{Editor's note: This is the second installment in a continuing series linking Bush, Reagan, the Nazis and other assorted New World Order puppets through a common activity base in the small, south-central California coastal town of San Luis Obispo.}
6/29/92 #2 HATONN
Atascadero was the center for Nazi Bund activity in California. It is still the center for right-wing activity in the county.
Colonel Diefenderfer, stationed at Camp San Luis Obispo, married a member of the King (Reyes) family from the Carizzo Plains.
Robert Nimmo, Atascadero, was Colonel Diefenderfer's aide.
Richard Nock was Robert Nimmo's aide.
Circa 1960
Ronald Reagan elected Governor of the State. He appointed William Clark of Shandon to be Superior Court Judge in San Luis Obispo County.
Circa 1970
Robert Nimmo appointed by Ronald Reagan to be Director, United States Veterans Administration. Nimmo came home in disgrace after four months. Returned to selling Real Estate.
Jerry Dirfenderfer elected to the SLO Co. Board of Supervisors. He spent $47,000 on his first campaign for a job that paid $25,000 per year. The Los Angeles PAC donated to his campaign.
A PSA Flight Magazine named San Luis Obispo County the next 'hot-spot' in the state for real estate development. (How did they know that? We have lost the copy, but believe it was the May edition.)
William Clark appointed Deputy Secretary of State by Ronald Reagan.
John Scripps Publishing purchased The Cambrian, thus giving Scripps ownership of the three coastal papers, also including The Morro-Bay Sun Bulletin and the county's only daily, The San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune. Scripps is based in La Jolla, Calif., and is interested primarily in selling newspapers for advertising purposes rather than the news. In fact, the papers, by their own projection, do not do investigative reporting. [H: Please note that you will find Edwin Meese is from La Jolla.]
Richard Nock, part-owner of Phelan Land and Cattle, pushed for sale of 5,000 acre ranch for $5,000,000. Ranch sold to a Canadian based development corporation and is now known as Cambria Ranch. The 'money-man' behind the corporation is Eng Ti, Shanghai.
Eric Seastrand, California Assemblyman from this area, was Vice-President in charge of sales for Coldwell-Banker at the time Coldwell-Realty negotiated the sale of Cambria Ranch.
George Deukmejian elected Governor of the State of California. He promised to do away with the California Coastal Commission.
Carl Negranti, whose son married William Clark's daughter, began bulldozing 23 miles of roads on Cambria Ranch in direct violation of the County permit process. The operation was spotted, reported and red-tagged. Later, the road was covered with tailings from an abandoned mercury mine. After years nothing has been done to enforce toxic regulations. (The son was killed in an accident, but the relationship between the families still exists.)
James Watt resigned as Secretary of the Interior, and is replaced by William Clark.
Carol Hallett, former State Assemblywoman, appointed by Ronald Reagan to be William Clark's liaison officer for the Western states between Interior and the business community. Hallett, at the time, was a County resident. Hallet then became Ambassador to the Bahamas.
1984 and 1985
William Clark resigns from Interior and returns to Shandon and/or California to pursue family interests. (Real estate development)
Joan Brauner Clark, wife of William Clark, appointed by Ronald Reagan to be an alternate United States representative to the United Nations General Assembly. (This merely to indicate close relationship still exists between Clark and Reagan.)
About two-three years ago, the father of one of Cambria contractors, Wayne Gracey, was sitting in his living room in Malibu. Someone walked in and shot him. His wife was sitting there also but was ignored. Another contractor in Cambria, O.G. Sansone, has the same name as a Las Vegas gambler and casino owner. May be just coincidence??
Real estate development and construction is a classic way of laundering drug money.
Clark was terrified that if North and Poindexter went to trial that whole KAL 700 thing would come out!
Many of the "Project Paperclip" Germans and Nazis came to California, the Central Coast and San Luis Obispo. Hellene von Damm, who was once a secretary for the German High Command, became Governor Ronald Reagan's appointments secretary. Heidi Kingsbury, who was one of three daughters of a "Paperclip" German General, became a secretary and court transcriber for Judge William Clark, a San Luis superior court judge and Reagan's Secretary of the Interior. An exclusive resort or retreat, which was to be built in North County, was to be called "Eagles Nest". Look up the name of Adolph Hitler's retreat at Berchtesgarden in the Bavarian Alps.
"During this time I also found out that my husband was an Austrian citizen and a member of the Royal family. He was born Gunther Karl, Baron von Russbach. After World War II the royal family of Austria was forced to give up the 'von' and attach 'er' to the end of their names."
The above quote from a letter was acknowledged by an Austrian professor at Cal-Poly to be correct. According to this rule then, the name of Werner von Braun should have become Werner Brauner.
[H: You who keep up with the information flow will remember the person who made the statement above--in point, regarding the name requirements. This was relative to Gunther Russbacher who is incarcerated at present, by the government--and is the pilot who flew Bush home from Paris in the SR-71 in "OCTOBER SURPRISE"! This is the same Paris wherein Mr. Bush said he was NOT!. The point herein, however, is to give you connections with "names" and relationships.]
From 1945 until the 1950's negotiations continued between the U.S. Government and high ranking German officials. Reinhart Gehlen of Nazi intelligence (Abwehr) and rocket scientists Werner von Braun and Walter Dornberger made plans with J. Edgar Hoover, of the FBI, and Allen Dulles and William Donovan of the OSS and CIA, to bring hundreds of Nazi scientists, doctors, military officers, and intelligence agents to the United States. Also present at these negotiations were U.S. Army Counter-intelligence Officer William P. Clark of San Luis Obispo and a U.S. Army private, an Austrian, named Henry Kissinger. William Clark married Werner von Braun's niece, Joan von Braun (Brauner) Clark. They reside in San Luis Obispo, California. The location of these meetings was Austria and Southern Germany where Clark was stationed.
Researchers Mae Brussell of Santa Cruz, William Torbitt of Texas, District Attorney Jim Garrison of Louisiana, and others have concluded that FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, President Lyndon Johnson, NASA rocket scientist Werner von Braun, Bell Aerospace Director Walter Dornberger, and Governor John Connally were prime movers in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
A lawsuit has been filed in Southern California examining new evidence in the murders of Robert F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy. Several prominent Californians are named in this suit. William P. Clark of San Luis Obispo is mentioned in this suit.
The U.S. Army 44th CIC Detachment negotiated the surrender of the German Army in northern Italy and Austria (called "Operation Sunrise"). In return for surrender, Army CIC and the Vatican provided escape and exfiltration for thousands of NAZI SS and Gestapo officers, mostly to South America (Also 970th CIC).
William P. Clark was with Army CIC in Austria until the mid 1950's.
Lt. Col. W. Clark was or is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Theodore Shackley was present at the "Paperclip" negotiations.
Walter Dornberger was a frequent visitor to San Luis Obispo County, specifically to Pismo Beach and Shandon.
Heidi Kingsbury is the daughter of a "Paperclip" German General. It was most probably General Galland, the designer of the Messerschmidt ME 262.
Ronald Reagan is a very frequent visitor at the Clark ranch in Shandon.
(Read SHOOTDOWN by R.W. Johnson to learn about William Clark's role in the "Shootdown" of Korean Air Lines Flight 007. Also read EXPLO 007 by R.B. Cutler to learn how it was accomplished.) [H: Excellent reading but "off" a bit here and there--however--extremely interesting and well-done.]
On November 22, 1963, a coup d'etat occurred that was the beginning of the end of the great nation called The United States of America. It happened when William Greer fired the final, fatal bullet into the head of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas (Ref--video named "Dallas Revisited" plus much supporting evidence). [H: As a matter of fact, we speak of this in several of the JOURNALS but specifically name this man in at least three--the first being SPACEGATE, THE VEIL REMOVED.]
Anticipating the outbreak of war, all the commanders of the Strategic Air Command's nuclear airborne squadrons rushed to their onboard safes for the code books to obtain the combinations for arming their atomic bombs. Not one code book was present in the safes! No Mafia goon, or Cuban dictator, or KGB agent, or Lone Gun Nut had the power to remove those code books. Only one entity had that kind of power--The Joint Chiefs of Staff! (Ref: Kennedy assassination researchers.) [H: I do, however, confirm it.]
Of all the organizations which were part of the coup, and which included the FBI, the CIA, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, Majestic 12, the Secret Service, the Rockefeller banking consortium, the Office of Naval Intelligence,--one was to emerge at the top of the heap--THE GEHLEN ORGANIZATION! (Ref: The PHOENIX JOURNALS, Project Paperclip by Clarence Lasby, Reinhart Gehlen-Master Spy (author's name missing), The Nazi Connection To The John F. Kennedy Assassination by Mae Brussel, Project Paperclip by Ray Renick, The Torbitt Document by William Torbitt--although its information is excellent, the Torbitt Document is a clever bit of disinformation in that the reader is suckered into assuming that since the principals involved: Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, Werner von Braun, Reinhart Gehlen--are all dead--that justice has been served and everything is going to be all right. Don't believe it!)
The Gehlen Organization got its start in 1945 when the war was winding down. Gehlen, Werner von Braun, Walter Dornberger, and others approached U.S. intelligence officers William "Wild Bill" Donovan, Allen Dulles, J. Edgar Hoover and William P. Clark of the U.S. Counterintelligence Corps--with officers to provide vast amounts of information on rockets, lasers, orbiting gases, mind-control, etc.--in exchange for asylum and jobs in the United States. [H: Where do you think Malathion, LSD and AIDS came from?] (Ref: Excerpts from WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA, Year Books 1962-1966 about this technology and AIDS--THE DOCTORS OF DEATH by Alan Cantwell) [H: Also several of the PHOENIX JOURNALS but most specifically, AIDS, THE LAST GREAT PLAGUE.]
Moreover, their primary goal was the achievement of Germany as the ruling nation of the world. One has only to look at the economic decline of the United States and the economic rise of Germany to see that they have just about reached their goal.
In all, about 1600 German-Nazi scientists, doctors, military intelligence, etc., were brought to the United States. They were placed in key positions in NASA, aerospace, military intelligence, military industries, medical science, banking, psychiatry, etc. They have American names and are thoroughly Americanized. They play a large role in drug trafficking and banking failures.
The American headquarters of the Gehlen Organization is in San Luis Obispo County. The main office is called "Eagles Nest". Many public officials, judges, supervisors, law enforcement personnel are personal friends and business associates (in drug trafficking, no less) with the Gehlen Organization and "Eagles Nest". Judge William P. Clark and Mrs. Joan Clark (von Braun, Brauner) are the executives behind the Gehlen Organization, "Eagles Nest" and the Zapata Cattle Company's drug trafficking interest. Ronald Reagan is a silent partner in the San Luis Obispo cattle/drug business. Remember, Clark was one of the original architects of "Project Paperclip"! The Zapata Cattle Company is affiliated with George Bush's Zapata Oil Company of Houston, Texas. (Ref: "The SLO Connection", Barrons article "The Mexican Connection"--Sept 19, 1988).
NASA has recently announced in the major news media and in several scientific journals that there is a possibility of large meteors or asteroids striking the Earth with calamitous results. They have even suggested some possible dates of impact. (Ref: Scientific American, Sky and Telescope.) [H: I have written greatly about this subject in all of the TANGLED WEBS series of JOURNALS and the JOURNALS under publication presently in THE DIVINE PLAN.] NASA said that it was a good thing that Ronald Reagan had the perception and foresight to build up the Strategic Defense Initiative--"Star Wars" because now SDI can be used to destroy these asteroids before they strike the Earth. This is partly BS--SDI was never intended to be an asteroid missile defense, but an anti-asteroid defense (or alien defense system). (Ref: Barbara Honegger and the PHOENIX JOURNALS). The Hubble and the Galileo space telescopes that "don't work" are working perfectly. This is our government's way of not telling us what they are doing. [H: As a matter of fact you will recall that I told you the Hubble was not even launched at the time you were told the same. It resided at White Sands until such time as it could be put into an orbit the astronomers would not note.]
The "Communist Threat" and the "Soviet Nuclear Attack" were a sick joke on the people of the world and were fabricated to keep you working hard and paying high taxes to finance the "New World Order". The Russian "War Machine" has been financed and subsidized by the American taxpayer since 1917 through such organizations as "The American International Corporation" on whose board of directors sat George Herbert Walker, the grandfather of George Herbert Walker Bush! (Ref: Author Eustace Mullins on THE AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION and the financing of Communism, and the PHOENIX JOURNALS.)
There are at least 50 MORE underground facilities in the United States. [H: This reference is directed at me, Hatonn, for I gave you a listing of major facilities around your nation which are top secret and some taking areas at depths of 40 "stories" and miles in diameter along with prime missile launching sites--even along your freeway network.] {See page 15 of the 5/11/93 CONTACT for the latest outlay of this eye-opening information. A lot more goes on in these facilities than you may imagine!} They include storage depots, military bases, offices and on up to luxurious condominium complexes. Some of the better known are Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado, Weather Mountain in Virginia, SAC headquarters in Nebraska, [H: Now being turned into a Soviet exchange training base.] Area 51 in the Mojave Desert and the "Rabbit Warren" under Washington D.C. One well known one in San Luis Obispo County is the AT&T Pacific Long Lines Facility on Los Osos Valley Road. What is not generally known is just how large and self-contained this entity really is. These facilities are for the "elite" in case of nuclear war or asteroid collision. Since the threat of nuclear war in magically disappearing, that just leaves asteroid collision. [H: Now, would you not expect that it would be an odds game here? Even if you have asteroids striking around the nations, would you not expect it to be hard to pin-point only Elite bunkers? Well, the Elite are giving up for sale, remember, the old bunkers as they are not "deep enough" for total protection. So, it is obvious that they KNOW those "asteroids" are guided by precision computer mechanisms!]
The Gehlen Organization's unit in San Luis Obispo is called "Eagles Nest" (Ref: California Specialized Training Institute files). Its chief executive officers are Judge William P. Clark and Mrs. Clark (von Braun, Brauner). If you are interested in reservations, you might try calling the law firm of Sinsheimer, Schiebelhut, and Baggett and ask Bill Clark to send you a brochure. After all, in case of nuclear war or asteroid collisions you wouldn't want to get caught with you pants down, now, would you? (Ref: THE BOOK OF REVELATION by Saint John.)
Additional significant references: THE LAST FLIGHT OF KAL 007 by Ray Renick, "Gunther Russbacher Breaks His Cover" audio tape by Russbacher available from New Discoveries, P.O. Box 3078, Carmel, CA 93921. Russbacher is the pilot who flew Bush back from Paris in "October Surprise", The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin, The Gods of Eden by William Bramley.
From 1945 until the 50's, Judge William P. Clark was with U.S. Army Counter-intelligence Corps in Austria and Switzerland. Clark was working with Nazis Reinhart Gehlen (Foreign Armies East), Werner von Braun (German rocket scientist), Walter Dornberger (convicted of war crimes and atrocities), Arthur Rudolph, et al. They (J. Edgar Hoover, Allen Dulles, William Donovan, and Clark) made plans to bring hundreds of German/Nazi scientists, doctors and agents to America (1600 eventually). These Germans possessed much research on rockets, orbiting space stations, lasers, and satellites with reflecting mirrors, etc. Clark's good friend, Ronald Reagan, later saw that these ideas became reality in the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars). [H: Believe me--that term is EXACTLY ON TARGET--for there never was a "defense" anything--it has always been intended as a "war" in space. Mr. Reagan even made a very big blunder which almost cost him his neck when he said on TV that you in the U.S. needed to team with the Soviets (the "Evil Empire") against what was coming from space!! That, dear ones, is what they are planning to dump now on you unsuspecting innocents. They plan to tell you that aliens are now here and going to "getcha". THEY may have a problem--YOU-THE-PEOPLE HAVE NO ENEMIES IN SPACE!]
While there, Clark married Werner von Braun's niece, Joan von Braun Werner's brother (Joan's father) was an official at the underground V-2 rocket assembly plant. They used concentration camp slave labor. To enforce discipline the slaves (Jews) were hung from the ceiling of the factory and their bodies left as examples. (Ref: Linda Hunt, Author on Paperclip, plus previous refs. and SECRET AGENDA, Linda Hunt: CNN.)
Besides the weapons of war, they also brought research on mind control (which became MK-ULTRA, Malathion (a nerve gas), LSD, etc. [H: Forgive my interruptions but PLEASE get the volumes of PHOENIX JOURNALS which cover mind-control both in the Protocols of Zion and the Communist Manifesto in the Soviet Union and in the United States. I don't know how to isolate these JOURNALS for you--perhaps you could call or write and obtain a "catalog" and information. We have moved so rapidly over so incredibly many subjects that I must defer to the staff. You ones continue to plead for confirmation of "who we are" and that, perhaps is the best of all--almost 60 JOURNALS in less than 36 months--most of over 200 pages each, along with weekly papers. I can't itemize for you, and we can't reprint constantly because of new information which limits us.] Dr. Wolf Smuzness later developed AIDS at the Army Germ Warfare Center at Fort Detrick, Maryland. [H: Which was then perfected in East Germany and made potent and useable in the "field".] (Ref: also, Dr. Robert Strecker, AIDS and THE DOCTORS OF DEATH by Dr. Alan Cantwell. Smuzness' friend was a chemist who sold cyanide gas to the Nazis at Auschwitz, named Koral Woityla.) (Better look this up yourself--you'll never believe me.)
Around 1955 the Clarks returned from Europe to the ranch in Shandon, where they went back to the ranching business (Ref: see The SLO Connection about the Zapata Cattle Company). The Gehlen Organization continued the work on "The New World Order" that was promoted by a little dictator in Germany from the 1920s to 1945. America should have gotten the message on November 22, 1963. (Dallas, Texas!)
Around 1969 or 70, Clark and his friends, Governor Ronald Reagan, Ed Meese and Louis O. Giuffrida started an American concentration camp system at Camp San Luis. In 1980 they all went to Washington DC (Ref: OCTOBER SURPRISE by Barbara Honegger and book by same name by Gary Sick) where the California Specialized Training Institute became the FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) (Ref: King Alfred Plan, Cable Splicer, Garden Plot, Rex 84--in CSTI files). This is the plan for martial law that congressman Jack Brooks questioned Oliver North about at the Iran Contra Hearings. [H: I'm sorry, but those FEMA papers and volumes of JOURNALS which cover same--are mandatory reading if you really want to know WHERE YOU ARE TODAY!]
In San Luis Obispo County, The Gehlen Organization is in complete control of the courts, board of supervisors, sheriff's department, etc. Judge Warren Conklin and Judge Harry Woolpert are longtime friends and business associates of Judge William P. Clark. Judge Conklin violated the first rule of drug trafficking: "Don't get high on your own supply." Judge Woolpert protects Judge Clark and the Gehlen Organization by denying defendants their right to legal counsel in his "star chamber" (Ref: DR 17093 Nov. 21, 1991--don't be surprised if the transcript is "lost"). A close member of the petitioners family is a part of the Gehlen Organization--Lt. Col. Richard Peasley (from Paso Robles, Ca.) along with Lt. Col. OLIVER NORTH and Judge William Clark, all working in the National Security Agency in the White House, planned and executed the destruction of Korean Air Lines Flight 007 and blamed it on the Russians!
Hatonn to clear, please.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, August 24, 1993, Volume 2, Number 9, Pages 25-28.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.