3/11/91 HATONN
Let us take another look back to the first days of the Illuminati. Because Britain and France were the greatest nations in the world at this time, in the latter years of the 18th Century, Weishaupt was ordered to foment colonial wars, including your own Revolutionary War. Their purpose was to weaken France and England. The French Revolution was scheduled to start in 1789, but in 1784 an act of God upset the timetable of the conspirators. This act proved to the Bavarian Government that there was indeed a conspiracy and that the Illuminati were at the head of it. The evidence they received could have spared France and saved that nation from its bloody revolution, but the French leaders refused to believe the evidence, much as most of the American people refuse to believe it today.
(Dharma, check the options for they have just removed your "autosave" command. Thank you.)
In 1774, when Weishaupt issued his orders, which were in manuscript form, a copy was sent to Bospierre, who was to head the French Revolution. The courier who was carrying this manuscript was struck by lightning as he rode through a heavy thunderstorm somewhere between Frankfort, Germany and Paris (or so the story went). The Bavarian police found the manuscript, which was immediately turned over to the Bavarian officials. These promptly ordered raids on the newly organized Lodges of the Masonic Grand Orient and the homes of Weishaupt and his most influential associates. Enough additional evidence was found in these raids that the authorities were convinced of the authenticity of the manuscript.
In 1785, the Bavarian Government outlawed the Illuminati and they were forced to go underground: all lodges of the grand Orient in Bavaria were closed. Then in 1786, the Bavarian Government published details of the plot. If this had happened in 1988, they would have probably sealed this information for at least fifty years, much as they did [with] evidence on the assassinations of John Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.
Copies of this conspiratorial document were sent to the heads of all European countries, but such was the power of the Illuminati in these governments--and of course this refers to the power of the Jewish Rothschild's, that it was universally ignored and the French Revolution took place as scheduled in 1789.
At this time, 1786, Weishaupt ordered his agents to infilter the lodges and form secret societies inside secret societies. Only Masons who were Internationalists, or those who were especially approved by the Illuminati were allowed to join these new organizations. One of the qualifications was that they must renounce God and accept the leadership of Lucifer (pain and agony indeed). While they carried out their subversive activities, they carefully camouflaged them under humanitarian and philantrophic acts, which concealed their revolutionary and subversive intents.
In order to infilter the Masonic Lodges (Dharma, autosave is gone again--please write the document. We will check out the computer at break.) of Britain, Weishaupt invited a man named John Robinson to Europe. Robinson was a very high ranking Mason in the Scottish rites. He was a professor of Natural History at the University of Edinborough. Robinson did not fall for the trickery of the Illuminati, to form what they called a "benevolent dictatorship". But he kept his reactions to himself so well that he was entrusted with a copy of Weishaupt's Constitution.
Because the heads of both church and State ignored the warnings given them by Robinson, the French Revolution was soon in full swing, drenching that country in the blood of innocent Frenchmen.
In order to alert other governments which might be affected, Robinson published a book in 1798 titled PROOFS OF A CONSPIRACY TO DESTROY ALL GOVERNMENTS AND RELIGIONS. Once again, his warning fell on deaf ears, exactly as you see happening this very day in America.
While many Americans are most touchy about believing this, there is ample proof that you own Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were avid students of Weishaupt. Jefferson became one of Weishaupt's staunchest defenders in the New World and it was Jefferson who introduced the Illuminati to the newly organized Masonic Lodges of the Scottish rites in America, over the protest of Gen. George Washington.
It was men like Thomas Paine and St. Germain who tried to bring these things to your attention and you rebuffed them. They summed it up as being such as to "SPIT AGAINST THE WIND".
In 1789, Robinson warned all Masonic leaders in America that the Illuminati had infiltrated their lodges and on July 19, 1789, the President of Harvard University, himself a high ranking Mason, issued the same warning to the graduating class, lecturing them on the influences the Illuminati had on American religion and politics. To top this all off, John Quincy Adams, who had helped organize the New England Masonic Lodges, issued a similar warning. He wrote three letters to top American Masonic leaders in which he outlined how Jefferson was using his influence in the Lodges for the benefit of the Illuminati. Those three letters are now in the Whittenburg Library in Philadelphia. In short, whether or not you wish to accept it, Thomas Jefferson, the founder of the Democratic Party, was a member of the Illuminati. This, of course, had influence in establishing a "liberal" image.
Realizing that they could not seduce the Russian Czar, the Rothschilds began a new attack against the money systems of the European nations and the United States. They used a very tricky method to gain control of the English Banking System. During the Battle of Waterloo, in 1815, the Rothschilds were able to falsify a report of the battle, so that the English people believed that Napoleon had won. (Shades of Iraq? Who did really win the Kuwait/Iraq conflict, chelas? How do you know??) The British Stock Market plummeted and shares fell to rock bottom. Who was there to buy them up at a few cents on the dollar? You guessed it--Mr. Rothschild's agents, and who do you think is there to establish millions from the oil debacle this day?? You guessed it! When the true news came that Napoleon had been defeated, the stocks went sky high and the Rothschilds cleared millions of pounds in profits and ended by controlling the economy of both England and the Continent. (Care to give a full dissertation on the facts of this Middle East conflict? Funny thing--Saddam Hussein also "claimed victory". Would "lips" Bush ever lie to you?? Are you just a bit uncomfortable? I certainly do hope so!! Where did all those nice Republican Guards go? Where are all those really lethal and dastardly weapons of Saddam's? I suggest you be very selective in that which you believe to be shown "before your very eyes"!)
Rothschild forced Britain to set up a new bank of England, which he totally controlled. This was similar to a later criminal activity, when a group of International gangsters led by Jacob Schiff had the Federal Reserve Act passed in 1913. (Schiff? Oh, yes, the same pharmaceutical magnate! Try reading MURDER BY INJECTION and RAPE OF JUSTICE, both by Eustace Mullins. I prefer to not require Dharma do all that extra work of re-giving you facts when it is so beautifully available and researched superbly. Contact America West for I have asked that they carry these books for your confirmation. I greatly honor Eustace Mullins, among others who have braved the enemy and continued to serve their fellow-men.)
At this point, I think it might be good for us to look at the activity of the Illuminati in the United States.
In 1826, one Capt. William Morgan, a high ranking Mason, decided it was his duty to inform all American Masons how their lodges had been infliltered by the Illuminati. The Illuminati, through the Masonic Lodge, tried Morgan in "absentia" and sentenced him to death. Morgan was warned and fled to Canada. But the executioner, an English Mason named Richard Howard, caught up with him near Niagara Falls and killed him. This was verified in court through sworn statements and by a thorough police investigation--at a time when such could still be considered somewhat valid. The testimony of the trial is on record in the New York City archives if you wish to peruse them and can get someone to allow you to examine them.
Very few members of the Masonic Lodge or the general public know any of this, nor that the public disapproval of this act was so general that it closed down over half of the Masonic Lodges in the Northern Jurisdiction of North America.
In the early 1850's, the Illuminati held a secret meeting in New York which was addressed by a British Illuminist named Wright. Those in attendance were told that the Illuminists were organizing Nihilists, atheists and other subversive groups into an International organization which was to become known as "Communism". It was intended to be the supreme weapon of terror which would eventually control the world.
Communism was to be used to foment wars and revolutions. Quentin Roosevelt, an ancestor of F.D.R., Horace Greeley, a well-known newspaper publisher, and Charles Daner were appointed to head a commission to raise funds for this new venture. Of course, most of these funds came from the Rothschilds. It was this fund that financed Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, when they wrote "DAS KAPITAL", and "THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO".
Commu (Dharma, STOP! The computer is going to shu
Source: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, March 1991, Volume 9, Number 13, Pages 6-8.
Transcribed into HTML format by Rocky Montana.