2/28/94 #1 HATONN
I have been asked to comment on the convictions and acquittals of the "Davidians" accused of murdering federal agents. [See latest update on "The Trial Of The Branch Davidians" on p. 33.]
I have very few comments on the case which have not been made several times prior to this, by me. Clinton should be impeached [See related story, "Living On Borrowed Time--The Clintons' Very Tangled Past", on p. 31]; and Reno, if it were the olden days of instant "justice", would be lynched. Nothing can ever allow these people to have peace or justice or restoration within their souls after what has happened. Neither should the NATION or her CITIZENS--YOU!
So, my comments? I think I will offer, again, the credentials of the woman(??) who ordered the murders of the Waco men, women and children. She is one of the top echelon rulers of the Amazon Hillary Hellcats. [Don't miss this story, called "Big Sister is Watching You!" on p. 8.] What more is there to say about this reflection on the moral decency of your Nation?
To protect Dharma from the myriad insults and assaults by the Hounds of Hell, I shall be happy to offer you further insight into those "darlings" of the White House top advisory ruling team. We can begin today with Janet Reno.
Rather than repeat what we have already written--and in order to give YOU more wide-spread confirmation of the truth of that which we offer--I simply offer you what is published in BIG SISTER IS WATCHING YOU! by Texe Marrs, Living Truth Publishers, 1708 Patterson Road, Austin, Texas 78733. And--YES, MR. BINDER AND MR. GREEN ET AL.: WE CERTAINLY DO HAVE PERMISSION TO USE THIS MATERIAL. WE ALWAYS HAVE INSTANT PERMISSION FROM ANYONE WHO ACTUALLY AND TRUTHFULLY WANTS TRUTH TO FLOW TO THE CITIZENS!
Duchess of Doom
Janet Reno is living proof that the inmates are now fully in charge of the insane asylum. What's more, the locos have convinced the outside world that it is their victims and not themselves who are crazy!
Consider these rather astute and extreme revealing comments by Dick Hafer who has researched and documented the lives and habits of Clinton appointees:
"Janet Reno is a woman [H: ??] of 'unusual tastes'. Unmarried, childless, and at 6'2", an imposing person. Ms. Reno relaxes in various ways.
"One peculiar way is to lie on her trampoline in her backyard and recite (the famed poet Samuel) Coleridge...until she falls asleep, surrounded by 35 pet peacocks, who are ALL NAMED HORACE!
"She also relaxes by chain-sawing trees. (Does Al Gore know about this?) This is our nation's top law enforcement official?"
Hafer also refers to a colorful but mind-boggling feature story in The Washington Post which explains that, in Janet Reno's home, "There are dusty floors and a rusty refrigerator that closes with a latch hook." And a necklace of fossilized alligator droppings.
Reno, The Washington Post article explains, "grew up with no air conditioning, no fans, no washer or dryer, and no television," though her parents were affluent and well-off financially. In her household, Reno and her parents "didn't practice religion, but they studied the Bible, Greek mythology, the stars." [H: I just wonder what parts of these books they "studied" most attentively.]
The fact that Janet Reno has some personal quirks and eccentricities does not necessarily make her unfit for high public office. If these were her only failing, we would have no real reasons to oppose her elevation to America's top law enforcement position. But the fact is, Ms. Reno's record as the state attorney and chief prosecutor for Miami and Dade County, Florida, is so incredibly deficient that it beggars the imagination.
Even the Miami Herald, a newspaper whose liberal editors adore Janet Reno and the Clintons, was forced to admit that her performance as a prosecutor was atrocious. "She has a losing record in the highest profile cases", the newspaper reported, adding: "Her office has been accused of lacking investigative zeal, often letting cases languish for years."
How mind-jarring! This is the stone-faced hatchet woman who wasted no time at all in hurriedly smashing down the walls of the Branch Dravidian compound and putting a rushed and fiery end to the stand-off in Waco.
A reliable correspondent of mine from Miami told me that while Janet Reno was in charge of prosecuting criminals in that city and county, crime rose to disastrous proportions. "Miami", he said, "became the drug-running, Mafia capital of the world during her years as state attorney."
Further proof of Reno's incompetence comes from Thurman Brown, a former federal investigator stationed in South Florida: "Miami's Brickell Avenue is now lined with glittering new banks full of drug money", says Brown.
And what of the drug dealers who deposited all that money? "I don't think Reno has gone after a single one", he laments. "Her larger-than-life image as an honest prosecutor serves as a front--a cover-up to be blunt--for one of the most crime-ridden jurisdictions in the United States."
According to Jeff Leen, the Miami Herald's respected investigative reporter, while Reno sat back idle and did little to stop crime, Florida's political and judiciary systems were rife with unbelievable corruption. In one year alone half of the judges in the Miami court system were under federal criminal investigation. Six judges were arraigned on bribery and extortion and, in one case, on murder charges.
Now get this: none of these cases were brought by Reno, even though she had 230 lawyers under her direct supervision and reigned at the state's attorney post for 15 years. They were all federal cases, prosecuted by a crime fighting U.S. attorney appointed by the Bush administration.
Amazing as it may seem, when President Bill Clinton nominated Janet Reno as the nation's first female attorney general, he boasted that, "She is a front-line crime fighter and a caring public servant." (Say what?!)
Now comes the truly astonishing part: On March 23, 1993, Janet Reno, as her first act as attorney general, promptly fired all 93 U.S. attorney's working for the Justice Department. Political insiders said it was probably to get rid of just one of them, Jay Stephens. He was Reno's only target, but to make it look good, she had to can all of them.
Why Jay Stephens? Because, at the time, he was on the verge of indicting Congressman Dan Rostenkowski, influential chairman of the House Committee that has life and death control over Bill Clinton's tax bills. Rostenkowski allegedly is involved in the embezzlement of monies of the House of Representatives post office.
Slick Willie Clinton tried to justify Reno's actions, claiming that, "All of those people are routinely replaced with each incoming administration."
Not so, responded Democratic Senator Daniel Moynihan: "It has been the norm since 1977 for U.S. attorneys to complete the remainder of their terms."
[H: Everybody remember the lengthy write-up we offered on VOTESCAM?] It wasn't the first time that Janet Reno has intervened in the political process to help a corrupt colleague in need. In their book, Votescam: The stealing of America, two brothers who are investigative journalists from the Miami area, Jim Collier and Ken Collier, recount how, for nearly two decades, Prosecutor Janet Reno covered up rampant voter cheating and fraud in local elections. Voting machines were tampered with and rigged in hundreds of precincts so that only the "pre-approved candidates" would win elections.
After the Home News, a Dade County weekly, ran feature articles detailing this incredible and malignant scheme to rob the voter, the newspaper's publisher was shot as he walked up his driveway one evening. Janet Reno, as state attorney, never acted on the shooting and it is still listed officially as an "unsolved" crime.
Unafraid for their own safety, the courageous Collier brothers next distributed a shocking video, recorded clandestinely, which actually caught crooked poll volunteers of the League of Women Voters at a table, secretly punching holes in the punch cards intended only for voters. The video also captured Reno's cronies, including high political figures and even the Mayor, in the vote count room, which was legally supposed to be off-limits.
Under pressure, the Governor of the state of Florida appointed well-known attorney Ellis Rubin as an ombudsman to investigate the allegations of vote fraud. Rubin's investigative report concluded that massive voting irregularities has occurred. The fraud was so bad, said Rubin, that it "shocked and sickened" him.
However, even after Rubin's thorough report detailing voter fraud and abuse was issued, Janet Reno declined to look into the matter. For Reno, covering up and protecting her crooked political pals took precedence over insuring integrity and honesty at the voting booth.
So we find that Janet Reno not only was a kooky, alternative lifestyle, but she is proven to be incompetent and corrupt as a law enforcement officer. Sounds like a perfect candidate for Hillary to have chosen to be in charge of the huge and powerful Department of Justice, with an annual budget topping $11 billion and 84,000 employees spread throughout the United States and overseas. Perfect, that is, based on a comparison with Hillary's other cabinet choices.
Janet Reno has been called "a queer choice for attorney general". According to Florida Attorney Jack Thompson, the new attorney general is a hardened lesbian in the worst conceivable way. If Thompson is correct--and I have reason to believe he is--Janet Reno is a closet lesbian who is so wickedly, sexually corrupt that she has frequently used call girls for sex and, as Dade County, Florida attorney, she sexually harassed female county employees.
If these charges were made by a less reputable person, they might be easily dismissed, but attorney Jack Thompson is known throughout the state of Florida as an honest Christian man and a brilliant trial lawyer. He is a member and elder of Key Biscayne Presbyterian Church, a congregation of the conservative Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). [H: Well this "qualification" is not longer very valid as a backup for integrity--but I concur that Jack Thompson is an honorable man.]
When Jack Thompson discovered the extent of Reno's immortality and her demonstrated malfeasance in office, he felt it his duty to attempt to unseat her. In 1988, Thompson decided to run against her in the election of Dade County Attorney, a position that covers the metropolis of Miami. Although this bid was unsuccessful, he garnered more votes than any previous Reno opponent.
During the campaign, the courageous and bold Thompson confronted Reno at one of her public appearances by handing her a questionnaire and asking her to check the appropriate box declaring whether she was (1) homosexual; (2) bisexual; or (3) heterosexual.
Reno brushed aside the questionnaire, then grasped her opponent's shoulders, shook him, and said, "I like strong, virile, intelligent men." To which Thompson responded, "I like strong, virile, intelligent men, too, but I don't go to bed with them."
Janet Reno's cutesy answer to the question of whether or not she is a lesbian obviously irritated lesbian activists. Later, in 1993, Reno again evaded this question, which was asked her by a reporter as she triumphantly arrived at Miami International Airport after being confirmed by the U.S. Senate for the attorney general slot. "I'm just an awkward old maid with a great affection for men", she said coyly.
Margaret Cantrell, a spokesman for the radical gay Queer Nation group, which delights in "outing" closet lesbians, denouncing Reno for her cowardice, angrily complained, "She hasn't answered the question straight out. I like intelligent men, too. I don't sleep with them."
Days later, representatives from Queer Nation, still unhappy with Reno's lame attempt to disassociate herself publicly with lesbianism, staged a public news conference at the steps of the Justice Department building. A spokesperson for the group declared: "Many homosexuals in Miami have contacted us and told us that Janet Reno's lesbianism is common knowledge among the gay community."
The efforts by the lesbian activist group Queer Nation to force Janet Reno to come out of the closet and openly admit her lesbian sexual preference was rebuffed by Ms. Reno. Indeed, there was fear in the Clinton camp that Queer Nation's press conference might cause either an embarrassed White House to withdraw, or a fearful Senate Judiciary Committee to reject, Reno's nomination as attorney general.
To the rescue, however, came Patricia Ireland, the militant, gay lesbian head of the National Organization for Women (NOW). Ireland, who remains married to a man while also shacking up with a woman, told reporters: "Ms. Reno should not be judged on the basis of her sexual orientation."
Attorney Jack Thompson says that he has been hounded and harassed by Reno's influential friends because of his attempts to expose her lurid behavior while in office. Reno's pals have illegally dispatched agents from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to tail him. On one occasion, Reno's colleagues tried to have the Florida Bar Association disbar him. The scheme was to have Thompson declared "mentally incapacitated" efforts opposing pornography.
A psychologist crony of Reno's, who never even bothered to interview Thompson, diagnosed him as a "homophobe", a person who gay activists define as one who "fears and hates homosexuals".
Thompson fought back with expert witnesses, including a respected psychiatrist who thoroughly vindicated him, gave him a clean bill of health, and stated that Thompson was simply a "Christian activist".
The Florida Bar, made up of attorneys, was forced not only to dismiss the trumped-up charges against Jack Thompson, but to pay him $20,000 in a settlement, in acknowledgement of their lawless and wholly unethical, gulag attempt to discredit him.
All this caused Jack Thompson to quip, "I am now one of the few certified sane lawyers in Florida."
Reportedly, this was the first time in the history of the United States that a Bar Association was beaten in litigation and required to fork over money to an opponent it had unethically tried to destroy. Reno's blatantly sinister effort to intimidate Thompson had backfired.
Jack Thompson's investigation of Janet Reno has focused not only on her lesbian lifestyle, but also on other alleged criminal activity. Thompson says he has documented evidence that Reno has undergone extensive psychological counseling, that she was arrested for shoplifting lingerie at a Jordon March department store in 1981, and that she has a severe alcohol abuse problem. [H: I suggest that some of you check into surgical procedures also undergone along the trail.]
In written affidavits and orally, Thompson has also asserted that: ...Washington reporter Mike Hedges called 20 of Reno's public supporters, and every single one of them has verified that Reno is widely reputed to be a homosexual.
... Florida Senator Bob Graham, who was asked by President Clinton if he knew of any skeletons in Reno's closet, knows of the widely-held belief that one of Reno's lovers is ABC affiliate WPLG-TV's female news anchor, Ann Bishop.
... A former assistant state attorney volunteered that while he was in Reno's office, senior assistant state attorneys helping with new employee's orientation would pull aside each new hire and confide, in his words, "You'll be hearing, if you haven't already, stories that Janet Reno is a lesbian. She is, so don't act shocked, and just shrug your shoulders."
... A Miami police officer, Phillip Buckman, told two witnesses that one night while on stakeout at Sunday's a restaurant in Key Biscayne, he saw Ms. Reno enter with another woman, became drunk as the evening progressed, and began "making out" passionately with her date.
... Reno uses call girls for sex. One such call girl, whose name is "Crystal", has reportedly told the publisher of a certain "escort" magazine that she has received money for sex from Reno at Reno's home.
... A homosexual talk show host has related that Reno was once apprehended by a Broward County police officer in a shopping mall parking lot in the back seat of a car with a disrobed young girl. After Reno identified herself as a district attorney, no criminal charges were filed.
... Reno has been pulled over five times in Dade County while driving "under the influence" of alcohol. This was reported by five different police officers. United States Senator Trent Lott's [R-MS] office has memoranda relating to the drunk driving investigation.
... Reno was once blackmailed by a homosexual, "shock radio" talk show host. The perverted homosexual radio personality was at the time soliciting teen boys on the air for sex. When her office was subsequently flooded with phone calls from irate citizens demanding she do something about this outrage, Janet Reno announced she would "open an investigation". The next day, however, she promptly closed the investigation after the homosexual talk show host referred repeatedly in his broadcast to Ms. Reno's own, peculiar sex habits.
Now, if these allegations by Attorney Jack Thompson are true, it should have been a piece of cake for investigators of the Senate Judiciary Committee to determine the facts. Scores of actual eyewitnesses to Janet Reno's unseemly behavior could have been made available to the Senate panel. Reno would have been quickly declared unfit to hold high office, especially the post of attorney general of the United States.
In fact, Jack Thompson officially requested the Senate Committee allow him to appear as a witness under oath. In a letter to Chairman Joseph Biden (D-Maryland), Thompson wrote, "I hereby put my good name, my entire legal career, my duties as a citizen and as a Christian compelled to tell the truth, on the line..."
Thompson also provided the Senator with the names of at least 12 other reliable people who could testify as to the veracity of these things.
Instead of calling Jack Thompson as a witness, the corrupt chairman of the Senate Committee announced that he had the FBI investigate the charges by Thompson and others of misconduct by Janet Reno, and the FBI found them "unfounded and scurrilous".
This was the same liberal Senator whose committee, just a year previous, had unmercifully grilled Judge Clarence Thomas after the Judge was accused by Anita Hill of the most ridiculous of sexual harassment charges.
Thompson personally contacted each of the 12 people whose names he had furnished Senator Biden. He discovered that NOT ONE PERVERSION OF THE 12 HAD BEEN INTERVIEWED BY THE FBI. NOT ONE! Obviously, Senator Biden simply had told a bald-faced lie to cover up his committee's disgraceful action in approving Ms. Reno for her high-ranking cabinet position.
The national media, including top newspapers, news magazines, Time and Newsweek, and the three major TV networks, have refused to investigate or report on Janet Reno's past record of lesbianism and her alleged criminal activities.
Yet, Attorney Jack Thompson refuses to back down. In fact, on a popular Miami talk show hosted by a fellow Christian, John Thompson (no relation), he issued this public challenge to Janet Reno: He challenged her to sue him for defamation and libel.
"You won't sue me, Janet", Thompson boldly announced, "because you know I'm telling the truth."
It was her order to murder and burn alive the 86 members of the Branch Dravidian religious group in Waco, Texas that earned for Ms. Reno my moniker of "Duchess of Doom". Possibly, she deserves a formal name change as well. Transposing the letters could produce the surname Nero instead of Reno. After all, it was the Emperor Nero who at first falsely accused the early Christians of vile acts, and then went on to burn the city of Rome to the ground and blame it on the innocents.
Bill Clinton and Janet Reno insisted that they ordered the attack on the Waco compound because they were concerned that "child abuse" was going on. Well, they can rest easy now--those kids will never be abused again! [H: However, worse, is the fact that Reno has now admitted there were no grounds for the accusations of child abuse in the first place!]
Here, then, is another recklessly dangerous attempt to commit a violent criminal act and then excuse its commission by saying, "I did it for the kids." Is this what Hillary and Bill Clinton, Donna Shalala, and their friend Janet Reno shamelessly call "children's rights"?
In fact, during the weeks of siege against the men, women, and children barricaded inside the Branch Davidian building and terrified for their lives, Janet Reno herself abused these kids over and over. She had armored personnel carriers and tanks run over and crush their go-carts and bicycles just outside their windows. She had her Gestapo agents play amplified, hideously occultic sounds of rabbits being slaughtered and Tibetan Buddhist monks chanting to their demon spirit guides, scaring the children and depriving them of sleep.
Reno's SS brigade held the press back to a three-mile distance so no one could find out the awful facts about her mental and physical torture of these helpless children. She then cut off their food, their milk, their water, their electricity, their plumbing. At night she bombarded their bedroom windows with blinding, high-intensity lights.
She left the dead body of one man, a Branch Davidian killed by her agents, hanging for days on end draped over a fence in plain view of the children inside the compound. The children must have suffered terrible visions because, reportedly, vultures and other beasts of prey devoured parts of his body (the man's distraught wife was also inside the compound). Reno's troops eventually sent in a helicopter that picked up the remains off the fence with a grappling hook and flew them away.
Finally, Janet Reno cared so much for the welfare of these desperate kids that she ordered tanks to ram and batter the walls of their home, puncturing holes in the structures, knocking the buildings off their foundations. This caused doors and windows to become stuck and inoperable, and stairways to collapse so that the children and adults could not escape the fiery holocaust soon to come.
Ms. Reno next directed her ATF and FBI storm troopers to pump CS gas into the building housing these children--a type of gas so virulent and harmful its use is outlawed in international conflicts by the Geneva Convention, and international treaty.
Nazi director Adolf Hitler had refused in World War II to use chemical weapons against his opponents, even though the very fate of his nation and his own life were at stake. Yet, a hell-bent Janet Reno gave the green light to her hundreds of military forces camped outside the Branch Davidian complex to torment the men, women and children with this chemical agent originally invented in the very pit of hell.
Chemical warfare experts have testified that CS gas, an inflammatory agent more lethal and insidious than the tear gas used by police in riot situations, should never be used in enclosed spaces--A FIRE MAY RESULT.
CS gas is also known to produce these horrendous effects in its victims: burning eyes, severe nausea and vomiting, dizziness, unconsciousness, headaches, stomachaches, rashes, and mental confusion.
Yes, Janet Reno, that's what YOU DID to those children. [H: This all, of course, is AFTER the killing of some innocent people at Ruby Creek, Idaho in the Weaver debacle by some of the same "agents"! It seems Ms.(??) Reno likes, preferably, to KILL WOMEN (MOTHERS) AND CHILDREN!]
Not satisfied with the torture and pain she had already inflicted on the kids inside the compound, I believe that, in spite of her statements to the contrary, Reno gave the order for the FBI and ATF to set the compound on fire--to mutilate and burn the kids alive. Evidentially, federal sharpshooters and goon squads were also sent in prior to the fire to assassinate sect leader David Koresh and top lieutenants. They and over 20 other Koresh followers were found shot in the head, according to the official coroner's report.
The Clinton/Reno message was made loud and clear: In the future there are at least three reasons why individuals or groups may be targeted by the Clintonistas for intimidation and, possibly, death.
(1) Ownership of guns: It doesn't matter if the firearms you own are legal because the Clintonistas want to disarm all Americans. Why? For purposes of government control.
(2) Christian faith: According to Bill Clinton and the femiNazis any group that can even vaguely be described as "Christian fundamentalist" is not fit to exist. Such groups are considered a threat to the New Age, New World Order. Especially hated and condemned are pseudo-Christian groups which claim to be "Israel" of "Jewish". The Koresh sect, for example, professed to be "Jewish", and came complete with a "Jewish Messiah" (Vernon Howell aka David Koresh) and a Jewish Star of David flag flying atop their compound. The Branch Davidians also observed Jewish High Holy Days.
2/28/94 #2 HATONN
I believe it is significant that Attorney General Janet Reno, who is Jewish, was on the Board of Directors of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The ADL, which has been accused of being a terrorist organization with ties to Israel's Mossad spy agency, is known to keep voluminous computer files on hundreds of organizations the group considers its enemies. Included are many reputable Christian and pro-life ministries and organizations. The ADL also employs private investigators to do its dirty work and, reportedly, some police officers in cities across the U.S.A. are covertly in its hire.
In 1992, the ADL's offices in San Francisco were raided by the police and their files were seized after a valid search warrant was obtained. Possible indictments against ADL officials are expected.
Documentation is also available that the ADL pressured the FBI and the federal government to take action against the Branch Davidians. In fact, Herb Brin, an ADL official, boasted in a Los Angeles area Jewish community publication, Heritage, "U.S. and Texas authorities have precise documentation (from the ADL of course) on the Branch Davidian cult in Texas."
(3) Race or Social Ideology: The Clintonistas believe that white people especially, but also groups of all races and ethnic origins who wish to be separatists, must be dealt with harshly because they are a threat to the multiculturalism ideology. Muslims and Orthodox Jews, also because of their separatist beliefs, are despised by the Clintonistas. But in the case of the Orthodox Jewish groups, Clinton administration officials are unable to move against them because they fear the powerful Jewish lobby. This may change very soon.
Islamic groups are also a daunting target. Black Muslims in America are very militant and would fight back if attacked. They also have strong support from the African-American community and from the leaders of civil rights groups.
Foreign-controlled Islamic groups based in America are an easier mark, especially if the feds can goad their radical leaders into perpetrating highly visible acts of terror such as the bombing of the New York World Trade Center. However, the persecution of such groups must be handled in a most delicate way so as not to upset the Arab and Moslem world community.
What's left, then, as the easiest marks are the Christian fundamentalists, the white separatists, and gun owner groups and individuals. Therefore, we can expect that more and more of these groups will suffer from Reno's propaganda squads, her black-hooded SWAT team raids, and her murderous Gestapo attacks in the future.
The perfect candidate for Clintonista extermination is thus the Christian (or pseudo-Christian) fundamentalist group that owns guns and practices separatism. If children are available to be used as a pretext for the assault, so much the better.
Neo-Nazi skinhead groups, identify churches, America First organizations, and even solid, old-fashioned, Gospel-preaching churches and pastors are high up on the Clintonista agenda for police action. Even though these groups have widely divergent views, the Clinton people put them all in the same bushel basket.
Some may rejoice that groups with strange or unorthodox views and beliefs are the targets for persecution, but note this: Once these groups are snuffed out without a sizeable whimper of complaint from the citizenry at large, then all the others mentioned above will next be targeted.
Eventually, anyone and everyone who disagrees with the fascist regime in the White House might find themselves in dire jeopardy.
Yes, the bell may toll for you, too, in due time!
If identifying the Waco tragedy as a Nazi atrocity sounds overly dramatic or sensationalist, please understand that, though the mass media generally refuse to give them a hearing, there are many outstanding Americans concerned about the implications of Janet Reno's unconstitutional assault on the children and adults in Waco.
Respected national columnist Alexander Cockburn, author of several highly acclaimed books and a contributor to Nation and many other publications, wrote a column for the Los Angeles Times in which he put the Clinton / Reno massacre in the same category as the Salem witch hunts and the Nazi atrocities of fascist Germany. By labeling the Branch Davidians a "cult", said Cockburn, Janet Reno, Bill Clinton, and their heavily armed assault squads, claimed exemption "from justice and compassion".
Cockburn also roundly criticized Janet Reno's unfounded propaganda claim that she had only done it to prevent child abuse.
To call someone a child abuser these days is like calling someone a Communist in the 1950s or a witch in the 17th century. Normal standards of evidence or reason don't apply.
There was compelling evidence, claimed President Clinton's spokesman George Stephanopoulos, that the children were being abused... In fact, the FBI has conceded that there's no evidence for these chilling claims. But child abuse is a headline grabber and conscience-absolver, as Reno knows well from her days as a prosecutor in Dade County.
Alexander Cockburn's noteworthy, heavily documented article then went on to recount several instances in which Janet Reno, as a Miami, Florida prosecutor, had used "children's rights" as a pretext for terrible abuse of judicial restraint. Cockburn further noted that the "appalling event" in Waco "took place on April 19, 1993, the 50th anniversary of the Nazi assault on the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw."
Cockburn wrote that, "The Nazis, too, regarded cults as ripe candidates for persecution. On July 20, 1937, the SS Reichsfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich ordered the banning and persecution of small religious sects."
What happened in Waco, says Cockburn, was "a saga of Nazi-like affront to religious tolerance". Worse, he writes, is that the "deprogrammers" of such unsavory groups as the Cult Awareness Network, who, early on, promoted the government attack on the Davidians, now want the Clinton administration's Janet Reno and her federal prosecutors to let them "exercise their dark arts on the burned Dravidian survivors so that they testify correctly and desist from maintaining--as they have--that no mass suicide was under way."
"Onward to Salem: gas, fire, and brainwashing, courtesy of the Justice Department", Cockburn admonished.
John Ed Pearce, writing in an Indiana newspaper, The Courier-Journal, branded the Reno atrocity as "Ethnic Cleansing--Texas Style". Pearce sarcastically observed that the feds, who assaulted the Davidians with their tanks and assault rifles, felt they could not let David Koresh keep guns within his compound--not in a place like Texas, "where there are more than four guns to every citizen. It could give the place a bad name."
Janet Reno, Pearce wrote, did not just sit idly by doing her knitting. She:
"...passed the word sternly: Gas 'em...Get this over with. And President Clinton, after being informed of the lethal plans and nodding his approval, wallowed in sorrow, poor fellow, as the flames consumed the cultists (formerly humans). But that's what happens to fanatics, he warned (fanatics being people who believe deeply in things the majority does not believe.)"
Former Waco District Attorney Vic Fazell, who had arrested Koresh several years before the Reno massacre and tried him on state charges (of which Koresh was acquitted by a jury), commented that the siege by Reno and her federal agents "was a vulgar display of power. If they had simply phoned Koresh and talked to him on the phone", said Fazell, "the Davidians would have given them what they wanted."
True, Koresh would have generously allowed the ATF to search his premises, for there were no illegal weapons whatsoever in the compound--no machine guns, no 50 caliber, no Stealth bombers or nuclear weapons. Just a few hundred, regular arms, the same types possessed by millions of other law-abiding Texans. [H: Well, I wouldn't go quite so far as that statement.]
However, to merely search the premises was not what the feds wanted to do! Otherwise, they could have phoned Koresh and then went in unarmed to accomplish their work at the compound.
No, they intended to kill Koresh and his top people. That is why, early that morning, they went in with assault weapons blazing and helicopter gunships overhead firing high-caliber rounds straight through the roof, killing some women and children as they lay peacefully sleeping in bed. That is why they rehearsed and practiced the military-style assault for months on end.
That is why the feds invited some of their friends in the news media to accompany them on their deadly raid. The federal agents were convinced that Koresh and his people, reputed to be peaceful and friendly, would neither struggle nor return their murderous fire. That is why the woman press agent of the ATF, immediately following the initial failed assault, expressed shock and surprise. "We were outgunned", she said.
Tragically, the tapes of this incident, even after some fancy editing by Janet Reno's storm trooper technicians back in their Washington D.C., FBI labs, nevertheless still contain this revealing--and heart breaking statement. Koresh's voice is heard as he exclaims:
You brought a bunch of guys out here and you killed some of my children. We told you we wanted to talk...I don't care who they are. Nobody is going to come to my home, with my babies around, shaking guns, without a warrant, in their face. That's just not the American way.
"That's just not the American way", said David Koresh. What an indictment of the Nazis who raided his home and savagely murdered those poor children! "That's just not the American way." [H: Not so, readers, IT HAS BECOME EXACTLY THE AMERICAN WAY!]
But it is the way of the future, as "pink beret" Janet Reno and the Clinton team consolidate their hold on America and become more and more audacious in their assaults on our liberties and our way of life.
As I write this, the government is preparing a "show trial" of the 12 remaining survivors of Reno and Clinton's Waco massacre. Stalin and Hitler also had their purges and their show trials of the innocent who had been selected out as examples to instill fear in the masses. If, as citizens, we do nothing to stop this horrible injustice, we are not deserving of the name "Americans". [H: So, we have come full circle.]
Yes, dear readers, you and I are Americans, citizens of a great nation whose Constitution, abused by some in power, is still a living, breathing document guaranteeing individuals and groups of widely divergent views--Christians, the David Koreshes, atheists, Neo-nazis, Jews, New Agers, Black Muslims, and others--freedom and liberty from government tyrants who would oppress them. [H: Want to bet?]
I believe that we must regain our moorings as a Christian nation; yet, as Christians, we do not discriminate nor do we persecute others. [H: I take exception to this statement also--as "Christians" there is more selective persecution than through almost any other RELIGION. It just doesn't show as much.] Moreover, if the government abuses one of us, it abuses all of us. Isn't it time, therefore, that we act like Americans and peacefully, yet with courage and determination, put an end to this oppression?
[END OF QUOTING FROM BIG SISTER IS WATCHING YOU!] We are appreciative for the allowance to run this portion.
I would like to remind ALL OF YOU that all this cult garbage, political lies and projections under cover of lies--is going to end, ultimately--for it is now the DAY OF THE LORD. Translated that means: There is going to be a lot of answering for a LOT OF THINGS! In the Justice Department--the facing off will be GOD and the enforcers will be His HOSTS. By the way, to ENFORCE DOES NOT MEAN USE OF "FORCE". SO BE IT.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, March 1, 1994, Volume 4, Number 10, Pages 1, 40-44.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.