4/1/91 HATONN
Have we not been fools for long enough? Might we now render time unto coming into wisdom? I see that the can we opened seems to have contained stinging worms, for the immediate response of the adversary has been to lash out unceasingly. So be it, for if I must, I shall replay the entire of the Khazar history unto you. For as we come into conclusions herein, you will find that as a species and civilization you have a long way to go before being scooped off and into the halls of the Central God of all Universes. You had better begin, if you have not already done so, right now to realize that in the physical third dimension you are but babes in the universe of all Truth and all Knowledge and YOU WILL SAVE OF SELVES. GOD SENDS HOSTS AND ADVISERS, SPEAKERS AND BRETHREN TO ASSIST YOU INTO CLARITY AND THEN, TOGETHER WITH THOSE OF HIGHER WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE WILL HELP YOU--NO MORE AND CERTAINLY NO LESS.
The most recent Journal is off to the printer today. It is called COUNTERFEIT BLESSINGS. A lot of the information has already made its way to you via the Expresses but I cannot urge you strongly enough to learn ALL YOU CAN. You are in the time of Revelation and just because the "answers" to the "puzzles" come in unexpected ways and you find the Anti-Christ, for instance, to be ones you didn't expect--so be it for if it were as you have perceived, you wouldn't be in the pickle barrel fermenting, would you? Allow the unfoldment, find your own confirmation and KNOW that God will allow "time" to have realization--IF YOU MOVE RIGHT ALONG, LITTLE ONES. DAWDLE AND YOU SHALL BE "CAUGHT WITH YOUR PANTS DOWN IN THE BEDROOM OF YOUR DEADLY ENEMY". At any rate I would guess the Journal will be ready in about three or so weeks at the most and I further assume the ordering information remains the same. If you follow the Journals, which I most sincerely hope you are, if you get behind, the catching up is traumatic and it is hard to find time for careful study.
Please do not make a liar of Hatonn for I continue to tell Dharma that if she can just continue to write--YOU will continue to read. I assure you that she is becoming one pooped preacher and would welcome a respite. Who knows, however, just one day too late can allow passage of laws and regulations, bring more wars and devastation which cannot be undone so we move on, and on as quickly as human endurance can allow.
The Journal PHOENIX OPERATOR/OWNER MANUAL is a bit delayed as Dru finishes the portions on the rules and regulations as coming from God. It is important that they be easily understood and conceptually correct to the last detail. She was interrupted by events but is nearing finalizing and then, as the writings are integrated into the local computer system, the Journal will go to the printers for all else is in format and ready to mail.
Then, as our formatting human finishes documents coming from our beloved "Joy", you will be given documents which will allow you better insight as to how to come into balance with self. It is of little value to know Truth if you cannot come into balance and reason with it.
Then that for which you all patiently wait--THE SACRED HILL WITHIN, by Little Crow will be available within a few months. It was purposely set into security for it was determined that the masses were simply not ready for the simplicity of the ancient teachings--so, we have a bit more "homework" to do and understanding to reach. We are asking that the material be published (printed) elsewhere but obtainable through America West to honor the redman brotherhood who must be the ones to put this message to print and to distance all objections from you as readers who wish to consider our publisher a bit more than mortal human. Know that God has it under very good control.
May I say unto all of you who have contacted Little Crow that the support and love is accepted in the brotherhood in which given and, now, he spends much time in purification that he not be tainting of any work of Great Spirit by human ego--bless ye ones who can honor God by putting self into absence and relinquish opinions within the direct work of higher source. Few accomplish the task of so-doing but when it is achieved, even the mention of it becomes an embarrassment.
Dharma says, "That is not true, I simply do not want any blame for your outrageous deliveries, Hatonn." So be it.
If you have continued this journey in evil works, I can suggest that you take a long, hard look at self. The journey is not from "evil" into the oneness with God for all the steps of learning and coming into perfection MUST be included within the journey. You do NOT move from sanctions of murdering unborn babies into the creation of universes and if ye believe as much--ye are indeed, the April's fool! Stop listening to the lies and acting as if they were your ticket into perfection--they are that which you must rise above and beyond to even be considered for higher experience--come into the wisdom offered unto you from God Creator and as we reason together, allow the light of Truth to shine around about your being that you be given insight to understand and cease the "dreams of mysticism" and foolish prattling of fleshly "do it if it feels good" for I promise you: there will come the moment that you will sorely regret the foolish play-games. Each serves as lessons and experience but it is Man who utilizes WISDOM who will complete the graduation exercises in this coming transition--or back through the lower grades until the lessons are mastered.
Since this portion of writing is a conclusion of a current Express, we shall focus on the more immediate matters of life impacts.
Be cautious here on in, with your currency "notes" (money). The adversary has more ways to keep tabs on money and who has it than a chicken has feathers. As of this day, the presses have finished printing the new "dollar" bills with identification (anti-counterfeiting) threads. Is this to stop counterfeiting? No! It is to be able to identify all ones turning in great numbers of the notes and begin to isolate those who continue over a long period of time to use them. As soon as they come onto the market for simultaneous use, begin to rapidly turn any you have stored, into the new currency regardless of HOW the exchange is structured. Diversify turn-in locations, i.e., if you purchase a lot of things at the wholesale place in one town--go to another town at first opportunity and purchase your items there. Scatter it around so that there is no really good opportunity to quickly get you into the identification system. They will probably start with the one dollar denomination because the public would not be alert to the game behind the scenes. Bothersome? Indeed! Go to many banks--at random--especially as you travel into other cities and suburban areas--best yet to wander about Nevada exchanging at every bank you find. If you are on the east coast--act accordingly--big cities are the best from which to work, especially if you have already set a "pattern" of behavior in your home village or precinct.
How can you tell you are near to exchange? Look at the money you get from the banks and in change. It is hard to find NEW bills and the ones now given you are quite tattered and would ordinarily have been already removed from circulation. They only cease printing new exchange notes when they are ready to do a "biggie". You who have any dealings with the governmental system in Social Security, Retirement income, disability income, any type of what might be welfare or supplemental assistance--be extremely careful for this is a way to nail ALL errors in reporting.
The facts are such that you will likely be quite safe and secure if you go "the extra mile" and tend your assets carefully as the changes come--for the vast, vast majority of the citizens will not do so. Again, you MUST utilize the built-in projections of the Elite if you wish to survive this boondoggle intact.
[Hatonn's writing continues on the subject of taxes and messages to gift senders, p. 2-5.]
Source: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, April 1991, Volume 10, Number 13, Pages 1-2.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.