8/19/93 #1 HATONN
Will fame ruin a sweet little Arkansas boy? You poor foolish misinformed and deceived people. Precious ones, Bill Clinton is totally connected to the CIA and WAS WORKING IN AND AROUND THE KGB. He was a Rhodes Scholar (Cecil Rhodes is the FATHER of the NEW WORLD OFFER!) Clinton is a puppet--but a nasty little problem to you-the-people.
This is so touchy and involved with everything coming against "us" that I am going to simply ride the truth coat-tails of the SPOTLIGHT and give honor for daring--do to Michael Collins Piper. This was first printed November 23, 1992 and is now being re-run. Pay attention! What can you do? I don't see that you can do anything--YOU DID IT!
QUOTING (Spotlight for 8/16/93):
Why did Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton help cover up the investigation of George Bush's CIA-run arms-and-drugs smuggling contra supply base operating at the tiny rural airport in Mena, Arkansas? (There is a full story about that if and when we have time.)
Wouldn't that have been ideal campaign ammunition for the White House-hungry young governor? There's a lot more to the story than meets the eye.
More than a few Washington insiders are surmising that the CIA may have replaced its former director and longtime deep cover agent, Bush, with one of the agency's less senior deep cover agents. [H: You need to recall--BUSH DELIBERATELY BLEW HIS CANDIDACY IN THIS LAST ELECTION AND EVERYONE COULD PLAINLY SEE IT HAPPENING BEFORE YOUR EYES.]
That's right. There are those who are convinced that President-elect Clinton has been a CIA asset since his college days at the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Washington, one of the CIA's primary recruiting grounds.
Then of course, Clinton went on to study at Oxford University in England as a Rhodes scholar. It was at Oxford, insiders believe, that young Clinton first acted on behalf of the CIA.
At that time, the Soviet KGB was active in recruiting undercover agents among Oxford students. It is believed that Clinton's now-infamous trip to the Soviet Union was actually on behest not of the communists, but instead, of the CIA.
"The time that Clinton was supposed to have gone to Moscow was the time when the CIA was very actively recruiting American students and other students to go to Moscow and Helsinki and get involved in peace activities in order to counter Soviet actions", said Victor Marchetti, a former CIA official.
"Without revealing any secrets as to how I come to this conclusion, I would not be surprised to find out that Clinton was actually kind of working for the CIA." [H: As a backup to Victor Marchetti--if you read his newsletter you will find that he is in deep yogurt ALL THE TIME with the Jewish Khazarians PRETENDING to be Jews. There is such a massive number of LIES and deceptions as to boggle the minds of all but the readers who KEEP UP.] A smart young American internationalist such as Clinton would have been a ripe target for the KGB, and the CIA itself would recognize that, probably having helped smooth Clinton's way into Oxford.
Former CIA director Bush certainly knew the truth when he was hinting that Clinton was a co-opted agent of the Soviet KGB as a consequence of Clinton's college-age journey to Red Russia.
We have no way of knowing, however, whether or not Clinton did or did not turn and go to work for the KGB. [H: Well, you certainly KNOW that he is working WITH THE SOVIET-COMMUNISTS NOW.]
It is well known that the CIA infiltrated both sides of the conflict over American involvement in the Vietnam War, leading protests for and against it. Clinton, of course, spent much of his time within the anti-war protest movement, both in the United States and abroad.
After finishing his undercover work at Oxford, Clinton went on to study law at Yale--another CIA recruiting ground. Three other Yalies believed to have been recruited at Yale for the CIA are Bush, William F. Buckley Jr. and James J. Angleton. It was at Yale that Clinton met his future wife Hillary Rodham.
Mrs. Clinton later went to work for the most powerful law firm in Arkansas--a firm known for its close ties to the Rockefeller interests in her husband's home state.
(A few rags have asserted that Hillary Rodham may be a deep cover CIA asset herself. The young lady lawyer served as a staffer on the congressional inquiry into the Watergate mess, a controversy in which the CIA's fine hand was seen--or not seen--from beginning to end and from top to bottom.)
[H: How many of you STILL think, listening to the media garbage, that the nice legal advisor friend of the Billaries was suicide? Remember the anonymous information WE GOT! {See pages 24 and 76 of the 7/27/93 CONTACT for the details.} Remember--exact time, caliber of bullet and TWO (count them) TWO bullets to the base of the skull!!! Why do you think there is so much damage control and special remarks emphasized like "single bullet" and thus and so? Goodness, chelas, that place is like a swarming hive of hellions. It is so dank that no matter what is revealed to you WE can only touch the tip of that iceberg waiting to sink the good ship Global-Amerika!]
Clinton himself was quickly promoted, after law school, into the highest ranks of the Establishment of his home state. A year out of law school he was named a professor at the University of Arkansas, although he lost a congressional race in the meantime. Two years later he was elected Arkansas state attorney general--at the age of 30. Two years afterward he was catapulted into the governorship.
It will be remembered that even before Clinton was first elected governor of Arkansas in 1978 at the ripe old age of 32 he was already being promoted by the Establishment media as a "future presidential candidate " and hailed as being of "presidential timber". [H: Don't forget, either, that the Trilateralists and Bilderbergers (told by Kissinger) had marked him to be the President in 1992--back in 1990 AND 1991. That means, dear ones, that he was also involved with BRITISH INTELLIGENCE because this was obviously a demand of the Committee of 300 Club of Rome and the choice of Britain (at least the Crown of Britain), the International Bankers and the International Monetary Fund. Bush is destined for bigger and better deceitful things already UNDER WAY!]
Again, this was even before Clinton was elected--even before his governing talents had been tested. Clearly, Clinton had some influential admirers in some very high places.
It will be further remembered, additionally, that the Rockefeller family has long maintained close ties--and hefty financial interests in Arkansas. [H: Plus, little Billy is a DIRECT offspring of the Rockefellers. Go do your homework--we have told you ALL OF THIS!]
Indeed, it was none other than Winthrop Rockefeller, brother of Rockefeller family financial boss David Rockefeller, who served as the Republican governor of Arkansas in the mid-1960s. Clinton, then, essentially, was simply a Rockefeller protégé in the Democratic Party stable.
No matter then that young Clinton, the governor of the backward state of Arkansas, was not only invited to join the Rockefeller family's Council on Foreign Relations, but also its even more influential Trilateral Commission--this over more senior and more well-established governors of larger, more politically powerful states.
No wonder he was invited to the tightly closed, secret Bilderberg meeting of 1991.
In his ultimate bid for the presidency, though, Clinton had the ultimate "inside" assistance. His chief corporate financial backers were associates of the international investment house, Goldman Sachs, a firm with close ties to the Rothschild banking dynasty and some of the world's richest families.
Other major contributors were members of the powerful New York-based law firm, Willkie Farr & Gallagher. This is the firm in which Kenneth Bialkin, a high-ranking fixture in the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith, was long endorsed. Baikin's ADL, of course, is an illegally unregistered foreign agent for the state of Israel and a prime mover in the Israel lobby in this country.
It might be noted, also, in closing, that just days before the presidential election, it was none other than David Rockefeller Jr., son of the family boss and heir to the throne, who signed the lead opinion page piece in the New York Times proclaiming "Why I Trust Clinton", and, incidentally predicting a Clinton "landslide".
Obviously, with the kind of "friends" that Clinton has been assembling since his rather mysterious college days, he certainly didn't need the financial support of the American people--only their votes. [H: Well, he didn't really need them and, ACTUALLY, he did not achieve them--the fixed, computerized ballot machines made sure of his victory.]
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, August 24, 1993, Volume 2, Number 9, Pages 12-13.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.