8/25/90 HATONN
It has been sixteen years, which is nearly two decades, since the resignation of Richard Nixon as President (Aug. 9). It needs to be peeked at again in refresher for it represents the type of lies and cover-ups which have brought you to your knees as a nation--one incident of power and coercion piled upon the evil of another.
The Watergate scandal was simply a scheme by the Rockefellers to topple Richard Nixon and install Nelson Rockefeller in the White House. Why didn't that happen? Let us take a look inside as we unfold a few still-hidden truths.
More and more evidence emerges all the time as other scenarios unfold in your nation and within the world cartel and Zionist movement.
Despite his longtime association with the Rockefeller interests, an association born out of necessity rather than desire, on both the part of Nixon and the Rockefellers, Nixon never considered himself--nor did the Establishment consider him to be-- a tried and true member of the power elite.
On the contrary, Nixon perceived himself, as the Establishment perceived him to be, an "outsider on the inside", a political creature through and through, who had, as a consequence political events, made it to the White House despite general Establishment disdain for the man and his policies.
Now, don't over-react to these words for Nixon was certainly no "populist" by and stretch, but following his landslide re-election victory over ultraliberal Sen. George McGovern in 1972, Nixon made moves to consolidate power and "clean house" within his administration. You see, it was the defeat of McGovern which gave Nixon the inroad--that type of political error was not to ever be allowed subsequently.
Nixon intended to overhaul the entire federal bureaucracy and bring it under the direct control of his own handpicked loyalists in the White House inner circle--trusted longtime colleagues who were not part of the Rockefeller sponsored elite. That reorganization attempt in the winter of 1972, which was not made public, eventually spurred into action against Nixon the great power blocs in Washington.
All of them saw danger as the hated Nixon moved more and more to control the executive branch from the White House, as he was Constitutionally mandated to do.
What they feared was real indeed. Nixon genuinely meant to take the reins of government in hand, and if members of the Congress had been privy to a presidential conversation on September 15, 1972, they would have been even more worried. He said: "We're going to have a house-cleaning. It's time for a new team. Period! I'm going to tell the American people we didn't do it when we came in before, but now we have a mandate. And one of the mandates is to do the cleaning up that we didn't do in 1968."
In this move, not only would Nixon tightly control all reigns of the government through eight top officers in the White House, he would plant his own "agents" in key positions in every agency of the government.
Extremely threatening to the Rockefellers was the fact that Nixon and his valued friend, Treasury Secretary John B. Connally, the former governor of Texas and a Democrat turned Republican, were instituting international economic policy measures that threatened the globalist policies of the past that had guaranteed immense profits to the Rockefeller empire and its allied financial interests. We shall put all of this into more perspective as we move backward in the unraveling of events leading up to the planned Nuclear War One, but we shall just touch on the importance herein so that you get a picture of the conspirators and inner-warring.
For example, Nixon and Connally openly repudiated the General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade and slapped import fees on foreign-made goods, including even those produced by the Rockefeller family's Japanese subsidiaries.
Additionally, Nixon and Connally suspended the convertibility of the dollar into gold and other reserves. I just made a most wondrously important statement, chelas. Perhaps you should go back and reread the first sentence. This repudiation of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund effected a devaluation of the dollar relative to other countries. The result was that U.S.-made goods became less costly to foreigners and reduced the competitiveness of foreign-made goods on the American market.
In short, Nixon was pursuing economic nationalism. These policies were beneficial to American consumers and workers and to more nationally oriented American industry but deleterious to the "transnational capitalists" operating in the Rockefeller sphere of influence.
This is why the Nixon administration so threatened the Establishment. Little wonder, then, that the Trilateral Commission--and the groundwork for the "Watergating" of Nixon--was already being set in motion at the time.
Nixon, as far as the Rockefellers were concerned, was out of control. What was worse, Nixon was grooming tough-talking John B. Connally as his successor in 1976.
Connally, a product of freewheeling Texas oil politics, had never been a favorite within the so-called Eastern Establishment ruled by the Rockefeller family, and he was viewed as Nelson Rockefeller's chief rival for the 1976 Republican presidential nomination.
Nixon had, in fact, planned to drop incumbent Vice President Spiro Agnew from the Republican ticket in 1972 and take on Connally as his running mate, but agitation by the Rockefellers and their allies in the media and the liberal wing of the Republican Party forced Nixon to abandon his plans. But Nixon still considered Connally his heir apparent, Agnew not withstanding.
As it so happened, however, the Establishment forced both Connally and Agnew out of the way as part of the grand design to put Nixon's plans to rest.
Agnew resigned the vice presidency after a longtime Rockefeller crony in the U.S. attorney's office in Maryland, one George Beall, brought bribery charges against Agnew that were non-existent but nonetheless were supported in your injustice system.
Additionally, the attorney general who promoted Beall's campaign against Agnew was Elliot Richardson, another longtime Rockefeller satellite who resigned from the Nixon administration and ultimately became a member of the Trilateral Commission. In fact, Richardson was one of numerous Trilateralists named to the Carter administration in 1977, serving as ambassador to the Law of the Sea Treaty negotiations.
Connally, like Agnew, was also in indicted for bribery. Connally barely won acquittal, but his White House ambitions were shattered, even though the evidence against him had been brought by an unsavory felon who was angling for a reduced sentence in an unrelated criminal case.
If you still are holding to the lie that your justice system is somehow going to help you if in trouble--forget it! Most especially if there are ones from the elite trying to "get you". Well, these ones here are going to cause them to wish they had not tampered with God's property. Of course Dharma and Oberli are exhausted with the trauma and expenses involved but some dirty laundry is going to be produced before we are finished with this particular case. Then others will be more willing to step forth in truth. Remember, dear ones, you only can receive back in proportion to that which you give forth--hold to this knowledge as things in life unfold which seem insurmountable. Further, do not pre-judge HOW a thing should come to bear fruit for it will rarely ever be as you expect it to be.
In both instances above, the Establishment media gave full play to the charges against Agnew and Connally and helped further the perception that Nixon and his associates were engaged in widespread criminal conduct.
Nevertheless, Nixon still retained the presidency. And Nixon was, as an individual, in a position of immense power, having access to the public unrivaled perhaps by any other human being, a major roadblock in the path of the Rockefeller family's longtime goal of installing brother Nelson in the White House.
In this context, something very interesting came out during the divorce proceedings of Rockefeller brother Winthrop and his then-wife, Bobo Sears Rockefeller.
According to Bobo, on the occasions that the Rockefeller brothers got together, one of the frequent topics of discussion was this: how to put Nelson Rockefeller in the White House without benefit of a presidential election.
Clearly, as a result of Watergate, the Rockefeller brothers almost achieved that goal.
When Vice President Spiro Agnew was driven out of office, Nixon did an end run on the Rockefellers and the Establishment media by resisting widespread pressure to name Nelson Rockefeller as vice president. Instead, Nixon named Gerald Ford, House minority leader.
Ford was a loyal member of the Establishment, and himself a participant in the Rockefeller-controlled Bilderberg conferences. (Note that he is always included in all top-secret meetings to this current day.)
You see, this was a power play on the part of Nixon which actually represented Nixon's insurance; had Nelson Rockefeller assumed the vice presidency, Nixon would have suffered some untimely fate such as murder by intent.
By appointing Ford as vice president, Nixon gave himself a longer lease on the White House keys and the opportunity to continue to fight the efforts to dethrone him from the presidency.
However, when Nixon fell, as you now know, Ford's own life was in danger after Ford appointed Nelson Rockefeller as vice president--in line to succeed him--and we shall cover that in a minute, but let us continue with this thought stream presently.
It was the Plumbers, a private White House intelligence group, who were caught breaking into Democratic Party headquarters at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, setting the enormous scandal in motion--and such a stupidly absurd incident it was--and yet the entire nation came to a halt as if this was the first corruption of politics since the nation was birthed. Oh my gracious be, how foolish you sheeple are!
Nixon was blackmailing the CIA; the president knew about the CIA's involvement in the assassination of John F. Kennedy and was using this knowledge against the CIA for political leverage. The Plumbers were thoroughly "set-up" and it was evident they were supposed to get caught and insurance was set in place to assure the capture.
It was certainly no coincidence that it was an "ex-CIA man", E. Howard Hunt--himself often linked to the JFK murder--who led the Plumbers at the ill-fated break-in. Hunt's strange activities proved that he was never loyal to Nixon.
It was Nixon's liaison with the Secret Service one Alexander Butterfield, a CIA spy in the White House, who first leaked the existence of the "secret" White House taping system to congressional investigators, setting the stage for Nixon's ultimate downfall.
Then-Secret Service chief, Robert H. Taylor, fired by top-ranking Nixon intimate, Chief of Staff Halderman, as a result of controversy over the president's security, was later made head of the private security forces for the Rockefeller family enterprises.
Who was "Deep Throat"? Who was this famous unnamed source who provided the Washington Post with all the inside information that helped the Trilateral-linked newspaper bring down Nixon?
The actual personage involved in contact in sub-parking lots was one called Bobby Ray Inman who retired as deputy director of the CIA in 1972. Inman, it so happens, is also a member of the Trilateral Commission. But he was given direct information to pass along by none other than Henry Kissinger, Chief of Staff Alexander Haig, and legal adviser Leonard Garment. Funny thing--none of these nerds went to jail??!!
Charles Colson, a top Nixon adviser, made startling allegations about Nixon's fears of CIA involvement in the Watergate scandal.
The president was virtually captive of high-ranking conspirators in intelligence circles, against whom he dared not act for fear of international and domestic political repercussions.
His underlying suspicion was that the CIA planned the break-ins at Watergate. The motive: to discredit the president's inner circle of advisors and ultimately, himself. He was totally correct on all counts.
Most of Nixon's key lieutenants, with the notable exceptions, as just stated, of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Chief of Staff Alexander Haig, and legal advisor Leonard Garment, ultimately went to jail.
Kissinger, Haig, and Garment were all, of course, members of the Rockefeller-controlled Council on Foreign Relations. Garment being one of the president's few advisers who repeatedly, and early on, urged Nixon to simply give up the presidency.
Now, funny thing about disloyalty in the top echelons of deceit and conspiracy, it was Henry Kissinger who was instrumental in the murder of Rockefeller--all of them. But then, he too, was set up, as we have outlaid in the Journals, and they took him out also and replaced him with a "double" so powerful in the "cause of Global Control" that no one matches his power as leader of the Shadow Government under which you all are now functioning.
Haig, himself, who finally talked the embattled Nixon into surrendering the White House, was almost immediately promoted over 240 higher ranking military figures to four-star general status and then to the post of NATO commander. The general was also named to the Trilateral Commission, which he later pronounced as being too "leftist" for his tastes. Well, he just continued to grow in those next years to total entanglement in the Argentina-Falklands, etc., mess in 1982 which we won't fail to repeat to you ones in the Journal.
Upon assuming the presidency, Ford promptly pardoned Nixon, sparing him the agony of a criminal trial in which he more than likely would have been convicted--however, a lot of conspiracy evidence would have come forth which the elite cartel dared not allow. The pardon saved the Establishment from giving Nixon the opportunity, through a trial--a very public forum--to blow the whistle on the Rockefellers and the intrigue which resulted in his ouster. No different from the Noriega fiasco which was totally orchestrated to bury Noriega. Noriega in Florida has a good deal set up for him, for he is a well-paid-off "double" and the real Noriega is long gone to places unmentionable. I told you at the time they would never "capture" Noriega--they didn't--for it was all a staged review ready to open on Broadway. Proof? The cover-up of numbers of dead, the real involvement with the Bush personal property and no damage to the Canal. Ponder it all.
In a sense, the pardon of Nixon was the Establishment's way of both thanking Nixon for keeping quiet and, at the same time, warning Nixon to "shut up". Nixon was smart enough to play the game. He has yet to tell all he knows about Watergate, and won't. He gets to be Big Cheese in China and other negotiations as well as being always on the inner circles--NOW. Further, the big honchos of the presidencies all gathered at his puny little excuse of a Library, and so on--token gifts if you will, for the silence during this time of evil treason upon your lands.
Yes, the intrigue ran much deeper indeed. A high-level plot was hatched to kill then-President Ford and put Vice President Nelson Rockefeller in the White House.
A man who was part of a secret organized crime-linked hit squad which carried out operations for the CIA and other government agencies, was approached by a "Fortune 500 businessman" who tried to hire him to conduct a "hit" against Ford which was being arranged with the help of elements within the Secret Service.
The Establishment businessman, whom we will let you figure out quietly for yourselves--keeping in mind that Kissinger also had Rockefeller "taken-out" --made his contract contacts and pronounced, "Ford's been sanctioned. He's got to go. He won't go by himself; we've asked him. We've bloody told him to move out of the way for Nelson. But he wants to get elected.
Funny thing, Ford was, himself, part of the same cover-up that the agent herein referred to was involved with. I shall keep the identity of the person quiet for he is now a target. It IS NOT A PRETTY PICTURE OUT THERE IN POLITICS, dear ones. That cover-up was the scheme to cover up the truth about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Ford was, of course, a member of the infamous Warren Commission that concocted the "lone gunman" theory. Well, our silent person herein was also a part of the role and was on the government-sponsored hit squad who was dispatched to Dallas during the time following the Kennedy assassination TO KILL ONE OF THE KEY WITNESSES WHO COULD HAVE BLOWN THE COVER-UP.
This person rejected a role in the Ford assassination conspiracy and did, in fact, effort to alert the president to the plot.
As a result, the Secret Service role in the murder conspiracy was neutralized and when two subsequent efforts to kill Ford were carried out, the Secret Service conspirators, to cover their own initial complicity, backed off and refused to participate.
The two strange women who did try to kill Ford, Lynette Fromme and Sara Jane Moore, were both linked to bizarre groups both of which, on more than one occasion, were operating as CIA operatives and both were directly linked to American intelligence.
Miss Fromme was a member of the bloody Charles Manson cult, and Miss Moore was tied to the terroristic so-called Symnionese Liberation Army which gained fame by kidnapping heiress Patty Hearst.
Well, it all came out in the wash--Ford did live out his presidency and went on to play golf and become a big dealer in all top-secret conspiracy dealings, including those of the Trilateral Commission, etc. He was defeated by the Rockefeller family's handpicked Democratic presidential candidate, Trilateral Commission member Jimmy Carter, bless his peanut pickin' heart.
It took over two decades for the Rockefellers and their allies in the Establishment to finally drive Richard Nixon out of public office and attention, but as early as 1956, Dwight D. Eisenhower tried to do the job for them.
For years it had been known that Ike wanted to get rid of Nixon, who was then his vice president, from the Republican ticket in 1956.
Eisenhower had taken Nixon on as his running mate in 1952 out of sheer political expediency. Despite his "apolitical" image, Eisenhower was, in fact, the ultimate politician and totally ruthless and non-compassionate as a person. Ike gave Nixon the vice presidency as part of a supremely crafted political payoff in order to win the 1952 Republican presidential nomination for himself.
Nixon--then the junior U.S. senator from California, was known to be sympathetic to, if not outrightly a supporter of, Eisenhower's chief rival for the GOP nod, Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio, popularly known as "Mr. Republican". What is more to the point, Taft was said to be seriously considering Nixon as his own running mate.
Thus, the battle for control of the majority of delegates to the large and most important California delegation centered largely around winning over Nixon.
But it was Eisenhower who prevailed. He gave Nixon the vice presidency and promised then-California Gov. Earl Warren a seat on the Supreme Court, which promise, of course, was delivered upon--oh woe unto you little sheeple!
Upon the first vacancy on the Supreme Court following his election victory, Eisenhower named Warren as chief justice. Do you now understand how frail the reeds are upon which you trust the rulings of your Constitution? This ushered in an era of judicial activism and extreme liberalism yet to be equaled by any court. This IS one of the Eisenhower years without even mentioning the Eisenhower "death camps" at the end of World War II.
Thus, with the California delegation in his corner, Eisenhower pushed Taft out of the way and went on to win the presidency. We will get around, hopefully, to spilling the story of the massive bribery and corruption used by Eisenhower and his forces at that 1952 convention.
No sooner did he get into the White House, Eisenhower began plotting to get rid of Nixon.
He started hinting loudly that Nixon would be better off in a Cabinet post by the time of the 1956 election year. The influential office of secretary of defense was initially suggested as a placement for Nixon.
Eisenhower was asking anybody who would listen, "What do we do with Nixon?" Ike even asked his little grandson, David, this question. Funny how events turn out--David eventually married Nixon's daughter, Julie, and became one of Nixon's most devoted defenders.
By late February of 1956, Eisenhower had already sounded out his secretary of state, John Foster Dulles, if he, Dulles (a longtime Rockefeller crony), would like to be his running mate.
At that point, though, Ike had decided to demote Nixon further. By then he had come up with the idea of putting Nixon in the far less visible post of Secretary of Commerce.
By March Eisenhower began talking publicly about his Nixon problem, embarrassing the vice president in the process. So much so that Nixon wrote Ike a letter withdrawing from the 1956 Republican ticket.
However, smart politician that he was, Eisenhower didn't want it to appear that there was trouble within GOP ranks. He offered Nixon a Cabinet post, but said he would "be happy" to have Nixon as his running mate once again.
Nixon, however, was smarter than Ike thought. The vice president decided to take the matter into his own hands and went directly to the President and told him he wanted to be on the Republican ticket. Eisenhower then had his press secretary announce that he was "delighted" of course, with Nixon's decision.
Nonetheless, Eisenhower did nothing to stop efforts by others to drop Nixon from the ticket. This included a dump-Nixon campaign, headed by Harold Stassen. Stassen was a long time Rockefeller favorite, often dubbed the GOP's "boy wonder".
I simply want to point out that it took twelve years for the power elite to win--but they finally got rid of Nixon. Now what are you going to do to stop them? You will utilize the Constitutional system and bring back government into the Sovereign States. You will do it through the laws of the Constitution as written. You are working from far behind but there are a lot of you if you will but bend to the task and work together. First, however, you must face the facts as to the truth of your plight. So be it.
Before I close this document, I shall reprint some confirmation for you ones regarding the Japanese situation and you will see two things, that we gave you the proper information regarding the supporting of your debt by the Japanese and their intent to not do so longer and the need to bring them under control through the oil supply by rupturing their economy.
I shall quote from an unlabeled source who is a very high American person in one of the major Japanese banks in America.
"Japanese banks have pulled in their horns--no more loans. Break even on the Nekki Exchange for banks is 27,000 now at 23,000. They invest their profits (50%) in stock market and can use it as collateral and loan out 22-1. They are going to need cash so I guess they won't buy our bonds. They will redeem them...".
Is the handwriting on your pages beginning to give translation? It is a critical time for your world.
Let us close this portion. Thank you for your service and for your attention. I am Hatonn.
Source: THE PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS August 1990, Volume 3, Number 9, Pages 1-6.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.