11/30/90 HATONN
Dharma, please just continue in the copying of the print in the following pages of the Document: DESERT SHIELD AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER. I hope that all of you readers will obtain a copy of the document as quickly as possible for the author thereof is in great jeopardy and you must move into protection of one another--knowledge and disclosure or truth are your freedom and your protection. I would like herein, however, to give you confirmation for another resource of that which I have been outlaying to you. This comes from Earth records and input and is in no-wise mystical. We shall reprint it all if necessary. Of course there are things with which I disagree but will not take time for all exceptions--it is the truth of sequence and attitude with which you must come to grips--not spiritual "right" or "wrong". Force is not of God, so in fact, everything being created in this scenario is not of God so let us keep our attention to the intended confirmation of subject.
Before August 2, 1990, 75% of all Americans had never even heard of such a nation as Kuwait. Millions of people had never heard of Vietnam until their loved ones began to die there. The little section of the Persian sand dunes known as Kuwait has always been part of the Persian Empire which now calls itself Iraq. Since about 1956, the Sabah family has ruled this area with boundaries always in contention. He owns, in Persia, only what he can control.
Going back to the period of World War One, Britain established a "protectorate" over Kuwait to see to it that the same Sabah family remained in control of that area of the world's oil supply. The northern frontier with Iraq was established by British survey in 1923, but still remained a part of Iraq as far as everyone in the region was concerned.
Now, remember the interest in the Middle Eastern oil at the Teheran Conference? World Zionist powers, who knew that there was little or no oil in ancient Palestine, wanted control of the oil in Kuwait, and in return for "national independence" the Sabah family agreed to become secret partners with Israel even though they are the richest family in the world! So, in June 1961, much to the objection of Iraq, Britain announced that it was giving diplomatic recognition to the shaykhdom of Kuwait. At that time, Iraq refused to recognize this British outrage, and sent troops to the border to straighten things out. They knew full well that the "Emirs", as the patriot Larry Patterson puts it, are "Israeli stooges".
Anyway, the British sent some troops there in June, 1961, to defend Kuwait against Iraq, and, in concert with Israel, put heat on the Arab League so that they would also recognize Kuwait. Furious, Iraq was forced to withdraw and the Iraqi claim was never mentioned again. From that time on, however, Iraq has prepared for August 2, 1990, knowing that she would have to stand alone among the other Arab nations who were by then feeding at the trough of Western Zionism.
Furious with the West, which is seen by the Iraqi people as the Great Satan for their promotion of world Zionism, Iraq had the money to buy all the war materials and other items it needed. The Soviets were more than willing to oblige them. So were many of the western nations, including the United States. Yes, for years America has helped build Iraq's war machine, just as CIA operative, Col. Edward Lansdale gave surrendered Japanese weapons to Ho Chi Minh so that he could start a war in South East Asia.
Iraq does not want to be forced into the Zionist New World Order. They hold that position as much for religious reasons as for financial, banking and political reasons. They are ready to fight to the last man.
Are there interviews of our American soldiers in the Desert in your area? They have them here in North Carolina because so many of them have departed to the Arabian deserts from this State. I see and hear these men talking as if taking Iraq is going to be a piece of cake. They think that America can bomb Iraq back to the Stone Age any time we care to do so. That seems to be the prevailing level of understanding. Bush vows to liberate Kuwait, and Saddam Hussein says that Iraq will not abandon this annexation. Threats go back and forth, and the news media keeps pointing us to Bush's stronger and stronger dialogue, preparing us for war, while denying he has any such intentions.
Let the reader be under no false assumptions! This Middle East War, called DESERT SHIELD, has been in the planning stages for a long time! The NEW YORK TIMES of April 3, 1990, reported that the Selective Service System (known locally as the Draft Board) has been under full alert status and ready to begin calling up men for service on a 24 hour notice since April, 1990. Why? Listen carefully! Pay attention! They are planning a "final war to end all wars" that will be so terrible that the whole world will agree to the New World Order without giving it a second thought. We know that they are planning to call up 100,000 young men"...
"Those young men who do not wish to serve in Bush's Middle East War may want to know that the "draft" is still "voluntary". As with the IRS, most men do not know when they "volunteered" and found them outside the protection of the Bill of Rights and under the Admiralty Universal Code of Military Justice. You do so as "an Act" during the swearing in ceremony. The man who is swearing you in will state: "Those joining the Army are to take one step forward." At that exact moment, and from then on, you who do not want to volunteer, do not step forward, but remain fast in your tracks and do not move. If you do not move, you are not in "that man's Army". No, they will not inform you of this one fact about volunteering. They will be angry, and may "talk to you for a day or two" to get you to take "that one step" but if you remain adamant, they must, by law, release you back to civilian life. [Hatonn: Please, I ask that you who have been inquiring of me as to what you can do if you do not wish to serve--here is a very good point indeed!]
...put them through basic training, and assign them to Arabia.
I am fully aware of the fact that further deployment is not illegal under the War Powers Act, a 60 day limit that expired on October 7, 1990. Under U.S. Law, our troops must be returned home unless there is a vote of Congress permitting our forces to remain there. This was not done, and your Congress has gone home until January! [Hatonn: Please note that Bush and Congress will rectify this little slip-up right away now for THAT will be the reason for allowing a special session of Congress.] Whatever Bush intends to do, it is almost certain that he will not seek formal Congressional permission for war. Some of the patriotic groups are yelling and screaming about this illegality. I beg to differ with them. If America were still under Congressional Laws, Bush's actions would be illegal, even under Admiralty law. However, don't you understand? Since we are under the New World Order Law of the United Nations, that is, the New World Order that was set in place on January 19, 1989, in Moscow, the Congressional War Powers Act is null and void! It is moot! It simply no longer applies! You should have understood that fact when Bush sent the Armed Forces into Panama and captured the lawful Head of State and put him into a U.S. prison. Much as I hate Manuel Noriega and the drug-pushing creeps around him, such an Act, however understandable, is unthinkable under the former International Law of Sovereign Nations. What will it take to wake Americans up?
Others have asked us, "Who calls the shots?" They state, "Obviously Bush is not capable of keeping up with all that's going on, and seems confused, having mixed signals, etc." I told you on page 29 (of the above named document) who calls the shots, just as I told you in my ENCORE! written 16 months ago. I have not changed my opinion, and further data has only enhanced my position. The primary man, whose employees supervise George Bush, is Henry Kissinger. Kissinger gets his funding from the Zionists in New York and Tel Aviv. He employs a staff of 50 persons, including several dozen "political advisors" from previous Administrations whom he knew and trusted. The leading Zionist-New World Order person directing President Bush is Brent Scrowcroft. The next man that Bush reports to is Lawrence Eagleburger. Both transferred from the Kissinger offices in New York City to Washington. They are there to see to it that the New World Order instructions are carried out in detail, efficiently, and timely. Scrowcroft is Bush's National Security Advisor, and Eagleburger has the cover of Under Secretary of State. The control is very tight.
I will not have time to document and comment on the Soviet involvement in pushing "their ally" Hussein to the border of Kuwait. Saddam wanted to do that ever since the British humiliation in 1961 when Kuwait became independent of everyone except Israel. Hussein did not want open warfare with the US, however badly he hates us. In mid-July, he moved 30,000 troops to the Kuwait border. After they were in place, Hussein summoned America's Ambassador to Iraq, Ms. April Glaspie, to his office. She told Hussein what had been her instructions from the Kissinger New World Order Task Force: "We have no opinion on the Arab to Arab conflicts, like your border agreements with Kuwait." She then told Hussein that she had to return to Washington for consultations and left almost immediately. To the average American, not accustomed to diplomatic language and actions, this may seem like a minor point. There are no minor points. In diplomatic circles, such words and actions were seen by Hussein as a "green light" for him to move into Kuwait. He did exactly as the Kissinger "Brain Trust" had hoped he would. If you think that I have imagined all this, I call your attention to Ms. Glaspie's remark to the NEW YORK TIMES and reported in the NEW YORKER.
"If you do not want to distill the news from many sources, you will find that the NEW YORKER, read by a very select group, will have some of the information you need as to what the tactics are going to be for the New World Order, etc. The average American does not read this magazine, so the truth is often found in its editorial comments.
of October 1, 1990:
"I didn't think--and nobody else did--that the Iraqis were going to take all of Kuwait."
Read that quote again. Who are the "nobody else did"? She admits that "they" expected Hussein to take some of Kuwait, but not all of Kuwait. Having made that slip, the NEW YORKER columnist goes on with the standard Zionist position that suggests the Bush Administration's misjudgments, etc. A couple of weeks later, the NEW YORKER picked up another Kissinger-Zionist New World Order slogan, which we have also heard from President Bush, is to the effect that Hussein and his associates "are becoming war criminals in the classic Nurenburg sense". Of all the brutal dictators the world has endured these past 50 years, Hussein is the first to be compared with Hitler's regime. Not Stalin. Not Castro. Not Gorbachev. I am not defending the actions of the Nazi Regime, but those Nurenburg Trials in 1946-48, were nothing more than kangaroo court proceedings. They were unfair, rigged, and grotesque miscarriages of justice! And, they were illegal. It is this type of legal system that Kissinger and Bush are talking about in the New World Order Law. Justice, Harlan Fiske Stone, referred to Nurenburg as a "high grade lynching party".
Here is the next point regarding Kuwait that most Americans have missed in the news media. Hundreds of Kuwaiti citizens gathered in London on October 9, 1990, to discuss their future under the Sabah family. According to the NEW YORK TIMES of October 10, 1990, these prominent Kuwaiti leaders were involved in a strenuous debate over whether they wanted to see the former ruling family of Kuwait return to power. Did you know that? The conclusion of the story is that most Kuwaitis do not want them back!
Here is one of the reasons! In 1986, the Kuwait regime ended all freedom of the press and all freedom of expression. This fact has been completely covered up in the American news media. Under Kissinger directives,
"...the repressive nature of the Sabah family must be censored, for if it is not, then the stated reason we are about to go to war would become openly ridiculed and grass roots objections would rise to critical levels."
For security reasons, I cannot reveal the source of this Directive from the Kissinger Staff. I accept it as authentic, and as you watch the news, see if this fact is ever mentioned to the American people in the media.
Kuwait was an absolute dictatorship, as many who have been in the Middle East know from personal experience. It is this type of Kuwaiti dictatorship that the New World Order wants to see in place throughout the globe, and American servicemen are now on the scene to insure that it is re-established.
Yet, in spite of the largest armada in recent history now poised against him, Saddam Hussein seems indifferent to what might at first appear to be inevitable defeat. Our American soldiers seem casual, as is a football team whose score in the 4th quarter is 57 to 6. The Kissinger Team knows all about what I am going to reveal on these last pages and they are saying nothing about it. The fact is, this data is considered by your government as CLASSIFIED, and not shared with the American people or the American servicemen now serving in OPERATION DESERT SHIELD.
And now comes a major reason for giving forth this information in our own publication--even though I have given it to you prior to this: We must give protection unto our brother who dares and this man, author, is under attack just as is our group herein--PLEASE SUPPORT EACH OTHER FOR THERE IS STRENGTH IN NUMBERS AND TRUTH IS TRUTH IS TRUTH!
This man is Nord Davis, Jr. I have asked for his shielding and support prior to this but I desire to repeat it herein. There is only safety if we get the word OUT THERE! I shall probably reprint the entire document under point for I know of no other way to insure that it will be read by our own readers, otherwise. I herein ask our publisher to give information for contacting this organization and further, ask GG to contact this man personally. I shall be most happy to communicate with him but I believe a contact in joint effort shall be sufficient--YOU MUST SAVE YOUR CONSTITUTION AND YET, EVEN I FEAR IT MAY BE TOO LATE!
I do point out that there is nothing of newness in the document which I have not given you in gross and finite detail--however, you are ones pleading for confirmation and other sources to temper your belief system. I, further, agreed to utilize the material in full, without editing and I honor that commitment. Therefore, I will express a few points as we move along, but few indeed lest the document become so long, and unwieldy that you will not read it. I have no intent to publish pictures, however, nor all specific headings for this is not my intent or purpose, for if that were the case I would simply mail all of you the document. I wish to honor the man and ask for support and linkage to give strength to the truth flow--you need numbers in support and hereby is one way to achieve unity and action. So be it.
Now before closing this particular segment, Dharma, please print the last page of the document regarding organophosphates, i.e., ANTHRAX. You must know that all sides have moved into this "game" with a full deck in case planning goes awry which it can at any juncture and/or any moment. I think you should know what else, above and beyond the weapons I have outlined prior to this, is available and ready for use against your children.
If the U.S. attacks the Iraqi forces now in Kuwait, or attacks Iraq from the Saudi Arabian deserts, it is suspected that the first choice weapon of the Iraqis will be the use of a form of biological warfare known in the military circles as "organophosphates." The type that Iraq will be using is known as ANTHRAX. Most of the lower-level American officers and all of our enlisted combat forces are completely unaware of this, for the so-called chemical warfare suits do not protect against ANTHRAX germs! British intelligence sources, from where this information has come indirectly into my hands, state:
"...and the Iraqis have achieved expertise with ANTHRAX bombs and we expect that they are informed enough to deliver doses severe enough and strong enough to cause almost instant black-outs, diarrhea, asthma, choking, epilepsy, burning skin and eyes, and impaired vision....these are most likely to be employed when the soldiers are asleep and there would be no possibility of the sleeping victim saving himself....the ANTHRAX germs are the most highly contagious known....the first effects of the Iraqi ANTHRAX bomb would be blackouts, fits, and vomiting, and the victim will be vomiting while unconscious."
ANTHRAX is one of the most horrible deaths known to man. It takes a soldier 48 hours to die, and death is certain. I make no excuse for the horror of the information given in this pamphlet including the matter of the ANTHRAX biological weapons in the hands of Iraq. The Bush Administration has forbidden that this ANTHRAX information be released to the American public. Unless you have access to CLASSIFIED materials, and are in a certain intelligence level with need to know, this may be the first and only place you will ever see this information.
The New World Order, this history of which has been sketched out for you in the past 38 pages (and we shall bring it to you also) began with thousands more for the same ultimate Cause during World War Two. The World Zionists have made the decision to move now to put this New World Order in place at once. To accomplish this, over the objections of freedom-loving Americans, is to bring about one more war wherein, according to Defense Intelligence sources, there will be 19,500 to 38,000 American casualties. Toward this end, the USSR has given massive aid to Iraq in the form of technical know-how, war materials, and financial help. This war, carried under the name of DESERT SHIELD, was strategically planned in the Kissinger offices in Manhattan and in the Mossad headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel. So confident are these Zionists that they now refer to Jerusalem as their New World Order capital, when everyone knows that Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel.
When was the last time that the United Nations ever had a 100% agreement on anything at the Security Council? When was the last time all the Republicans and all the Democrats ever agreed on anything, right down to the last man? When was the last time that there was an open split in the Arab world with all of them siding with the United Nations? Iraq, who does not want to be forced into the New World Order, will be brought to its knees eventually, but not before the horrible and needless deaths of thousands of our wonderful, obedient American servicemen--who will never know what hit them or why.
May Almighty God, in His unmerited Grace towards us, forgive us one more time so that we can clean house in America. Nord Davis Jr., NORTHPOINT.
Please think carefully about this information and before you conclude that there are contradictions in my opening statements and the quotations--please think about it and then read again. There is the overall plan and the myriad plans and alternatives to reach the same goal. Yes, Saddam can be a part and parcel of what appears to be "both" sides. This has been the workable subterfuge of the entire plan from onset--so that you will not know who is doing what to whom but there are clues, not the least of which is borne in the very seal (logo) of the NEW WORLD ORDER. I ask that it be pictured herein. (See last page.) Do not be betrayed and misled by that which looks good for remember: when man pronounces "peace, peace", he lies and the price of this current projection is indeed heavy and irreversible. Look and listen carefully for the last hour-glass is empty! Salu.
Dharma, allow us a break and I will outlay that which I wish to follow-on this document. Thank you, chela. Good morning. Hatonn to clear, please.
Source: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, December 1990, Volume 5, Number 11 & 12, Pages 2-7.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.