6/3/91 HATONN
Bush's all out push for extending most favored nation (MFN) trade status to communist China can be better understood if you understand that his family interests in that country, just as the Panama and the Middle East, are abundant. You must also know the role of Israeli arms dealers in that place.
The Bush family is involved in a major housing project in Shanghai, located near the airport, to be rented or sold to foreigners doing business in China. The Aoki Corp., controlled by the Bush family, is the Western partner in the deal. The president's brother, Prescott Bush, refused to respond to an establishment press inquiry (The Los Angeles Times) when it came to the attention of the press.
Prescott has also reportedly received $250,000 as a consultant to an American company establishing a communications network in China, Asset Management International Financing and Settlement Ltd. The company arranged for Hughs Aircraft Co., now a subsidiary of General Motors, to export three communication satellites to China. President Bush himself approved the export of the satellites.
Ah, but yes, there is a shadowy Israeli billionaire who is one of the key alien lobbyists behind the current drive. This is Shaul Eisenberg, an enormously wealthy Israeli promoter, who has been linked to the international arms trade and to the Massad. In 1979, Eisenberg made a secret flight to Red China and came back with trade proposals that led to covert commercial and military relationship between the two countries. Suffice it to say herein that there are great and grave entanglements.
It is now a known fact that clandestine China-Israel arms deals were orchestrated by senior officials of the Mossad, Israel's secret service (in case some of you have forgotten who they are). Many of the high-tech weapon models and blueprints sold by Israel to the communist Chinese were derived from top-secret designs acquired by Mossad agents.
Among the advanced defense secrets purloined by Israel from the U.S. for resale at top dollar to Asian communists were trajectory-corrected ground-to-air missiles; a high-powered anti-tank weapon known as the B-300/SMAW; armor-piercing, fin-stabilized discarding sabot shells and other most closely guarded developments of American military technology. Following Israel's example, the Red Chinese embarked on wholesale economic piracy against the U.S., also. This is blatant, government-sponsored piracy with full knowledge of your own President. Do you actually think things will change, what with the Israel lobby in the wings and the Bush family investments in Red China at stake? Neither Congress nor the administration are very likely to stick their necks out on any of these issues in point. There is now too much at stake.
The Israeli arms salesmen made total mockery of U.S. efforts to control defense technology exports to communist governments.
To pay for its secret military imports from Israel, Red China redoubled its efforts to penetrate U.S. markets during the second half of the 1980's. As China grew desperate for hard currency, it used more and more slave labor to manufacture goods exported to the U.S. Companies that import from Red China have become unknowing (or knowing) partners in deals with prison camps.
The immense penitentiary subculture rivals even Stalin's notorious forced-labor empire, brothers. This is, further, exactly that which is planned for you-the-people. Dissenters will be incarcerated in work camps and YOU WILL WORK. This is exactly why there is a do-or-die thrust to pull off the New World Order before you take a breath and understand that which is happening to you. "They" have the bases covered all the way out to the end of the play.
Among other things, a notorious Israeli arms dealer, Yaacov Nimrodi, who has strong Mossad connections, is playing a key role in a deal being formulated between Israel and the Soviet Union for the Israeli purchase of a Soviet-built nuclear reactor. That means, since you supply all assets to Israel--that you, U.S., are buying a nuclear reactor for Israel.
Nimrodi, by the way, played a major part in the Iran-contra Affair during the administration of Reagan. It was he, in fact, that inspired the entire scenario. He was deeply involved in funneling U.S. arms in Iran.
The Israeli government blocked efforts of the joint congressional committee that investigated the Iran-contra Affair to obtain his testimony. He is now credited with inspiring the initial Israel-Soviet nuclear reactor deal.
Oh, you didn't know Israel already has a "top-secret" reactor? Yes indeed, at Dimona in the Negev Desert, and it has become increasingly unsafe and is plagued with many problems including worsening environmental problems.
It is at the Dimona reactor that the Israelis have located their "top-secret" nuclear weapons production facilities. Does this not strike you as "strange" just when the touted thrust is to make the Middle East a "nuclear weapons free zone"?
You want proof? Well there is lots of proof that George Bush was in Paris in October of 1980--read his lips?
Let's see it from the mouth of one who was there and saw others there as well. I would like to give credit to the Napa Sentinel for the following which reads almost as well as did the drug story we ran last week.
Navy Capt. Gunther Russbacher, who worked with naval intelligence and the CIA, received a phone call at his home in St. Louis in mid-October, 1980. He was told to take a TWA flight to Washington.
From there he was met by a car and brought to the base hospital at Andrews Air Force Base located in Prince George's County, Maryland, a Washington suburb. At 1900 hours (7 pm) he was greeted by two military personnel in flight suits, handed flight papers and boarded a BAC-111 aircraft.
Destination? Paris. Purpose of the mission? Unknown at the time.
Richard Brennecke was doing a preflight check when Russbacher closed the cockpit door. He had no knowledge of who else was aboard the aircraft. Brennecke has already testified that he was on the aircraft and his testimony was confirmed by a federal jury.
Russbacher says that he did not look into the passenger cabin until he was over the Atlantic. The aircraft refueled at Newfoundland. There was also an Air Force officer aboard, according to Russbacher. It (the aircraft) landed at Le Bourget Airport near Paris.
Who did Russbacher see in the cabin?
Jennifer Fitzgerald was Bush's Chief of Protocol for the White House.
Heinrich Rupp was not on the BAC-111, but did fly a Gulfstream aircraft to Paris. He met Brennecke and Russbacher in Paris. Vehicles were waiting for the passengers. Some of these vehicles were from the U.S. Embassy.
The pilots and crew checked into the Hotel Florida and within three hours Russbacher was called back to duty. He was to fly Bush back in the SR-71--the CIA's Blackbird--from a French air force base to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware.
But because of security leaks in Paris, the aircraft was diverted to McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey. The aircraft returned at 0200 hours (2 am)--seven hours after the original trip began. The flight of the Blackbird took one hour and 14-1/2 minutes, being refueled 1,800 nautical miles over the Atlantic.
Brennecke was the first crew member to reveal the trip to Paris, and much has been done to discredit him. At his perjury trial, Brennecke's defense shot holes through Donald Gregg's testimony that he was not on the flight or in Paris.
Gregg showed photographs of himself and his wife on a sunny beach in Maryland (yes, we have already written about this some months ago, chelas), stating he was there and not in Paris. Weather experts testified that the weather conditions that day did not match the photographs.
Gregg, who has been named by former National Security Advisor Gary Sick and former President Jimmy Carter as a mole for Bush in the CIA, was a long-time CIA operative who has recently been appointed ambassador to South Korea.
A French intelligence memo exists claiming that Bush did come to Paris in October 1980 and received French assistance--we will cover that tidbit, too.
The Republicans sought to delay the release of the hostages held in Iran until after the elections in order to prevent President Jimmy Carter from winning the election should the hostages be released early. A total of $40 million was transferred from a Mexican account and Bush presented a draft of the transfer to the Iranians.
Within six weeks after Ronald Reagan was inaugurated, covert shipments of arms were sent to Iran. When the shipments were discovered around 1985, it became known as the Iran-contra scandal.
But the origins of that scandal began on the flight to Paris. George Bush has never been able to account for his time and Secret Service memos about his whereabouts are also conflicting. Casey was never able to prove his whereabouts, either. And Gregg's excuse was shot down in a court of law.
How do we know Russbacher is telling the truth? Obviously, his credibility is critical to the story. Russbacher is currently in a federal prison on Terminal Island near Long Beach, California.
A nationwide search for records relating to Russbacher was undertaken by Tom Valentine of Radio Free America, the Napa Sentinel and other cooperative news media. The search included public records, classified information and information from highly reliable sources within the intelligence community.
The SOECE--the French equivalent of the U.S. CIA and the Soviet KGB--monitored George Bush's trip to Paris in October of 1980. The monitoring was done because French officials were also involved in the meetings with the Iranians--AS WERE THE ISRAELIS.
The trip was for the sole purpose of delaying the release of 52 American hostages held in Iran until after the November, 1980 U.S. Presidential election.
The man who was in charge of the monitoring was a Col. Alexandre de Marenches, head of the SOECE. There were other foreign powers involved with the Paris meeting--directly and indirectly.
It is known that, ironically, the Reagan-Bush team gave the Iranians an advance check for $40 million, drawn on a Mexican bank. Maurice Stans was responsible for getting the money to Mexico and Michael Riconisuto has told investigators from the House Judiciary Committee that he made the arrangements for the $40 million payment.
Well, former White House National Security Advisor Gary Sick and former Iranian President Aboulhassan Bani-Sadr also claim the meeting in Paris took place.
Funny thing--during the time of the Paris meeting, George Bush remained OFF THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL. What does it take, America?
We have talked of this many times but you don't seem to want to face this issue, either.
Let's hear it from Army Col. Millard Peck, who resigned in disgust after eight months on the job, as Chief of a Pentagon intelligence unit that is supposed to account for American servicemen still missing in Southeast Asia. He charges that the Bush administration has purposely covered up repeated live sighting reports of Americans being held prisoner by the communists.
Col. Peck claims that reports of sightings of live Americans have been routinely played down by unscrupulous people in the government or associated with the government.
Peck's allegations are contained in a five-page memo he wrote and affixed to the door of his office when he resigned March 28 as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency's (DIA) Special Office for Prisoners of War and Missing in Action.
Similar complaints were leveled last fall by Republicans on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Sen. Jesse Helms and others contended that the Pentagon had been lying for years when it insisted there were no live Americans left in Vietnam. Ross Perot, Col. James Gritz and others, not the least of which is myself, have been pounding on you for years to see and hear.
Peck's letter states that it appears to him that a "cover-up" of the POW-MIA issue is in progress. The entire charade does not appear to be an honest effort and may never have been.
Any report of a live sighting which made its way to his desk, Peck charged, "would quickly disappear into a black hole. I was not really in charge, but was merely a figurehead or whipping boy for a larger and totally Machiavellian group."
He blames "higher authority, outside the DIA", for discrediting rather than pursuing live sighting reports.
Although the Bush administration has denied it (what do they NOT deny?), clearly it is seeking to establish diplomatic and economic ties with the Vietnamese communists.
The Bush administration intends to provide the government in Hanoi with $1 million to pay for artificial limbs for people injured during the Vietnam War. Those eligible for treatment include soldiers from the North and South Vietnamese armies, the Viet Cong and civilians. The money will be funneled through the Agency of International Development to private donors who then will send the funds to Hanoi. That is a technical means for avoiding a violation of the official ban on contacts between the U.S. and Vietnamese governments.
State Department spokesman Richard Solomon has openly admitted that the so-called humanitarian aid was promised to Vietnam in 1987--as a result of its promise to help dig up the remains of what are supposed to be American soldiers.
Hanoi's communist government claims to have withdrawn the last of its occupation forces from Cambodia in 1989, although there are considerable numbers of Vietnamese "advisors" still stationed in the neighboring country. Simply ignoring the fate of nearly 2,300 U.S MILITARY PERSONNEL LISTED AS MISSING IN SOUTHEAST ASIA NEATLY RESOLVES THE REMAINING HANG-UP TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS. AMERICA, AMERICA--IT IS INDEED LATE!
Source: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, June 1991, Volume 13, Number 10, Page 3-6.
Bush and October Surprise
2/6/92 #1 HATONN
Ah, back into the news it whisks its way. Hostages, intrigue, CIA, Bush, Cheney and DEALS; A whole "James Bond" story of intrigue. Bush denies--facts are hidden--AS USUAL. Now, they say, there will be an investigation. So, in the realistic reasonable observation one would assume that a massive hearing would prove George Bush told truth and would be found innocent of all the blackmail charges of clandestine, subversive and conspiratorial activities in the matter. But NO--what have you? A statement that this is all brought up NOW to ruin Bush's campaign. "Dirty Politics" is the cry. So, too, is the new information on Clinton and service to country. So, what are they doing? They are setting up you-the-people. They will put much more powerful Committee of 300 people on the Democrat side and still effort to pull Bush down.
You are the ones caught in the closing trap because as the pressure is applied to Bush, he has to act more quickly through Executive Power while he has it.
You will see an ever deepening thrust through public media, now, to thrust the blame for Kennedy's assassination onto the Mafia. That is the material you will note made public from the secured files. The point is to take the heat off the Government involvement, especially via Bush and Nixon. This means a thrust made to prove the Mafia was behind the action and the CIA was trying to stop the event. The fact remains that the truly fatal shot was fired by the driver of the automobile--Kennedy's automobile. Yes, there is a film to prove it and that means that there is also proof that the vehicle stopped! I do not wish to spend more time on this matter at this time because I wish to outlay the CIA material from IMA and then we have something from which to piece together a plan and a foundation. If I spend more time in the trivia, we will never have the important material laid forth. Please be gentle on my people for they are absolutely doing all they can as fast as they can.
Source: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, February 11, 1992, Volume 18, Number 4, Page 13.
Documents transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.