5/24/91 HATONN
Hatonn present in Light and Truth that we may share. "Man cannot live by bread alone!" and it is so. You who write ask excellent questions which it seems we do not have time nor space to adequately respond but I do try to incorporate them into the writings as they find suitable placement. One such, for instance, is a second inquiry as to why we do not use YAWEH and/or YAMOSHUA instead of the ones I use. Because, two reasons, some of the terms utilized are actually designations of "satan" and not the "Christos" and some are simply labels given by "foreign" languages other than English in which I am communicating. I have told you prior to this, God does not "hear" language--if you call out to God and you call him Bob, Joe, Yaweh, Jasuah, Jmmanuel and/or Dingleberry--it matters not, FOR IT IS THE INTENT WHICH GOD RECEIVES. This is why I must again remind you ones that it is what is in the heart intent (you see, even that is incorrect for the heart is but a muscle that pumps blood)--what is in the energy soul intent which makes the communication with God. If you become hung-up on names, you have missed the point and you are still locked into the PHYSICAL PLANE BY ANY NAME!
I have also received many references and objections to "Thou shall not commit adultery!" Some write to tell me that "adultery" is simply "adulteration" or the act of "diluting" or introducing another substance into an original, thereby possibly improving, as well as depreciating, a substance. No sale, brothers. As a matter of fact, that of which you speak is "adulteration" which has been construed to be as above. The actual definition as given is to corrupt, to debase, or to make impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance; esp: to prepare for sale by the addition of a foreign or inferior or less valuable or inert ingredients. (This is a no-no, too!)
Adultery: voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man and someone other than his wife and/or between a married woman and someone other than her husband. (These are Webster's definitions and yet, they certainly do not cover all the "thou shalt nots" as regarding sexual behavior.) You can rewrite the laws if you choose and you can make it humanly OKAY and legal if you choose. IT MAKES NOT ONE IOTA OF DIFFERENCE; IT IS AGAINST THE LAWS OF GOD. I DID NOT SAY, HOWEVER, IT IS AGAINST THE LAWS OF NATURE/CREATION!
The Laws of God are given forth for HUMAN behavior in order to maintain balance within Creation--in harmony and balance. Anything that brings lies and irresponsible behavior is against the laws of God. The Laws of Creation will simply toss you off into oblivion if you overpopulate, over-pollute, etc. God gives Man laws by which to live in balance and harmony--no more and no less. Cultures bear differing connotations respecting interrelationships of Man, but the ones which are presented as the basic rules of God are those which will, if followed, bring the highest measure of harmony and balance in relationship to the relationships of Man.
The next subject is a bit more complicated for it will deal with mixture of races, creeds, and colors of human beings. At this point, I always get: "...but dogs mix, horses mix, cows mix" ad nauseam. They DO NOT mix if left in balanced herds or packs. Look at the birds of the fields; look at the numbers of species of the sparrow. Great flocks of striped headed sparrows will be merged with great flocks of black bibbed ones and they, in turn, will mingle with the junkos and finches, but do not breed with them. Mostly, also, you will find that the majority of wild-life will mate with a single mate if left alone where it can be one-to-one mating to propagate the species. You arrange it so that herds only have one male for many females, etc. God did not create it that way.
When you mix races, creeds, and colors of humans, you are playing with two separate situations; you are basically confusing "culture" and "traditions" which can cause great pain to one or another of the pair and/or offspring and what you do not realize is that those differences come from outside your planet, for when the races were introduced onto the planet, they were from different origins and cosmic placements of great variations in experiences--but all HUMAN.
Therefore, all are identical in the sight of God for there is only one color in God's vision of creation--light. You perceive "light" to be white for it has no color at all but is made up of all colors. The darker race chooses to call itself "black". No, that is grossly incorrect for the "black" is not "black" which means the total absence of color. The so-called "blacks" are the most beauteous hues of bronze and tans of your planet, followed by your "brown" race of golden browns and earth hues of superb spectrum; then the golden race stemming from the so-called Orientals and the wondrous projection of the red-bronze hue of the native cultures; of all, the white is the most colorless and quite frankly, the most "adulterated" and wimpish of all races, having no superiority in most instances and therefore utilizing self-proclaimed POWER BY CIRCUMSTANCE!
I have no intentions of enlarging on this subject at this time and please do not demand it for we have such urgent material to cover that you had better just look at the color within and stop the nonsense. If persons wish to cross color/creed barriers, then so be it. The problem grows greater for you as ones come forth to retrieve species to return to "home base"; all galactic placements are not as wondrously giving and accepting as is Pleiades and even there, there will be planets wherein cross-over is unacceptable--not from mean perception but for preservation of a species. This is WHY Man should think carefully about his behaviors. God has no color preference; Human, does in most instances, (not being better one from another, just different for given experiences) and as the journey from the physical, as you know it on Earth, progresses and moves entities onto other placements, the encounters continue with that which you call "human" species of one sort or another.
Another reason that I fail to utilize ALL names of God is that I simply don't know them all and care not to know them all. It is perhaps time to realize something extremely important and that is the breakdown of service of cosmic brothers in this time of Earth transition and near annihilation. Part of the reason you have such incredible chaos is the fact of mingling of races and species from elsewhere in the universe. You didn't "just happen" to be in predominantly one race in one place and another in other. You did not just happenstancely "appear" as this or that and neither was it through "blending" of the races nor sun intensity, etc. That is the biggest bunch of tampered BS ever perpetrated upon you ones as a civilization of humans.
I would like to remind you of something most important--those of you, for instance, who recognize the teachings of one called Ramtha. I take no note particular of Ramtha for he is not of my particular "interest" as Hatonn, Commander. But remember--you followers of Ramtha--He told you that he had returned to gather HIS people! So be it, and selah! There are many, MANY come forth at this time to gather individual groups, followers and species of origin from given galactic placements. Myself included--I am come to gather my races if appropriate--BUT, I AM COMMISSIONED WITH THE OVERALL DUTY OF TAKING ALL OFF WHO ARE GROWN INTO HIGHER UNDERSTANDING AND FREQUENCY ABILITY TO MAKE TRANSITION FOR IT IS THE TIME OF CYCLES IN WHICH THE PLANET WILL EITHER BE SHAPED UP OR EVACUATED TO ALLOW FOR REBIRTHING AND HEALING OF THE WOUNDED "MOTHER".
This is why you will find craft and beings from myriads of galactic locations here at this time--to tend of the flocks and participate in the transitional change. Much of the higher "sorting" will take place according to "preference" and "following" as you are brought into original safety. You perceive that a LOT is happening on your world and within your changing experiences--YOU SHOULD SEE OUT HERE! It is a time of God sorting according to learning, His own fragments of experience into proper categories, if you will, for ultimately THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BUT AS LONG AS THERE ARE PERCEPTIONS OF INDIVIDUAL PHYSICAL BEINGNESS--THERE IS DEFINITELY MANIFESTED "DIFFERENCE".
THE IN-DEPTH AND TOTAL UNDERSTANDING IS NOT A THING OF THE PHYSICAL DIMENSION CALLED EARTH OR SIMILAR PLANETARY EXPERIENCE--IF YOU HAVE ALL THOSE ANSWERS YOU WOULD NOT BE ON A PLANET SUCH AS EARTH, EXPERIENCING. WHAT HAPPENS LATER? IT IS NOT FOR ME TO SAY AND IF ONES TELL YOU THAT THEY KNOW--THEY LIE OR THE SPEAKER IS ILL-ADVISED. You can measure comprehension only so far and the rest has to be left to God and higher understanding. This does not mean that you might not know, for most have experienced already, that of which we speak. If, however, you continue to put the cart before the horse--you are going to have a long and miserable journey. You may have instant revelation into knowledge that there is total KNOWING--you will not, however, HAVE that KNOWING in anything called PHYSICAL FOR AS I WROTE ON THE YESTERDAY, THE TWO ARE NOT THE SAME--PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL ARE TWO DIFFERENT PERCEPTIONS.
Source: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, May 1991, Volume 13, Number 7, Pages 2-4.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.