2/1/91 ATON
This Express is dedicated to SFC THEODORE BRUTON who resides in the desert of Saudi Arabia--lonely, frightened and expecting to die for that which he understands not. There are others, nameless for many reasons, whom we honor equally but we herein acknowledge this young man and his mates and so shall it come to pass as this transition of a blessed planet comes to fruition. I HONOR MY CHILDREN WHO HAVE GONE FORTH TO BEAR THE BANNER OF TRUTH EVEN UNTO THE PLACES OF HELL AND SO SHALL THEY COME INTO THE SECURITY AND SAFETY OF MINE ARMY AGAINST WHICH NONE CAN PREVAIL.
Patriotic? Beyond your ability to measure! He is sent forth in service to his country and will serve to the best of his ability for as long as he can do so. He wants to come home so that he can bring truth to a blind populace.
I have news for this young man--he is come to Earth for purpose and, albeit a strange place to find Truth--where better? How could you be sent from Higher Cause into a nightmare to serve? Where better then where truth is even more hidden from thine eyes? Contribution to God is wondrous experience indeed.
I speak to you and will be tempted to disbelieve for you have been given into the lie for so long. I am that being named as the "Father" and again the "Master Son" shall present upon your planet that balance can again prevail. I send forth the Hosts of my Armies to bear Truth and understanding in preparation for that coming again. Do not struggle with the perplexity of this message--simply know that measured against that which is perceived "real and physical about you", it is not nearly as incredible.
Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr., is sent in MY service--most recently from the placement known to you as Pleiades. He is responsible for the reclamation and preparations for the return of the "Phoenix" (Christos now fulfilled as God). He is one of your cosmic space brothers and serves in the United Federation Fleet as Commander, under the authorization and auspices of the Inter-Galactic Federation Command and the United Federation Council. Sounds like Star Trek? So be it for if you will but go within into your place of knowledge you will recognize of the Truth of that which I bring for your consideration.
Dharma, put to print a letter received yesterday from a young man in Saudi Arabia that others might find solace in the petitions coming back into my attention for I wish to then give instructions for passage through the veil of Hell in which the youth find themselves in that place of madness. Why do I choose one name from the many to honor? Because I desire that he, and all be protected in security and yet, I must have ONE to which a physical message can be directed. I protect the sender of this forthcoming letter--let it be known to all who censor and discredit Truth hereof.
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Dear Sir, or Mam,
First of all, I would like to thank you for the information I got from you. It is always good for me to hear the truth. The world we live in is not at all fair to the little people. It is for the people that have the big money, that can play with the lives of we little men.
I read the paper I got from you, and I tried to find a lie in it, but it all came together. I wish I could have gotten your papers a long time ago. The truth is all I want to know, and with that, my life could have been better. I would pay for the information you gave me, it was that good.
I am over here, about to go to war, and at this time I can do nothing about it. It looks like I was not told the full story, until I got your paper. You have opened my mind to the truth about the world we live in. It is sad that most people don't, and won't, ever know the real story about the war games and all the other games the big boys play with our lives.
If I make it out of here with my life, I would like very much to be a member of your paper. The truth is all I want to read about.
It won't be too long, as you already know, before the very big boy says "let the dying begin". All I can do now is hope for the best. I'm a part of the little people.
I don't know how you got my name but, I'm glad you did.
I want to thank you again for telling me all about Saddam, and what we really face. I can not tell others of what I am reading in your paper because it will upset them, as it did me.
I hope I will get a chance to read more of the truth in today's life time. You are the best in what you do, and that is a fact! Your information is the best I have ever read.
Please send me the cost of the paper so I can get more while I have life in my body.
Thank you for the truth,
U.S. Army
Operation Desert Shield/Storm
6 Jan. 1991
P.S. You have opened my eyes, and my mind.
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Now, I shall respond to this particular inquiry for it is inclusive to all my Sons and Daughters upon your placement.
Do not ponder too heavily upon HOW you might be found to receive of the information. The ones who scribe and send the word in my service, know not why I choose to send to specific ones. It is the "call" and it is the very purpose of the writings themselves. The word shall fall upon the eyes and ears of the populace of the world but some must have their call "up front" so that the miracles of the truth of the presentation can begin to unfold. It matters not that any about you know or do not know for--as it unfolds--all will come into the truth of my beingness.
It has been written that if you follow in my Truth and hear my instructions--you will prevail, and you, my workers are placed all about within and upon this wondrous Creation of that planet called Earth. It is said that you may be in the fields and to the left one will fall and to the right, another will fall and you shall be untouched. Keep my lighted shield about you and you shall not be harmed--DO YOU HEAR ME? YOU SHALL NOT BE HARMED IF YOU STAY WITHIN MY TRUTH AND SHIELD! It is a time of instructions for you who serve--most of you knowing it not. You would say to me, I curse, I sin, I forget, I blunder--"I cannot be of God!" --REALLY! Ah, but those who set themselves up as my speakers in the churches and synagogues of MAN are blasphemous and teachers of the lies. I WANT NO PIOUS, BILIOUS FOOLS ABOARD MY SHIPS OF SILVER RADIANCE. 'TIS NOT THOSE WHO WORK IN THE SERVICE OF EVIL WHO WILL COME ABOARD MY CRAFT OF "TOMORROW" --MUCH LESS IN THE PHYSICAL FORMAT. YE STAY IN MY CONTACT AND YE SHALL BE GATHERED UP INTO THE CLOUDS (THE SILVER CLOUDS) SO THAT YOU CAN LATER FINISH THINE WORK IN THE SERVICE OF YOUR BROTHER IN TRUTH IN GROWTH AS YOU FULFILL YOUR MISSION COMMITTED TO UPON THAT WONDROUS CREATION. You are not given to know all, for you would not understand the need for the type of service that only I CAN PRESENT and it is the child in darkness that needs your guidance--there are no atheists in foxholes. Your flag is a Heavenly Banner and your nation a chosen and blessed place which will again come into balance in service unto God and Man. Do not lessen Truth by pious presentation--tell your men to hold to God and Truth and they will be given into passage. No matter how it may appear unto your physical eyes--I SHALL GUIDE MY CHILDREN INTO WONDROUS PASSAGE FOR A REMNANT OF MY PEOPLE WILL BE THAT WHICH WILL PREVAIL!
As you go into the fray, no matter what might be thrown against you, as you may be attacked, put your face into the scooped out sand, wrap mine light shield about you and the holocaust shall pass you by for I speak and as I speak, so shall it come to be--ye ones of mine own shall represent the miracles of the final days of change back unto the laws of Truth and Balance upon the rebirthed planet brought into Higher Status in her rightful glory. WE want no "heroes"--I need your lives in full measure to bring MY PEOPLE HOME.
You who hear MY CALL, hear it because you are sent of Me and are intended to hear of it. Know beyond all doubt:
Source: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, Volume 8, Number 1, Pages 1-2.