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lOct. 23, 2015
10/22/90 HATONN
Say it once. Say it twice. Say it three times. "NEW WORLD ORDER", you might as well say it since you're going to be hearing a lot about it in the days to come. It's nothing new. The world-improvers have been working on it for a long time but they've never admitted it publicly before. Now, the CAT'S OUT OF THE BAG and you can thank your conservative Republican president and his chorus of yes-men for it.
In his book, THE WORLD CONSPIRACY, author Nicola M. Nicolov describes this old conspiracy and succeeds very well. The evidence proving a plot to impose world government is there and it cannot be denied. (Hatonn: Many authors, in addition, such as Anthony Sutton, The Phoenix Journals, etc., have detailed this plan in infinite outlay. Please go and research for self to KNOW truth.)
To usher in this "new world order" a good war is needed. Well, not exactly a good war, any old war. And the war that Bush and his superiors have fashioned is war enough. It's a lousy war, and no war aims that will stand up to examination, which is exactly what the rest of the media are making sure of. But let's examine what this war is all about and what to expect from it, and what not to expect from it.
Like all wars this country has been slickered into since the Civil War, it is presented as a do-good-for others war with no thought whatsoever being given to the advantages supposed to flow for us. Isn't the world mission for the internationalists to improve the lot of everyone else while ignoring the problems at home? But . .
let's examine all of the magnificent results to be logically expected for the Great American Suckers who are expected to fight and pay for Mr. Bush's war. Let us look at things--for a change--from the standpoint of the interests of the American nation and the people who inhabit it, not the interests of the Israelis, the British, the Arabian oiligarchs, the international oil companies and bankers. We realize this is a unique outlook, but let's make a stab at it.
Let us ask some questions, very specific. Let us consider the major and vital issues facing the American people--which happen to be exactly the issues the politicians WISH TO AVOID.
* Will Mr. Bush's war lower Federal spending?
* Will it lower taxes?
* Will it decrease the size and power of the meddling and wasteful Federal bureaucracy, including such freedom-
expanding and helpful agencies as the IRS, FDA and CIA?
* Will it diminish political corruption?
* Will it lower the interest burden?
* Will it fight inflation?
* Will it lower the price of gas, Diesel, heating oil, etc?
* Will it fight the drug plague?
* Will it make it safe for people in cities to walk the streets again without being mugged or killed?
* Will it help to uncover the crooks who perpetrated the S&L scam of $500 BILLION or so?
* Will it aid the American farmer or wage-earner or retired worker or the homeless and destitute?
* Will it clean up our slums, fix up our highways, provide cheap public transportation and give the unemployed honest labor producing for society instead of the waste of war?
* Will it clean up our smutty media and entertainment? Will it replace pornography with art?
* Will it improve or even serve to maintain your quality of life in any way unless you are of a favored class of profiteers or won an oil well?
are evident by asking them. War always increases the size and power of the government. It always enriches the sleazy profiteers and tends to keep the politicians in office. It always diverts the attention of the public from the real issues, centering their ardor on unattainable chimeras and will-o'-the-wisp rhetorical flourishes, a sure and certain recipe for domestic disaster. And in the case, the worst chimera of all is the new world order of the international mattoids, carefully designed to separate the American people not only from their money and their blood but also their Constitution, because what we are talking about is world government, nothing less.
It wasn't too long ago when the conservatives of America were often heard sounding their opposition to the socialistic, leftist world planners who made the mistake of actually saying what they meant. When they said they were for world government, they made no effort to hide it. But the conservatives and libertarians now working for world government are not that frank. They are only working for free trade, a world money transfer system without any encumbrances, the letting down of all immigration barriers, even an international money system, and they profess not to understand that the culmination of their desires would result in the end of American sovereignty, the Constitution and everything identifiable as American. Can they really be that stupid? Or do they just expect the American people to be stupid enough to swallow the bait?
for American sovereignty, you can be certain of that. Loss of sovereignty means loss of everything Americans have built; it is repudiation of every American who has died for his country--as certain a repudiation as this government now gives to the many POW's and MIAs lost in Korea and Vietnam--and the ones who will certainly be lost, forgotten and repudiated in the war Mr. Bush is trying so hard to get started. (Remember that in case you're thinking of enlisting.)
* * * * *
I, Hatonn, can only urge you to take these things within thine hearts and hear the fading beat of the drum of freedom. You are on the brink of losing your very Sovereignty as a Nation of the United States of America!
I can add nothing to these urgent messages which cannot be more pointed or thought provoking. I can only tell you that they tell less than the half of it.
Source: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, October 1990, Volume 4, Number 13, Pages 2-3.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.