HATONN: 4-6-91
From known history, the significant fragments must be sifted out and put into a meaningful order, if we are to make sense of what is now happening to the human species. The cultural storm system cannot be viewed as a whole without giving attention to "the eye of the storm". I make no comment regarding rationale or differences in spiritual aspects regarding this particular "being" but do give undivided attention to the circumstance and that which ensued. You have had historians who acknowledge and summarize the most common attitudes toward "the eye of the storm" in your current area of mixed cultures.
In one way it was stated that "Whether for good or ill, whether fact of fiction, the story of Jesus has had an effect--perhaps an enormous effect--in determining human destiny. In the United States there are two conspicuous views of the story. One is held by those who believe that Jesus was a "supernatural" being, that all people in the world have "sinned", and that Jesus was crucified as a sacrifice for their "sins". The other is held by those who look upon the first group as a bunch of "born-again boobs", and wish the whole story had never gotten started. Well, I'm sure that Emmanuel of "Jesus" fame wishes his presence had not been taken and made into deceit and delusion of a whole civilization--for whether or not you believe--the mere mythology becomes a focus.
From time to time, obscure and perceptive writers--and even a few who are not so obscure, have presented a third viewpoint. They have taken the view that the story of Jesus IS significant and it is most significant when told absolutely straight.
The next statement will be news to most of you--Thomas Jefferson presented one "straight" version in his comments bound with the American Christian Bible. One historian in point is Erik Holden who carried on the work of sifting out significant fragments as started by John Harland. Holden contrasts the significance of the straight story with that of the one accepted by many institutional religions.
The extracts from the Bible that were put together by Jefferson left out the writings of Paul (I hope herein you will refer back to AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL to find out the FACTS regarding Paul. As a matter of fact, we greatly honor Paul in this current time for he is making every effort to rectify his misinformation) and the totally reversed twist to the story that was adopted by the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. The so-called Jefferson Bible has been generally suppressed as is all truth; the editions that were previously available were couched in comments that came close to being apologies to Khazars (Jews) and to so-called Judeo-Christians for what Jefferson left out. Holden looks at the story very much as Jefferson did. Inasmuch as Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence and was also a man who rejected institutional Christianity, while asserting that he was a real Christian, Holden has chosen a highly significant starting point.
The American Christian Bible is of vital significance for the American people at the present time. The current conflict between the culture of individual sovereignty and, for that matter, individual national sovereignty, and the culture of manipulated masses is the same that has been going on for two thousand years. The imposition into Northern Europe of what the Catholic church called Christianity was the original focal point of the conflict.
The segregated Northern Europeans, who were so careful to preserve their no-man's land, were not conquered by the armed force of any manipulated masses from outside. Their enemies slyly injected the culture of manipulated masses into Northern Europe, and then used manipulated masses of Northern Europeans to force the culture which destroyed their own culture, and millions of people bred by that culture, on other Northern Europeans.
Incredible as it seems, two thousand years later the same tactics are still just as effective. The two greatest wars the world has ever known were between people bred by the culture of individual sovereignty fighting others of the same breeding. What manipulators call "the richness achieved by mixing cultures" is a synthesized drug; that drug destroys all perception; it renders people responsive to suggestions for insane action.
The culture slyly injected into Northern Europe centuries ago remains the focal point of the current conflict. Many, who think it was religion that was injected, may tend to dismiss that statement by saying "religion no longer carries significant weight in practical matters". But to them we must say: Hear us out. We are not talking about what some falsely categorize as religion. We are talking about culture.
The mass manipulative culture of the medieval Catholic Church was implemented by wholesale slaughter, torture racks, and public burnings, as one facet of cultural action. The other was church "authorized" marriage, church christenings, and church schools for the children of those allowed to leave progeny. The path of that foreign culture of mass manipulation, as it selectively killed some people and encouraged the breeding of others, marked the sharp line of conflict with the culture that had bred the Northern Europeans.
Theretofore the foreign culture, in its usual dragon form, has been recognized and successfully opposed. Now it was not recognized because individuals merely carried its seeds. To get across the no-man's land these individual saboteurs had to have a passport. Harland describes the passport, which gave passage to the foreign culture's advocates, as being like a two-sided coin. The teachings of Jesus were on one side; the teachings of the Nomadic Khazar (so-called Jewish) Nation were on the other. The priests who gained passage were the ones skilled in deftly flipping the coin from side to side to make it fit the occasion.
Currently the same trick is performed--all day everyday, in the U.S.--by those who have unconstitutional control of radio and television stations. In current use the two-sided coin is the hyphenated word: Judeo-Christianity.
We need to most carefully examine the two-sided passport that has played such havoc with the culture of individual sovereignty.
Before Jesus, the Nomadic Khazar Nation was only a minor nuisance to the Roman Empire. The nomadic Khazar Nation became a factor of worldwide significance only because it was the weather front for one culture when the two opposing cultures met with Jesus, "the eye of the storm". The whole storm system falls within our subject.
Benefiting by a view that now stretches over two thousand years, you can recognize that the opposing cultural winds did not meet at the focal point where Jesus was born among the Judeans "just by accident". Although the Khazars were only a minor nuisance to the Roman Empire, they were the world's most pronounced weather front for the culture of manipulated masses. The Khazarian people exemplified the products of the manipulated mass culture more clearly than any people on earth. Also they advocated the culture, itself, more conspicuously than any people on earth. They had rationally and deliberately formalized the significant direction of the primitive culture by inventing a "god" who opposed Nature.
Most current Khazars (now labeling themselves as so-called Jews) no longer believe any such "god" exists but, nonetheless, their well-known objective of "victory over nature" and their anti-Nature "morality", which they either claim was decreed by the "god" they invented or follows logically from their atheistic communism, remains the focal point of the tradition that coordinates their actions. According to the spokesmen for their "god", they are a people chosen by their "god" for the role of the world's manipulators. They are repulsed by any need for contact with Nature. Their spokesmen tell them that their "god" promises them that they need have no contact with Nature, that they can live off the milk and honey produced by other peoples. Their culture has bred them for such complete lack of respect for, and perception of, Nature that they remain totally blind to the fact that their objective of "victory over nature" would accomplish precisely what the regressive insects have "accomplished". It would push regression of the entire human species to the point of no return. When the cultural storm system developed, the core of the culture diametrically opposing the one the Khazars had formalized was isolated in Northern Europe. The Greeks, although biological products of that culture, had compromised it while trying to rule over peoples bred for mass manipulation. However, they had thirteen cities designed as samples of Greek civilization located around the area where Jesus was born. Although diluted and confused, some color, or breath of wind, suggesting the existence of an alternative to the culture of manipulated masses had permeated the area.
A much keener perception than that usually found among the so-called Jews (Khazarians) was needed to sense the color, or feel the faint breeze, and to visualize what would happen if the culture indicated by the faint breeze came to full force. The culture had been weakened by the Greeks' compromises but, from the same direction as the breath of wind that hinted at an alternative culture's existence, could be sensed the movement that was the whole of Nature. The faint cultural breath told that the culture both supported Nature and was backed by nature. The suggestion, however faint, that such a widely different culture did exist would be enormously significant to anyone with perception who was caught in a squeeze play between the advocates of two cultures fighting for dominance--when both the cultures were just different forms of mass manipulation.
The Romans had power over the Khazars. The Khazars bent to Roman rule in the open and fought it in secret. Born among the Judeans, Jesus was under the usual Judean pressure to side with the Khazarians against the Romans, but he recognized that they both moved in the same cultural direction and therefore, HE WAS OPPOSED TO BOTH!
What mass manipulators have interpreted as the "non-violence" teachings of Jesus was something utterly different. Jesus advocated and practiced a policy of not taking sides between two systems that both had the same direction of mass manipulation--this held true much later with the group of Essenes who asked for his sanction and participation within their specific group--at which point he rapidly took total and complete leave of them while at the same time announcing to his people that they would CLAIM HIM TO BE ONE OF THEM. You must further understand that at that time the term or label "Jesus" was not attached to the entity at all. He was called Emmanuel, Esu etc., not Jesus. Paul later conjured and labeled the master teacher by that handle after traveling in Greece. If you know nothing of history and fact--how can you even know that which you worship?--for it is often false.
This is the very reason God gives you a first commandment of "have no other Gods before ME". He is the very essence of life itself which lives and remains within each from the beginning of experience unto the ending and beyond into infinity--by whatever name you choose. If you WORSHIP none other, then there aren't apt to be errors in judgment by the WORD MANIPULATORS.
Esu advocated giving no active physical help, which necessarily meant giving no active physical opposition, to either side. When talking about the cultures, Esu concerned himself primarily with that of the Judeans because the Khazar / Judeans had formalized the culture of manipulated masses and stated its Nature-opposing "morality" in WORDS. The formalized verbal statement of the culture was something that Esu could oppose in human words. He did so for about three years.
The Khazars had the clearest statement of a culture that took action against Nature; they had actually said that the imaginary "god" they invented had created the world and then "repented" his own creation. To one who had felt the faint breeze of an opposing cultural wind, and could recognize that the total flow of Nature moved in the direction of that breeze, it was clear that the direction advocated by "the law and the prophets", who proclaimed an anti-Nature "god", would lead all advocates of that culture to inevitable damnation.
The primitive Nature-opposing culture had not only been formalized, it had also been stated in great detail by the intricate prophets, and by the numerous examples of action in their proudly preserved history of clever treachery, Esu chose the contrast of speaking against it in the simplest possible words.
He talked of Nature and of the God who clothed the lilies of the fields and valued the smallest sparrow. He denounced the law and the prophets and, ignoring the imaginary Khazar "god" who was presented as being external to his creations, Esu talked of a different God who was within and Father to His creations. The message of Esu was that perceptive people would realize they were of the Father. He said, "I am in the Father and the Father is in me." He told people they could go against the law and that was not important, they could go against what they called "god" and that was not important, but if they did not heed the Holy Spirit that was WITHIN them, they would be eternally damned.
In simple, bare, inexact human words, there has never been a clearer statement of individual sovereignty. But Esu was placed at the weather front of masses looking for a messiah--looking for a leader of manipulated masses, a new spokesman for the imaginary "god" they had invented. They thought only of fighting the Roman culture of manipulated masses with their own, even more extreme, culture of manipulated masses. Human words were inadequate for something as important as Esu wanted to say.
When He had said all that could be said by using inexact human words, He had to accept the bitter cup that words alone do not establish a culture. With courageous resignation He faced the fact that, even though the people around Him would not accept a culture opposite to the one that was leading them to damnation, He could still make a full statement to the whole world regarding that which came from the Holy Spirit, or Father, within Him in the language of the REAL GOD--in the language of Nature's God.
He told his disciples that His time was approaching but that their time was yet to come. He planned to precipitate a battle in which they could take sides. He said to them, "Sell your coat and buy a sword."
Then in the language of Nature and Nature's God, He spoke. As one who had violated no specific law of the mass manipulators--but as one who had denounced their total culture--He openly confronted the mass manipulators with full knowledge of what would happen. Having publicly proclaimed the sovereignty of an individual, He placed himself so that as an individual He conspicuously stood against the most clearly defined culture of manipulated masses that existed anywhere in the world, a culture that will tolerate no one who rejects the law and the prophets, a culture that will tolerate no one who obeys only the Holy Spirit within.
Esu deliberately walked into a situation where He foresaw that his crucifixion would clearly show the mortal opposition which exists--unreconcilably--between the two cultures. In the language of Nature and Nature's God, His crucifixion proclaimed to all the world that the opposition between the two cultures is mortal and external, that compromise cannot be made, that one of the diametrically opposing directions must be chosen.
And herein I might state that this Journal could well be labeled Vol. II of THE PLEIADES CONNECTION for these are the teachings of Truth without manipulation of either culture. These ARE the teachings of the brotherhood from afar--and furthermore it must, by now, make sense why it is so important for the manipulators to silence the Truth-Bringers. Especially at this time is this information highly dangerous to the manipulators for you are foundationed upon the basis of individual sovereignty as a nation of individual people. The manipulators have not yet accomplished all necessary constraints to enslave you but are well on their way to so-doing. You as individuals with the ability to function as sovereign people are all but finished and the coming into being of the One World Order with central government by those who manipulate is all but written into history as accomplished. Ah but remember--it is never too late if Man awakens even unto the eleventh hour. He does, however, have to basically understand the circumstance.
Crude, inexact human words do not pass the boundaries of different peoples and are seldom fully understood. In the universal language of Nature and Nature's God, Esu made the most significant and most eloquent statement ever made to the whole human species.
The Khazars tried to ignore that statement. When they discovered that they could not simply ignore it, they tried to kill off everyone who tried to point out the significance of it. The Romans saw its significance and gave the Khazarian gangs license to exterminate Christians--no more and no less.
Then one of the Khazarian butchers, Saul of Tarsus, came up with the idea of twisting the story backwards and actually making it support the Khazarian culture of mass manipulation (sorry Paul, but know son, ye bring that which is needed this day to the table that we might bring these things unto the masses of current human experience. Hold steady for all manners of opposition in all forms of manifestations are sent and continue to bind you but you shall be given to prevail and bring other fragments into peace as well as you bend not to the rigors and vicissitudes of human bombardment. Each now takes active roles in setting to straight the historical errors of experience and some will fail--again; but ones of Godly intent shall surely succeed).
The imaginary primitive "god", which the Khazars had invested purportedly, demanded bloody sacrifices of the first born and finest before he would forgive their "sins". Everyone had heard Esu say, "I am in the Father, and the Father in me." Many had said that Esu was claiming to be a god. Saul conceived the idea that people could be made to accept Esu as the son of the imaginary "god" the Khazars had invented, and accept his crucifixion as a sacrifice that the imaginary god's law demanded for the salvation of all who had not obeyed that law.
A ROSE---?
Now I hope you ones have noted that I continue to utilize the word Khazar--but that is not actually the appropriate label. At the time of Esu the Khazars (by the label) were still in the confines of Europe. Therefore, you must now look to that which "KHAZAR" means--"gaz" or "to wonder", in other words, "nomads", and the first factual references which you will find to this group as "Khazars" came in a Syrian chronicle by "Zacharia Rhector", dating from the middle of the sixth century. So what can I possibly mean? I mean that this "culture" of people were already present and functioned as the anti-Christ even before the presence of the one you accepted or touted as "Christ". So what were they called? Well, some called them Canaanites--descendents of Cain the cursed. But this interrupts my chain of thought which I wish to project, please--without distraction to another topic. You ones must realize that this group also is represented in your church lessons as Pharisees. We shall come back to this discussion at another time--just explicitly know that when I refer to Khazars, I speak of those who are now self-styled, so-called "Jews".
The mob had demanded that the body of Esu be crucified. Saul conceived the idea of crucifying the spirit. Nietzsche, describing Paul's action in The Anti-Christ, wrote: "Once more the priestly instinct of the Jew perpetuated the same old master crime against history--he simply struck out the yesterday and day before yesterday of Christianity and invented his own history of Christian beginnings. What indeed, has not this evangelist (Paul, Saul of Tarsus) sacrificed to hatred! Above all the Savior, he nailed him (back) on his own cross". In spirit, Esu continues to hang there. Such conspicuous persons as Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell (who said, "I am proud to say I am a Zionist!" [KHAZAR/ELITEST]) encourage today's manipulated masses to drive more nails.
Despite the fact that the "converted" Paul set up a chain of churches in Greece to promote the version of "Jesus" he had invented, many Greeks recognized and valued the clear and superb eloquence of the statement Esu had made. They saw it as far exceeding that made by Socrates; it was greater in both dramatic impact and clarity of meaning. Among the Greeks, people began making new commitments to the individual sovereignty that had bred them. The seed of their own culture had been resown.
Inevitably there was conflict between the two stories. Arguments, attempts to derogate the opposition and attempts to reconcile the unreconcilable, gave rise to an enormous amount of verbal garbage. A hundred years after the crucifixion of Esu "Jesus" there were already over a hundred sects that called themselves Christian.
Verbal garbage is a preparation of the ground for dogma. Acceptance of dogma is acceptance of the culture of mass manipulation. The Roman Emperor Constantine recognized the potential for mass manipulation in the garbage of conflicting ideas about "Jesus". (I would interrupt herein to ask my historian, Nora--how am I doing? I, Hatonn, am greatly indebted to ones who pay attention so that I don't err greatly in sequence of events. I find your history tedious and mostly unpleasant but I do effort at being accurate.)
In 314 A.D. the Emperor convened a council of the various "Christian" sects to study their teachings. At a subsequent council in 325 A.D. he selected the followers of certain doctrines for official approval--with the understanding that they would either absorb or destroy the others.
Basically it was the false, totally reversed twist given the story of Jesus by the anti-Christ butcher that was made "official Christianity" by an Emperor wanting docile, dogma-controlled subjects. However, the most eloquent statement ever made regarding the mortal opposition between the two human cultures of humans was not easily crushed. The significant and eloquent statement Esu had made in the language of Nature and Nature's God persisted.
Knowing how that statement had appealed to the Greeks, the priests of "official Christianity" used it as a passport of entrance to the guarded areas of individual sovereignty in Northern Europe. To the Northern Europeans, that dramatic statement, upholding their own culture and condemning the culture they condemned, made by some heroic individual in a foreign land was doubly acceptable. Its eloquence was coupled with the individual heroism, and individual heroism had their respect no matter where seen.
The straight story served as a passport for the Roman priests whose purported message was the teachings of the hero, who weaponless had defiled the dragon (or serpent as Esu called the underhanded Khazarian nation) so as to show the whole world the serpent-dragon's mortal opposition to the bare existence of a sovereign individual. Having gained passage, the priests gradually replaced the Christianity based on the straight story of Esu (Jesus) with the confusing garbage of Paul's anti-Christ "Christianity". Into this, bit by bit, was injected the Khazarian formalized dogma for promoting the primitive culture of mass manipulation.
The manipulated killing--by their own kind--of millions upon millions of the people who had been deliberately bred by, and for, the culture of individual sovereignty began when something called "JUDEO-CHRISTIANITY" was made "coin of the realm".
The manipulated battle, between the confused people, soon developed so many facets that it was virtually impossible to distinguish friend from foe.
The same battle is still going on throughout the Western World at this moment. The trigger that precipitates the destruction of those bred for individual sovereignty by others of the same breeding is still the same two-sided coin. The mass manipulators keep the confusion and destruction going as actively as their fullest efforts can promote it.
Martin Luther challenged the head manipulators in Rome over the confusing garbage being passed out for forced feeding. While observing the widespread attempt to vomit up the incompatible foreign stuff that had been cunningly pushed upon the Northern Europeans, Luther became intensely disturbed that it was not only the formalized primitive dogma of the so-called, self-styled Jews that caused the problem; the flip-side of the Christian coin was also serving as a passport for the Khazarians (so-called Jews) themselves.
While enviously admiring the clever new forms of deception practiced by the Catholic Church, the so-called Jews were intensely aware that it was their own system of mass manipulation that the Church was using to bring down those of the opposing culture. They felt jealously possessive of the anti-Nature "god" they had created in their own image; they wanted to move in and take over the power the Catholic Church had acquired over the proud, competent, Nature-loving Northern Europeans by making them bow their heads before the Khazarian "god". The Khazarian so-called Jews were like jackals moving in to feast on a lion's kill. Luther's violent words against their methods and against the very existence of the so-called Jews as a people are fully understandable.
Now what happens? It depends upon how many individualists desiring sovereignty of person and nation there are left. The manipulators have and continue to join forces, and gang up on you--fortunately for you, they can't relinquish desire to be head manipulator and this gains you some time for actions and changes.
Dharma, I apologize for such a very long day but this is such incredibly important information. Thank you, chela, for I know that you are weary. Have a good rest and we shall continue on the morrow. Good night, friends, and keep heart for we ARE MAKING GREAT PROGRESS--AS LONG AS MAN CAN REGAIN HIS "REASON" HE CAN PREVAIL AGAINST ALL ODDS. IT IS ONLY THAT INDIVIDUAL MAN HAS LOST HIS WAY. SO BE IT.
Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn to clear.
Source: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, April 1991, Volume 11, Number 5, Pages 5-9.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.