8/19/93 #1 HATONN
Let us not forget Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and his lucrative POW-politics deal with Vietnam to lobby to lift the current U.S. trade embargo against the Hanoi regime. [See pages 6, 19 and 26 of the 7/27/93 CONTACT for more background on this clever crook.]
QUOTING (from Spotlight for 8/16/93):
A letter of introduction to Vietnamese officials written by President-elect Clinton for an Arkansas businessman has come back to haunt him. -- by Mike Blair.
A letter written by President Bill Clinton to Vietnamese leaders before he took office last January becomes potentially more significant in view of allegations that Commerce Secretary Ron Brown has been secretly dealing with Vietnamese leaders to have the U.S. trade embargo against Vietnam suspended.
Brown has been accused by a respected Vietnamese-American businessman of secretly conspiring with Hanoi to have the embargo lifted in return for many thousands of dollars deposited in foreign bank accounts and shares in the monetary gain Vietnam derives from doing business with U.S. firms.
While he was president-elect, Clinton wrote a letter on official State of Arkansas stationary to Vietnamese leaders introducing to them a fellow Arkansan interested in improving relations with Hanoi.
Shortly after Clinton took office, his letter surfaced in Hanoi, and the new president was accused of quietly trying to pave the way for rapprochement with Hanoi. If true, this would have been a potential violation of the Logan Act, which restricts the conduct of the nation's foreign policy to the president. At the time, George Bush was still in office.
Now, with an FBI investigation into Brown's alleged dealings with the Vietnamese government, the letter written by Clinton to the Hanoi leaders raises a question once asked by former Sen. Howard Baker at the peak of the Watergate scandal, which ultimately brought down the presidency of Richard Nixon: "How much did the president know, and when did he know it?"
[H: This is a good rule of thumb for GUILT!]
After the letter came to light, Clinton denied initiating the secret contact between the fellow Arkansan and the Vietnamese leaders. However, the administration has never fully explained the letter. [H: Bill couldn't remember much about his Vietnam SERVICE or lack thereof, either!]
In any case, last December Clinton wrote a "letter of introduction" to top Vietnamese leaders for Clyde E. Pettit Jr. [H: You will certainly be hearing this name AGAIN!] The letter stated that Pettit was "working for the eventual normalization of relations between the United States and Vietnam."
Pettit and Clinton reportedly met during the 1960s while both worked for then-Sen. J. William Fullbright who then served as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which held a series of controversial televised hearings featuring as witnesses mostly those who opposed the war in Vietnam.
Pettit opposed the war, as did Clinton. As early as 1965, Pettit was traveling in Vietnam and elsewhere in Asia, filing stories with an apparent anti-war slant for two Arkansas radio stations.
Clinton spent the war years dodging the draft and helping to organize anti-war demonstrations abroad. At the time, he was a student in England, where he fled to avoid military service and to attend college as a Rhodes scholar.
In the mid-1970s, Pettit wrote a book, The Experts, which was about the Southeast Asian conflict. He extensively quoted Vietnamese officials involved in the war to outline history.
Pettit holds an undergraduate degree from Yale University and a law degree from the University of Arkansas.
At the time the letter surfaced in the news, White House press secretary Dee Dee Myers tried to pass it off as a "courtesy" given to Pettit as a constituent of then-Gov. Clinton.
In a telephone interview from Bangkok, Thailand, Pettit told the Reuters new agency that he had delivered the letter to unspecified Vietnamese officials in Hanoi, along with similar letters from ex-Sen. Fullbright and Lee Williams, also a former Fullbright staffer.
Pettit said giving the letter to Vietnamese officials was an attempt to improve relations between the United States and Vietnam.
Miss Myers confirmed Clinton has sent the letter and described it as "a letter of introduction from the governor of Arkansas."
She said, "It's not an uncommon thing, but it's not intended to imply this gentleman was speaking for or representing the Clinton administration."
However, it is clear Clinton was more than just a former governor of Arkansas when he wrote the letter. He had already been elected president of the United States and would have to deal with the problem of lifting the trade embargo and the issue of Vietnam's failure to account for American POWs and MIAs still missing in Southeast Asia from the war.
The allegations of deals being worked out between Brown and Vietnam's Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet during the same time frame as the letter written by Clinton for Pettit raise legitimate questions as to whether the two episodes, if accurately portrayed, may have been linked. Brown at the time was Clinton's choice to become Secretary of Commerce.
"It is ample reason why both reports of alleged impropriety should be fully investigated by appropriate committees of Congress", a source close to the Brown case has said.
You ones had better stop just looking at that handwriting on the wall and start READING WHAT IT SAYS!
Enough for now, it is late and this is enough of a heavy load. Dear ones, it is not enough any longer to proclaim "I am an American" and have the world bow in honor. You have become the most hated nation on the face of the Earth--you are called "Israel, with headquarters in the U.N. and Tel Aviv!"
This is the antithesis of those come in control of your wondrous nation and planet with that which you shall have to do:
He who shall introduce into public affairs the principles of Christ will change the face of the world!!
Will it be done? It's up to you.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, August 24, 1993, Volume 2, Number 19, Pages 13-14.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.