7/29/92 #2 HATONN
The person who sent this correspondence is so unnerved by events that he asks that he not be identified by ANY means: name, location, etc. I honor that and thank you for sharing.
July 18, 1992
Commander Hatonn; Friends,
......and may we speak of an occurrence which has intrigued me and disturbed me for nearly 8 years. It is the actual experience of a physician in a Western State, (I have since forgotten his name.) His experience was recounted briefly in an issue of PARADE magazine and in fuller detail in, I believe, the AKRON BEACON-JOURNAL.
Four days BEFORE the Presidential election of 1984, the physician and countless others were watching TV through Satellite Dish TV hookup, which was at that time state-of-the-art. To his agitation he found himself watching the entire top new reporting crew of one of the networks--David Brinkley, Sander Van Ocher, et al--reporting the VOTE RETURNS OF THE REAGAN-MONDALE PRESIDENTIAL RACE WHICH HAD NOT YET BEEN HELD!
He said it caused him to feel disoriented in time as though the election had somehow been held without his knowing about it. After several hours of watching state by state returns, coming in bit by bit, he went to his phone and called his Mother in Canada. This lady had been active in politics and had connections so he asked her to check on what in the world was going on!
She eventually called back and said that she had been able to reach someone who told her that this was a "dress rehearsal" that had been broadcast by mistake and that he was to "...forget it and pay no attention--IT WOULD NOT HAPPEN AGAIN."
The day after his having seen what he had seen--he received a call from a person "very high up" in one of the major networks who reiterated EXACTLY the same message.
He mentioned that the election was going to Pres. Reagan... . I do not know if the reports four days in advance were the same as those which transpired on Election night.
Spotlight has reported that all statistics are funneled to ONE giant computer system which can be programmed to skew the results in any direction desired.
Do you have knowledge of what was going on that day? A "dress rehearsal" seems like a very unlikely true explanation!
Thank you for what you do for the people. I will continue to support you. I look forward to hearing your commentary on the Perot developments. [H: And again a reminder to not use identification if the message would be "shared".]
Salu and thank you. Indeed I know what was going on in ALL your elections. You have no voice in reality, in any election and have not for many, many decades. The "dictatorship" has been established by the New World Order and Committee of 300. What will happen to Bush? Bigger plans or wipeout? He will either play the game or, as the Bilderbergers have already decided well over a year past--Clinton and Gore will be the pigeons on parade at the White House Podiums. It no longer matters a whit who wins for the intentions are to silence the voices of the people in any event.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, August 4, 1992, Volume 20, Number 3, Page 26.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.