3/15/93 #1 HATONN
THE WORLD IS MOVED INTO AN ERA OF INTENSIFIED CLOSING OF THE NOOSE ON ALL FREEDOM AS YOU MOVE INTO AND UNDER THE POWER OF THE ONE WORLD ELITE POWER. I LOOK TO ALTERNATES AND SEE NO WAY THAT YOU IN THE UNITED STATES CAN UNDO THAT WHICH IS DONE--FINISHED. IF YOU RISE UP IN OPEN "GUN" BATTLE WITH THE ADVERSARY IN POWER, YOU WILL GET SMASHED AND THE BEST OF YOUR LEADERSHIP WILL BE KILLED OUTRIGHT. YOUR HOPE FOR SURVIVAL AND SOME GOOD QUALITY OF LIFE WILL REST UPON HOW WELL YOU CAN FUNCTION IN "KNOWLEDGE" WITHIN THE SYSTEM AS STRUCTURED. This approach may well allow you to go pretty much unnoticed until the next major distraction to the very adversary's hits THEM. That will be an open war, chelas, but you are going to be pretty destitute as a nation by that time so, much of the battle will rage on lands across the seas. However, you will not go unscathed so, survival facilities become your most important focus. The U.S. government is now focusing on absolute upgrading of facilities for survival--RIGHT NOW--they are "making their lists and checking them twice". You will not get help from the government for your own needs except in small and isolated "look how hard we are trying" spurts for "show-and-tell".
I am going to use some "Subtech Inc." information which has been sent to us from Florida. It is published in a Journal called American Survival Guide, in the April 1993 issue, so you can see that it is certainly current. I am not going to go into "building codes" and plans at this particular moment except to say that the corporation in point uses steel, concrete, wood and fiberglass construction, which keeps expenses to a minimum, for almost all of the structure is actually fiberglass. In this instance, these particular shelters are called ES10 DISASTER SHELTERS, by SUBTECH, INC. [Contacting information appears later in the quoted article.] As our Advanced Building Technology fabrication gets underway, that can be changed to fabricated panels of honeycomb filler and light cement compounds and fabricated "furnishings" as well, cutting out almost all need for wood or petroleum-based products. Until that is available, however, we note the value of getting "something" done, and done as inexpensively, yet durably, as is possible. You can also, in farm areas or "good digging" property, sink fiberglass tanks to use as storage facilities as in a "root cellar" arrangement. The point now, however, is to discuss the need for such facilities as war approaches, AND as storms worsen.
You will note that the only things shown to you on television is massive destruction--they do NOT show you the domed buildings that undergo the same battering and come through totally perfect and untouched from anything thrown at them. If those people living in such buildings had a nice independent emergency generator and extra fuel tank, life would go forth totally unchanged. If, further, these same buildings had equal "underground" facilities with emergency supplies as recommended, weeks of good quality living would not only be possible but downright comfortable, and represent a good vacation rest period.
I suggest you have extendable air vents for areas where you can get so much snow as to bury a home entirely and in areas where sand can also bury a dwelling.
Walton McCarthy, president of Subterranean Technologies, Inc. (Subtech), is a mechanical engineer and serves on a technical advisory board for The American Civil Defense Association. He is the author of the Nuclear Shelterist and Principles of Protection (POP), The U.S. Handbook of NBC Weapon Fundamentals and Shelter Engineering Standards. McCarthy has designed and built over 200 shelters using steel, concrete, wood, and fiberglass. Subtech has just finished retooling for its ES10 Disaster Shelter, which is constructed almost entirely of fiberglass. -- The editors.
by Walton McCarthy
Dismantled nuclear weapons in combination with displaced nuclear weapons experts from the former Soviet Union resulted in a much greater availability of nuclear weapons to terrorists who are able to pay.
The reduction of the nuclear arsenal of the U.S. and Russia and the reduced threat of a massive nuclear confrontation is leading to even stronger, more dispersed enemies, such as Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Algeria, and North Korea.
The CIA estimates that over 20 countries will have long-range ballistic missile capability by the year 2000.
The fact is that neither S.T.A.R.T. (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) nor the recent Washington-Moscow agreements on reduction of nuclear weapons requires the United States or Russia to destroy their nuclear warheads, just disassemble parts in warehouses.
When nuclear warheads are dismantled, tons of plutonium and high-enriched uranium (HEU) are placed into circulation; thus the emergence of the "Nuclear Black Market."
How much HEU and plutonium would be required to make a small atomic bomb? It takes only 15 kg (33 lbs) of HEU and 6 kg (13 lbs) of plutonium to make a small atomic bomb. In terms of volume, 15 kg is a little larger than a softball of HEU, and 6 kg is approximately the size of a softball. The estimated material in the Russian arsenal which is estimated to be released in just the next few years is 300,000 kg oF plutonium. This is enough to make 10,000+ atomic weapons.
There are numerous problems in storing weapons compounds. The first is that it takes a very special storage facility to warehouse nuclear warheads and/or nuclear components.
In June of 1991 Boris Yeltsin asked the U.S. for $300,000,000 to build a nuclear warehouse near Tomsk in Siberia to store more than 100,000 nuclear weapon components. The U.S. approved $15,000,000 to research such a project. Even if the U.S. were to grant such an expenditure, it will take years of study, years of engineering and when all this is finished, it would take at least five years to build.
Until adequate funding is approved, much of the nuclear measures to guard the weapon components which requires large and continuous financial burdens.
The third problem is that no inventory of Russian warheads has yet been drawn up and some may be missing already.
The fourth problem is finding other uses for plutonium which few nuclear reactors can use, and reprocessing it is not economical.
The fifth problem is that there is not enough storage space or funding to dismantle the nuclear weapons in the ground today.
In theory, 6,000 warheads are to be removed under the 1991 S.T.A.R.T. An additional 8,200 U.S. and Russian warheads are due to be removed by 2003 based on the June Washington agreement by George Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Russia could possibly dismantle up to 2,500 warheads per year if they had the funding. Even at this pace it would take 10 to 20 years to dismantle or properly dispose of all the strategic and tactical nuclear weapons that Russia spent decades building.
There are numerous disputes on the Russian side with the Washington agreements and the Russians are not able to shoulder any of the financial burdens for destroying missile silos.
U.S. intelligence analysts reported that guards at a Russian missile base abandoned their posts to try and get food. In another situation, guards left their post to go fishing because they were out of food.
Col. Gen. Mikhail Kolesnikov, Chief of Staff of Russian ground forces, warned that disintegration of the armed forces could lead to "catastrophic consequences...not unlikened to the possibility of losing control of nuclear weaponry."
During the failed August coup, control of the launch codes for strategic nuclear weapons were in the hands of the plotters for 78 hours. Although the Russians have gone to great pains to reassure the West that nuclear command and control systems remain stable and safe, the main concern is control over its tactical nuclear weapons.
In the midst of "confused current circumstances when Russian ground forces pull back or redeploy from republics, tactical warheads could fall into the wrong hands" said retired Lt. Gen. William Odon, former head of the National Security Agency. Some 3,000 tactical nuclear weapons are stationed in republics other than Russia.
In early 1991, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell stressed to Congress that civil war in Russia represents a major threat to the United States. Gen. Powell stated, "Whatever the future state may look like, the land of the Czars and Commissars, after all is said and done, will still possess by far the strongest military force on the Eurasian land mass. The Soviet Union, now and in the future will remain the one country capable of destroying the United States in less than 30 minutes."
With the downfall of the Soviet Union, many small countries are becoming major nuclear powers.
Keep in mind that it does not require long-range missiles to attack an enemy with a nuclear weapon. In fact, it doesn't require a missile at all. A small nuclear weapon can be carried and delivered in a child's day pack and left to be remotely detonated.
In 1991, detectives in Budapest picked up a satchel filled with metal pellets they had found hidden in the pendulums of some small grandfather clocks in a Hungarian village near the Rumanian border.
The Hungarian detectives, breaking up what they thought was a routine smuggling ring, had discovered enriched uranium pellets stolen from a Rumanian nuclear reactor. Uranium pellets from the same reactor were found in Italy a few months after the Hungarian incident. This time the pellets were sold by another group of Hungarians.
In March of 1992, two Russians were arrested in Munich for trying to steal $1.1 million worth of enriched uranium. The enriched uranium was shielded in lead casing in the trunk of their Mercedes.
In April 1992, a shipment of hafnium was seized by Hungarian customs officials who halted a small truck from Russia. Hafnium is a material used in the nuclear industry to absorb nuclear radiation. The amount of hafnium seized was enough to supply a nuclear industry or a nuclear weapons program for several years.
In June 1992, Vienna police arrested four Hungarians, three Czechoslovakians, and an Austrian as they were about to sell three pounds of weapons-grade plutonium to an Austrian middleman. The next day, a smuggling ring of people employed in the nuclear industry was smashed by Rumanian police.
Western specialists believe that 20 to 30 percent of the former Soviet Union nuclear weapon scientists are accepting positions in nuclear weapon production facilities. "Over the next decade or two we almost inevitably expect some of them to disappear to undesired locations," said Harold Muller, a German nonproliferation specialist and director of studies at the Peace Research Institute in Frankfurt.
More than 60 scientists and engineers with nuclear weapon experience and expertise in the former Soviet Union have vanished into the third world. India, Pakistan, Iraq, and Brazil have made job offers to unemployed nuclear and chemical weapon experts at salaries from $36,000 to $75,000 per year plus free housing and servants.
With the dismantling of thousands of nuclear warheads over the next few years, nuclear weapon products and materials will become even more available. Russia has yet to develop an accounting system for nuclear materials that is even close to Western standards.
In view of all the chaos, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that today's surplus warheads may just show up on some other missiles aimed at the U.S. or West.
The political representatives who have purchased Subtech ES10 Disaster Shelters (as mentioned up front in this article) were concerned about a number of threats which I am not able to talk about, but one dominant concern was the extreme hatred of Middle Eastern people toward Americans coupled with the "probability", not possibility, of nuclear terrorism.
Then there are the additional concerns of natural and man-made disasters, including nuclear accidents or terrorism and civil disorders.
This year for the first time, police departments are using ES10 shelters for "remote tactical bases" in the event a police station is damaged or destroyed, as was the case during the Los Angeles riots.
ES10 customers in the Middle East and Europe have demanded some new shelter design considerations which have now been made standard.
The market has demanded a redeployable shelter that is more difficult to detect and target by aircraft using radar, photo reconnaissance, and ground intelligence and the shelter should be able to supply life support for up to one year.
To meet this need, the ES10 now has an all fiberglass entrance way with a bullet resistant steel cap on the top of the entrance way at ground level which floats to allow movement from heavy military traffic and ground movement.
The hatch at ground level now has absolutely no projections such as hinges, air manifolds, latches, etc. It looks just like a flat piece of steel 32 inches in diameter flush with the ground surface.
The entrance way, or command station is now all structural fiberglass. Even the 90-degree angled entrance way is seamless structural fiberglass.
The traditional method of keeping shelters/tanks in the ground by using tie downs has also been superseded by "cusps". These cusps negate the need for connecting the ES10 to concrete deadmen or blocks which transmit very concentrated loads to the shelter during heavy ground shock because they move differently underground than the shelter. These cusps allow the shelter to remain in the ground when the shelter is located in areas where the water table reaches the ground surface. The bottom of the command station now also has a dish to hold the entrance way and one side of the shelter in place. The result is that the ES10 can be installed in maximum water table conditions from start to finish in 10 hours.
The HEPA filter is now a vertical unit inside the command station which can hold over 25 pounds of particulate. This was necessary to allow the shelter to function during desert storms where a very heavy quantity of sand is taken into the HEPA filter which must retain the particulates which allow fresh filtered air into the shelter.
In a situation where there is heavy debris on the ground from a tornado or blast, an emergency escape may be necessary. However, if there is enough debris to block one entrance way, there is probably enough to block two, so a secondary exit is not considered safe practice. Instead, for an emergency escape, the ES10 has abandoned the hydraulic jack theory in place of a 1.5-inch diameter stainless steel acme threaded screw jack which attaches to the hatch cover from inside the command station and can lift 6 tons of debris resting on the entrance way hatch cover. An 18-inch long monster wrench is included to turn the large nut which produces the upward force. There is not much to malfunction on this emergency escape system.
The ES10 shelter now has an optional Long-Term-Package consisting of a fiberglass grain bin which holds one ton of grain/legumes and a stove/oven with an internal methanol tank to cook all the contents of the grain bin. Subtech Inc. loans a nitrogen cylinder to nitrogen-pack all the food in the grain bin. This grain bin can also be used in a basement and is a much more efficient vapor barrier than the PVC used in 5 to 6 gallon buckets.
There are also more sophisticated radio options in the optional NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) Package including a 196,000 frequency 12-volt scanner protected by a military EMP fuse.
This radio covers communications for AM stations, FM stations, aircraft, air traffic control, CB, civil air patrol, TV, federal agencies, police, fire, highway, emergency, maritime services, weather, taxis, civil defense, and military communications.
The only problem which users of the ES10 have experienced was due to the water filter used inside the shelter in some Middle Eastern countries. Some water filters became clogged, which required numerous lab tests to figure out why. As it turned out, some of the places where the shelters were installed were filling the 600 gallon water tank in the ES10 from watering holes where camels were allowed to be near to walk through. Lab tests revealed that the water filter was clogged with camel hair and camel manure. I really felt that I had thought of every incident which a person could possibly face in every shelter situation but I missed this one! The new ES10 Owner's Manual will now state, "Keep the damn camels out of the drinking water!" The new water filter was increased 300 percent in size with an absolute micron rating of .65.
Sometime during the Spring of 1993 a few military surplus ES10s may be available for sale. The only stipulation is that they not be resold outside of the continental United States.
You may request literature on the ES10 by sending $5.00 (shipping is included) to Subtech Inc., 1381 Blakes Hill Road, Northwood, NH 03261. The 65-page ES10 Owner's Manual is available through Subtech for $30. The fifth edition of PRINCIPLES OF PROTECTION, the U.S. Handbook of NBC Weapon Fundamentals and Shelter Engineering Standards is available for $35 from The American Civil Defense Association, P.O. Box 910, Starke, Florida 32091; phone 904-964-5391. [H: Be sure and tell them where you got the information from the PHOENIX LIBERATOR and surprise everyone!]
Even if nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons did not exist, there are still many disasters each year such as tornadoes, power failures, earthquakes, and riots requiring shelter protection. During Hurricane Andrew some families lived out of ES10s. During Hurricane Hugo, one family fed five other families for over four weeks while virtually all the other people had to go days without food and water and then had to wait on food and supply lines. As dangerous as the world situation is now, it could get much worse. However, it is great to see people helping each other during disasters. Some people are at their best in the worst situations. I wish this side of human nature could come out in everyday life. Because if it did, there would be no weapons.
[H: Editors, please include the 4 pictures even though of very poor quality--all you need is an "idea". In fact there could be ways of "planting" several pods in a given location for several families, and/or larger facilities for comfort and convenience, privacy, and storage. This entire "compound" could even be covered over with a gentle slope sided "round" dome (flat on top) and planted with grass for more privacy and total non-detection from air photographs. There is much to be done along these lines to allow the passage through these hard times, if you put your efforts toward that instead of either "giving up" OR "going to war". These "tanks" or "tubes" can also be placed lengthwise as elongated facilities which would house a family nicely. The partitioning dividers could be strengthened to give the necessary additional support to the ceiling. These are flexible structures which should give you many ideas regarding the possibilities.]
It appears that the war possibilities are becoming more and more a probability in the not too distant future and we need to remind ones that "survival" is not only POSSIBLE but PROBABLE with some measures of preparation.
It is obvious that in cities with no usable space property, this is not worthy of note--but even with a small area of yard attached to a house, this is a possible solution. I don't PUSH anything but when I see probabilities looming out there, I shall speak on these matters. I am asked about these things over and over again.
Now, to you who also write and ask for "answers" when you have no funds, no space, no help--I have no answers. Perhaps if you attend your community gatherings, you can cause the groups to offer solutions, etc. I can only offer that which is--I CANNOT DO IT "FOR" YOU NOR CREATE MAGIC TO MAKE ALL THE DISAGREEABLE "STUFF" TO "GO AWAY".
Do I think you have a "little while"? I can't know--but it would appear that things will heat up a lot more before the "big one", in the madman's hands, happens. The "natural" type disasters are already upon you but man will usually sleep through the first several years of these. I simply suggest that you begin to turn your attention to these things instead of "fighting" a system already beyond your control. You can make great impact on even the government as it is structured if you will continue to press for Constitutional function and LEARN how best to cause actions still possible to come about. You can gain massive protection from the system as established if you will stop complaining and learn HOW. The best way to LEARN HOW? Get the back JOURNALS! We have covered everything from survival facilities and gear to Nevada incorporation for sheltering of "stuff". We offer it, we can do no more. Thank you.
Let us close, please.
Hatonn to clear.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, March 23, 1993, Volume 22, Number 9, Pages 5-7.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.