It is common knowledge that California has suffered a severe, crippling drought for the past six years. In January, February and March of this year, southern California was deluged with rain. However, the storms that brought the floods were not from the usual northern weather system, but from a sub-tropical storm belt. This left northern California with less water than it needs. Reservoirs in northern California are at approximately 50% of capacity for this time of year.
Rain falling in southern California simply runs off into the sea and is wasted. It is the northern part of the state that has all the major reservoirs. Weather maps show huge storms approaching California from the northern Pacific and Alaska regions being turned back to Oregon and Washington. WIR has studied weather maps for January and February and each time a huge storm mass approached California from the north, it was as if it was met with an invisible barrier it could not by-pass.
In fact, this is EXACTLY what did happen. The Soviet (Tesla-copied) ELF "Woodpecker" transmitters were first brought on line on July 4, 1976. The choice of date was not unintentional. Since then, the number of ELF transmitters has risen to twenty. Targeted at the United States, the "Woodpecker" ELF grid parked a massive ridge of high-pressure over the northeast of California and another one out over the Pacific Ocean where they have remained for years. It is an artificially created barrier that has caused California's northern reservoirs to remain well below normal levels.
While our politicos tell us that we "won the Cold War" and that it is over, they seem to have overlooked the weather war that has been going on over California for the past six years. "Woodpecker" shows no signs of being lifted; on the contrary, it is now starting to affect selected areas of the Atlantic northeast coast as well. The winter of 1992 has gone into the record books as the warmest in 90 years.
But it is not only our weather that "Woodpecker" is drastically affecting; it is also seriously affecting our nation's health. Soviet (now Russian) scientists working at the Academy of Medical Sciences at Novosibirsk, Alma Ata, Vladivostok and the Institute of Biological Physics at Pushchino, have teamed up with the Applied Physics Institute of Gorky and Tomsk, and the Lebedev Institute in Moscow to create a program of directed electromagnetic energy that could spell real trouble for the American people.
These institutes became linked to the Soviet manned space program in 1980 and have, in the intervening years, made startling progress. Only the tiniest fraction of what goes on in these places is ever published in Russian scientific journals, and that hasn't changed since the advent of Mr. Yeltsin, nor will it. Russian capabilities to produce a greater range of tactical and strategic electromagnetic weapons far exceed that of the West and is commensurate with their huge advances over the past ten years in the field of biophysics and electromagnetic energy. In the Soviet Union--now the Commonwealth of Independent States--biophysics, chemical and bacteriological weapons (CAB) and space medical research and production are integrated under a single command system, under the top military scientific officer, N. D. Basov.
Apart from the obvious capacity of the Russians to start a major epidemic of several diseases by beaming electromagnetic energy directed at a specific group, the institutions I have mentioned have been working on internal EEG waves that, when modified, can effect DIRECT TRANSFER of information in the human brain through RF fields. (RF stands for radio frequency.) What this means is truly astounding; simply by modulating such waves, below the level of lethal effects, the thought processes of one person can be transmitted to another. This is called "Direct Transfer by means of Modulated Electromagnetic Signals".
The degrading of the overall health of large targeted groups is another "Woodpecker" function, this being accomplished through long exposure to low-level irradiation. Experiments involving this technique were carried out for a period of nearly ten years against employees of the American Embassy in Moscow. Using biological electromagnetic beaming, the Soviets made chronically ill, or killed, clerks and high-ranking personnel without distinction. The full story of those shocking experiments are still being kept secret from the American people, even as is the truth about California's strange weather and the widespread reappearance of diseases in the U.S., long believed vanquished.
When Robert Strauss was sent to Moscow as our ambassador, even though Yeltsin was supposed to be America's new friend, Strauss refused to occupy the official ambassador residence, citing as his reasons the fear of an attack by ELF radiation.
Strauss knew very well that sophisticated weapons such as are in the hands of the Russian military can easily use tailor-made pulsing to penetrate any and every shield known to exist. At present the West has no defense against what is called "inverse scattering self-induced transparency". Is the Cold War over?
New fears about the Russian ELF "Woodpecker" grid over North America being used as a "Faraday-type cage" to spread biologically and chemically-induced diseases come from the EPA monitoring center in Las Vegas, which found that electromagnetic pulses given off by "Woodpecker" are being absorbed and then radiated by telephone lines, water pipelines, and power lines such as those that march across the American landscape. The newest discovery is that such ELF pulses are now being absorbed and distributed by electrical wiring, telephone lines and plumbing in our homes!
This is indeed a terrifying development in the face of which we are powerless to protect ourselves. It is a disgrace that our government knows all of these things but refuses to confront the perpetrator of the crimes, fearful perhaps that if it did so, all-out ELF-biochemical-bacteriological warfare might break out.
There is mounting evidence that the Soviets developed their giant "Energiya" rocket, with five times the space life of anything the U.S. has, to station a large solar power station in space which can relay power to Earth, using a complex high-power beam of microwaves. The purpose of such a station is obvious; it could irradiate large chosen areas like the North American land mass, carry out weather modifications without fear of being countered, and carry out electromagnetic interference at will over a huge area.
One can imagine that such a system would render ICBM's virtually obsolete except in certain circumstances. For specific ATTACK operations, the compact nuclear reactors, MHD-pulsed mode modules presently carried by Russian radar reconnaissance satellites, provided with beefed up energy have become phased-array EP [Endergy Pulse] systems in orbit capable of knocking out cities the size of New York and Los Angeles which would kill millions of people but leave property virtually untouched. In this department, Russia is light years ahead of the United States, yet unwisely, our "leaders" still insist that the United States "is the only superpower in the world."
The Russians already have many such ground-based systems in operation, made possible by their fifty-year research programs in "over the horizon" phased array radars such as those at Kamchatka and Krasnoyarsk which, utilizing geophysical non-linear waves through a large aperture, can project highly lethal electromagnetic signals thousands of miles. If fact, the entire North American Continent is in range of these land based systems, which are also fully capable of downing every aircraft that happens to get in the way, not to mention incoming ICBM's targeted at Russia. With nothing of this nature to fight back with, can we, dare we claim to be "the world's only superpower"?
But to return to the present, there is little doubt that in spite of the Cold War being "won by America", the entire population of this country is under attack from biological elements being transmitted over thousands of miles by electromagnetic waves which deposit selected diseases, SUCH AS PULMONARY ANTHRAX, in targeted peoples.
The deadliest biological warfare weapons facilities located at Zagorsk, Penza, Pokrov, Sverdlovsh, Berksk, Kurgan and Omutninsk are known to produce special strains of genetically engineered viruses and bacterias for what is collectively called "Designer Biological Weapons", capable of attacking large civilian or military groups, in which is included so-called "intelligent viruses" which will attack only certain ethnic groups.
These facilities have STEPPED UP their production since Yeltsin took over from Gorbachev and recent satellite photos show construction work going on at six of these sites where special laboratories engaged in research on chemical and biological (CAB) warfare weapons are located. General Vladimir Lobov, former Chief of the Soviet General Staff, was fired after Western intelligence reports informed the U.S. that the general was selling CAB and nuclear weapons components to Iran, Syria and Pakistan, and that Iran now has an impressive stockpile of biological warfare weapons.
These biological, biochemical warheads could be launched by the new longer-range SCUD missiles being supplied by China, through North Korea, to Iran as their 300-mile range can bracket Saudi Arabia. Syria, which is also receiving the new SCUD missiles, could bracket Israel. General Lobov apparently had one hundred of his top officers working around the clock to ship these deadly items, sold for CASH (U.S. dollars), before the trade could be stopped. The military at first resisted, but agreed to Lobov's going after Yeltsin, pleaded with its leaders for three days, pointing out the much-needed food and credits would be cancelled by the U.S. and Western Europe if he was not allowed to get rid of Lobov.
Intelligence sources say that the U.S. is under biological warfare attack, with strange new incorporating DNA bacteria being observed, which new strains are resistant to all presently known antibiotics. This attack is an updated version of the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Moscow and a direct improvement over those earlier experiments. There is no denying that the U.S. is presently experiencing a huge upsurge in "A" streptococcus, rubella, syphilis, scarlet fever, migraines, mumps, measles, rheumatic fever and whooping cough.
What is unusual about some of these diseases is that, apart from having vanished long ago, they seem to have returned with a new virulency. The Center for Disease Control and the New England Journal of Medicine say that deaths from asthma have doubled in the last ten years and a virulent strain of tuberculosis is killing thousands of people, even though patients are treated with every known drug therapy on a crisis basis. They also reported a severe new strain of toxin found in scarlet fever, which in some cases resulted in toxic shock syndrome.
Cases of so-called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are sharply on the rise, and there is a body of medical scientists who believe that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is induced by years of exposure to low-level electromagnetic radiation such as is given off by the "Woodpecker" grid. Other scientists have demonstrated that continual long-time exposure to such low-level ELF radiation is resulting in a frightening new ability of certain diseases to penetrate the blood-brain barrier.
In the presence of millions of HIV positive patients in whom AIDS symptoms have not yet been manifested, individuals whose immune deficiency systems have been severely weakened will fall prey to a host of reborn diseases, which the Salk vaccine banished more than forty years ago. These are now THOUSANDS OF CASES IN AMERICA where people who were vaccinated with Salk vaccine as children are now, as adults, in the grip of what is called "post polio syndrome", forced to go back to leg braces and even crutches to support their strangely weakened limbs.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, March 31, 1992, Volume 18, Number 11, Pages 16-17.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.