of YOU which attends GOD. HE has created YOU to be separate, special, and independent from all others. Since HE operates through HIS children of which you are one, whether human or angelic ones, making each one interdependent with all others, and thus men or angels may have for helpers, each other, or perhaps only some animal brother. God takes note of a, say, drowning sailor, but unless some brother is there to rescue, he may well physically perish. God has no particular interest or favoritism for your housing. He does not often tempereth the wind to the shorn lambs--but he expects mankind who sheared the lambs to attend their plight if the weather be intemperate--either with heat or cold. HE might well even touch the heart of an observer unattached to the lambs who will cover them with shelter.
IT IS THROUGH THE MAINSPRINGS OF CHARACTER, BY OUR HEAVENLY CREATOR-FATHER IMPLANTED IN THE SOULS OF HIS CHILDREN, THAT HE EVER HELPS OR SAVES, PONDER UPON THIS CAREFULLY! So now you can consider this to be "mostly" true (for God often does perform that which appear to be miracles) that the physical body must pray with MUSCULAR ACTION if it would get an answer to its needs in physical form. The mind must pray through mental processes, and its answer will be in mental results. Spirit shall pray through its spiritual nature, and receive those values which are not perceptible to the natural mind. However, if the mind prayeth forever and that mind remain in the physical housing BUT DOES NO WORK, the results--save a brother acteth--shall not be for the body.
So, how shall that nice all-encompassing mind pray? By being in harmony with the Spirit! By casting aside the physical ego-controlling factor so that GOD CAN BE CONNECTED, AND THAT CONTROL OF SELF THROUGH THE WILL OF SELF, THAT IT INFRINGE NOT THE LAWS OF THAT WHOLENESS WHICH IS GOD.
If the mind is not connected of God of Lighted Truth, it matters not how much you pray for the prayers, and more especially the responses, will be intercepted by your enemy of LIFE.
Perhaps an example might be worth a thousand lectures if you are sitting lotus-like in a cave on a hillside and you are starving to death while praying abundantly--perhaps it might be wise to hear that small, wee voice which says get up off your duff, grab your travois and haul your assets down the hill and work for a bit of food and shelter. EARTH IS NOT A FREE-LUNCH PLANET--IT IS A FREE-WILL PLANET AND FURTHERMORE, YOU CANNOT BE A DWELLER ON TWO PLANETS--THE BEST YOU CAN EVER ACCOMPLISH ON "EARTH SHAN" IS TO BE A POSSIBLE DWELLER IN TWO DIMENSIONS--NOT TWO PLANETS.
So GOD sends messengers which you try to kill in every recognized manner. If you cannot kill them outright, you go about destruction in every other possible fashion. So be it for in the cycle's completion it is, after all, YOU who will receive the unhappiness. How many of you do not wait for God to supply that "BETTER" you have requested before you lash out, "getcha" and burn bridges--often beyond repair? And remember, when you are in a family unit--perhaps God is hearing the prayers of "another" and YOU are being a foolish nincompoop! Success and happiness come to those who meet their RESPONSIBILITIES IN MATURE, SELF-RELIABLE FASHION. GOD NEVER CLOSES A DOOR WITHOUT OPENING ANOTHER--TO A BETTER POSSIBILITY!
It is time, however, to look at messengers: Do you take ANOTHER'S messenger as your own--away from the original attendee? Are you sure? I would remind you of something very, very important. DO NOT WORSHIP THE MESSENGER OR THE TEACHER, BUT OUR CREATOR WHO SENT US. Remember that you are experiencing in the arena of an externalized idea of God in your flatland of experience and expression--GOD IS THE REALITY.
There is a most important factor to place into your abundant computer of knowing: when humankind comes into its KNOWING of HUMANITY--there can be no further dwelling on Earth as you now recognize it to be. When accomplishment is present, you will experience elsewhere for just as a child will outgrow a bassinet--so too does soul outgrow the bindings of a third-dimensional classroom.
The animal man must experience and work for the human man, and he for the Spirit man--the I AM. Thus only then does the ego have ability to progress through what is called "matter". It is not a sublime thought that such as reincarnation means transmigration of souls. The first leads man ever upward; the other--which is false, even in theory, merely a perverted notion of the first--might mean progress, but more often would mean retrogression, and in all this Universe there is no retrogression. Reincarnation is but a chance to expiate the errors of life, chiefest of which are not overcoming and containing SELF.
You think and act, act and think and find that which suits your most egotistical demands. You will even have ones telling you that there is unconditional love in which there are NO CONDITIONS. No, there is that which is appropriately CALLED by that label, perhaps, but it is not of GOD, for GOD IS ABSOLUTE LOVE, NOT UNCONDITIONAL ANYTHING. IF YOU WISH TO GROW AND MOVE BEYOND THE BINDINGS OF SOCIAL MANIFESTATION IN THIS WORLD OF MATTER, YOU MUST MEET CONDITIONS OF GOD!
What is perfection? Perfection within GOD reflects a "good" being, being in ABSOLUTE HARMONY with HIS infinite Creation. There is also "perfect EVIL". So, you can have "perfect men"--who reflect the "perfection" of the accepted human behavior. There are PERFECT EVIL BEINGS, WHICH LIKEWISE ARE NOT, NEVER WERE, NOR EVER WILL BE, "HUMAN" (Higher Universal MAN). What then, are these? They are in perfect harmony with the laws of their experience, but those laws and their conditions are absolutely opposed to ours, and to that which is GOOD. In the scheme of Creation, evil and good are quite evenly balanced.
What of SATAN? Well, he was an Angel of Light--FALLEN, and came to so much the greater fall in that his height was of such lofty status. He is a rebel, and out of harmony with those things of SOUL PROGRESSION. He is a trapper, of sorts, who captures your "sensing" manifestation and holds you bound as surely as any steel cage; then he binds the mind so that there is no realization of ability to change. If you can see or feel no "alternative possibilities" in your experiences--you are already TRAPPED. There are ALTERNATIVES to EVERY choice. AND TO EACH CHOICE THERE IS CHOICE OF ACTIONS--WISE OF FOOLISH! Perhaps a good rule of thumb would be to live in such a manner as to NEVER HAVE TO SAY "I'M SORRY" TO GOD. If you never have to say "I'm Sorry" to God--then surely you will not be plagued with having to say same to another man.
I find most of you trying to gain control of your lives through Neo-Tech or "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" rather than from say of the TRUTHS GOD OFFERS. Men are NOT from Mars and Women are NOT from Venus. Neo Tech is a simple and very self-centered way to get what YOU want from another who may not want what you perceive to be the WAY of the gain. I love it when all of you are going to TRAIN ME!
Many of you have MANY marriages--all of which failed because of the "failures of the other to fit your druthers!" Ponder it. Now that you have proven your ability to fail at such things--you want to solve every one else's misperceptions. You may be PERFECT in your perceptions--but most often it is "a perfect fool".
The next thing I find is that you choose books which support YOUR OPINION in the first place and feed those back with your interpretation. You don't keep up with what we write; you "just don't have time"--but I note you have unlimited time to solve everyone's problems according to your NOW VERY LIMITED INFORMATION. I welcome your input but you do not place your input onto me--but onto the ones who simply serve. Fine, but don't expect them to respond like a "God" of some perfect revelation. They, nor I, have asked for your guiding light from out of your darkness. I live, exist, and work from a level of etheric PERFECTION so I am rather amused and sometimes annoyed at primitive "peace settlers". You know, "make peace at all costs" because it makes YOU uncomfortable to function in your own little perceived limitations with unrest--even if you don't know a confounded thing about the problem.
WHEN YOU HAVE PERFECTED ALL RELATIONSHIPS, WITHIN YOUR OWN BLOOD FAMILIES--THEN, AND ONLY THEN, SHALL YOU BE WELCOME TO RUN MINE. I AM NOT SOME "EASY" TASKMASTER WITH NOTHING TO DO EXCEPT SOOTHE RUFFLED FEATHERS OF THE FLEDGLINGS. I DO NOT SERVE A HATCHING FACTORY. MY BIRDS HAVE GOT TO FLY, FULLY FLEDGED AND IN TOTAL RESPONSIBILITY--FOR THE NEST ROBBERS ARE ON THE WING CIRCLING YOUR NESTS. If all you feel that all you need do is sit and be perfect while waiting for God to shower you with great wisdom--then the least you can do is get out of the way of those trying, in spite of you, to put aside provisions and prepare for negative possibilities. If, further, you have time to spend an hour or dozens of hours working out MY lessons--then you DO HAVE TIME TO STUDY YOURS!! If you can spend even twenty minutes vilifying my people and ME--on a telephone or over lunch--then you DO HAVE TIME TO LEARN THE FACTS AND THE TRUTH. YOU LIE TO SELVES IF YOU SPOUT OTHERWISE. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY: IF YOU WANT TO HELP SOMEONE WITH MONEY--DO IT. BUT DON'T USE MINE--ESPECIALLY TO USE AGAINST ME OR MINE.
There is a lot being missed here but I weary of my words being taken out of context and presented twisted and warped, so we will speak of some of those things orally. I am happy to share and I am happy to have you welcomed into my "space". I am not happy when you TAKE MY SPACE and demand of me and mine that your will be done. I DO GOD'S WILL--NONE OTHER!
... It is quite simple deduction, readers and listeners--I KNOW THE WAY AND YOU DO NOT! You will always find others who will promise you greatness and the way--BUT WILL YOU FIND IT AFTER ALL IS LAID BARE? It is actually even more simple than the foregoing: DENY ME AND I SHALL DENY YOU TO MY FATHER AND--ON THAT DAY OF CONFRONTATION--LET US SEE WHO KNOWS THE TRUTH OF LIFE AND JOURNEY! BY THE WAY, I HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO SHARE ANYTHING.
May whatever force be with you--that you choose. But remember, the FORCE of my resources are the LIGHTED GOD'S PERFECTION--AND IN THE END GOD WINS! You may well be allowed the "playing" in the game--BUT THE GAME IS GOD'S!
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, October 24, 1995, Volume 10, Number 13, Page 16-17.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.