10/21/91 #2 HATONN
As we sit to pen a second time this day, may we all be in communion one with another so that our meanings are understood in Light and not in attempts to distract and somehow prove we are not who we claim to be. It is fine if you have no affinity for "Space Command information. Testing comes NOT from little "games" of magic to attend game-playing; testing of TRUTH comes from witnessing and seeing that that which is brought forth IN TRUTH. As Truth is tested, THEN comes the comfort with the source of that Truth.
The Command over which I serve ARE the HOSTS sent as precursor messengers to the again coming of Him who has been proclaimed as The Messenger. I have no need for definition nor "proving" of anything to anyone for if I come with Lighted Truth, then you should take heed of the message. If, in fact, I would be of evil intent, the Truth which I would share is valid in itself and the speaker is of no consequence. Truth will stand alone into infinity. There in only ONE Truth and It is all things. There are myriads of ways to express that ONE TRUTH.
There are no hidden "secrets" in God's Kingdom which are deliberately kept from you. God is open and urges all to study all for He has given you "reason" and free-will choice, and ye shall know His servants by their actions just as He will know you by your actions. There is nothing "mystical" nor "magic" about God, and the "miracles" are about you as the wind and very air you breathe. He does not do magic to fool you into trusting. There ARE great and wondrous mysteries but they are only mysterious because you know not yet the "answers". We are bringing unto you the answers as quickly as we can present the material. Be patient and do not judge--lest you be judged and found in ignorance and wanting of wisdom. Test God within self--but do not play at public testing games to anticipate making God's Hosts reveal themselves as fools, for it will not be WE who will be shown the fool.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, October 1991, Volume 17, Number 2, Page 12.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.