[Editor's note: ...This is the collected-together writings of Ray Renick as they have appeared in past issues of the CONTACT and, before that, THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR.]
6/18/92 #1 HATONN
The following series of informative reprints are from a well-known personage among groups who have investigated and researched for truth and who have published much information. He has published information which has jeopardized his life on many occasions which indicates that ALL OF YOU NEED THE INFORMATION. He has sent a packet of information which needs to be brought to your attention--AGAIN. His outlay is a bit different in both presentation and in some details. I honor this person and respect his research.
He has given permission that we may utilize any and all of the documents in any way we find fit and suitable. I thank him for his gracious willingness to share. I do not yet, however, have permission to call attention to this person by name so will only refer to him at this time as R.R. I, further, use the term "him" as generic reference.
I offer the reprinted information as given--without more than cursory input. I have no wish nor intent to slash and cut another's work so--as is our practice--information is given as nearly in full as possible and with NO CHANGES IN CONTENT. IF I COMMENT AS WE MOVE ALONG THEN I INDICATE AS MUCH. Therefore, I require that YOU be in the balancing of the information with that which you already have and then I suggest you get your hands on "back" JOURNALS such as SPACEGATE, SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET, BLOOD AND ASHES, END OF THE MASQUERADE, THE DARK CHARADE and in addition, all of the TANGLED WEBS series. If you don't have the information, backup and confirmation, you aren't going to know what hit you, beloved friends.
You must understand, further that there is massive confrontation among and between factions of this "New Global Conspiracy" which only vies for top position--the GOALS are the same.
(Number One in Series)
Don't believe one word of this. Look it up yourself! If you have a brain, you can figure it out!
Permission granted to copy any part of this book. --R.R.
During the 1950's, while the United States was fighting a war in Korea, the French were fighting a war in French Indochina (Vietnam). Although the reason for the U.S. involvement in Korea was somewhat obscure, the French were very sure of their reason for being in Indochina. It was the same reason the British had spent the previous 100 years there, to control the opium production. The United States financed the French war. Why? For a piece of the action--HEROIN! In 1954, with the help of the CIA, the Vietnamese defeated the French and the Americans took over. In the 15 years following, 58,000 Americans died there. Hundreds are still imprisoned there to hide the U.S. heroin business. (A NATION BETRAYED by Col. Bo Gritz) [H: Please, readers, take note that even the Soviets now ADMIT they still have POWs from W.W. II right in Russian territory--what think ye about Korea and Vietnam as I have told you over and over again?]
The "French Connection" of heroin into the United States was as follows: From Indochina, the opium went to Marseille, France, where it was processed into heroin. From Marseille it came to America through several channels: The U.S. military; Cuba under the control of Batista; the Mafia and "Resorts International"; the Bahamas (see the U.S. Senate report on Terrorism and Narcotics which tells how U.S. Ambassadors, one from San Luis Obispo, shut down an investigation of corrupt Bahamanian officials involved in drug trafficking and involved with prominent Americans in Florida).
Another channel was through the offshore oil drilling platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. The drugs were offloaded from fishing boats far out at sea. From these platforms the drugs came ashore via the normal crew and equipment boats, thereby avoiding detection. This first came to light during the Kennedy assassination investigation of Louisiana District Attorney Jim Garrison. Other investigators and writers on the Kennedy assassination confirmed that the platforms were being used to smuggle drugs. These oil drilling platforms were pioneered and owned by a Houston, Texas based oil company known as Zapata Offshore Oil. The president and chief executive officer of Zapata Oil was George Herbert Walker Bush! In 1976, as Director of Central Intelligence, George Bush was head of the world's largest drug trafficking organization. (See the Christic Institute lawsuit, the Col. Bo Gritz tapes, the Mae Brussel Research Center, THE POLITICS OF HEROIN by Professor Alfred McCoy, "The Crimes of Patriots" by Jonathan Kwitney, H. Ross Perot, Barbara Honegger, "October Surprise", Richard Brenneke, Dave Emory of "Radio Free America", Abbie Hoffman, John Judge, William Cooper and many others including Senator Kerry's U.S. Senate Subcommittee Report on Terrorism and Narcotics.)
North San Luis Obispo politicians have traditionally been elected on tickets promoting unlimited growth and unlimited real estate development. [H: San Luis Obispo is in the geographic location of Santa Barbara. One outstanding reason for offering you readers this information is that the SAME GROUP is integrally involved in the very property in confiscation by the RTC and priorly by Santa Barbara Savings, etc., of this scribe. The dirty politics has seeped into every judicial bench and legal "group" in the State but most corrupt are the counties in which these individuals set up criminal operations. This is why I have told you that you will find this particular piece of property has ones all the way to the Presidency involved in the criminal actions--BUT, this holds true for every State and County in the Union. Don't be fooled because you live in the boonies somewhere and think yourself safe and secure--Tehachapi IS the "boonies" and yet has as corrupt politics and power brokers as any place in California. This is why much of our building and projects will need also be begun in Nevada and then in this place. We have months upon months to allow for the power line to give approval to even the least of these projects. In some instances, however, the project is similar to that which is already present on property so we hope to cut some of the "ribbons" in advance.] In San Luis Obispo, Jerry Diefenderfer and Bill Coy received large contributions from Los Angeles Realty Political Action Committees (PAC). Cattle business political action committees donated more to Coy's campaign than to any other candidate in California, including Deukmejian (Governor). Other north county politicians such as Carol Hallet (we shall present further information regarding her) and WILLIAM P. CLARK (very important character), who was Ronald Reagan's National Security Advisor and his Secretary of the Interior, have close ties to the cattle business and the cattle political action committees.
Where do these Cattle PACs get their enormous amounts of cash to buy politicians? Take the Zapata Cattle Company for example. Yes, that's right! Zapata! The same name and the same affiliations to the previously mentioned Zapata Offshore Oil of Houston, Texas, previously (???) owned by our favorite drug "czar" and President of the United States of America, George Herbert Walker Bush!
The Zapata Cattle Company has, for many years, imported large amounts of cattle from Mexico. If you remember your high school biology, you will recall that cows have four stomachs. Hey, why not? If humans can smuggle drugs inside their bodies, why not cows? A cow must have 20 times the capacity of a human! Not only that but the tractor-trailer rigs used to transport them had secret built-in compartments. In his book, THE UNDERGROUND EMPIRE, author James Mills stated that the border customs agents received $10,000 every time they flagged through a drug truck without stopping it for inspections. [H: Besides, the trucks themselves and the shipping companies belonged directly to these same individuals--utilizing well-orchestrated corporations (in Nevada).]
Real estate development and construction is the classic way of laundering drug money.
One of the silent partners in the San Luis Obispo cattle business is RONALD REAGAN. [H: It is, further, the same group of "cattle-boys" and real estate developers, S&L criminals, etc., which provided Reagan with "cover" for his Bel Aire estate and thus and so--(through Nevada Corporations) as a "thank you, old buddy".]
Note: "Zapata" is a name for locations off Texas and Florida which fit well with the oil company but the name Zapata was chosen by the Bush cartel because it came from George Bush's old club (cult) at Yale--the "Skull and Bones". The "skull" in point is reported to be the skull of the Mexican Revolutionary, Emiliano Zapata. [H: This may well be correct--for one thing what has the Native Americans totally besides themselves in anger is that the same Skull and Bones club has Chief Geronimo's skull, having been stolen by a group of club members headed by Prescott (Dad) Bush.]
Further: Three ships belonging to Zapata Oil which were used to run guns to Fidel Castro (and drugs into the U.S.) were named the "Houston", the "Zapata" and the "Barbara J". [H: Readers, we covered all this IN DETAIL in various JOURNALS. I CAN ONLY ASK THAT YOU CATCH UP YOUR LESSONS AND THAT SIMPLY REQUIRES READING AND STUDYING THE BACK JOURNALS AND NEWSPAPERS, FOR I KNOW NO OTHER RESOURCE WHEREIN YOU CAN GET IT ALL!]
William Clark's liaison officer, Carol Hallet, was appointed as Ambassador to the Bahamas. The purpose of this was to shut down a drug investigation of corrupt Bahamian officials and to protect their American partners in Florida. One of these Americans was the President's son, Jeb Bush. (Senate Subcommittee Report-Kerry, Christic Institute, etc....).
Jeb Bush was also the North American connection to Manuel Noriega. (THE CUTOLO AFFIDAVIT by Paul Neri, A NATION BETRAYED by Col. Bo Gritz, etc., and Steven Carr-deceased by way of murder.) The route went from Bogota and Medillin, Columbia to Allbrook Air Force Base in Panama, where the drug aircraft were met by Noriega. Another transhipment point was John Hull's ranch in Costa Rica. (Frontline--PBS, West 57th Street--CBS, Judy Woodruff, Jane Wallace, Leslie Cockburn, Mike Tolliver, Gary Betzner, George Marales, plus most of the references listed on page one. Richard Brennecke stated on Larry King-Live-CNN that he also flew these drug planes, but his connection was Donald Gregg, Bush's National Security Advisor.) The destination of some of these drug shipments was Homestead Air Force Base in Florida. [H: This is completely covered in a JOURNAL also.]
STEVEN CARR WAS MURDERED IN LOS ANGELES, ALLEGEDLY BY ONE MIKE DECKER, who worked for SICILIA-FALCONE, THE TIJUANA DRUG BOSS. Sicilia-Falcone was the largest supplier of drugs for Southern California. (Except for maybe Air America and the U.S. Air Force.) [H: See the JOURNALS--TANGLED WEBS series.] Sicilia-Falcone used the motor-cycle gangs and Roger Frye as a distributing network. Mike Decker was their chief "mechanic". [H: Do you think it simply coincidental that "Malcolm Forbes" played around with Liz and the Motorcycle gangs for the total "fun" of it?] (THE UNDERGROUND EMPIRE by James Mills). The Anzalone brothers and Jerry Schlesinger of Long Beach and Los Osos were the San Luis Obispo affiliates. The Sweet Springs bar in Los Osos was a distributing station and the Anzalone ranch in Santa Margarita was a cocaine processing factory. Several local people connected with this operation died from "accidents" or "suicides". When the Sweet Springs Tavern got "busted" for drug trafficking, the Anzalones went to "Club Fed" at Lompac for a short vacation. Jerry Anzalone got out the hard way--on a gurney, covered with a sheet. "Diarrhea of the mouth" can often be fatal. Ronnie built a house on 3rd street in Baywood, complete with an iron spike fence, closed circuit surveillance television, and a gun in every room. Several months ago the house was destroyed by fire. (??)
Jerry Schlessinger came out of all this smelling like a rose. It pays to have friends in high places. Ask ex-supervisor Bill Coy. He always seemed to have a good relationship with the "Mayor" of Los Osos, California.
Scott Alexander was not so fortunate. Scott, who claimed to have had law enforcement experience, (Military Police, Arizona State Police) was helping a Federal Agent (DEA?) Michael Francis Aivaz gather information for the above mentioned "drug bust". Evidently Scott did his job too well and found out too much. His body was found by the creek on the M.V. Rodriguez ranch on Hwy. 41 just outside Morro Bay, California. He was "suicided" with a very short 12 gauge shotgun (one barrel or both?).
Mike Aivaz disappeared shortly after the big "drug bust" and Scott's death. He was in Florida, (Florida? Coincidence?) New Jersey, and Fresno, California. He was allegedly "drying out" in a sanitarium. He made several quiet trips back to Los Osos where he visited Anzalone's Sweet Springs. Mike took the ultra short 12 gauge away from Scott because it was "illegal" but gave it back to him the day before Scott died. Where is Mike now???
Neal McCrea and "The Last Voyage of the "Janet Lee" is another interesting part of this snake pit without a bottom. The boat "Janet Lee" and its cargo of cocaine was returning form a business trip to Central America (see above paragraph 2). The boat went into Vandenberg Air Force Base and Neal left Vandenberg in a body bag. No one seems to know what happened to the cocaine. Neal's widow, Janet, became very wealthy and became Janet Schlesinger (INTERESTING!). Maybe one could explain it all quite appropriately if you could FIND them.
This last paragraph is not the end of this report. This report is just the "Tip of the Iceberg". Interested parties should start their own investigation and interrogate the following local citizens. Start with bartenders, building contractors, dopers, sheriff's deputies, county officials (especially Building and Planning), country supervisors (especially ex-supervisors), judges (especially ex-judges). Check and see how many local citizens went to Washington with Ronald Reagan and left Washington embarrassed, disgraced, or with "dirty hands". The following list of persons could supply plenty of information if they were so inclined: Ronnie Anzalone, Jerry Schlesinger and Janet, Eddie Haworth, Deputy Mike Sheridan, Deputy Chuck Graves, George Jacobsen, Carnaham and Brandenberg, Mike Radon, Kathy Hodges, Al Switzer, County employees Gibson and Milne, County supervisors including past supervisors Coy and Diefenderfer, judges including ex-judge WILLIAM CLARK. Clark, as Reagan's National Security Advisor, rapidly left Washington and disappeared in obscurity in Ireland just after the Korean Air Lines 007 fiasco. There are others but this will give investigators a GOOD START. [H: You will also find that Deukmejian, Jason Brent of the Mojave Court (ex) and other Kern County "locals" also know all about these little involvements and insure that the line could not be run back up to catch the fisher. You will note that when E.J. went to Santa Barbara to check with the wondrous RTC about his property--the RTC was housed with Santa Barbara Savings (the "taken-over" mortgage company), was involved with Salomon Brothers and the "local" lawyers--contacted for information--said "you DO NOT REALLY WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS!" Americans--WAKE UP! Yes, it IS dangerous but nothing else we have done is "safe". And if "dangerous" is that which is required--so let it be. If ones cannot walk through shadows then the sorting must be done. I am a "very big boy" and I also have "pretty good contacts" and a "lot of pull" and I CAN TAKE CARE OF YOU, CHELAS. Have I not already done so??]
[H: Another major law firm (about the second largest in the world) which is totally involved in the world) which is totally involved in Shea and Gould etc., etc., from which flowed Jason Brent at the appointment of the Governor, Deukmejian. Is it any wonder that when Brent ran for Superior Court Judge last month, he advertised that he "had all the major Republicans on his side"? Wake up little sleepyheads--the toast is burning!]
Dharma, let us close this portion. Thank you. Salu.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, August 24, 1993, Volume 2, Number 9, Pages 22-25.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.