2/6/92 #1 HATONN
As we sit to write on a day seemingly just like any other day, we are called to attention. Oh, the things of the day will go on, Spring and early Summer has moved in when you SHOULD be in the dead of Winter, and yet Winter has just struck for the first time in the Eastern areas of the U.S. when it should have begun two months ago. Hey, what's happenin? The point is-- it IS happening.
Every day as we write, we begin to KNOW what is happening and, yet, within the being of EVERY human beats the ABSOLUTE ABILITY TO KNOW, without quandary. The only things you do not, and possibly cannot, know is what will happen in the moment--on your place of existence. It is past time that your SOUL BE ALLOWED IT'S KNOWING OF TRUTH and all else will fall into proper perspective.
One of the best presentations of notice as to the police/military alerts as United Nations treachery is exposed is written BEAUTIFULLY in AID & ABET, Police Newsletter. To give honor simply to Jack McLamb, now retired, would be injustice to the other outstanding people who produce that paper. There is Editor: Police Officer A. Rick Dalton; Writers: National Guardsman Fred Willoughby and Louis E. Stradling; and the one who goes forth to try and reach the public "market", Peter Giordano. I salute them all, these listed and all those who make such work possible--who are rarely in the receiving of the recognition so richly deserved.
I will offer just the first few paragraphs for your attention--until Rick Martin can contact Jack and ask what we may use and if there is further notice we can offer for your attention.
Some of you will say, "Oh no, he works WITH so and so....!" Don't do this, students. Truth is truth--and ALL OF US/YOU HAVE WORKED WITH ONES WHO MIGHT WELL BE QUESTIONABLE. THIS IS THE WAY WE LEARN AND IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES LAY THE LESSONS. THESE ARE your police officers trying with all the might they have to SAVE what is left of dignity, duty and order of that which once represented truth, security, service and brotherhood to the communities of your nation/world. A man is not to be JUDGED--only his actions! Moreover, YOU do not become THE man--and that, readers, is between the man AND GOD. May we just offer the first bit of introduction and YOU "can" be the judge of content.
(Constitutional Issues For Lawmen)
Read this urgent report from your police and soldier colleagues NOW. This special report on the UNITED NATIONS is the most important police publication that you will read. It will inform our fellow officers and soldiers about WHO and WHAT "our new boss" is. It is time that all of our colleagues understand who and what we will be serving in the near future. Many of our readers will remember what Globalist George Bush said at a speech before the United Nations on February 1, 1992. It bears repeating here, and we quote, "It is the SACRED principles enshrined in the UN charter to which we will henceforth pledge our allegiance." He meant it, and with the help of his fellow Democratic and Republican Socialists in our nation, they're pulling it off.
In the near future we will each be making a life-altering choice as to who it is we will serve. Our choices will be between these two: a foreign, Anti-GOD, GLOBAL ELITISTS' Socialist society, and our Constitutional Republic/FREE American people, which we took a sacred oath to protect and serve. In order to make this choice we must understand the nature of both of these entities.
Today, between these pages, you will see the true face of the UNITED NATIONS. Thus, you'll be better prepared to make one of the most important decisions of yours and your family's lives. Since we have gained this knowledge, many of us have already made our decision. However, the hour is late, therefore, after you read this intelligence alert we ask that you assist in getting this vital report into the hands of each of our fellow police officers and soldiers as quickly as possible.
2/7/95 #1 HATONN
by Louis Stradling, Writer: AID & ABET, Police Newsletter
No person can be loyal to the Constitution of the United States and uphold the Charter of the United Nations. They are opposite as light and dark, good and evil, freedom and slavery, God and Satan [H: Religious SCIENCE, Military INTELLIGENCE, JUDEO-CHRISTIAN] . No man can serve two masters.]
Support of the United Nations by government officials and employees is a violation of their OATH. Wittingly or unwittingly, it is TREASONOUS.
In a war-weary world the United Nations was formed at San Francisco in 1945. A tremendous propaganda campaign mesmerized Americans into accepting it as an agency to end the scourge of war and uplift downtrodden peoples; a leap of freedom, the Last Hope for Peace. It sounded wonderful, but we "lost our heart in San Francisco".
[H: Worse, it was the Anti-Christ Parasites from the various ruling nations who set up the United Nations--then gave Palestine to Israel. Moreover, it was pre-planned so that it could easily evolve that Parasite homeland would become where the heart was (UN Building, capitol, New (city) York, NY. THEY HAVE PULLED IT OFF RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! "THEY" were far more clever than the masses of citizens--they centralized with forces in New York while taking over Washington, hook, line and sinker and now own her (Washington), the government AND THE NATION. YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO "TAKE LESSONS" OR YOU AREN'T GOING TO STOP THE INSANITY AND GUNS WILL SIMPLY DO NOTHING AT THIS TIME OTHER THAN GET GOOD LEADERSHIP KILLED.]
The Senate ratified the UN Charter in a brief hearing with little debate. Few Senators even read it before voting. Langer and Shipstead, who did, cast the only votes against it. Who would suspect that it was a PLAN of INTERNATIONAL ARCH-CRIMINALS FOR CONQUERING THE WORLD?
Roughly, the plan was as follows:
1. Use the horrors of World War II [H: False HOLOCAUST.] as reason to establish a peacekeeping organization, the United Nations.
2. Continue to promote Communist wars of inexpressible horror, slaughtering and enslaving millions.
3. The United States fights Cold War to "save the world from Communism"; [H: Remember WHO began "the Communist PARTY!"] pouring out billions and pretending to oppose Communist conquests, but always betraying the victims, and the billions, into Communist hands. [H: Elite Anti-Christ Parasites who called themselves Serpent People, then JEWS! while stealing the heritage of the Judean Hebrews.]
4. Little by little transform EVIL EMPIRE COMMUNISTS into FRIENDLY ALLIES.
5. Disarm citizens; transfer US military to the UN.
6. Gradually weaken the US internally, destroy the Constitution, abolish religion, corrupt the youth, foster drugs, immortality, crime, racial riots; break down the economy; bankrupt business and the nation through debt and inflation.
7. Rule over defenseless Americans with terror and slavery as in Communist countries. As difficult as it is to believe, and as unwilling as we are to believe it, the above scenario accurately describes events of this century.
It is not our purpose to name perpetrators and traitors. A person may act knowingly, or unwittingly. Lenin said the Communist world will largely be built by non-communist hands, persons who do the work unknowingly. He called them "useful idiots". Patriotic Americans, including most of us at some time, have supported some of their programs [H: And still do.] .
To trusting Americans it is unbelievable, but veteran readers know that the NEW WORLD ORDER is to be a socialist dictatorship. That popular media and high officials ignore or deny and ridicule it, confuses people and thwarts organized opposition. This writer is no guru with superior, secret knowledge. These facts are known to hundreds of thousands at home and abroad, and are available to all who will seek the truth.
We will offer more on this subject when we have permission of the writers and newsletter. No, there is nothing "new" in it--but readers, THERE IS NOTHING NEW!! Hold it in your hearts.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, February 14, 1995, Volume 8, Number 3, Pages 2-3.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.