Editor's note: In conjunction with our Front Page story this week, plus the recent curious downing of Clinton's "body guard" plane near Jackson Hole, Wyoming, plus the Ron Brown plane crash earlier this year, plus many other mysterious casualties in Clinton's orbit, we have decided to rerun the following list which is an excerpt from the 4/19/94 issue of CONTACT for your contemplation.
4/13/96 #1 HATONN
So what happens to ones who "know something"? Well, it is pretty simple--suicide them. We have here a paper which was sent which was put together by Chuck Harder (radio) with Linda Thompson and we offer it to you ones as you might well find it quite interesting.
People Who Have Died Since Bill Clinton Took Office Who Are Of Interest
1. July 30, 1992, Victor Razon, 52, Alaska, Nat'l. financial Co-chairman of Clinton Campaign, and his son, Montgomery Razor, 22, also very active in the campaign, were both killed in a private plane crash in Dillingham, Alaska. [H: Perhaps it is wise that George Green didn't take the job of financial chairman for the Carter campaign as he claimed he was asked to do. It seems the Carters and the Clintons are relatively unsafe PARTNERS.]
2. September 23, 1992, Little Rock, Ark. Paul Culley, a Clinton campaign aide, Democratic Nat'l Committee political director. He was the architect of Clinton's strategy which allowed him to be competitive in the electoral voting. He was found dead in his hotel room of unknown causes. He was 48. Heart attack speculation. But nothing known.
3. Dec. 9, 1992, Monticello, Ark., Paula Gilbert, 36, traveled with Clinton as governor and during campaign. She was killed in a one car accident and the police said there were no witnesses and no reason for the accident.
4. Dec. 21, 1992, Aspen, Colo., Jim Willhite, Arkla executive, 54. He was a close friend and bus. assoc. of White House Chief of Staff and a friend of Clinton. He supposedly ran into a tree while skiing and died. Mat McCarty used to work with Clinton at the Rose Law Firm along with Bubba and Hillary. McCarty was the last person to speak to Jim. W. and was also an executive of Arkla, a multi-state natural gas co. and had dealings with the same banks that are now being investigated in Ark.
5. Bonn, Germany. Major General Jarrett J. Robertson, 52, deputy Commanding General of V Corps died when his UH-60 Blackhawk 'copter crashed as it tried to land at Weisbaden, Germany, Air Base. Also killed was William J. Ginsburg (chief of ops), Col. Robert Kelly (chief of intelligence), and crew chief Gary Rhodes. Robertson was responsible for the First Armored Division which played a key role in the Bosnia peace-keeping plan along with the carrier Roosevelt. He was an opponent of the Bosnia "plan". Several people that are dead were Clinton's escorts on the carrier, the only time he was there. Five people are dead who were associated with Clinton's only visit to that carrier--his escorts and the people involved with the planning of the troop movements. Five of the escorts, Navy aviators, were killed when their ETUC Hawkeye early-warning plane crashed into the sea. They were waved off because of a supposedly rough sea and pitching deck and then "somehow" crashed.
6. 4 agents killed in the Waco tragedy were Clinton's bodyguards: Conway, Bleu, McKeen and DeWillis. They often use ATF agents as bodyguards during campaigns. All of these were out of the Little Rock, Ark. area and had guarded Clinton when he was Gov.
Each of these agents had one wound to the left temple that blew out the back side of their heads, just like an execution. Each one of them had an identical wound to the left temple.
7. 4 presidential helicopter crewmen, Marines, Sgt. Hainey, 32, Major Barclay, Sgt. Sable, Capt. Reynolds. These 4 did not usually fly together. They were the four that flew Clinton TO the carrier Roosevelt.
8. June 22, 1993, Paul Wilcher, DC lawyer who was investigating many of the same things that Linda Thompson was investigating. He had talked to the same people. And people who talked to him then sought her out. Some of these were gov't. agents and not very good guys. He also talked to a producer who also talked to Linda T. He was found in his apartment, no known cause of death. He had written a 99-page letter to Janet Reno some 3 weeks earlier detailing CIA drug running, mind control used on Branch Davidians. He was concerned about the death of reporter D. Casolaro, who was investigating the theft of a computer program [INSLAW] by the Department of Justice. He was also murdered but not in relation to the Clinton body count. [H: Forget this old hog-wash. And someday, some of the self-styled reporters are going to realize egg-covered faces. Gunther Russbacher had just sent [to Wilcher] a full set of disclosure tapes, video tapes, etc., of the Bush escapades--and they certainly DID relate to the drug trade, CIA involvement and other "goodies". This was a close personal friend, as well, of Russbacher.]
9. In July 1993, the death of Vincent Foster. [H: ALL the representations of Foster's death are erroneous except the one offered right in CONTACT by one who KNEW the details right from the horse's (gunman's) mouth.] {See the 7/27/93 and 3/22/94 issues of CONTACT.}
10. The Health Reform Committee Chairman and its attorney. Stanley Heard, a chiropractor from Hot Springs, Ark. had met Clinton playing pinball years ago. Steve Dixon, the lawyer, was the advisor on the health reform issues. Both were killed on a plane. The men had rented a plane which developed mechanical problems on the way to DC. They rented another one in St. Louis and it crashed. Shortly after takeoff he said there was a fire on board; that was the last heard. You have to work to crash a small plane in such circumstances.
11. Nov. 30, 1993, Ed Willy, Clinton fund raiser, a prominent real estate lawyer and land developer, a hunter, sportsman. He was found dressed in a suit in the deep woods with no suicide note. He had a "self-inflicted" gunshot wound to the head just like V. Foster's. His wife works regularly for Hillary. He had substantial debts for some time and the news connected these two items as excuse for his "suicide". This is not true.
12. Hershel Friday, an attorney from Little Rock, Ark. He too had been a Clinton fund raiser. He was killed in a single-engine plane accident. Details not known.
13. Jerry Parks, Clinton's director of security in Ark. He was found dead, riddled with bullets, along-side a road in Jacksonville, Ark. Suicide? How did he shoot himself multiple times? [Same "inconvenience" as Vincent Foster case in #9 above.] There was some effort on follow-up to make it appear to be a random crime shooting.
So there appear to have been at least 29 confirmed deaths with 12 of those being Clinton's body guards.
Thank you, Chuck and Linda.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, August 20, 1996, Volume 14, Number 2, Page 20.
Clinton's Friend Vincent Foster "Suicided"
7/22/93 #2 HATONN
My, my, you call out for signs and miracles. In disbelief you petition for one more "show"--one more "viewing" from flickering star-craft lights to loss of a headache. Well I think the following will indicate a SIGN to some ones of high level treason. There are several (at the least nine) [9]) people who should be very, very interested and concerned about the following information which drifted into our hands this morning. As I understand the message--by the time this reaches the printer--there will be only 7 left to worry!
What is this? Well, it is a note received regarding the demise of one Vincent Foster. That nice lawyer friend of the Billaries in Washington--you know, those who "lead" your nation by the ring through the nose and the harness in the hands of Reno and other ones who murder at random! I think I would be most distressed and concerned as the profferers of torment, torture and bedlam murder--note that THERE IS ANOTHER SIDE. Who are they, this other side? I certainly would not want to be the one to give that information so we take what is sent, share it and hope the correct receivers get the right messages. We are in the business of journalism and printing what is brought to us or sent in truth--not in sorting out "who-dun-its".
Since there will be an obvious question as you read as to "why" "two shots, in case it misses your sleuthing--I would guess it is to send a loud clear message about "suicide". A suicide victim does not exhibit "two" shots when the first one kills him dead! I doubt, however, that YOU THE PEOPLE will ever hear about the second shot in this "suicide".
Re: Vincent Foster
At 4:52, July 20, 1993--at the first exit to Fort Darcy, VA, a grey Ford Econoline van stopped a 1992 Chrysler Sedan. The driver and lone passenger of the Sedan was removed from his vehicle at gunpoint. There was no fuss, as the driver assumed his plight to be a "carjacking" and possibly armed robbery.
The occupant of the Chrysler, Mr. Vincent Foster, deputy Legal Counsel and close friend to B. Clinton [H: I believe this person was a former partner in Hillary's prior law firm, as well] was taken to the rear of the car parking area. Three men, all wearing "Federal Black", told Mr. Foster to kneel on the ground--facing a park bench. At this point, Mr. Foster's head was pushed forward, a gun pushed against the base of the skull, and within seconds TWO .38 cal. rounds were fired into the skull. Foster's head was thrown forward as he died.
The men then placed the body upon the bench in a half sitting-half reclining position. The upper torso was bent to the right-reflecting an angle of 15% [H: perhaps "degrees"? I never like to correct or change anything not quite understood because the meaning may be exact but not to my scribe.]. The Fairfax P.D. was called with the location of the body. The men of the van left the area and returned to D.C. proper where they boarded planes for diverse destinations.
The strike was coordinated and executed by TASK FORCE 151!! It was carried out in retribution for the Wilcher, Parsons, "Piggy" [H: This one may really be a long way off proper identification due to overstrikes on the message.] AND SESSIONS affair. At this time, a force of 32 men, holding a target list with 9 more names is preparing to assemble in a major East Coast City. (By the time you print this, at least two more sanctions will have been carried out.) END.
There is no return identification on this document except 07-22-1993, 11:06. BURN THE MESSAGE, DHARMA.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, July 27, 1993, Volume 2, Number 4, Pages 24-25.
Documents transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.