{Editor's note: This is the third installment in a continuing series of eye-opening writings from R.R. linking Bush, Reagan, the Nazis and other assorted New World Order puppets through a common activity base in the small, south-central California coastal town of San Luis Obispo.}
6/29/92 #2 HATONN
We will utilize, again, R.R.'s sharing in the first portion herein which he has labeled No. 8 for my reference. I herein will say, however, that as he lists references he only names a few who have written most intelligibly and have come into his attention wherein you can get confirmation. He gives you these references because, as with me, you ones fail to accept the word of knowing and own research--awaiting confirmation from, actually, the Elite themselves. I realize it is hard to accept--but it is time to recognize the terrible cover-ups perpetrated against you to the point that you, as the mass populace, are totally helpless within the snare. For decades ones such as Dr. Peter Beter, Eustace Mullins and countless writers have given you blow be blow descriptions and you slept on--you must now awaken or it will, indeed, be too late. I have covered EVERY subject R.R. presents to you--in detail--and we, too, took the total denial (even from ones who also wrote the same thing) for they said it could not be from a space Commander! Never underestimate the POWER AND UNLIMITED PRESENCE OF GOD! May you not linger longer in getting your reassurances.
From private files. Statements followed by references in parentheses. Most references included in files. Some are in the process of being integrated with the computer network of the "CENTER FOR ACTION", [H: Commander James "Bo" Gritz.] Box 472, HCR 31, Sandy Valley, NV 89019, 702-723-5266 (Not complete list.)
1. George Bush, President. History of drug trafficking, assassination, election fraud from A to Z. Zapata Offshore Oil!--Oil drilling platforms in the Gulf of Mexico were used to unload heroin from fishing boats in the 1950s. From drilling platforms drugs were taken ashore via normal crew and equipment boats, thereby avoiding inspections. Bush was president and CEO of Zapata Offshore Oil. (Ref: John Judge, Mae Brussel Research Center, Christic Institute, William Cooper, etc., etc.) [H: Note that this is standard "knowledge" among ALL of the so-called UFO community "writers" and Intelligence organizations so there is no way to list all informational resources. I will simply list ones as copied from this particular document offered for sharing.]
Southeast Asia: Connections with drug trafficking through General Khun Sa, Richard Armitage, Ted Shackley, Donald Gregg, Air America. (Ref: Col. Bo Gritz, Christic Institute, Prof. Alfred McCoy, H. Ross Perot, Mae Brussel Research Center, Dave Emory--Radio Free America.)
Assassination: Bush was a CIA asset in 1963 at the time of the Kennedy assassination. The CIA was deeply involved in the assassination. (Ref: Los Angeles Herald Examiner.) Bush has a long personal and business relationship with the Hinckley Family. John Hinckley was used in the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan in March 1981. None of Hinckley's bullets struck Reagan. [H: Bush was a member in service of the CIA since at least early 1961 (regardless of claims) and one of the "Bush Boys" (son) had a dinner meeting with Hinckley on the date of the attempt!] (Ref: John Judge, Mae Brussel Research Center.)
Bush, William Casey, and Donald Gregg flew to Paris in October 1980 to arrange for the DELAY of the release of the Iranian Embassy Hostages until AFTER the November election and January inauguration thereby insuring a Reagan-Bush victory. (Ref: Richard Brenneke, OCTOBER SURPRISE by Barbara Honegger, Playboy article by Abbie Hoffman, Christopher Hitchens of THE NATION, Jimmy Carter, WITNESS by Mansur Raficadeh. [H: And, of course, Gunther Russbacher also--who flew Bush back from Paris.]
Noriega connection: As Director of Central Intelligence, Bush hired Noriega in 1976. Noriega assassinated Toffijos? for the CIA. In 1981, as Vice President, Bush rehired Noriega to continue the CIA's control of Panama and drug trafficking interests. [H: Israeli Mossad in over their ears in this one!] (Ref: Col. Bo Gritz [H: He was there!] , Christic Institute, John Judge, Mae Brussel, Dave Emory.)
Communism: Bush's grandfather, George Herbert Walker, on the board of directors of the American International Corporation, a satellite of the Federal Reserve, financed Communism and the Bolshevik Revolution. Number One, Red Square in Moscow is the address of the Chase Manhattan Bank. (Ref: Eustace Mullins, Brad Kletz, Jonathon May, Lindsey Williams.)
2. Kennedy assassination: A detailed, enhanced video tape of the Abraham Zapruder film identifies William Greer as the man who shot JFK. [Secret Service agent and limousine driver William Greer delivered the fatal head shot from the driver's seat of President Kennedy's limosene.] Many documents and video tapes provide supporting details. (Ref: William Torbitt, David Lifton, Dr. Robert McClellan, Terry Weir, etc.)
3. Assassination plot to shoot down the president's helicopter, "Marine One", in Venice, Italy in June 1986. The plot was to be executed by terrorists Abu Nidal and Monzer Al-Kassar, who were partners with Ollie North, Richard Secord and Albert Hakim, in providing the Polish AK-47s and Portuguese explosives for the Contras. These arms were exchanged for drugs. (Ref: Dave Emory--Radio Free America #32, Christic Institute, John Judge, Vince Bielski and Dennis Bernstein in THE COCAINE CONNECTION, Iran-Contra hearings, John Picton Toronto Star.)
In May 1986 the Christic Institute filed a lawsuit against the above named persons. The plan to assassinate Pres. Ronald Reagan was cancelled. (Ref: #52 "Senate Subcommittee" page 163, COCAINE POLITICS: DRUGS, ARMIES, AND THE CIA IN CENTRAL AMERICA, Peter Dale Scott Chap. X.)
4. The CIA is the drug wholesaler to the world. Col. Bo Gritz's interview of General Khun Sa revealed that the U.S. Government is the biggest customer of heroin from the "Golden Triangle". Khun Sa exported 3000 tons of opiates in 1989; Richard Armitage, Ted Shackley, and Santo Trafficante were agents and middlemen for the government. The Christic Institute lawsuit indicts the U.S. Government for trafficking and transporting cocaine on the Contra supply planes through Air Force bases such as Homestead in Florida and Vandenberg in California. (Ref: A Nation Betrayed by Col. Bo Gritz, Christic Institute, H. Ross Perot, Vince Bielski and Dennis Bernstein, movie Cover-Up, Alfred McCoy, THE POLITICS OF HEROIN, Mae Brussel Research Center, John Judge.) In the Bahamas, the efforts of U.S. Ambassadors have had little or no effect on the drug trafficking there. (Ref: U.S. senate subcommittee report on Terrorism and Narcotics, "The Cutolo Affidavit".)
5. AIDS was manufactured by the U.S. Army Germ Warfare Laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland. House of Representatives Appropriations Committee allocated 10 million dollars to the Army labs to "develop a virus capable of destroying the human immune system". (Ref: U.S. Senate Library--House Appropriation Committee HB 15090, 1970, Vol. VI, page 129.)
The World Health Organization contaminated the smallpox vaccine with AIDS virus (HIV) to purposely spread AIDS all through Africa. The New York blood bank put AIDS virus in the Hepatitis vaccine and purposely infected thousands of homosexuals soon after the smallpox introduction. (Ref: Dr. Robert Strecker, Dr. William Campbell Douglass, London Times, May 11, 1987.) A U.S. Ambassador (Ted Maino), who lived for several years in Africa, may have further information on this subject.
6. For more than 40 years massive cover-up, conspiracy, and secrecy has surrounded the UFO phenomenon. Seven U.S. presidents considered and-or attempted to reveal the truth to the American public (or at least said they would). One was murdered, one forced to resign in disgrace and one was a victim of covert election fraud. [H: I can tell you now, they were ALL replaced!] (Ref: Dr. Hermann Oberth, Dr. Albert Einstein, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Dr. Stanton Freidman, Robert Lazar, William Cooper, and other references temporarily withheld pending imminent public disclosure.)
7. After World War II hundreds of Nazis were brought to the United States. Two hundred sixty agents under control of Reinhard Gehlen of the Abwehr were integrated into the new CIA. Members of the German General Staff became members of Ronald Reagan's staff. Werner von Braun and Gen. Walter Dornberger and 300 Nazi scientists were brought to the U.S. to work on the NASA space program and Bell Helicopter and other covert projects such as "Redlight". These Nazis were integrated into aspects of our government. Von Braun and Dornberger figured Prominently in the murder of President John F. Kennedy. Others came to California and San Luis Obispo and entered local politics. Hellene von Damm worked with Ronald Reagan (Project Paperclip-C. Lasby). (Ref: REINHARD GEHLEN, MASTER SPY, Mae Brussel Research Center, Christic Institute, William Torbitt Document, THE SECRET GOVERNMENT by William Cooper, Dave Emory, Peter Dale Scott--The Threepenney Review.)
8. MK-ULTRA: This is the name of the U.S. Government's mind control program, otherwise known as "artichoke" or "brainwashing". Much of this information came from Germany after WW II, along with the scientists, doctors and drugs, such as methadone LSD. They are in such places as Fort Detrick, Maryland and Dugway Proving Ground, Utah. Mark David Chapman, who shot John Lennon, and John Hinckley, who shot AT Ronald Reagan, were graduates of MK-ULTRA. Many persons, such as Purdy, who killed the children in the Stockton (Calif.) schoolyard, are also products of this program. The Jim Jones Peoples Temple in Guyana is an example of the failure of MK-ULTRA. When Congressman Leo Ryan discovered the truth, he and 900 men, women and children were murdered by elements of the U.S. and British governments to protect the cover-up. [H: Oh indeed! I wrote the entire story in detail in a JOURNAL. It is "beyond" fascinating reading--it is likely the most shocking of all of the revelations of cover-up.] {Editor's note: The story is indeed a fascinating and shocking one and can be found in JOURNAL #14, called RAPE, RAVAGE, PILLAGE AND PLUNDER OF THE PHOENIX, VOL. I, p. 128-147. The most recent outlay of this information is on page 2 of the 5/4/93 CONTACT.} This program has never been able to achieve a high percentage of success but one tool has shown to be quite effective. It is called television. (Ref: Joe Holtsinger--aide to Congressman Ryan, John Judge; researcher, Mae Brussel Research Center, Dave Emory--Radio Free America, George Orwell, author of 1984. (Orwell was an associate of William Stevenson--"Intrepid" of British Intelligence, William "Wild Bill" Donovan of the OSS, and Ian Fleming--creator of the "James Bond--007" material.) [H: I suggest you are in error if the first thing you do is not to get all of the TANGLED WEBS series of JOURNALS, wherein we have outlaid the workings and connections of the various intelligence services including your own CIA.]
9. San Luis Obispo County: A disproportionate number of county residents or former residents were involved in the many covert and illegal operations of the Reagan Administration and the secret government. William Clark, Edwin Meese, Louis Giuffirda, Ted Shackley, Thomas Clines, Frank Terpil, Albert Hakim, William Sessions, Richard Peasley. Louis Giuffrida and the origins and purpose of the California Specialized Training Institute at Camp San Luis and the Federal Emergency Management Agency and special operations called "Rex 84", "Operation Cable Splicer", "Night Train", and "Golden Bear" are part of a covert plan to suspend the Constitution of the United States and install martial law and concentration camps for "dissidents". (Ref: King Alfred Plan by John Williams and-or Louis Giuffrida, THE RISE OF THE NATIONAL SECURITY STATE by Diana Reynolds, Covert Action, #33, Dave Emory--Radio Free America--#32, Congressman Jack Brooks--Iran-Contra hearings, RIOT SCHOOL POLITICS by Ned Long, John Stockwell--CIA, Christic Institute lawsuit, Mae Brussel Research Center, John Judge, plus many others.)
San Luis County was or is a manufacturing and trans-shipment point for drugs. From the Sicilia-Falcone cartel in Tijuana, Mexico, to the motorcycle gangs, Long Beach, to a notorious biker bar in Los Osos, to a cocaine processing factory in Santa Margarita, there exist definite connections. Vandenberg and the Air Force have been involved in drugs. Local bar owners and building contractors have close ties and close working relationships with high ranking Sheriff's Department officials. Several deaths under questionable circumstances have occurred. Although on the surface things appear to have quieted down, national statistics show that the drug business has greatly increased. (Ref: In lieu of several deaths and several threats, and in the interest of the safety of informants and witnesses, names are temporarily excluded from this reference.) The book THE UNDERGROUND EMPIRE is a very informative volume. A synopsis of the above subject is available to those interested enough to seek it out.
Many of the "Project Paperclip" Germans and Nazis came to California, the Central Coast and San Luis Obispo (California). Hellene von Damm, who was once a secretary for the German High Command, became Governor Ronald Reagan's appointments secretary. Heidi Kingsbury, who was one of three daughters of a "Paperclip" German General, became a secretary and court transcriber for Judge William Clark, a San Luis superior court judge and Reagan's Secretary of the Interior. An exclusive resort or retreat, which was to be built in North County, was to be called "Eagles Nest". Look up the name Adolph Hitler's retreat at Berchtesgarden in the Bavarian Alps.
Thank you. THIS is the way you "fight" the system--by making SURE the ones who are willing to risk and speak out--remain able to do so. I salute them for service beyond that which most are willing to do for brother and nation.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, August 24, 1993, Volume 2, Number 9, Pages 28-30.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.