12/31/91 #1 HATONN
I make the above statement because I have a lot of readers of early JOURNALS in total shock regarding the truth of the "Stone" film on Kennedy--right to the fact that Jackie climbed out on the trunk of the car--not to escape, but to retrieve a portion of John's skull with brains attached. She knew it was pure murder and by whom. Yes, the movie is correct and accurate in most areas of discernment, especially the actual murder itself. However, there is still a major portion left out of the scenario of "reason why". This will be representative of great wisdom for you who would run for President this year and plan to wipe out the money minting system and the Federal Reserve.
The final play which set Kennedy's death into cement was the fact that he saw the destruction of the nation at hand. He fully intended to take control and bring currency printing back into the hands of the government according to the Constitution, starting with some excess of about $4 billion. Then he would be shutting down the creeping cancer of the Federal Reserve, which is the poison of freedom in America. Not the poison--just the administrator of that poison.
Did Johnson know? Yes indeed. He was not, however, The mastermind behind the plan--he simply hated Kennedy and aimed for the power of the "throne" for more dastardly deeds. Your Mr. Bush, however, was extremely involved through the CIA and his role has simply grown even more powerful in capability of destruction of your nation and thus, the world.
Robert Kennedy realized that plan was thwarted and thus pursued diligently his own Presidency because he made a commitment to finish what John had started--the SAME PLAN. It is all entangled with international intrigue, CIA, Mossad, Soviet Zionism and, plain and simply, the Mafia and criminal underworld who still controls it all. The CIA is only the enforcing and intelligence wing of the Mafia as a simple explanation. This is why you can be sure the "anti-Christ" will come out of the general area of the Vatican/Italy wherein in the seat of the Mafia organization and originators of Freemasonry as originally practiced.
I do not lay these things on you out of some magical hat or fortune-telling cards; I give you blow-by-blow in proof and research if you but take time to check it out.
I am accused of fear-mongering, doom and gloom. Dear ones, if you can look around your world and at your own livelihood stability nationally and personally (without even looking beyond the moment) and do not feel a bit of apprehension then I fear you are already DEAD. Do you actually believe as this is all YOUR satisfaction that it will change an iota of the facts by your saying: "I just couldn't bring myself to believe such things"? I seriously doubt it!
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, January 7, 1992, Volume 17, Number 12, Pages 1-2.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.