1/8/98 #1 HATONN
"But Congressman Bono wasn't in office long enough to be a threat to anybody; he was just a jolly good elf making a bit of honesty in the Congress." WRONG!
While there is Asian interest these days, it is mandatory for the most-favored nation status to be invoked in such nations as Vietnam. Several people stood in the way of such realization and one was outstanding: Bono!
You have to realize that the world in those areas is basically run by CIA and US Special Forces. There are thousands of mercenaries who fought against the Vietcong while on the payroll of those CIA and Special Forces. These people face certain death when returned to Vietnam. So, with the help and leadership of Bono, D' amato, Helms, and groups in America, the U.S. State Dept. was forced to reconsider their status and they were granted diplomatic immunity, literally at the midnight hour. This all, of course, had to do with the return of Hong Kong to the Chinese regime.
By the way, this is all tied to the Asian input of great and massive funds contributions to the Democratic National Committee of the United States of America, and Bill Clinton as tail-wagger of that organization.
Let me assure you that Michael Kennedy did NOT run his hot water bottle into a tree without major aid and assistance and neither did Sonny Bono run himself into a tree in such a perfect manner as to commit suicide while singing, "I got you, Babe".
Come now, beautiful sleepyheads, what happened to Diana, Princess of Wales? "Babe" Diana was scheduled to make a bundle for Harods Department Store in London at the annual bash which makes billions of dollars for who?--al Fayed, daddy of Dodi.
There is desperation on the part of the ruling party to maintain and suddenly there is no good way to protect selves--Buddy just ain't mean or big enough. But this groovy, inseparable relationship, which is totally out of all proportion to a man getting a puppy, is equally IMPORTANT. That dog is wired, and whether it will be protection for said Clinton, or his death shadow, remains to be seen.
It is pointed out by Joe L. Jordan that the Bono plot came right out of the Clint Eastwood movie The Eiger Sanction.
It is reported that Bono had TWO INDENTATIONS ON THE BACK OF HIS SKULL WHICH INDICATED BLUNT TRAUMA. It was shown that Bono was ALREADY dead before he hit the tree.
This cute "wipe-out" was accomplished by the FBI Division 5, a super, super secret division.
Why Bono? In addition to being opposed to anything helping Hanoi, he was calling for congressional investigation OF TWA 800 AND THE OKC BOMBING. HE WAS JUST CAUSING TOO MANY PROBLEMS AS QUICKLY AS THOSE IN POWER COULD COME UP WITH OUTRAGEOUS LIES TO COVER THOSE TOUCHY INCIDENTS.
It is also said that others have been warned about skiing and canoeing if they wish to stay alive. That means, ladies and gentlemen, keep investigations out of such things as those above and possible shootings of people like Ron Brown.
Do I concur with all of these conclusions? Yes and no, for the culprits with the strong-arms are not who it is considered that they are. Are these "accident victims" being taken out deliberately? Certainly, yes. To protect Clinton? NO!
I think you are lost, then, as to the Kennedy death? Well, good buddies, Ted Kennedy and those other football players in the family are dangerous to the "cause" and are slowing up the final take-over plans of the Elite masters.
I will suggest to you that the terrified Kennedys will make a great show of back-off to allow "for grieving" and other appropriate excuses for covering the realization that there is likely to be a full wipe out of the "clan". This is the New World Order in full-blown cloak-and-dagger style.
Thought it couldn't happen in America? Go read the Disarmament plan AGAIN, please. [See Front Page story.]
While you are at it, STUDY the Manifesto (PROTOCOLS) of Zion. Those same protocols and manifestos are the same everywhere you look, from the Nazis to the Soviets. They are usually referred to in Russia as the Communist Manifesto. [See p. 14.]
Can Satan take the world? Sure! He already has. Remember that the world is a manifest place with manifest people offered free-will expression. This is not a place where God forces anything off onto you-the-people. But God doesn't just allow destruction--HE ALWAYS SENDS MESSENGERS WITH TRUTH AND A WAY TO RECOVER AND SURVIVE--IF YOU WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH AND CHECK-OUT "THE WAY".
It continues to appear that the REMNANT shall be quite small and the atrocities will continue to be very large.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, January 13, 1998, Volume 19, Number 8, Page 14.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.