1/14/97 #1 HATONN
Now I get complaints, and complaints, admonishments, denunciation, reprimands and, in general unhappy campers following Christmas and the New World Order New Year.
I am glad with tidings of great JOY that you notice things are somewhat WRONG, however, how is it that it is somehow MY FAULT?
You are going to have a New Calendar Year start every January 1st. Right? Wrong? We have another New Year starting on every August 17th! We could celebrate the birth of the Man you call Jesus on August 8th or 22nd, whichever you choose, or you can celebrate it during the most commercial time of the year--December 25th, on Isaac Newton's Birthday. Since I know that ALL of you celebrate Mr. Newton's Birthday, you can kill two birthday parties with one cake--so go for it.
Does a Christmas Tree HAVE TO BE a celebration to commercial advertisers? Does a replica of a babe in a cradle of anything, hay or silk, have to be a celebration of Satan? No, and until you learn that the point of your journey is to abide WITHIN that which IS, you miss the point of the physical life experience wherein you CHOOSE that which you act and think--and intend.
I have a smashing indictment of you and Christmas sent here warning me to stop "allowing" you to believe in such trappings as lights, packages, trees and colored beads. What? Do you live on this planet or do you pretend to have already ascended to beyond that which ordinary human people build or endure? So I am not popular and what else is new in your week?
You will do, be and see in anything that which you will, and I choose to see a family setting up a replica of a manger with child as a token of reverence in memory of that which means new birthing, new hope, new dreams and, yes, arguments of where the shepherd should be placed--but who cares? For a moment in time a child of LIFE is remembered. How many of you who knock the Christmas celebration to about sullen and frown-faced proclaiming the day of an evil empire that somehow offends YOU? Just because YOU don't approve does not mean the day is bad--and besides, days only ARE. YOU MAKE WHAT YOU HAVE IN ANY GIVEN DAY!
Moreover, you want me to then proclaim the celebration of the Jewish days of Chanukah to be evil and base. No, it is also a celebration of that which a people remember as special BECAUSE GOD GIFTED THEM WITH SOMETHING OF A MIRACLE. Did God do this miracle? I imagine that man provided some oil for the lamps--but at least SOMEONE kept some lamps burning against the darkness.
Would the people spend the money and time feeding the hungry, healing the sick, buying things for the less "fortunate" (everyone makes his own fortune) or would they go grump their way through one more day without more thought to other than selves just as the other 364 days of the year? Let us be HONEST for a change, readers. WE NEED SPECIAL DAYS FOR REMEMBERING, REVERING, AND GIVING THANKS, EVEN IF ONLY FOR ONE TINY MOMENT IN OUR PASSING DAYS.
The punch line of the last article sent on the subject with complaint to me is that by "...allowing you to Do the Christmas THING, I further bind you." I bind you? Christmas THING? ALLOW, bind? GOD "ALLOWS" SO ALLOWANCE IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME. Bind? I have no right to do anything to restrain you from or against ANYTHING. Nor would I, even if it be within my own allowance or power to constrain or restrain YOU.
I am told to look at the whole book of Jeremiah and see what it is all about. (?????) Ah, but I am only supplied with a fourth of an article selectively offered:
"IS THIS YOU? You accept this, that it is NOT IN YOU TO DO GOOD? Is that you? Are you too spineless to simply call what you do, what it is? Are you so weak and cowardly, still, that you cannot REJECT it, point to it and tell others what it is? Must you, instead, cow to the pressure and sheepishly make your excuses, saying, after all, it's REALLY about the birth of Jesus?
"The entire book of Jeremiah is about the practices that people CLAIM are in the name of God, which God never said to do and in fact, in many cases, said not to do. Does 'claiming' all this crass commercialism, paying homage to the money changers, putting up idols and trees, in the 'name of the birth of Jesus' honor Jesus in any way? [H: Now we get there, don't we? Ah again, the name of someone called Jesus. But the facts are, the article cannot be truth IN FACT because the child of which you refer was Esu Emmanuel (spelled a hundred different ways but none of them, Jesus.) How dare a writer pronounce damnation and charge wrong attitudes if the writer doesn't even bother to get informed and KNOW TRUTH OR HOW IT WAS AND HOW IT IS.]
"No, [it doesn't honor Jesus] it mocks Him. Satan, the master of deceit, has twisted himself into a front-runner position. [H: indeed, I agree with this statement.] Did you ever consider that "Santa" is an anagram for "Satan?" [H: Yes, every time we use it.]
"And what do you actually DO at 'Christ' mas that honors Christ? Show up for an hour at a church somewhere, for a 'candlelight' ceremony (check out the history of THAT little ceremony, thanks to the Sun worshippers), with plastic Jesus, Joseph and Mary out front? Then go home to 'Santa Clause' and the tree or to the shopping mall to spend more of those little debt notes of your enslavement by the Illuminati.
"In the meditation room at the U.N., there is a statue of Mithra, the Sun god. The birth of the Sun, indeed.
"You bring the chains of your own slavery to the master to bind you, and complain that you are not free!
"Welcome to the New World Order."
So what is all of THIS? B.S. from an angry heart! The New World Order HAS NOTHING to do with the Celebration of Christmas and your allowance of meaning to be lost. But is all be "wrong" as claimed above, how is it that you have a celebration to anything? Here is your catch-22, readers. Every good thing will be usurped if it CAN be usurped. Even your heart and soul.
In that same meditation room is (or was) a crystal, a rock, which holds a message within its programming. It radiates energy from its own heart-place and man is allowed to do that which he will in his FREE WILL status as the reflection of God in experience.
Now, do I say I love the United Nations? Yes, the CONCEPT of leaders of nations gathering with a purpose for goodness for all mankind is wondrous indeed. Ah, BUT, is this U.N. conglomeration for that actual purpose in reality? No. And since it isn't, it needs revamping UNDER GOD-NESS with equality for all, a voice for all, and action protecting all. It, as with the corrupt politicians who run your world, does not DO that which was claimed at structuring.
But this is not why I take the time away from your truth about your NEW WORLD ORDER to comment on this subject. I want YOU to know that what has come to be is as much YOUR responsibility as any, and KNOCKING a thing will not set it to right. You need, yes, to present truth, but if your observations are equally as incorrect as the first tale--you have only increased the confusion and lack of reason. You have in such instance only further deceived and misled--without offering the positive solutions to any said circumstance.
Suppose this morning at 10:30 A.M. the national and world economy collapses. Suppose the whole of Societal order collapses and the gangs, with their machetes and guns, are on the streets breaking down your doors and cutting the throats of your children and, then, yourself. Suppose there is no order, new or otherwise. What ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Are you going to then claim that you and your buddies preaching anarchy (oh yes, that IS what you preach) have the solutions and can immediately gain positive CONTROL? YOU NEVER HAVE POSITIVE TRUTH AND GOODNESS FROM FORCE, BE IT FROM YOU OR FROM YOUR WORST ENEMY. GOODNESS AS GODNESS, MUST BE RECOGNIZED AND BUILT!
You people have been under Marshal's Law since 1933 in the U.S.A. You have been under the bindings of the New Laws since then as well. The U.N. is run by the same characters as do up the New World Order--so yes, welcome to the New World Order--BUT YOU MISS THE POINT.
The New World Order didn't "just happen", people; the New World Order is finalizing its long-running status as the way of control of the world. This NEW WORLD ORDER is the final takeover by the Adversary of GOD which has never been in different intent.
What is it that YOU want? Do you want the terrible catastrophes to come upon you? Do you really desire the collapse of all social structure and economies? ARE YOU PREPARED FOR WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THAT HAPPENS? HOW ARE YOU PREPARED? WHO WILL TAKE OVER LEADERSHIP? WHO WILL PULL A NATION AND A WORLD BACK TOGETHER AGAIN--OR DO YOU SIMPLY HAVE HUMPTY-DUMPTY?
You cannot BUILD through destruction. You may well have to tear down an idea or a building before constructing a new something, on the ground--but destruction is not an answer to much of anything. You can destroy all visible physical evidence of a "thing" but as long as it is in the heart and memory--it looms ever bigger in REALITY. YOU CAN ONLY IMPROVE, GROW, REPLACE BAD WITH GOOD--THROUGH BUILDING THAT WHICH IS TOWARD PERFECTION OF GOD--NOT BLASTING WITH BOMBS AND MORE FORCE.
Let us get as ridiculous as the solutions pointed out to me. I am told the answer is to simply shoot everyone in Washington D.C. Now THAT is an idea awaiting its time, isn't it? And just WHO would then be brave enough to go to serve YOU in Washington? Oh, but YOU would be among the executioners and already be in Washington? Would you want a government made up of people who just SHOT HUNDREDS OF CITIZENS IN ONE BIG SWOOP? Do you really believe that people in Small Town, U.S.A. would trust you to attend their needs? After all, you just killed hundreds of their own representatives that they voted into POWER. Is this what you want? WHAT ARE YOUR WONDROUS SOLUTIONS TO THE ANARCHY AND COLLAPSE, FAMINE, PLAGUES, WEATHER DESTRUCTION AND DOWNFALL OF NATIONS ALL OVER THE WORLD? WHO WILL GRAB THE GUSTO THEN? LET ME TELL YOU: THE EVEN STRONGER FORCES AND THOSE WILL NOT BE GODLY BECAUSE FORCE IS NOT OF GOD. CREATION IS OF GOD AND HE CREATES ONLY IN WISDOM--NEVER FOOLISHNESS AND CONTEMPT.
The laws, both good and bad, ARE ON YOUR BOOKS! You not only CAN but MUST work within what IS and stop lolly-gagging over what you decide is NOT. If something has been damaged, fix it. But you are going to have to stop complaining and FIX IT--YOURSELF. Your wishes, for instance, ARE CERTAINLY NOT MY WISHES. You see, I am more like you than you would wish to believe. I don't think your solutions are anywhere near workable and, worse, uninformed and foolish in concept of something that will improve much of anything from what you have which, in the U.S., is pretty confounded GOOD for the physical beings. Spiritually, you are just about dead at the levels of leadership and force. But you-the-people who still put up plastic mangers and bow before God are GOING TO FIND YOUR DAY IN THE SUN, IF YOU BUILD IT. BUT YOU MUST BUILD IT, CREATE IT, FROM THE CLAY OF THE EARTH AS IT IS. You certainly do not need hate-crime laws, for instance, for there are laws against CRIME so all crime is a "hate" crime of sorts.
You have laws requiring the government to BALANCE the Budget IN THE CONSTITUTION. Why do you need an "Amendment" to repeat the same thing only with more leeway for the politicians?
You have, around your globe, the reverse of the Constitutional and structured system of YOU-THE-PEOPLE (the citizen) being the SOVEREIGN ruler. You have turned over your responsibility, rights, and duty to the thugs and criminals of political reverse energy and FORCE. YOU PAY THEM TO DESTROY YOU! So be it, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. What else is it, exactly, that you want God and Hosts to do for you?
Every intention, thought, action, moves you TOWARD God or AWAY from God. That which is FORCE is away from God. That which is given in goodness, love and appreciation is TOWARD God. So, it is not the colored ornaments on a Christmas Tree; it is the intention and love and thoughts of the ones who put them there.
"You bring the chains of your own slavery to the master to bind you, and complain that you are not free." It seems to me that this author would bind you even more tightly than the "master" of whom is spoken here. The only FREEDOM anywhere, anytime, anyhow is within God. Think very, very hard about it. You cannot legislate truth or freedom; you must have it and hold in and keep it within God or you have it NOT, so stop blaming the New World Order for everything you DO NOT DO. WHAT EXACTLY IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER? And please don't give me the old "I think it..." WHAT EXACTLY IS IT? YES I DO KNOW AND I LOATHE IT AND THE CONCEPT OF EVIL MEN RULING ANY OTHER MAN. BUT THOSE ARE YOUR CHOICES AS A CIVILIZATION.
Oh yes, about those welfare system slaves: do YOU want those out-of-work individuals, with their babes that you support, running your world, and RUNNING YOU? You have forgotten the true meaning of charity, which begins at home and is a thing from which a person can pull up himself. You have enslaved through the silk strands of insured FAILURE while you call it welfare. You have allowed the dumbing down of all societal structures and schools. Who, exactly, do you have in mind to take the lead and draw your world into FREEDOM? What do YOU have available and how much are YOU WILLING TO GIVE TO REBUILD, BUILD, CREATE? MORE IMPORTANTLY: WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO OFFER OF SELF TO HAVE FREEDOM--FOR ALL--NOT JUST YOU IN YOUR OWN OPINION OF SOME LEVEL OF FREEDOM SURROUNDING YOURSELF?
[Refer to the original article, p. 7-8, referenced below, for an article from The American's Bulletin, Jan. '97 excerpted into this writing and related comments.]
... I mean it, chelas, share and remember Christmas as the beautiful TRUTH IN THOUGHT that it conveys, even unto the gifts given in love, even with the fighting often coming. That is not your fault and you cannot determine that which another will do or think. YOU are the focus here: what do YOU think about it? And by all means, in this year of greatest change expected from all prior times, may it bring JOY within the hearts of God's people and may God have Grace and Mercy on those who simply don't KNOW their direction.
Good morning.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, January, 21, 1997, Volume 15, Number 11, Pages 6-8.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.